HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1240 of B~a~field on' the '~' :- 3..~:,~ ,~ ~ ..... ~e te~i~o:ey 'aa be am~xod,: and o~s ~o '~e Oi~N' of Bakers~i~id~ ~" i-~S: '~he said ~' ~- -.'~' ci'ay~ and ol~ao~ ,Jr ~1~ Oi~y C],ePk o.,. the Cigy of ,,ak~sf~e_,d~ a oon86n~ algnod by all the :o'~i~.ex~ of p~op~$y included .,~.~= am~.!xa~ion equal.ay '~-~':~,'~:b. p~op~y in :ah~ Ci%~ of Bake~$.f~.a:id p:~ovided fo? in O~d!~nos No~ 893~ Ns~ S,~i~m~ In O~din~.:.~s Noo 950: Eo~' Sc~ie~ and in O=~nanc:c .No~ !].12~ Ne%~ $o~ieso al! .... "'~' ...... , .,.,L.,. e~.,~ ~ ~, .............. · , .. ~. 6,.. ~.. -... ,.~., ~. ~ ., .~ ~ ~.:~ · ~. ..., s: Sa~i!.~ad ...... " ' · 'o'az<~Oss of '.'~ acciuisi'[;io~: ~;nd '~:rc.$~:o'~:ia~ by said ~!..,~ -*' pal a~d~' ~' a ......... ~.!,y b~'~d:;n~.. .. ~ ~ogethe~ ~"it;m POOR ORIGINAL and Offost:e~et parking ~.aot:i.!'~ies the~efor ~..d .tnciudi~g the indebtedness now ou'~s~a~di:og is '~b.e sram of $3~750~000~ toget~e~ ~ith im~e~'st th~ec,n at the :.:,a;':e of 3~2512! pc:? am%m~l~ and l~'-~S~ the Oou~e.o:%! of the City of Bake~sfie~.d dido. o:a the AcS of 1939~ amd amendmeu~s the~eto~ being Ti'Dle.~ Division. 0alifo~a~ specifically de~ibl~g the bov~udaries of the so proposed '~o Ds m~.exed 90 '~hs 01fy of Be. kerafieldo and such le~rito~ ~ an app~cp~ia'~s ~eo and se$$i~ ~nday~ May 4.~. 1959~ at '~he ho~ o~ e!gh%: o~o!ook PoF~o~ in the C~oll C~mbors '~e 0ity Haii~ 1501 T~.~xtun Avsnu~ Bake~sfieldo Oa!if~rn;l~ as the day~ 'ho~ mxd place ~en amd '~,he~e the City Council ~ould hsa~ ~de .by amy' penmen o~i~ ~=sai prope~'~y wi~in the aforesaid $o~ amd nos o~toner ~;~.n once a ~-~sk lm ~he Bakersfield Oa!tfo~niaz~o pape~ of ge~e~al circ'v, la';3ion published v~% ~b.e City of the ~.t~ set fo~ said he~:<,g~ in cor,~!i~.%oe ~ith Section 35311 of She Gove~m~en$ Oode~ ~d ~~S~ a~ the time ~et for hea~ing protests,, no pro2es~s were filed agains9 She p~osed ~exa$ion by any o~-~er of p~oper~y wi'~hin ~he ~e~ito~ p~oposed ~o be a~exedo Of ~akeP~field.~ as fo].!o~,~ SECTION 1 ~ That the Oo~ct:t cf ':;he Ci$y of BakePsfieid hsveby %; a~e~a%!o~, i~o amd fn~l~s:?,om within ~he i:a~o~oorated limigs of ~:Ri~.L AC~S NO~. ~= en~d Et Is l,.ereby furthem or~ds.i-ged '" "' South~ Range 27 ~ ..... :~ M,,D~M~.~ ...... =--'- plat ~:~ thesuz~ ...-~','...~ o~ said 'za..~a-~ ~ o~. file in tbs Bu:fss. u ,:,f 0~enci~ at ~b.c aoa'abuast oorr, e? of ~aid Section · . " · , ,, ~ .. 0° O?t 30" %:~,:' a:.,ong" i.:h~ .~o..-~. w-~.~ ~..,o ~..~ ~ bo~.daz:y of t.h~ ~'~,... :~:. .... of Bak~sfiold~ ~:,s ss.id oo~-p~:~ate bo'i;:~da~y is d~fi:::~d hy -~. ~ ........ ~,.~, bo~.da?y line '= "' ~uce of 285 '--"'" o ~,::. ghe~a 8~ 0~ 07~ 30" ~ = ~- 3~ 100 ~se~ th~nas N= 89~ 52~ 30" E.~ ~ ~!~.~a~ce cf i,~ ~.~ dS5 fe~ and ~o ~h~ ';':?ae ,point of begimS, ng of ~ ~ ~ion, oon~aint~ 0o65~!..ac:ess of l~nd0 mo~e or 5.sse~ SECTION 2. Said te:e~ito~yo a.?!d, tk® pl,.c.~.arty loca,bed thamei:!o s5~.3.5..,: r.po; .... ~ c=o~ls'~ion of the aa.~.~xe.'iO.em of th~ zam~ ~o ~e Ci~;'y of BakcPs,.. OX'by of Baks~sfield ~o .oay the b~,nded imdeb~e~ess ef ';~h3 ti'b3' Bake?afleld~ d~so~ibed iza ~he aforem~n'bio~.ed oo~isen'~ of the inae;r;;ednoss_ . boi~ p,-ov;.aca xoi~ :?,n 0~,dt~,:!oa No, 893,. Ne?r __..a~---~,-. O~.~:~,.noe Nco !229~ New 8~t~ ~1i of said City~ and a~uy an,i otb. e~~ indebSed~;l~ss ow 3,ia}~ility of i;he City ontstandl~ -~ on mild afta~ the' date of or~raplei:icr~ of said SEOTiON 3. T~$ o~dinanoe ~ha!! become effeotive -~irty days f:7o?~ pOOR after the date of its passage. ,000 ........... I HEIiEBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereot held on the 4th day of May, 1959~ by the following vote: Ayes: Balfanz, Bentley, Carnakis, Croes, Doolin, Stiern Noes: None Absent: Collins CITY ~LERK and E~-v~v Clerk of Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 4th day of May, 1959. Affi av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that the 5th day of May~ 59 on ........................................................................................... ,19 ........ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Councii of said City at a ~_ the 4th day of May, 59 meeting thereof duly held u,, .............................................................................. ,19 ........ , which ordinance n '1240 was umbered ........ : ............................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO'THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID,TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .:.~.t-:..h.____.day of ........... .M.._a_y., ............. ~r ......... , 19----5---9-. ............ Notary Public in and for ~e County of Kern, State of California ~ C~rnmission Expires uun~