HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1224 - ~ -.. ~: ;.'- · -' 0RD!NANC-E-NO.-~~_ 1.3..3zt_.. NEW sERIES '-'_-~--.. AN 0RDINANCE.-~.-ER.I. NG THE BOUNDARIES OF '~-~:.- ...... THE FIRST, THIR~--'A_ND'SIXTH 'WARDS OF THE '~- .- -- 'BE IT ORDAINED ..by the COuncil of the Ci.~....'.:"0f Bakersfield, The bou~uda~ies of 'the F.irst Ward of the C_!~yi" of Bakers- _~i.._el-.~- are hereby, altered mo 'as to include therein-.:~t certain paroel of-_--_$-.~err~torY designa'ted as UNION CEMETERY NO._-. 1, heretofore a _nh. e_.xed 'to. the c.ity of Bakersfield by, and more specifically described in, Ordinance No. 1193,. New Se~'~i.es. :~. Tha$ the bcund_~.;-i,.~s of the Third Wsrd of the City of Bakemsfield are hereb2 altered so as to include therein. that Certain parcel of territor~y designated .as COLLEGE HEIGHTS NO. 5, heretofore _annexed to the .Ci't.y. of Bake?s£icld by, and more specifically described in',Ordtnance 'E0. !202, New series. " SECTION 3. "' That the bou~'~d~ries of the Sixth'Ward of the City of Bakersfield .are hereby a'ltez, ed so as to include therein that certain parcel of tcrritory .designated as PLANZ PARK NO'. 7, heretofore annoxed to the City of Bakersfield by, and more specifically described in, '0r'dinance NO. 1192, New Series. 4- T;.~is. Ordinance sh~.ll be effective thirty days from and '~ after the data of 'its passage. · I HEREBY CERTIFY th_at the foregoing. Ord~ce was pass~.d. and adopted by 'the' Councti'%~.._.tff~ ...... City of-. Bakersfield at meeting thereof held'On 'the-_lg'th day of January,"'1959, by :.~h~:;f'ollow_tn.g~- · . _ ._ . ~:.-_. :-.. '.. · ' ._ "-'- ;~'l i '~"~' .... ?... · - '.'. ."' ':~ 'i' '" ·" '"' ' .. AYES: I~LFt:N~, .SFNTLt~Y, CAP,~'A~-'JS, CO/UNS, C]~OES, DE~/IRE~Odi~IN, A~F.~.'r.-. -- ~ ;...". ~ '. " ,~r -~ ·'.5 ' ..' ' Ci.tyl ~lerk a~d'Ex-0-f£ici0-'01e~k -of the · . '~ .- .. Council of the City. of..~akersf'ield. . .. ~..,.!..:.......~.,? · .- ....~.:-.....~, · . ..."..~ :-'~ . ~-Y~,~ ghee' C~.,~f Bakersfield " Affi av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, l County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the dul:v appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........... .t_..h..e...._.2._0_..t_~_._..d..a...y..___o...f.....J.._a__n._.u..a...r...y_~ .................. ,19__..5__9.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci~l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..... ~t~h~e~9~t~h~d~a~y~f~J~a~n~u~a~y~ .......... ,19....5...9_, which ordinance was numbered ........ .1..2..2_.4.. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDIN. ANCE ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE FIRST, ,,THIRD-..ANII' SIXTH IVARDS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, Subscribed and sworn to before me this .2Or'h- day of ......... .J-.-a-.-n--u-.-a.-r-_2., .................. , 19....5..9... ·-..;'~_~'_ ..... ;._-_. ...... { ~ .:- Notary Public in a~d roi' the .County of Kern, State of California '; '~ ' M~_-C~mmissmn ,"xpires .hlll~ 9, 196.1.