HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1222 · '' AN. 0RDI~ANcE~AHENDING SECTION 15 OF ORDINANCE NO.. IO07-~--~EW SERIES. OF THE CIr~Y OF BAKERSFIELD.- ~ .~..:."~' BE.IT'0RDAINED by the Council of the'City of Bakers£i. eld, SECTION 1. .... ""._ ' That...Sectio'n"15 of Ordinance No. 100?, New Series of the."O.ity "- o~..Bakers._fi.eld be, and'. the same is hereby amended to read as follows: · .. 'section .l~...PA~LKIi~G .TRAILER COAC~S. It' is unlawful to use a traileZ, for living or.. sleeping parposes withtn..the City of Bakers- -- _f~.e:ld, except when.parked, within a' licensed t~ailer park, .provfded, _'hOwever that this section shall not be applicable in M-1 and M-2.: · Industrial'. Zones under bhe following conditions: .- (a) 'Not' mope than two persons shall occupy said trailer. (b)No mo~e 'than one tz, ailer shall be permitted in connection with each industrial establishment. ' ' ~ · (c) ·said trailer must be an accessory 'use to the industrial e stabli shment. -' (d)_ Cccupancy o~ said trailer may only·be by a person or' persons e~plo~ed by the industrial establishment in the. capabity..of a guard, watchman or caretaker, pursuant_ tO.' · the..perf, o~mance' of his duties. · '". SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be effective thirty days from and after '- f~he date 'of its passage. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and' adopted by the Council of the City Of Baker-field at a regular,-mee, t-.. '- tng. ·thereof held on the 5th day of January, 1959, by the following:_ -'. :%~-. ,. " City ~lerk and Ex-officio. Cle~.:of ~he' . . '~..,~. ,.~ -:~ ~, __ · · ~" '~' ' L' ....'.'. A, ffihaui! of os ing rhiuau es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of 'Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... .t.._h_.e._...6..t_..h....-d_-a---Y-.._.°-.f-...--J-.a-..n.-.u..a..-r-Y--:. ......................... , 19____5...9. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci,1 of said City at a meeting thereof dully held on ...... .t__.h_.e......5_..t..h....d...a...Y.._..°...f.....J_.a..n_._u..a_._r.._Y.~. ............ ,19..5...9..., which ordinance was numbered ........ ~__2__2_..2. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1007, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...~}.t.h._..da.,~ .of ...... ,I&nu,9.~.~., ....... ~ .......... , 19_59. ............... ........... ,.-. N .otar~ Public in and for tBe County of Kern, State of CaLifornia -' ~ :'. My C~'nirniss!on F. xpires June 9, 196{, ~ .~- -.. ....