HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1222 (2) Ai~ ORD'INANOE' A~'~NDING SECTION 15 OF.. ORDINANCE "' E0. i007~, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY 0~';'BAKERSFIELD. ...~. -~.:IT-ORDAINED by 'the Counoil of the City of..'.Bak®~'~ftold, as follow.~:-' "::~'-~-:-- .~ "~: ~ "' SECTION 1" · - '-":'- That S~ctlon.'l~ of O~dinanoe.'N~-. 1007, New Seri.e$.':. i~f' the City. · .- -. of Bakersfield bo, and the sSm~ is l~reby amended ~'-'~e'ad as follows: Section 15. PARKING TRAI-LER COACHES. It is unlawful a .trailer for living or sleeping purposes witl"~.n tho Cit~' o£ Bakers- fie!'d, except when parked within a licensed t~atler~Park, provided, however, that this section' ~hall not be .applicable in M-1 and M-2 Industrial Zones under the following conditions: " (a) Not. more than two persons shall occupy said trailer. (b) No mor, than one 'trailer shall be permitte~ in connection w:l.l~h each' 'industrial e~tablishment. (o) ' Said trailer must be an accessor~ use to the Industrial' establishment. (cl.) . 0ccupancy-of said trailer my. only bo by a person or persons..employed, by the industrial establishment in the capacity, of a g~ard,, watch~ or caretaker, pursuant to the performance of his duties. SECTION 2. · This· ordi/mnce shall be effective thirty day~ from and after tho date of i~s passage. ...... 000 ...... .. . .-. · 'm'-~_-.. .-~.-. I 'H3EREB~ CERTIFY that-~ foregoing Ordinance was passed and.. adopted by the Oouncil of the City of Bakersfield at a regular. ,meet-, ing the_~e_'._o.-f held on the 5th daT_~-_:.~anuary~ 10~9, by the following _ .?_-?. vote: _ .. ' --~'± - -' .. : Ma.ria_r4 ,S. ~rvin City Clerk and Ex-officio o~erk 'of- · - Council of the City of Bakersfield · - APPROVED this 5th day 'of January, 1959 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield.