HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1215 ~" . ~-, ~.~,,~ ~, , . - : · . ~ 'o- · . "~. . ·. _-- ~. .. ~ . , ~., · , ~-~ ' .~. · ..~. · . .. .~.' ':.~ ::.- :.: . · __ - . . : -. .E- ~..'. . . . · . "::.'... .,.~.. -: .... ~lci~y; and .. · '-"" .. e~edien$ fo~ ~e pmb!lc g$od and ~o~ ~he saf~$~ $~ the City, t~ sm~h peles and overhead wi~e~ shomld.~e removed ...... ~E~TION 1. D~INt'~i0NS. ~Pe~mon~ s~ll be deemed, and lm hereby declared, aEent s - and .e~plo'y~ e s. service by means o~ wirem,'cables, eondmits, o~ othe~ s~la~ media.· the ~$ate o~ Galif~nia. a~ea in ~he ~iSy'o~. Bake~sfield.mo~e panticula~ly descri~ed am Begin~ing at the-i~te~seo~ion .of'the northerly line of-2~d Street with the wes'terly-._!iae-of Eye 'Street; ..' '-'- .... _ thence easterly alo~gu:.sa~__~northe~ly line of to the easterly line of~neste~ Avenue; .-':-..'% ":' -..~h~ce. south~lT, alo~._.~a~d'-eas~e~17 l~ne of CEes~er Avenue - to ~e'no~therl7 line' of ~ls~ 'th'~ce easte~17 alc~-sa~ nertherl7 l~e'_~.~ls~ St=eet' '.t~"the'easte=17 l~ne cf '"L"".St~eet~ ....... - .. .~ence sou~he~17 a!~ng-said-easterly .li=e. Of "L" Street'- to ~he no~the~.l~ line-:of l~th Street.~-".'"'- ~ence easte~l~ alo~ said n~the=17 l~ne of 19~.'.3~e:e~ to the east~17 l~e of "N" .. thence southe~ly.alon6 .said easte~17 .!~ne of'~N~'~S~eet ~o the so~the=17 line of 18th Street] ..-."~":'-~ " ~hence' weS~e~l7 alo~ said southe~17 l~ne ..~ ~e easte~l~ line'-of "L" thence Southe~I7 alo~ said easte~17 t~ne'-~f "L" St~ee~ ~o the sou~he~17 l~ne of l~th Street; · ' thence weste~l~ ~lc~ sa~d sou~he~l~'l~ne of i?th S~eet to ~he eas~e~l~ line of "~" 3~ree~; ..' thence 'Southe~17 alo~ said easte~17 line of to ~he sout~17 l~ne of T~~Avenue; ~hence wes~e~l~ alo~ said southe~17 line_el T~~A~enue '~o the wes~e=17 line of ETe thence no~the~l7 alo~ sa~d wes~e~17 l~ne -.. t~ence wes.~e=17 along sal~ s~therl~ line of l?th Street to the weste~l~ l~ne of "G" thence no~the~17 alon~ sa~d weste~l~ l~ne to the southe~17 line of 18~h '~hence weste~l~ato~ sa~ southe~17 line of 'to ~he weSterl7 line of "~" thence no~the~l7 alo~ said'wes~e~ly line of ~" ~t=ee~ to the no~therl7 l~ne of 20th .. thence eaete=l~ ~le~.said no~herl7 line of ~O~h ~t~eet ~o the westerly l~ne of'"G" thence'no~the~17 alo~ said weste~17 line of "G" St~eet ~o ~e no~the~l~ line of ~lst thence'easte~17 alo~ sa~d no~the~I7 l~ne ef ~lst 3t~ee~ ~o .~e weste~17 l~ne of ~e ~hence no~he~l7 alon~ said weste=l~ l~ne. of ~e ~ to the no~the~l~ line of ~and 3t~eet, be~ the point of be~i~i~,. E~tb~=' "A" at~ached h~e~o and he-eh7 made a pa~t of this ordnance Is a.~p of ~he fore~oi~A~ea. 3EOTION ~. ... 0~~ PaOHIBIT~ - ~. (a) Afte~ t~ee h~ed -=..':(500).months ~gm..:~ effeot~ve..da~e of.th~s,.'O~d~n~nce,.,~..shall..be ..~la~ful fo~ a~.pe~son to ~nt~tn, use, continue to use, ope~a~e, " ,,~ .continue .to operate e~ ~nsta!l, ~7 overhead utility lines public' s}~ _ce_.-}.,' way,. at_laY.,--o? thoroughfare Within' said E!eetrio. Under-.. ... -"- " (b) ' In order' to preY!d0 for the orderly removal of _[.' overhead UtilitY.-lines and appurtenances with...in"~he three hun~d "' (BO0) months sp~ci$iod~-each utility subject t0 this o~d~oo .°o~[ete the. ~de'~o~d tnsta~agion of its fatallY'les '~t~n the District in accordance with the following schedule: ._. · (1)" By. June'30,.1963, at least twenty per-cent (20%) " of: said utilityts total overhead facilities, ., · '(2) 'By.~uno 30, '1968, .at least forty per cent (~0%)'- · '... of ·said utilityls total overhead facilities,-.'.. (3) By June ·30, 1973, at least sixty per cent (60%) of said ut'ility~s total overhead facilities, .. · -' .(~)- By jUne 30, 197~, at least eighty'per cent (80%) " .... of'-said utilityZ, s total overhead.facilities. .. .. (%) By June 30, 198~,.one hundred per cent..(lO0%) of '.' ..... sa~d uti!itY.~s total overhead facilities. .. .The computatioD o~ the percentage of the WOrk to be done as .. .set.'f.or~h in '~he above schedule; shall be based ap.on the fe~tage of .. the present overhead facili~ies.. (c') within thir't7 (30)· days after each~'ef the dates shown in ._.:..._th_e'p~ece~ing paragraph, each. utility ..subject 't%"this Ordinance shall -[--report to the"City'E~ine®r'~he work accomplished ~oward replacement :' - of oVerhead·facilitieS with underground facilities during the pre- ... :..ceding five (~) Years, and the percentage relationship of the total underground instalia~ion accomplished to the-total amoUnt required to be Completed en-er before June 30, 1983. 3. .......... ' ..... EX~EFTI~N BY PERMISSION, '~ The City' .Counoi.1' may .grant:..pe-x~a~'ssien~ .... -.'-~. on. such'texans as the City 0euncii may deem appropriate in oases of .emergency or unusual Oircumstances, to erect,"construct, install,' · _:.. _ .. .:~...:.~.. . -.-.-. _ ...... :..:... .... -.:.~ :,,,... -.' ._'-' -.' ·. . : ; '.~';.. --.:.~a-'_intaln, use or operate, p°~'-es--and overhead wig_es ahd associated ':" ... o~ex~ead st'~Uctures-within the Electric. under~o~nd District, n~...~? --._ ::__ .. - _ .- . · . .¥-.j.. - "- withstanding any Other.provision of ~his ordinance. .'-. :-.i)" " ' EXCEFTION - 8T~._~.T_-LIGHTINGo The provislonS~of this ordinance shall not apply :to poles and 'overhead wires a~d--similar overhead.' .. -'structures used. exclu'~i_vely..'for-st~eet 'lighting:'.: '' .. EXCEFTION:~ ~Fi~JES FROM OUTSIDE AREA. 'This '.~rd'~anoe" shall '' ..... not aP-Pl~, to wire's which connect to bu~ldtng__a.~n .the perimeter but outsXde~the BoUnda~ies of the Electric Underground District, when such '" _ wires 'originate .in an .area from which utility poles; overhead wires, ._~-~r associated overhead, structures are not prohibited. PULL 'BOX - TER~ffNAL. In 2he Electric Underground District, a U~ility shall _terminate' its underground facilities in an under- ground pull box-~dJaoent, t0 or at the property line of the building '.' -or s. traotU~e being.serve'd'by such utility, or at some other location ._ '- mutually agreed upon· by-the-utility and the o~mer or tenant of said _. buildi, ng Or structure. SECTION ?. · PROOEDURE - NOTICES. (a) ~P~enever, pursuant to this ordinance, 'any utility desires· to remove any overhead facilities within said - Dis.trict and replace the. same with.underground facilities, such · -.. utility shall..g~ve notice in writing ef its intention te de se to the City~ngineer'at least sixty (60).days prior to·such removal, specifying in said notice= (1)--~e date when such removal is to be commenced the premises served by. said overhead facilities ._ "::' (3J the 'name and add, ess of the owner and tenant, if any, -~-. ef each property, to be affected b~ such removal. "~;:~'~-'i~:'.-" ..- --..._._-.:.~ (b) The City Enginee~ shall, upon the ~eceipt of such notice, a~d not less than £'o~ty-five (~) days p~o~ to the date of s~ch : · .... .- · -~.- 2ntended _.;.:__ .. by said .overhead facilities of a~eh 'inter,ed -' ~ ~emoval - .. such ~emoval, if ~y the~e be, of Such intended ~emoval. .. . _ ?.. ~(' _ :'. _ ' p~,~ ..:. ..~' :- .. (2) instil ~ electrical oondutt~ and conductors ---- --. necessa~ fe~ Utility service between ~he ~de~- ; ' gro~d pall box and ghe maim se~vioe ~wl'~e~ in .~ buildings o~ s~ruCt.~es being served ..:~ (3) com~e~ the.neCessary cha~es and i~talla~i~S.[~n "' the p~emises a-f~eoted by ~e remeval. _el ove~e~;~:... " " .faoiligies on or before ~he dage ap~ified la""~": · .' .... ugilityrs notice go the Cit~ ~ineer ~de~' pa~a- :_ g~aph _{a) of t~s 3ection 7. ' .. '- '(~.) 'g~t suC~ wirl~ changes s~ll be subJee~:~'~° 'She ..... . ~ules, regulations, and tariffs o~ c~rg~s of -.- ~espectivo utilities on file with t~ Co~ssion'.. .. ~ ~.,...... "' (~ 5~la.~ notices s~ll be given by the utility $o t~e-e~e~'" '[._ . '~d ~enan~ of ~Y.p~ope~ty affected by suO re,oval, a~ leas~ ~f~e' (~.~ days prio~-to the date '~en such utility is t, ~e~e~:~ve~- .- h~ad faoiligies and ~ms~all said ~dergro~d facilities ~o.'se~ve ", said p~emises. · ~' .".. '. ":.-...: :~" . ..... ...:..j: . · . · · . ..."..;.,~.'~.:-" '_.-._ ._ _' ._ _..._.-..'_ .._..:_ ...._ .. ;... :. .' ... "~-~./._.. - .._ ..-... ~ .. · . . . .~)~'.-'.~-' ' · · ,.../... ;' .., E j. . ,.~... .- "' ' ' - .... .... -' : ~' -'ii: '~:'-~' "":':'"..".i ' · -'2--. "::"(~;'~'-'-" -' ~he _utility shall, and it is hereby directed to disoe~e~_t:i.~....:':sa0h,_ _ ... ...'~'. service-. Vires ·from the .premises ~o be affected.- Tn sub'i-'event,-." t~he utility .ah.all thOro'afte~ not bo requlmed to provide serv_~o.,e -.~e""/....-. ...... · ' ' E':¢'-: ;~..' such p~emises 'until the re.qui~ed c~nges and installation shall ~e- .- been"ma~ b~. ~he ~er o~ tenant of suo~ premises. ' ': .... -"'- (f) Before discom' ~c~ing ~he service wires at an[ p~emises -' ~der ~ho'aU~o~igy of '...--p~_a'g~aph (e) of ~8 Sez.tion '7.( ,,~ · 'the ugiiity Shall give a-fiVe (5) day notice to the o~er o~ ~.e~$": :6~ i~s intention to ~isc~°o~ "s~id servioe wires. - ~.' ¢.;',.:~:..' (g) All nog'iCes he~einabove ~equi~od to be served may served-on ~e o~e~ of the .p~e~Ses or the tenet the~eef by ~iling a copy of such' notice ad~,ossed, go g~eir respeogive 'last ~o~. ' ~SIO~ 0~. TI~. In tho event that ~ny ac~ hereby required b~._~ny' par~iea ~erein reforre~ go oa~og be performed within ~he '~ime he'rein provided On acoo~t of shortage of ~gerials, war, reT..- sgrain~ by pu.bi'io authorities, '~ikos Or any o~her oiro~stanoes beyond the con~01 of tho par~ies, then 'the time' ~t~n w~oh such · . aog shall be aco~pl-ished Shall Oo~cil, upon appli~ion in-~i~ing" to said ~o~oil, 'fo~ a pe~iod o~uiValemg to the time of suc~ l~igagions. ~~. T~ O~n~ce ~o. 80 of the City of B~e~sfiel~ bo, ~ the-. a~e is hereby ropealed. · . SECTION 10 ..... · .... .~g~ "-~'o~ ~:'-A~g~ gh~ ~ag~ of ~g~ pa~g~.' ............. --~---000 .. _and adopted by' She. cO _~c_i--1-'o~' .$_'h'e City ef Baker.s£-.!eld at a regular · ..' :---~ee-ting ghereof hetd-"e-2 _the .-8th .day eT Deoezfo~r, 1958, by the/''.:~I "'. ."'""~ "-~'-'-" --~,,,~.~=-~w.,.~; · " ""--';:'"-" ":" .... .... ~ .=...... VO~e~ _ .: ..... : · . . ..: .: .~:. '-)_qb .. [It: ..... -~' -" "' . ..... -- ,~_...... ~-, ._ ~-'( ~.': _ -~'- " Oi~y" Clerk and Ex-Offici:.O: .~.le~k oi tire -' Council of the City .c)f Bakersfield. 8th ' APPR0~ED :'~'~s .... . cl~e.y of December, 1958 it~.YOR of. the City of Bake~,sfield. .. I 'f , -- __ __ / ,,, 1/ ........ I : ii :' · ' ' ' I ' I : :: // //l i I I : ~ ........ Z~ ~ ~' r~. /// /////////////, /. '/////////////////_?T.~.~ £ .~ · :~: '-~---l~.:, ~--' ::, i ' ::" --'- i,~.' '"' ...... ~ ':'-T _ '~; I [,.~_1. ~' h. .......... : ..... : I I ; ; .... ' ' i ' : I ! : : I / ' I ~_.._ J I i : ' ' l l i : ] .: I : ..... ~ ..... ,. .......... ! : I : ;.~ ~,,,. i ], ll . - i -'': ','-- ....... , I ................ / '' .. , . .............. : . j -- : .......... ~ --~ ........ ; ........ ; · --. ........ : ........ i _, __ ~1 :._ ...... ,' , / ~ ; ...~,~q:.; .,, ....... ,l.. i /7'~'~ . .~ L//////////////// / , /,///;//,/ .............. I · : I [ ~ ~. ~ __ __] ..... ~ ~ · ~ ....... ~: ..... ~ . . ........ . .... //////////////////~ ,4 //Z" ~ I I : I' ....... · ........ i t , ' , ~ , , : ~- i.,:i : ............... ..... - ....... :: : ...... ' ~-' i :s,;-,~-Z ' " -.'.,. /¢'-~' ..~o .Z: ,'-,, ~ .~ z~ ' '-' -" I' ] :" -i'~' ' -- '~- l: .... Z-,rb/Z~/>' ,2/" Affi au ! of los ng ( r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } County of Ke]m ss. MARIAN. S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... _.t...h..e_....9_-t-_.h...--d-.a.Y.---.°---f------l~----c---e-~-b---e--x'--:- ........................ 19..__5..8_. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............t...h..e...~..8..t...h..~..d.~.a...y.....~..f..~...I~....c...e..m...b..e...r..~..~..~ 19....5...8., which ordinance was numbered ...........1..2__.1__5.. ............... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE MAINTENANCE OR ERECTION OF POLES AND WIRES FOR UTILITIES WI.T/:IIN A CERTAIN DISTRICT WITHIN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL OF EXISTING POLES AND OVERHEAD WIRES FROM SAID DISTRICT WITHIN A CERTAIN SPECIFIED PERIOD OF TIME; PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES FOR SUCH UTILITIES; REQUIRING CERTAIN UTILITY SERVICE INSTALLATIONS ON PRIVATE PREMISES~ AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 80 OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... .~.l:lt.day~f .......... I~c~-mbm2.~....:,. ....... , 19..58.. .. _. " No~' ~b]ic in and for t~ ~unty of Kern, S~ of California ~ .- 'My Commission ~xpire~ June 9, 196~. ,._.. ...'~..~ ~.-~-~*