HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1212 neoessa~, to eatabli~-~e'.Ofti~e~'ot"C~i~ Cente~'~e~te, for- . ee~or waose au~oS s~il be genorally as follows** ". org~tze and ~eo~ ~ec~oa~tonal ao~tvtttea at~t o~ity oente~-.. ~d o~er related work; obtain meeti~ places and arr~e tko' fe~ public gathe~i~s wheneve~ necessary; e~g~ize, teaeh ~A:'aape~vt~e o~ld~en in such spo~ts aa baseball, basketball, t~aC~: an~ field,. volleyball ~d '$of~ba!l fo~ info--al aad i~t~acity ccmpetitien; " supervise children ~d adults in playi~ g~es, social aetivitiea, and in free play~ .o~g~ize special events; p~om~te ~ee~eatio~l f~ all age groups t~o~h'loOal o~g~izatie~$ aad g~oups; enc~a~e" vol~teer assist~ce in t~e ~ec~eati~n p~og~s; assi~' and supervise staff and other e~loyees aa ~equi~ed; inspeet sad ~ke ~ae~ repairs tc equi~ent; re~end p~c~se ef equipment ~d a~ppliea; issue. equipment; att. end staff'meeti~s~ prepare .~ep~a~ ~ke speelal on ~us~l ~ speolal activities; cee~dinate activities wi~ a~ia- (b) ~ en~e~ation-of ~ctiens ~d duties he~e~beve set forth s~ll not be const~ed as a li~tation ~e~e~f, b~t ~e ea~e~ated _ · . ..'- ..'._:~"':';-- -..... as a general outline onl-y _of such duties. The functions and dutiei ' of said office may 'be enlarged f~o~ time to .ti~e- to fully . ~.~'.!--.. the-~eat ~d p~ose of. said off~oe. _. -":"-'?~".. _.. : '"" ~s o~~Ce Shall be effective t~. ~ys'-~en and ---'---000--, .... T ~BY_. '0ERTII~ that t~e foregoing O~di~ance was passed and adopted 'by the Oounail of tlxe 0ity of Bakersfield at a ~egula~ .. meetin~ thereof held on the l?th day of November' 1956, by the foil°Wing." vot.B: · : "'APPROVE.D?~:;:~xiS, .I'?th d~y of November, 1958 · NAYOR o£:,J;~he 'Oi_ty of B~e~sfleld. '- :: ~ '*' · ' .__ - __ _....-: ._.':_.. -. - _ _ _._ .... Aff hav ! of J os ng rh nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the',City of Bakersfield; and that the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a was numbered ....... .1.._2.__1_.2_. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CREATING THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY CEqTER DIRECTOR AND SETTING FORTH THE DUTIES OF SUCH OFFICE. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....-1..7-..t..h._da} of ......... .N...o...v__e_..~...b..e.r, ........ 1..._....~, , ,9..5...8.... Notary Public in and for tl~e County of Kern, State of California My Cornmi,~sion F_xplrea June, 9~