HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1249 · _'.'-...- -: ' ..... -' ~ ~ . '" '-'" ¢' ' ·" ' '.'.~ :-ff.7.':'- ' - · - ' -'-V _.::--_._- ·.. _ .. . · . _..~. . .: ' ~ ~ "-' · · .--- OF EMERGENCY. ORDINANCE NO.' .i~9~'._.[~NEW SERIES...- -.':~:~? · OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD,-AND P, EPEALING":" ~,.'-"~'K''' -'- " -U~E~F~S,. an. emergency-exi-sts'makin~ .it n®cess~F:.to pro~lde - _._:: . for ~he daily oper_atiOn of a municipal depar-tment'.." : '-': ...... '-' · - .. ?'_.!" .. _' '. :..'.' 'That Section '12 of Eme~ge'ncy Ord/nance No'. 1095, New Series' '" be .and:..the .same is hereby amended to read as follows: ' '.)' [.'" · Section 12'~ (a) Tho. fOllowin~ step classifications ShalI''' .";' "'" apply to tempOrary positions with .the Bakersfield Recreation Department....'-" ~tep A: Beginning rate. '- ---.- Step B: After ~00 hours experience. ' -' ..... "'.." (b) .Temporary employees'of the Bakersfield RecreatiOn "":,..- Department in the fgltowing positions, shall receive the hourly rates~ "- .-'._' · to which they .a:re entitled as herein set forth: ..-' Name 'of 'PoSition Step ClassificatiOn.....';)'-"i.- .... District Recreation Supervisor . $2.42' $2.63 .-$2.89 " · Recreation Leader 'I' 1.89 2.00 2.10 .... Recreation Leader' II 1.58 1.68 1.79 -' Recreation Leader III 1'.26 -1.37 1.47 ". ~Pecial Activity'Leader 2.10 2.36... R.63 " - Po-OI.'-14 r- ........ " 1.89 ' 2. O0 2.10 ':"- ' ' .._ L.i.f e Guard 1.58' 1.68 1'79 · ..".: officials..(per' game basis) 3.15 .. 4.20 5.25 :' " Scorers (per game. basis) 2.'10 2.63 3.15' -- .....-_- :._-.: ..... _ . -'~ ~-- __...__ .~...-.- ....... -- ., · . '.. - .'.'.77.. '-. - " .- '1. ..... .' :- ':'""- ..- _--j."' . ...... . - .: ...... ' ....:~ ..' .... ~.~ · .-......... :: _- .... - -.: ......... · _. .~. ..-. · . ..... : .. · ..,- - :...?:::; :.' 'h~"_' .-v,'..-~ .... :..~' ;-:...' - .. _ _.. :-. .. '~ i~ '" - ..._... · _ ~.~, · .. ~, . ... -;.';. . _. -:...~. -. ....... ..... -s~_ '~o~... 3.? -' "' _ '-:~..~::.:~ ' .... · '..i - '.. - :'.-' ~..;-. ..... T~s .ordnance -is he~eb~~-' e~la~eO be. an _.; . _ . -.~.. ...... ~o . ~me~nc~ - ' '- "~..L.".--. - :?.'.:¢': u~ w~thtn .~he-mean~ of SeCtion ~ O~ '~e 'C~te~ of. the-'~Y of .. .. · · ----. ... '" --....:. Z'~.. ~'" 16 ' 9~9 .;- ......_~. . · on and af%e~ July ~. 1 . ......... -.-:..,.. ='. _ .:~j. · _~_~_- - .... _ _ ... :..'.;/.. .:., . . I .~RE~-C~T~Y t~t ~he fo~egot~ o~dinance was pas s'e.~.:' -and '-~op~od by' the Oo~cit of the Ci~y of Bakersfield at a re~u~:~eet- ::,.'"' ing ~her.eof held 'on the-6th day. of July, 1959, by the fol~owi~ vote.: '- A~ ~[FAflZ, BENT1.EY, C/,r, NAA~S: CCLUflS, CROES. ~OLIN, S~N, .-" .. . NO~:::~'-~ "' .. .. .-...'.[ ' ' - AB~NT: .... ~J · · ' .. ' _ ...~.j.-,.- Co--oil of ghe City. of Bakersfield..'. '- . .d~- .~ · · .. ...... ~j,. ~ 5-' .~ ., .~. ~: . . ~ ..... · .... .__-7...-.,~.. '. . ........ -.. . .-. .- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Ke~ ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........... .t__.h..e.....7._.t___h___._d...a_.y.....o.__f_____J___u__.l..y..; ............................. ,19____5..9.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fall, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a , the 6th day of July, meeting thereof duly held o ................................................................................ ,19.5...9...., which ordinance was numbered ........... .1.__2..4...9. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION12 OF EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 1095, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1118, NEW SERIES OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -.-" ~.,..- 7'.~h..day of .......... ~l,t].7.~ ....................... , 19..,~.0.. .. . No~ry Pflblie '~n and for t~ ~unty of Kern, State of California ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ My Commission gxplres June 9, 1961 7~....