HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1211 : ..- . -. ~. ~ neoossa~ ~o e~abli~ ~ office of A~nis~attv~sststant fo~ ~e P~pose of assisti~ the City Ha~ge~ in th-&"[:'a~niStration of ~e government el-said ~i~y. _. of Bakersfield, as follows: '" SECTION 1. ~ere is ~eby c~ea~ed the office of A~strative Assist~t ~ose duties sb,_ll be generally as foll~s~ -.-.-:' (a) Under direction of the City l4anager, to assist in and make administrative and financial studies and collect data; to perform clerical and related, work of a specialized'character; to aid in the.:-' .direction 'of a Personnel.program; to collect data for preparation of information guides and manualo;.compile init'ia1 figures totaling · budget requests; assist in review of need for requested additional positions; make surveys of administrative practices or problems; · Proofread.fiscal documents; establish filing systems and fo~ms~ .. assist in collecting statistical data; develop and establish improve-' ments in work flow procedures~ work processes and use of equipment and fox, us; prepare periodic or special sunnations, tabulations and reports of work perfox~ne'd; and aid in the'preparation and monitorir~g. of Civil Service -EXaminations. .. ........ .~.)_"..The...enumera~lon of functions and' duties hereinabove seC..forth .. shall not be COnstrued'as a limitation thereof, but are enumerated as a general Outline only of such duties'· The f~nctlons and duties of said office may be enlarged from time to time to fully carry out the ~ntent and purpose of said office Th~:-e~inanoe'-is 'he~eb~ declared to be.an emergeno wi .~i_" n the ,o~ of .seC~on ~ of ~e C~to~-ef the f~eld~-State of cal~fo~a, ~d neoessa~ to p~ov~de' foF '~e"da~ly.. .. oPera'IOn oF--a..'.~c~pal' depa~ent, ~d s~ll be 'offo.e~ve on ~d'_' afteF Doce~be~ [~ lV~8.. _ .. ! ~....REBY CERTIFY that the foregoing'Ordinance was passed and adopted by tho Council of the Clt7 of Bakers£iOld 'at a regula~ meet- lng. thereof held on the' 17th day of November, 1958, by the following vote.- Ci~ Sleek and Ex-Offi~l~ C~e~k of' Cottnoil of tho Cit2 of' Bakersfield. ~O~~!'a ~:?th ~ of 'November, Affidavit of ~lost~ng ~r~nan~es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... ..t...h..e.....1.~.8...t..h.....(..l..a...y..~.~.~.f~..N..~.~.v.~.e..m...b..e.~.;. .................... , 19_...5__8__ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fall, true and correct copy of an ordi~]ance passed by the Counci'l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...... .t...h..e......~..7...t..h......d..a.~..~..~...f.....N...~..v...e...m..b...e..r..~ ....... , 19.-5--8.-.., which ordinance was numbered ....... ..1..2...1.._1. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CREATING THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST- ANT AND SETTING FORTH THE DUTIES OF SUCH OFFICE. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th ~a- of November, ~a58 .............. ~ ~ .............................. .~ ..... ~ ........ , ~-~.~ ........ ..... , ..... ........ -. ~oa~y ~blic in and for t,~ C~nty of Kern S~ of California