HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1214 ORDIIMNCE NO. 1214. 1MJ SERIES AN ORDINANCE DEC n,-RZXG OF ITAI:N ACTS OR CONDUCT TO CONSTITUTE DISORDERLY CONDUCT AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE 't',:O%AT!OIa OF SAID ORDINANCE. o BE IT ORDAINED bar the Counoi? of the City of Bakersfield, as 8 ollows 0 SECTION q Q�S7�EIC cI OObyti �L e hdE ISLCS SIONSO (1) Apartment hou€sev shah mean aaiy stmicture designed, built or rented for occupation as a home by three or maize families,, eacl% living In a separate apartment containing cooking facilities (2) Drivd-In theate-e, shall mean and include any land ancloded by a f.encea containing a. stage or screen designed primarily for the presentation of moving plaWres, shows., dramatic or musical performances and designed to acoomm.odate automobiles or other vehicles operatedv used or occupied by the patrons of said theater during the presentaiAon of said show or performance.. (3) Drive-in restaurant ar drive-in stands 9 shall mean and Include any resteurantg or any place where food or beverages or other refreshments are sold to the publ.ic9 and so designed as to accommodate the automobile or other vehleles dperated -or occupied by Matrons or customers of said restaurant reoeliring service in said automobile or vehicle (Iv) Hotels shall 4nolude mt)telo motor hotel and motor court. (5) Trailer court or trailer park.9 shall mean and Include any area or tract of Land i. ere space is rented or held out for rent sad intended for ocsovpancy by two or more coaches or trailer houses. SECTION 2 DISORDERLY 001-IMIICTo It shall .be unlea;ful, for any person in the City of Bakersfieldo (a) To use oaf fensive o lewdfl vulgar l iaentious 9 profane q threateninga abusive oz- insulting language bdthin the -hearing of any l.o other person to the a -noyance of such person,, in any public pl.a.ce9 or any place open to the patronage of the public. or (b) To engage in or be a party to any boisterous, offensiv© conduct or behavior in any public place or any place open to the patronage of the public (c) To shout., or i-Alful.ly make any loud,, raaaeous noise, either outside or Inside a pub'llo building or a building open to the patronage of the pmb°lla 9 to the armoyanoo or disturbance of any other person inside cr outeldo said building. d) To congregate aTith t-do or more other persons on any public street or in any public 'plaoon or in any place open to the patronage of the public., when the propose of so ocr-a�gregating is to s.nnoy, disvurb3 or interfere -with the law-ful discharge or pursuit of any lawful busle. ness or occupation by any other person, or to maliciously interfere with or anno-' any occupant, licensee,,- guest or invitee lawfully on such place, by words, acts or conduct generally offensive to the com- munity and to anch 000upant,) licenses, guest or Invitee. e) To become part o29 or remain in a Voup of three or more pera@ns in agq public place ar any place open to the patronage of the publ ie a when any member of quah group is engaged in the commission of a feloV or a misdaRsanor� or when any member of such group is aboat to engage in the c is@i@n of a fel=7 or a misdemeanor-, and after disobedience to a request to disperse has been spade to such persons by a. law enforoement officer or by the per or person in charge Of said promises. f) To tatters or use within the hearing of any other person, any language;, -rords9 spith.eta, expressions or remarks, designed or havlM a tendency to ncite or create -a breach of the peace, (g) To indite or encourage by words or conduct, disobedience to ov laWul order or reqpAe at of any law 'enf orcoment officer pursuant to and in the perfaimLanoz of his duties (h) To rMq J�p D skip or play on any automobile parking l at p 2® or on the- group 99 Wve-in theater or drivefain ®�tauraat� ddaigned primarily to accoLDodate automobiles of- patransc, guests3, or invitees of the ownev or ocoupa t or any op the proses herelh set fortho g) To waadore idle or loiter on any of the grounds of hotel., Aps.rtment hour'Qa ba a.low oov-rta. raming, housGD or in any of rthe cGxw:Ldors 3 passageway€ c, he2lways v 9 obbles p walkway.3 verandas$ t®rracee. cr sW:2-mMU* pools of aa7 of such,p.Uava9 or to tra dens idle -flnaWlal W lojter ins upan or s-�Aoinad any prof9sQ1=a%D busine.sajar coxnerciel buildings w industry al ostabIlahments o, ulthent; lauga l 1�uslnass a or when not authorlsed by the o-sae, or manager o said premises.o • (J) Tojmnftra i&e or loiter on air pa-king, I*% or an the grounds of any drive-in thonaterg drive-in voetaurant,, trailer coaart9 or tra.11er park q whether In an automobile or na% tAthout lawful (k) To ysvk eM ant mobile or ot; r vehicle o whether attended or nots, upon, any privato perking lot intended for the employeeaa Oustome)rsO client-SD Gr patipar?s of any pzvofeasional,, business, com- mereial or -indxmtvIal ea abl-sbmwbs *fin Mah parking lot is posted at the antrance thereog am n Goaap3CIZQ as may. =Go oonvoyli-* the informer- tion to the publl@ that @L70,h pa-skia.1% lot in re€evved g®r such euploy©esD oustomerso alients and pit vans of said pr-of®sslona.l.e busim-ess, com- miei;�olal or Industx-lal (l) To lodge i2a =y pa�bl is b&.71d1• q grounds o parka a streets,, aldamlks,q or -a se any :r ?`N�r, house traller3 busm track or automobile In any parkp publio gro^ ds, streetst, or sMevalks for sleeping or lodging purposos,, This paragraph shall not apply to any organised recreational outiz* under the ampervision of the recreation Department ®f the Oity of me ®f the Ocur,, a Zorn,, om when authorisa- tion is �v given by t,e GoanaPAI ®f isaid Kim for similar pusVosoa, W harei& abovO net gazi-nko (ua.) To orator thke pz Dues" including the VGVMda 04 any private 30 I res9dence.9 for the Pose Of partIc'Ipating In arg festivitYo Pa'tTD sodial functionD social affatrD dance.. cereauny or private gathering of personsa unless such persona so ent-arid the premises or grounds,, was at the time of such enterin9c, an invitee or guest Of the Occupant of said premisesg and no person under false pretense of being an- invitee or guest shall grin a&AIttance to any such premises or grounds E.XCEPTIOZ o This, ordimnee shall not apply to members of the R111tary or .Naval Farces of the United States or Of 0 State Militia in obedience to lawful, orders of duly constituted authority, SECTlo1 40 1ISDMEANoR o The Tialaticm of Eny of the provisions of We ordinance Is hereby %loolared to be a m-S ademeanor. If anY seotiOnD sub-section, sentenab o clause or pbrase of this ordinance isD for any roanan9 held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiationD such decision shall not affect the validity ©f tbe. ramaining Porntions of the ordinanaeo .e City Cbuncil ®f t1w City of Bakersfield hereby declares that it would have passed this a7idirgmce and each seoti®na sub-sections sentenceD clause and phrase hereof ix espeotive of the fact that any one or more other sectione, sub-sect` onsD sentencesQ clauses Or phrases be declared Jsavalid or unoonstitUtI0127 al o F, C T%'tom DATE. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days frown and after 1fa® date ag ::ts passage. I HMEBT CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passe& and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof =hdld on the' 8th. day of December," 1958, by the" following votes ----AYES, BA]_FANZ, BENTLF.7, F ?i''.;liii i, vOLLINS, CROSS, D'cW1RE, DOWN, _ ABSE IT. ' -- - -�� Lama=) City Clierk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the T Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVE this 8th y of December, 1958 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield. Afftbautt of Posting Orbs anrIPS STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on......the---;nth...day---af---December__,------------------------ 19_58 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on---the 8th day of Decembers 19 58� which ordinance -- - --------------------------- - was numbered-----------1214 --New Series, and entitled: An Ordinance declaring certain acts or conduct to constitute disorderly conduct and providing an penalty for the violation of said ordinance. - ------------------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th....day of..........December-� 19-----58 Notary Public in and for ilea County of Kern, State of California �Ay.Commission Expires,tune 9, E9at