HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1221 .. EF~ERG~CY ORDINANCE NO. 12~.1 NEW SERIES AN E_M~_._RGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 37 OF .. ORDINANCE_ N0~ 658, NEW SERIES OF TEE CITY OF .. BAKERSFIELD, PERTAINING TO PEDESTRIANS IN ROAD- -:.-.:.'...- '.. WAYS .- " -.: BE.IT ORDAINED bY the Council of 'the City of B~liiersfleld, as follows I .. · .. S ,CTION 1. .. "-'. TI'mt Socgi'°n .3? of 0rdtrmnco NO.' 658, New Sorlos of the City _2~- · · o.f'-Bak,r.sfteld bo, and tho same is hereby ~m. onded to road as SECTION 37- pEi~ESTRI..&.Ng IN ROADWAYS. " ... (a) .._No person 'shall ets. nd in any roadway other than...'in a safety zo_m_.e, if such standing interferes with the lawful movement of. traffic. '.. ' ~: .-.- .-(b) NO person Shall stand in any roadway for the purpo .~e: of, '~ While. soliciting· a ride from the operator of any vehicle. (c') No person shall play in any roadway. ": -.~. (d) In those areas where sidewalks or sidewalk areas have been · . provided, no' peasen shall walk in a roadway. In those .areas where, side- · walks or': sidowallr. . aroaa have not .been provided, no person shall '~a. lk in · .a~-rOadway except in:that area imm~ediately adjacent to, but .not.. more than -~five feet (5'.)' from i:ho Slde or curb lines of such roadway, ~d then' only on .such person~ s left-hand'side of such roadway, except as follows:' -- --(1) · When sUch.portion, of such roadway is impassable unde~r· cons~ru'ction or rePair, in which event such person shall Walk as close-to his lo.f t-hand side as is practicable. :.'" (2). When such roadway is closed to vehicular traffic. ' .."' SECTI ON 2. · · · -'-':.-'-._~-'--:-':::-.-.-.:'--:~T~-l's. °r'dinan~e~is decla'red to' be an emergency mea.au~e.-.w&thin .-..- . - . - . _ ?. ': ,:. . - . . - ~he' ~oantng of section 24 of the Charter of the City of BaEersfi'eld, -state of Oalif0~nia, 'and necessary for the immediate pre. aervation of' 'the~Ablic safety, and shall take effect imme.diate~y upon its passage. - '::;:.' ...... 'o0o ...... '.. '."'.-:'" · . - .:_:..:.-_.:. . . .. ~ . .. I - - .I HEREBY CERTIFY' ·that the foregoing Emergency Ordinance .was.-....'/.:':..~i:'.~." -. "~--"}~_~Passed' and adopted b_y-t~e Council of the City of Bakersgiel. d"at a regu- .-. " .'.~-_~.'._a.r meeting thereof held On the. 5th day of January, 1959,(i:...h..~ tho follow-- . . ..z---..' .~. .... - · ........ -' Co~cll of the City of Bakersf~id." A, ffii aut! of osttng ( r tnan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Ke~m .~, ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that the (]th day of January, 19_5___9.... on ........................................................................................... , she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...... .t...h..e.._...5..t._.h.....d...a...y...._o..f_____.J_..a..n_..u..a_..r...y._~_ ............ ,19..5..9._.., which ordinance was numbered ..... __1._2.__2._1._ .................... New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 37 OF ORDINANCE NO. {]58, NEI¥ SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, PERTAINING TO PEDESTRIANS IN ROAD- WAYS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...6...t...h.._..day of ........ _J.._a_ .~..u..~.~.~.~ ........... ~..., 19._.5_9.. .~ ~' .,'. Notary 'Public':in and for the Counter of Kern. State of California ~..-...