HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1225 ~-' ~ : . '.'.. f: "'-'.' ~-- -'~_ T · ' -: .... ".'_ .'.:f d ' -' ' - ' "" -' · .. ..... . '"' -' ' .. d. ~- ..' · .:_ -- ~--- '- .- '- - ' ' ...... '" ."-..5;"." · '" .... ' '" " - -- ' T-" ' "'. ~ "';":' .. .. , . '-' · · . . '' .'.'.:~-~.--F'~Z': · . ." · ·. ~-; :'~. ~ ....,_~.,:.~.,.. · '~DINANCE NO. 1225 ~ S~I~' .~.. '.' _ .. .' · ' - -- . ..... ~ ~ ~-~. ~ox'~n ~ ~ '."'...~...~.-..?.~t~.~ c. ~ · . . _.' .- .. . .. '_ .. ..... _. · _ · · ~..:'".V' ~.~'~ · . -t~on of nard ~t'lOn.~ and" the ~eco~ndat~on of the: p~nnntn~i;~O~.ss~on ~.Z .- . . :._ · · - . .... . .. ~. ~ ..... . . . ;..~...~.-.~ ...~.. . . _. ...;~.~.~.... . .... · . ~ .~ -- .' _ . · . ~..:.'.::-..~ .7~c :-..'.,...':~,..'~.., _ · . . . . .. .....~;; -- . -: " S~TXON ~, '" ":'":''~''~ ';"'""' - ' "~''' '-'.-[..:~ New' S~les of the City. o~ Bakersfield, be and the 's~ is hereby a~n~.j-- · Of whi~ prope'r~ie's are shown on the ~p hereto attached'and ~de a ...... ':"j.: ---.part of this ordinance, as follows: ' :-': J':'"': · .. ~;~. ----- ~anging ~e' z:ontng boundaries from. an R-5 '{Limited Muitipl~?: ?:' .:~ '" - .... ..: Fa~ly ~etlimg)'_'Zone to ' ~ a 0,1 (Limited Co~ercial).-Z~ne .of:.. ".'-.: _ .= that cer~ain'-property in the City of '-Bakersf~eld,..Jas' folI~wS.':.....;:..: .¥".::: '= '---:'~a-~' 'C~Ptaln"'pP~per~y loca~e~ on' 'thb .~estehly .si~'e..- · . Avenue between First and 'Second Streets, beginning' a't the ~'' ':''' :.' ~-'.':~" - " soUth-easterly corner of Block. Q, Lowell Addition., .... is She intersection of':~e"' westerly line of Cheste~. Avenue· ..~.. .... _.-'.:'~ with the northevly line 'of First Street; thence westerly' 'al0~_ "'::f'-~['? the SOutherly t~ne · of said Block q a distance' of 137.625...fe.et........- . - to the true-poi.nt of beginning; thence northerly and paratlel:"'L '-' -'~ -' with the easterly line of Block Q a distance of .610,50.~' tO'the. '-: - '" northerly line of Block Q;.. thence westerly along the. nOr~e~i~_ '" ~." ~[._-_. -' .... ... .... .- .. . ....~ ~._..... · .- ..,. · :. . - ~. ... . .... ~,-~::(.. :- .'_"_.[~ " .. . ...... .~_..-.. ..~ __ .: .... · · -===================== .' .' line'-of Block:~'a__d:stance...o£'~.~6 feetji.'~e .~o.uther.~J...q.::: :. .... ' ' cOo- :- · .. ' '-. ' -- un ½:.:-:..:'. .' . . '. .... ' . . - · :,~"". _'.':~' 'T '.:. ...- -. adopted by the 'Council of '%ho"-Ci~?B~kers£-teld"at'";-~'regular..~iin6 ' ": · - -' ' - · · Z' '.~:'~'.- - .. ~ ~0£S:-;- .. "' " ..... ~ "'"-" ...... ': :~ · _ · - ...... ....... , Jj':.~;,~: .... . ... - ....., ... . . _ · . -. ~ .,~. .~ ,_ ~ ....· . ,. ~ . -.:'. ~. .... . .:. · ~._..' .... _ ..-'_- .-. ~..' ..... · . .,~-.' . .'~ ....... "(...'. '. _..' . .. "...._: .~-..,,' . . %¥>~. . · . .. .... ..._....... · .. ..'- . .V 'i - ' ''~( .,' ..[. .'.' ,'' · . · .." . . ..: ..: ..... :, ~ . · . . . .... : ........._ _ .... ..... . .. . - ...~ -_'.:........:. . .. ....... :. . ... ........ ...-~:...:_~: ,...~,,~,.~,.,~_~:.-......, ~ · ~.. · ' . ..' . · _ · . - . . _ · . _... :.:..~.... ?j.::::'. ~," ..... :.... ::.'...j ' _ : - - - ' · - ' · . .' _..', .-'"k'..'.~,. ~.L . ~-'-. · .'.' '. -- - -._- =- - i." - · - -i -- . '~ -. -- U .. -- - -_ '.'.. -.' - ...... -'.," '.- ,'..:',-."' :.j ..-..~*:,~'.':' --" ~. "~ · · - · _ - - - :.-'~-. . ---' Y ~_ _. ._= :~ ~-: ~ ._._. =_--y_...~j,._. . . .. . . ,....., .. '..: ......;.- -_..<..,..;....,.~ .,..1:.$+,,...._..~ .,,-..;:.~.,,~ .~:~..-.~:-.~,,~.:...,..,: ...... .= - -- ---- '-- --.-:"''-= ~ ,~.~".'~'...- ' ..... ~..J. 'c."'.~-:'.'.. -'-~'.'~.':-¢.:'f~:'.'4~.~;~Y~ ~;' :..'..~'~ ' "~.~'~.}/ -- -- -'' _ . - ._ - · - ..' ....--~ '-.'- , .---- ---'--' ~' ~'- '"':' .". - '- ~'-': .'~';.." ': . :~ ,~"...~ '.%....';'~t.:."A,' ~-~% ' .;.-.'-~...' ' ,. ',~ ".., '-' STREET " C-I ~RD STREET P 2ND S TREE T -' ~200 C-I · !sT STREET · - ' ZC Affi aut! of ] osttng (Or htau es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ................... _.F.__e..b..~._u._a._~y....l___0_. .......................................... , 19~_.~_. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci~l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ......... .F...e...b._lT...u..a...1Ty_...~. .......................................... ,19.~.~_., which ordinance was numbered ...... ~..~.~_ ................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.01 (ZONING MAP) OF OI~.DINANCE NO. 1010, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BY CHANGING THE ZONING . OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES LOCATED ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF CHESTER AVENUE BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STREETS AND THIRD AND FOURTH STREETS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,,~"" ] 'l~ota~'-Publtc in and for the County of Kern, State of California