HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1248 .... .:._.....~ ; _.. · ...~, ..:..~.) ....72~. _.. ~- :' ..~:...: . _. ~ . ::- -. T~ OITY OF:'B~~IE~ ".".- -' ._ .'i. -'.' ... '..' .... -- - ?"i'.i(' i': '" ":':' ' ' '.-'.. ' .. ...... · .. _ --'. ,~ _ · .~ ..... .. . .. - ~. ~.... .. " SECTION 1. of the City of Ba~sfteld be and' t~ saW i-s'.~by a~nd~ t~ ~ead 'as · follows: ....: . -- ClasSification ,~ginning· ~ter 6 ~te~ 6 · - ' ..... '~te ~onths ~ont~'- A~gomogt~ Paint ~nfl ..'. Body'Mam . . 2,30 2,~2 . 2,5~:~ ' : -" 'Mech~ic's Helper 1.97 2.08 ..< 2;19 :-":' Automotive Se~iceman.'II 1.97 2.08.· :' 2.19- . "' " Automotive. Se~vicem~ I '1.'69 1,'77 - "' i'87· -. ... (.b) T~nsit Auth°~ity emploT~ss .in t~ ol~ssif~o~t~ons -": .. .. · ....... ."~I,~ff-o~ --..-.. ..... - .. -' ~,n~ ~g~ ...... . ."~'~?~..~~. ~ .......... .... · ..._.. ~5'. - 7~'-[- . . · . -"~. ,. *,. .- · . - .- . .'. ~. · .-.~... · . .... '. '" · ;':~W' "'-. _. ,.. :~-~-.?.,:..~,~~,~ .' - . ~.-~-. :_.-.: ': .. _ .:~,x.,.:-?.,_._.. ... ~-~..~. ggufl~ng O~go~' .. -$~..00 - . '/~.:.~- .._./-.:_-' '.. . .,,~. ...... .. ._ _'. - .. · ..rf .... ,. ~ r.- _ - " '." ' -' 2-*. 2" .':-- ..:.. 7, . . .2.;'7. · ' -" ..... · -" SEC'TION:~ 2. .. -<'-'- · "'-" ":' '[ ... _..of. Bakersfield,·gtat· of california, and necessary· .t.o provide' for' the .. .., -:._:',._;? · daily.operation Of.:a_-mUnilcipal. department, and. :' -','~a~l be effective Om.. __and.'after.the 1st day of July, 1959. · -'! .... "_..."" ....... ..:': :' ._..-: '-' I HEREBY CERTIFY ~_h~g-: the. foregoing 0rd~nah~ was passed ...and .adOPt_ed ky the Co_Un-.-cil of the City of Bake'~.sfield at a regular ..: .me. et~fig thereof hel~ On 'the 29th' day of June, 1959, by the following.. -vote =.' - .. ... -... .. ..... AYES: BA~:~..~NZ; BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES. I:)OOLIN, STIERN,'.-' .. .... .. ~OES.' /7-~,,~_./- ' ' .. · ' ABSE~' ~, ' '. ...' ...: ....~the :CounCil of the City of Bakers.-_-' ." .... 'field. I~AYOR. oi' the C?cy.ol' Bakersfield'. .... ' Affiha. ! of ost ng rh nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... ._t..h...e___..3...0___t_.h.....d._.a.Y____.o..f....._J_.u.__ri_.e.., ............................... , 19.__.5..9._ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..... __t_.h...e_....2...9...t..h.....d...a.y...._o__.f...._J___u__n._.e.., .................. ,191i_9...., which ordinance was numbered ....... J:.2_..4..8. .................. New Series, and entitled: EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 1093 NEW SERIES, OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .~,¥~.- 30th day ~ June, 1~..9. ..... . · ~-:.- ..... ~:~ . v~. ..................... ~ ........................ , "ii ...... ............ · .......... -' ~- :' Not~y Public i.n and for tl~e County of Kern, State of California : -~ - My CommisSiOn Exp/rc~. ~une 9, 196~_ ..'_. ,-% '... .., ~ .-