HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1227 . _ ORDINANCE_-.'NO. .... %227 . .NEW SERIES AN O. RDINANCR"A~ENDING SECTION 3.01' (ZONING MAP) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1010, NEW SERIES OF THE. _. CITY'OF BAKERSFIELD, BY CHANGING THE ZONING --. .... OF THAT..C_ERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED ON TBE -- .~' .... WESTERLY SIDE OF "H" STREET NORTBERLY OF - -- 28TH STREET, COMMONLY 'KNOWN AS 2§0!~ 2811~ '- 281~-51 and 2901 "H". 'STREET, IN SAID CITY. _ WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedure set forth.!.~- '- the Provisions Of. Zoning Ordinance No, 1010, New Series ~°f'-the City of Bakersfield', the Planning Commission and City Count"il hate-held .'hea~,ings Pespectively~' on a petition to change the zoning of certain property within said City, 'and WHEREAS, the .City Council has determined after due con- sideration of said petition and the recommendations of the planning Commission herein on file, together with the reasons advanced at the hearings for a change'of zoning of said property' that said -z_-'oning change should be authorized. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED By the .Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 3.01 (Zoning Map) of Zoning Ordinance No. 1010~ New Series of the City of Bakersfield, be and the-same is hereby amended by changing the zoning of certain proPerty in said City, the boundaries of which proPerty are shown on' the map hereto at2ached and made .a part of this'ordinance, as follows:: Changing the Zoning from a C-1 (Limited Commercial) Zone to .a C-2 (Commercial) Zone of the follow- '.'. lng described property: Lo.ts 21 - 28, inclusive~ Block 5, Tract 1472, City of Bakersfield, as per Map recorded March 30, 1949, in Map Book 6, Page'193~ in the Office of .... ...: .............. ..the County Recorder, County .of Kerns' State of'" " Call fornia. SECTION 2. ... This ordinance ·shall take·effect thirty days from and after the date. of its passage. . 0o0oo ".~ ~'-' · --~ .~k". - I' HEREBY CERTT~Y that'-the foregoing OrdinanCe Was passed and adop_$ed by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regula~ · meeting thereof hel_~ on the 2nd day of ~ Ma~¢h:, 1959, by.the .f~liowing vote :. AYES: BALFANZ,-BENTLEY, CARNAl(IS, e, eL'L'fft~, CROES, DEWIRE, DOOUN, ' m' Clt~ Cle~ and Ex-O~flci~ Clerk of t~ Council of t~ City of Bake rsfie ld. _.. 29.~ Affi avt! of losttng ( ri tuanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... __t._h_..e____.3_..r...d_....d.~y...__o__.f...__M_._a..r.__c__.h_~ ............................... , 19....5__9.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci'l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............t...h..e......2..n_d__...d...a.~..__.o__f__..._M_a.'..r...c..h_.~_ ............ ,19__5_.9...., which ordinance was numbered ..........._1..2.._2_.7.. ............... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3,01 (ZONING MAP OF ORDINANCE NO. 1010, NEW- SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF "H" STREET NORTHERLY OF 28TH STREET, COlV~ONLY KNOW,tN AS. 2801, 2811, 2815-51 and 2901 "H" STREET, IN SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd ~a f March, .~ 59 ............... a y o ............................ ~ ................. , l~ ......... ~ ~.- ~ .... 'Nota.ry Public in and for ~,he County of Kern. State of Cal[fornla /- '.My Commis:.ion E::pires June 9, >. .....'_?-.