HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1246 ACTION_ ~D Cg~ING ON OF C~TAIN- ....... · · '.- T~S-,"PROF~SIONS,-C~L~NG3 l~ OOCUPATION3 ' · ..~.-.~~ ~oa ~ ~o~r~o~' ~~,¢ i~.~5~'.....--.?'.: .. .. -. ~.~'' ' · ' · .....-. :'. .... 2..~':.~ .... ' · - .~.~ .... . . .-.-.......'~ .-...[- ._ . .-' ..~..~'~ ... - .-_ .._ .. - _. _.:. ..~:.... e~'~es. ~ the o~d~e g~e~n~ng ~e collection' of l~c~ses ~n the ~y Of .Bake~leld by the L~e'ense Tax Co[leCto~. :" .'. '- .. : ~ -. .. .j:...: "._.-: _ _ _; ,_-' _..;:=. · -.._ ___---- :_ ' ~. .~, -.'.~,.:"..-~.~::: ..... ....... · ....~.. ,~... -}f .'. · -- .'.: ~CTION 1. .' ~: ..... - ..----cOrpo~a~t~s,.'pubI!C utilities, associationS, 8~dieates,'JeinO stock.' -'- co~o~ations, pa?tne~sh~ps of eve~ kind, Clubs'; -~assach~e'tts · :'ne~aj.-~.o~On'laW_ t~ats, societies, and individua!l."e~aged i~'.an~ b~'ess, 'as def~n~ he~e~n, ~n ~e C~ty of Bakersfield, oth~:~n .... as an .em~lo~e, " '- . .... "(b)_.. ,BUS!heal" shall mean ~y business, public utilitY, ~- · me~o~al enterprise., p~ofess~on, 't~ade, ocoupat~' and ali and . . -~;.~.. _ . k~.~.Of' cal!i~ wheghe~ or net oar~led on fe~ g~n':e~' p~ofi~.:~ -' ._ · :-' .... ~'L"~c) "E~aged..in bUsiness', s~ll me~ the eonducti~,}~agt~""' o~ oa~in~ on of. a' business, ~ethe~ done as o~er, o~_.~ mean~ of" .. . _:'..'..: ~: " (d) 'nO~o~s..~ece~pts~ aa used ~n t~s °rd~oe, 'the 'to'al ~om~t of 'the sale price' ef ali"sales .~d the.'.total ~~":"'::; ..... · ..... ~:..- .. '.. .... -. -. . : _. :_ j....... ~...~y.:, -....:~,.. ~ " _ - . _. . -- . - ...... ...........;.,~.~.- .... ...... . _.-. .: _.~ : . . , -: -. ~.... · _..~', .- . '_ :~ . · . act e~ servic'e i~ d~e aB ~:'pa~t. :of o~ in Co,eot!on with t~. 'iSle-of -" .... s~l be. all ~ec~i-pts~ cost, e~edits, and p~epe~tte~ of a~. kind o~ ." ' ~t~e~ ~t~ut any .dodGctton t~e~ef~om on accost' of the .~e .P~ope~ty sold, ~he cost of the ~te~ials G~, labo~ e~-~e~vi°e'- · ~d. taken on .sales; any tax re~ui~ed by law t0 be' in0~ded added to the p~c~se 'p~ice_ and collected f~em .~e' oens~e~-.o~ ~"' ... -p~c~se~; such pa~ of ~he sale p~l'oe of p~0pe~tF'~etu~ne~y -..': p~chase~s 'upon ~escission of ~o con~act of sale as i8 ~ef~ded~ :.: -' .-. -- either, in .eas'h o~:.c~edit-; 'amo~ts collected fo~ Others Where - bus~es~ i'a aoti~ as ~ agent or t~ustee ~o ~e' extent ~t-"'such ..... amours, are·paid to tho'Be fo~ whom collected. .':' ':. .".' (e') "Fixe~' place·· of business" as used in 't~a. o~di~nce, a place of business in t~ City. of Bake~sfie[d:.~e~la~ly kept,oPen, wigh someome im o~rge ~ereof,' fo~ '~e ~aaaaogion of ~e business e~aged in .du~i~ ghe ho~s cu~o~ to tran~ae~"suoh bUS~oS s. .... ' .BEOTION 2. " REVENUE.MEAsURE. .This ordinanCe is enacted to raise revenue . for municipal pUrPoses. ... .._~- SECTION 3. :" .. ,~UBSTITUTE. FOR 'OTHER REVENUE ORDINANCES. PersOns required ~ tO pay a license .tax "for transacting and carrying on any business .3--.-- ".-: ._ . ..- .. .' _ ..... ......:..'...~ ..- i:..:~.. ~" ':' : . ' · · under this ordinance._shal1 .n_o.-t-be. x.elteved from the payment...,o~.i.~:.[*~'' license.., tax fer-the privilege' of doing such business require.d..-under-.."-. '- · . anF other ord/.nance 'of-the City of Bakersfi'eld,_. and .shall r_~Xn~ ..-.:_ subject ~0. the x.egulatorF p~oviliOns of other ordinan~es" '- · ~" .. " ... ". ._. ".[.:..:-..:.-"."..'_[ · - i..L=._-'_' UNLA%~FUL BUSINESS'NOT AUTHORIZED. No b~sin®ss license, issued " -' .- und.e~' the-px.ovisions of this o~dinanoe ox. the .payment-e~;~"-~a~:..~ax ... x.equired under the px.o,isions' Of'. this ordinance-' ~hall be O':'~St~ued '-. as.' authorizing: the. conduct o~ continuance of' any illegal bus~..ne~.'-" ...'.. ij.._or._°£:a legal business in.an ll!®gal '.manner, or to 'c~ndUc.t w~.t~...':~ " '~.he ·City. of' Ba.kersfiel~ the business fox. which a business lieense · -.-:_" '. -. 2 _;....... has been issued without strictly complying with all the' ... 'BUg_ 'nog limited .to '.those x.equ-ix.ing a p-e~m~t f~om.~&r~y b.oard~ oomm~ion, · ' _:department. or Offioe.o_f' _the C~ty. Any failure to om~y~ with the" ..:.¥ . :. '" afo~sSaid shall constitute gx.ounds for-suspension or ~a.~on of the ~egistratton c'e~tificate. '..:.... ' EFFECT OF ORDINANCE ON PAgT ACTIONS AND OBLIGATIOI~fi '-PREVIOUS'-~' ..... ACCRUED,_' Neither ~he adoptS-on of this ordinance nor its. superseding of any Portion Of an~ other o~dinanoe Of the Oi~Y..Of Baker_s~f~®ld shall in any manner be .oons~x.ued to affect .prosecUtion fO~': violation .. ·-of .any other, ordinance committed prior to the effective date herself-.... · ' · .-'. :-" '2_'- '.. nor...be c'enstru.ed as a .waive~, of any license or any penal provtsie~'~}¢., -. applloable to-day s~eh violation, mot be cO~trned to affeot)~.!.:.:_...... " -. ' 'i '.:'. "?~'.:'.-.. '_.'..'...'., _ . ._ ... · alidit of'anlr bona. or' *ash del O :l.t reqaired y'any - be. Posted,. filed, or deposited, and all x.ights and obliga~s .... · '- 'thereunto .pe~taining.'-shall 'continue in full force and · . . .. ~. ~-:.~ ... _=.__ · . . .' .' . . ... -. .,iT. '.,. _. ....... - .... .. .- '-_ ...... " .. . .:'i-- - _ · .. %. ~, ~'. ~,. _. " - "- .' ~ - ~, T,' ~ . .... _._.~_ . .- · _... -.: _.. _ ....... · "(...}~:.! ..' .-. _.. " sECTION 6. .... LICENSE RE~UiRED_..?/ ._{ a) .There are hereby ~pose'd-'~"n-the. .':.-'. bu'stnesses ~' public .utilities, trades, professions, 'callings and..:' ' '- - ' .occupations-spe~if~d. in this ordinance license 'taxes in th®-..::~ts -.. :-' " · '. :::~i':"- .' ... hereinafte~ prescribed, It shall, be ~nlawful for"'any pe_x, So,~ t°... .. --' -'- engage 'in any business .i_n. the-City 'o£ Bakersfield 'without" first :':'.:-;:.%'.-' ".: -' '- - . . _ .... ~:., .= _. _ . ... ...'..~. .~-'-.:.. ...... ~--: .lm_?ing 'procumed'a license· from said-City or without c.c~Pi~ing with. - - .. · ' any and.. all app_licable ProvisiOns 'of this ordinance. ':'~ .-~:' !''- ' (b)...__.This section Shall not- be construed to x-sqUire any · ".': t°. o_b..tain a license' prior to doing business wit_h~..,n the City if..:." su~ ~eqUimement'' oonf_li'cts with applicable_ statutes of the.- ...U.n!~.': ;_. ' States Or of-the' 3tats of California. ' '" busineSs:within the City because of conflict with applicable"..~'t, at~tes __of.- the ·United ~tates or. of th~ .State of California shall 'b'® liabi'¥. .. · .. '::.:-.z.~:'-: .. _. for pa~ent of the. ~.x intposed by this ordtJ~.~Oeo :.: ~._~,..._-.. ~- · ~,..~....-. · . ~.. .' '~- ' ...~. ~.- .. '.~j-¢,.~:~.-':.:..- ,.- ..- .~. .... BRANOH ESTABLISHNENT~.. I separate. .... license must be obta~:~'-::,..- ' . · . ...'~-;,~?',~: . · ""lot each branch establishment or-location Of .the businesS. ._ ~ransae.~.z .. and carried 'on and fo~. each 'separate type-of business at...'the same .. ~. ._.p..-:._ lo'cation, and each· license shall 'authorize the ltcenie:e:i..'t~:.t~ansact .. · ' ... ' ' ' . :. .... ' ". .-i:?(_.:...:.,..~ .." -. .' .. and car~y', on. only .the busines~ lice_ge.ed, the_w, eb~....a~', the location, o~' .'.2 i.n t.h.e manner .designated in such licenseI prov~tded,· that ~arehouse. i!-.... a business liosnSed'.u~_.der the provisions of this ordtnance-.S~l [.. .% =.' SECTION 8. ..-'?~ '.,5':.~..: ::...-:- - .. .., .... ... ''.- . . .... ...... --.: :' · '-. i"...: .... -:.- _- ): -_ business exempt by virtue of 'the constitution, or .'aPPliCable .stat~:'-'- .. '' U ite S ates' or 'of the .sta e of Califo a fro" paT-ent --':. '..:", ' of such.'~xes as a~ .h~-eln p~,S~.~bed... -'""-:'"':'::'~'...~::~.';- "~::'~'-¥:' ...... .. (.b) None'of .me .license taxes provide'~ f~'.~ t~s ordi~e' - . . . ~-. ; _ _ or applican~ for lice~e tO-place an ~due-'b~den upon .la~ c~e.~, -' he.~a.7 .app~-t°' me Tax Coliec~o~ fo*' an .adjUs~en~':(~' t~' ~ax so .... me,ce.. Such app~oation_.. _ ~y. .be_ .:~de before,: at,. -.o~..wit~n... .- six -~.. moths after pa~ent' of the prescribed license tax.J... The.'.. applie~~ .~..~:..,~,-.... .. . ..~_~.~-~..- _ .. . · _ }~'t';,. · . . . . ....... ~ t~o~ ~'l.1 .f~x. a~ ~h~ lto~n~o ~x fo~ ~h~' ~1~o~:?'"""'~ ~m~' "-"'--' · " · ~,~ .' .. ' '.5.:. - . '-'T!.~f:?.:....-~: j. :. _'~ .. -...:. '.. t~O ~..~,asor~b~o'. ,~' non-~o~I~go~7~ o~ ~$ ~h~' ~o~n~® '~:..-._ ~ ~' '--"" .... .j.::.:~.:~:... ~s al~ea.dy been .paid,' s~ll order a refund of the ~o~t' over '.above ~e license t~X so fixed, in fixi~ the license tax to be' will ass~e that the license tax assessed shall be ~ifo~ wit~ t~t- '" ............ · "' - ........... - ...... .-'2 ....... "' ...... -- .- ' · ' ' "' -:.'.7~. '~ .... .- .' · ' ..- ..... -' "'- · . ....~ .~;? .. .. " .... "::~. -.-.~ ....... .. -. ~.. _...- . ....: ..;.. .. .... .. _:..--: ... ...... ..-:. /". _...'. _.:. .".-':~....: ...... '.:..z.:.._-'::"'.~.~.'..;''. " ~ :"'_. : ~..i'."i? ~''' ': -'.' :~'.:.-:...:, ....... ~ · _......_%f: · .. . '~ '.- . . ..,.....' ~: - ! _..~v' .:- ~ · - '. . -~ ~,.. - "~ '' ' ' - - . · ~ .... '¥.-. -. ., · . _ ..' ..._ ' . . .' . . ,-.;;.' ~:...._ ..~, .' " --'!-':i- ~ ·. - - ':-~- ~'~"-?~ ...... · · ' "'"'::'. ...... ~. ...... ..,~ .... ' ~' - -- i '-' '~ ~.J..r.v".~..~. '.'~ ...... · ..' . · ,,' '.."... ...... .."~..' ' · ..-- __' .~'.- v .' ~ ?:~,~?'.~. " ....... .' '. Y..:.':~ 'r. :- i...' _: . '.,' ~.~'~.... -. . . ... .... ... .._. ',~y~.'.~'.. -.-'/.'? :y..- ~ ~-"...,. - ,.. ,. · .- ' --- - -~. ~. ' '~'."-.' ."' ". .... "":'-:w'~.~- '-"'" .~' ::.' · ~ ' · · :"~ · '. _.-..._ ~n. t~ C~ ~f: B~ke~Sf&e~d', o~-_. a~' ~he" end of-eaoh~..~e~onth.. ... ,,,~.. pe~od,' _..: .... .......· ' one' oalen~ yea~ shall bo ~equ~ed afte~ ~e. i~censee shall' :~..~':'[~'::(":'-'- '[::- '_ :...: ':',.. "~ n--ai-~ .... :-~' ~e · -. -~ ~... -'.' .. .':~;~:.:. :-. _. -(O)- ~.~' Ail ex-soldie~s, sai~s, o~ "~i~ -: WhO .~:ve' ..... been. honorably ~sc~,.~ed. from., m.lltary: O~.'.~ine.'. se~:oe~':.: _.~ .' '" ::' :.. ... .of" t~-~ni'ged-. S.~a~es, o~ 'gho o~ede~ate.'SgageS,.'~o are physically.-- ...' ~e '~o'. o~,i~ ~'"~v~i~ood :~ ~u,~ ~,~,' ~nd '-~o ..~-'~e '" _::quait'fted eiec~0rs.'of th® s~a~'e of California, S~ll_ be jp~t~ed to' -- vend,. ~k, ~td. ped~e-, any goods, ~a~es~ me~chandia~',; ~uits o~ veg~ables (not. 'ogh~se p~o~b~ged b7 o~d~n~0e or la~) ~n ghe · '~it7 o~ Bake~sffle~d:~ ~thout payl~ a [~cense fee therefor; (Pe~t " f~m C~ef -~.of ··.Police; ) .- .. -. (d) B~n~ ~..-."-Blind pe~sons licensed b7 the Bureau.. '" ..'Voca~na~ ~ehab~l~ta~on. ~. tho' ·State Department of Education ~7 " bO pe~tgted ~ °pelage vondt~ stands fo~ ghe sale of newspape~s~ .. pe~o~cal, a~. oandy,""cheWl~ ~ ~obacoo p~oduo~a', 'p~o~e pos~. ._ c'a~ds, and such othe~ a~ioles as ~y be a~oved by said Bureau "...- , .(~d nog og~e~wiso..p~o~bigod by law or ordinanoe) in 'g~e -'- '~{o) '~ ~.~ o~~%~o~ ~h* ~o*~on~ " · ' o~ ~a .o~n,~o~ ~ha'l~ nog ~ ~~ .o~ oon~a~ ~o ~e~, ~[~0~1~.......... __ _ ..o~..&a~t~C~i~,.. _. _ b7 ~n~ ~n~aall no~ ~I~ ~n7 l~e..~"'-'..' .. :..'z;.'-: ........ ..)~?'.~.:,. ·- -. ...-:(.~'_.. . .-:'~ -... : . '--' ......) ... .... · . ~...- .. ....._ .. ~.: · ...'....'-.. ~......:~ .'..:...~:-.'.~..~...../~.~¥ ' · ........ · - - --- - -- -. ' ' . ..... _ ...... ' · ' ' - . -. -'..'"-." .~., · '.-' ..... ..,...~7~'. ~'.~ ':-.~ ~..~',. - -' ..... .~ -. .. · ' --.,~ - - .~ :.:.~.~:::- '_'_ L. . :- ..... ._ ~ "- ........ . ~:' ".' ."- ".,'..".~.. ~.~ - ~:," ?~L'.'_ ~:" '"' i " ' "-" ' "' ' ~""" ':'"'" '"" ' '" ' ' .... 4.' --. ~ .-. :-_...-'-'(.','- . .....':::?:... _.. . .... . ,.,,- .:.. ,_ · . "_ " '".--i:?.:-.:_.-_. · tax-.be requi~ed fo~..t~e conducting ef a~y enter~in~n~, center.t,._ . -..:',...._ _ "- exhibition, or' lecture-"¢n se_~fitific~.-.~~t°rical'' literary,, fei'is~Ous, '"'- en~erta'irznent~ concert,"exhib~tion, or lecture are to :b~'~:~ppropriated '-:: · - . . - -.j · .';. ' to_~a~_"~:.:.ehnrch o_~. School or t° any religious or benevolent paZ~oae;'' '.. "-.. .... %C.:(----': ~: -' ......... " ' f-ru~::_ahal! any' lieense ~ax be required for the condacting Of... -any .... . · . . f_,;.,~.::..j., . .: _._.:- b-y-2..- .. . .. cha~i~ie', 'fraternal',-educational,'military' st-ate,' county, or _. ...... f..':~. munici~'al' organization o~ associatien 'whene~~ the receipts"o£".-m~.Y-' " such 'ente~ainmerit, dance, concert.' exhibition, or lect~.e'dare to be. ~rOpriated for me purpose and objects for whi,h.[..~~ 'organization · _-=;L .£'.-.. _. .. · . -~__=_.aSsociation wes .fox,ned and from which profit &l'..n~t derived, eit.he~ ~re-~tly or indirectly, b2 any individual; Provided., however, --_tion or' association 'from complying..wit_h..a"nY 'ordinance requiring a .--. . --J~permit from the C..i~Y'Council Or:any 'cO~aission'°r officer t, · manage,, or. carry On'.any.Pre~essiOn, trade, calling or. oce_u, paticn· . -. ..... . This· exemption-shall specifically include shops· ~(e~ducted . · by the SalvatiOn ArmY, shops conducted' by or for the'.:~xclusive'benef'it "" '- ef handicapped or'. blind persons, and'rummage, sales" by church _~- or c!x.a'ritable orgar~!_'zations. ....... .shall file. a VerifAed' s~atement' with the tax...'eollecto~"'sta~ing fa-e~S up on ...w~i ch exemption is claimed. -' ..~_-._'...- (g) Tmze. T~x .Oellector shall, upon a prOper showing contained .. .. in the. ~erif~ed'statement, issue a 'licenSe to'"such person clai~i.ng . .... "' .... - license -tax required by .t~is ordinance · i~ _". (h) Th~ Tax 'CollectOr, after giving notice and a reasenable Opportunity .lex~ hearing te a/~iicensee, ~ay revoke_anY. -license granted'. . . -.----.pursuant t'o tho 'provision_s_ of'-~his' section upon inf..er~ation tha_t ....... licensee is not ent-itled:to the exemption as p~vi'ded · .- ~....~,.. - ........... g~CT'rON Oo . · . . · :' ~o .~.~. ~ _.ll~n~ ~.. ~h, p~o,~on~ of- ~ o~in~ ~1[ ..'~*. .... Ool~t~r s~a'li i~sue ~o such per~on, a .license w~oh s~'il.-contain · '(1) g~e ~e '~f ~.pe~s~n to ~om the license is i~ed, (~)-~e.- :business li~ensed, (3) the place .where sueh busl~'Ss is to_be trams- .. --~cted.and ca~ied on,. (~) ~he date. o.'f.~he ..e~i~tion of a~h license, meng-~f· .the provisions of this o~di~nce. '- (b')" The license, s~ be..evidenced by.a oe~ificate beanie. ~he si~~· o~ facsi~le signat~e of ~he City ludito~ .and ~bd_i~s!On (a} .above,' c0nta[n.. ~he ~9~ ..of license' tax Paid, .th~. -' '.-:?:~-~B~ of. ~ '~i. oe~s~,- ~d suc~ othe~-~e~' as ~y Be de~i~ed by ..... .th~ ~o~n~ ..~x. Col~O~. '-" -- :' .' ..2 -- .(o} The Ci~y'lud~to~ sh~!1 p~pa~e, p~in~ ~d p~ovide.. .~ ~' -bt~ 'licenses' ~ui~able to c~y ~tO-effeC~ the p.~evisions .of_ o'~di~noe, ~d shall deliver re' t~ License T~ flollec~or bla~ .- ... l~oenses as needed, ~aki~ ~ ~eceipt .of t~e Lt~se-Tax Colleeto~. fo~ such 'l~oenseS; -- ._ _:-' .... -.....{~) .The "sai~ City Audit'~ s~ll keep a le~e~ in ' ":'. ....... :~n' W~ich .. S~llbe'-:'en~e~od-' a ~eCe~. cf._all blan~ licenses _dolive~ed ..... .. '-. · : . ._-./. ii'.:"..-,_ - ' ...... :' : -f~. : .- _ .'-:'_--.)~. .... _ ..~''..~,-"'~ ,_.......,.. .=-._.- - . .:: :_-. . ':.;.... .... ' .... ~ECTION "'~v.. " ' '- ' ' .-" T;IOENgE .TAX COr.n~TOR-....' ...... -T~-"--~&~:T'~'ea~u~er-. .---4:..~.~ :x ..-.: Shal~$e' ex- :~" :-..-- · ' .... · '-, _~..':.'..:i~. :~' · .the"--ter~s Tax CollecgO-X;,. License_ Tax '.~o. lieoto~'and 'L~oen,e.,~},!leoto~, ..::. - . . -. .... - ~.. .. . -. ~ ;~'~' :. .'...~_ -:.-... -'.- .::.":.-: ~etn .upon- ~e.~ ~e~t..to ~m-~.~: :~o 'license ,..~.oj"herel~%e~ '~' ... ............ ~... ~.~. '~ : _ .~ ~.':"~'-' .- . _ . ...... . . - .... .... . . . . .. . .,.:~.:~:,:~.. " ' " "~s~ - ' ~'~ :'i" ?" - " pei~ ~11 ~ve first b~n g~ed, but no pe~it s~ll 'be"~.~e- '- · · · ._~:- .'.?...:' ? '. .. .. - _ . . . ' . . . ...' · . . .- _,~:'.~. *' . ~ '"-- -' " "' 8~I0~ [1, .... - '- -. ..,.- . : .',~ _ ' ::._ . . .r" ,( "'~C -~I~8~ g¢~8~'i ~on · ~on.~~ ~pl~O~o~:"-f~ ~ . : _ ./-"~.'-:.~...' ;'... " fi.~8~icens.e.t* be-'!ssued he~e~de~ or' fo~ a_.new!Y establis~e'd ". ~'." business, 'in.all oases ~ere the ~o~t of ~icen'se tax to ~ paid· .(:'..'- ... ._ .. · · " ~S.me~od::~'.:~oss ~ece~ptS, ~uch pe~son s~ll ester-re ~e mon~ ... o~ ~ual .~.o~ ~eCe~ts,'"as ~he case ~Y be.. Such. esthete, ~ ' .. · acoo~ted by' the Tax.'-OO11~cto~ as ~easo~ble, sb~l~ 'bo used' in.._'._ ~..:..; .... "~.... -" ~117 d~ing the 'first' Ye~. .- '.- ~ECTIOH Ac. ... . A~I~T. ~~--LIC~SE. In 'all 'caSes, ~e~e-the license' "" ". ~- .:-:. . . .. - .... .~_.' .... - ....: .'.." ~.-. ' . - - . '~.-):'..~' . . -.. ."~ ... .. "C~'~'-"- - ~' - .... 0 · ' ~'-'. :'~'.': "~:.-"iz....:. ~-'~ :' · - ._ . · _ ...~i~.~,.-...~: -.. ?? _..'..- . ~ion.'conoerning"t~e apPli'ca~-'~siness du~i~, tile-precedl~. ~.._e-~ as ':- .~y be '~equi~ed ,~. g~e said'Ta~='Oolle,.~ ~o' '~le'.~-'~.~?'~ee~tain - .~ . ... . - . .- :~..'..., ... ..: .... .~ _ ...... ~,~': .... ,' .¢":::-__ . ". ...... · ....... :'L. .. .~ _ "..::~-~_.__ .... '~'..:." ....... ::.:-.~'~ ........ - . _..~....,-.. ,'._... :' - .. · ..-. -.--..~._ =~ ~ ._.:~.. -~.. _ · : '~.---' . . _ .. .- ~ ,':':j-.'.'~'~?..2Y.' " ",..' · - ... ~TA~~-~CONC~~ ('a)' No sta~e~ent~ ~1~ be . . . '~-_.-.. '.... : - ...,...Sr.........,.. · . .- ' ' ' -' ' ' -~ .- - " -.. · ' . ...-:'~. '::.:~':.'~':.2'._ -.? '. ' "' '.2. · - ' -. -:-:'.' ap~opriate .action .suOh'..s~ as is actually due ~d.~a~b~le here~de~,. to ex~ne., aU.d~t; .and inspect ~uoh books ~d ~eO~d~... of ~y [~cen~ee......- -o~'appl~-oant. f.~'.-iloense,..~ ~y.be ~oess~ ~n thel~ Jud~ent~.to' '" ve~fy '.o~ ascertain.the. ~o~t of l~cense tax due. .'? .' ' ' .. " .. .'(b)" All.licensees, applicants fo~ lioense~, ~d persons "e~aged im busine'~ im"ghe cig2 of. Bakersfield a~e hereby ~e~i~e~- .'... .... · to. po~ an ex~gion, of such' books and records fo~ ghe p~poses ._ ' af o~esaid. .- (o) The i~o~ion 'f~shed or sec~ed p~suant to ~ls 'section o~ S. octi~s_ ll' ~d' 1~ of g~s o~di~ce shall be co~ident~al. Any. ~u~o~lzed ~iSclos~e ~ use of such l~o~tton by any officer - '".. o~ .e~[oyee' of the Oigy of ~ke~sfiel~ s~ll. oonsgiguge a ~sdeme~o~ - .. ....... '" '"' '" ..... "::'"' .. · · __ . - -~ ."~..- _:. ,.; o ~-~ . ..._:.~..). ~ ~- . · ..- -j~,.,~/' :... '. .. . ...... -.-. .. .. .?:'~:..- ....... .- .-_ . ... /~;'?:._. ..' ... · . . .. :~.'~_- .~-.~-... - '.~ ..... _ '. .'"i~ ' :':'"'" .... . . . ·. ~ .~ ?~.~.... ~ '..... p~oS-C~ed,, o~ ~f.'after dema~_ ~he~efo~ '~'do. by the .Tax · -~r .(b) If such a dege~a~i~ is.'~de.~e Tax Colleoto~ .s~l'.-' - ~- ~ ~ · _ -'....- j'. .y ... _ · . ]~a .af tor...the ~~. o~ aerv~.'.of ':such not,ce, make -p~l~(eation .' licen.:~e ~ax. If Suc~ ~plicatton'i~e'-ghe Tax Coli. eo~or s~ll : ' .... ' b~fo~e ~e O~ty 'C'o~o~i. The.?~'. Colleo~o~ s~ll-g~e a~ [ea~t-~en (10) .'.dayS~ notige to' such-Person of ~e ttme ~d place of heari~ · ..[~in"the-~e~ prescribed above fo~ .servia'. not~oes of assessment,. The-.2~o~[ Shall 'consider. all evidence p~oduced., and 's~a~'l be Served upon. ~he appl~c~g in the ma~e~ p~eSc~ibed.above 'for ser~.nogioes of ~sessmong. " "-- " SEOTION 15. "'~__ APP~.L. l~y pe~n aggrieved by any deo~sio~".°f ~ .Tax ~'? .... Col~cgor wigh. resp.e°g' gO gho i'ssaa~ce or refuel '~'o issne ~het~le~k of ~he..O0~ctl. The Oo~cil .s~ll '~her'e~p~n fix a ~ime '~-place fo~ heari~ such appeal. ~e Ole~k of g~. Oo~cil s~ll ._. .. serving i~ Personally-or by doposigi~ ig in'the United ~tates Posg Offl~ ag Bake~sf!e!~, California, posgage p~e~i~,, ad~essed _ . -~-~-. . .. ...,. such person at h~a'--!as~, known_, address. TBe council shall ha..~..:' " " -au~orisy..tO d.e~e~ine'.all ~estions' raised, on such appeal. No such de~e~minati0n ~ ..?9~lict wi~ ~y substa:~iv· p~oVision of ~is~ _,: _ .. powsr co, erred upon ~m, the ~ax Collector shall ~ve th~"'Power.,-. '~ ~.... fo~..good"eaa'se ~ho~.,' .to extend the time for fili~ .~y required L~'~'T~.-..~ sworn'. Statemen~ fo~ a period not exceedi~ thirty (30) days, and ..~.,~, in Such case', to waive .~y penal~"t~t would otherwise ~ve ~d shall ~ve the. f~ther power, with the consent of the Oo~c{:~' to Compromise.'.any claim as' to ~ount' of license tax due..-:.-'L. · ION...'..Ne license issUeS .p~suant to this °rdin~ce shall', be t~a~ -. retable; provi.ied.,, t~t ~ere a-license is issued aUtho~izi~ a '~' ': .' .person'to. tr~sa.ot. ~d car~ on .a b~siness at a particular..place, .... 'such licensee..~y upon' application therefor, b~ve 'the-license ~ended '"" - to 'authorize time transacting and oarryi~ on of sUCh'business :said· license at some other location to w~ch the business ia o~"ia '" to be moved, subject to ~oni~ clearance and any applicable pe~t.. - ·his section shall not apply ~o the addition of a partner .o~- the' d~opp.i~ ~" a'partner, or the inoo~orati-on-.of fo~er lioena'ee-a~. where one o~ m.~e-of t~..fo~mer.-o~e~s or pa~nera continues to ~ve an active part in .the'new. corporation or p~tner~p. ...-~'enses-. on coin operated vendi~ macbits .or ~sement' .... '--" mac~lnes may be transferred to a 'successor Without cost provided the ~c~nes-~emai~ on ~he s~e pre, Sea. "' .. 'U~I~D LI~S~ '~ETOFORE ISSUe. .~ere a license for revenue purposes has been issued tO'any business ..by..th6 O ty of '"' Bakersfield and ~the tax Paid therefOr_ under the."l~,.,.evtsion$...~~~~_ .' ordinance heretofore_ enacted-:aa~::.th6.-'tema'of lu~..'iicenle "~'s'not :' · ' e_xpi~ed, ·then taxe license- tax pre-scribe~ fo~ said bu~ess by this ~ ~ -.-: -..- ?' 7' -' · . - ' - · .... _..' · . '.-maoXplred ito~nse, _pr.ol:l. ded,. t.h_~t th~ 'Tax .Coll®oto~ ~y al0ip~~ .... .... ,~ECTION 19. · '-'"'-?~?'~' .'['DUPLICATE r. TOEN.S.E; A duplicate license may be issued .by..tli.e '.: T '.C.' ilect r t _. epi oe any ii ense pre,io_ sly is .U,d: Which h"s be·on los~-o~ destroyed, upon the licensee 'filing a state-... -ment 'of such fact, .and at the time of filing such ·statement paying to ~h.e Tax. Collector .a"duP!ica'~e license, fee of $1.00. ... SECTION 20. POSTING AND K~PINO LIC~N'SEI$. Ail lioenses must b° kept. a~d pos~ed.' in the followi~ man'er: .. · . (~}' Any'licensee ~-ansaoting and engaging in business ag a' · '-'fixed pLaCe' of business in ~he City of Bakersfield .shall keep the ..iicense- posted in a conspicuous' place upon' tho premises where such · business, i's oa:mrie'd on. · " (b) Any licensee '~ransacting and engaging in business but '" nog ope!-ating at..a fixed".place of business in ~he Cii;y of Bakers-'... field ~hall keep She license upon ~s person at all ~es while " ac'~i~ and e~aging in 's~oh SECTION '21. .. LIC~ T~X - HO~ .A~ ~ PAYA~E. ~nleS~ ot~i~ "." day...Of .July of each year, ~d delinquent 'thirty-one days ~hereafte'r; · .- 13. .. · ~ -~- -~ .. . .... ~. ...-~.,~,..~,~":,:~. ~, . '. · · . ..'..--~ ._~. -' ~ .' ~ . .~::'~ ~.. .._.....~ :.....~.?;.~.~'~: _ ~',. · · - ...._~..~..~- -~_. _ ~.--- · . __. _ -~ .. ~,.~...> ~ _. . ..... . . :.~ .... · . . -~.?._ ~-_.~..- . _." .-. . .... ,-',~:'.~,'- ~ ~'~' . · .. ..-- - . .. .... -,~ ~.~; ~. ,~.-... :~'.....- p~o~e.d, ~":~toen~e' '~~-~e~n~. ne~ ope~'i'~a', 'O°~,no~d. a~ ' · ....... - - ' ."..~ . -' ' - .... . '.'.~.: ' · - :-- 7: · ',:.'~:,i;;~"- · ,..: ." ._ __ . ......_ . -. · · .- . ~ . ... . ~.~ :..g. ...~.~..'. .'2 '".'.~ · . '--~'<~ _~.._ .. . ... ...... . ........ '- ' " .... .:_ '.; :,..' ~ .('~F".'.' ' ' ' '- 'qa : ':..-' .. - 8~. 5} ". '~ . ':"'~' '~'-" ' ' ~ ' ':'~-~q':~ ' " · - · - ."-'~' . '...' 'i.?'-' ~'~': - ' ' ' ~.:-~..- . _._ ... _ ~ .... ~'~ .. __-....~ . . . . ....~: ~ . _~..-._. ...... .. ~..-'. . ~ .... ..- .j...' ....... ¢- ~ .... · :. ~.}_, ._ :~.~ . '. " ' .... ' ' '-"- ..... ._ ' ' "(?>' ' ' ';.'.. L' · · /..~... < ..... · . '.. . .. {0)' ~On~hl~ l~O~n~ ~XO~ ~~ ~- ~O~'"~O~g O~ --/' '- . . .. f ' -..( .. . .. tenth of a~ ~ay .mon~nI - " · · ' ': V.:' ' '_ . . .~'; .: .. : '~ . '' ($) ~eekl7 $1~-~ge l~n~e g~xe~ on ~on~.'°~ ~.~eek ._ ..:..-" '- In-' ~d~me~_ -. . ..-. '.'..- -' :'. _ ~." 8~I0~ ~2. ... '...'"-~... '"' _ . · . . . : _ ':.y.' '..' . .. pay a license ~ax when due, ..the Tax 0o!l. eoto~..i~l add a'penalt~ -- of 1~. of :satd. :license '~ax on the da~ sa~d tax bec'~e.~ delinquent,.. -' ~d an 8ddi~ic,~l-'l~ on ghe first day of .-eaOh..' aUOoeedi~ month;: · .. ': -:':...~. P~ovlde.d, ..t~t."~he ~o~t of p~l~y ~.o be.added a~ll not exceed" ...- '-'"- ~hat' the penal~y added fo~ each .delinquent. p-e~od shall be not ·leas "..'-' :man _ . . . l_. · ..... I ' . ll ll l'~':''":.l'.~ --I 'l l l ~'''' ..'~ ..... .,:''' ' ' * ' ' · :l "q ~i' : J~ '''l '-- :'~----l---- I l: __l 0 '" --I I ' l~: 9'l' f?ll.,.,:l~'' 't'__' 'l ' '-~--'?~'ll---- .- I .. ~. I .... l l--l'll ........... l '. ¢¥--~&Z" ::'--../.' ' ...... ' ' '' _l - ll --l__£l__l____:l I ' : :l__l .... l.: '."-':' ~'-':' :"J ""-'--':) - - ~ECTION _ . .. . . ...'.:~ .....- :.! ..:.._. ~.: · -'.-_.. LICENSE 'TAX"- G~0SS RECEIPTS. 'Every person'.who en~ages'im.....:' ... _ ..... .- .- . . .. . :..~f-.,.: .... .. - ...~ ;.. 'shall "pay a"ticense., tax based up°n average momtlil~ grcs's, receipts ."-"...' ~...:. at the following rates and in the following, clasaifieat£~s: · .'-' .. ,' ? -._ · all receipts frOm .retail sales and' f~om'serVXCes· 'direct 'to th~i~?.:'..'.' ...... '~'" ;._[. - . .. . : :~.::.-:' -...'-....'. .... ' consmae~, and all .receipts"no~ specifically covered by 'OlaSsX~a~i.on '..'?".-_'. .: Be' .'T~Is schedule shall be used: for all ty~es-of"e'stabl[.j~e~ bus'ine~.S' "'in the' Ci-t~ not ot. herwise provided for in .th~s ordinanOe~ :- "" '"~:';'~'?"':;:: . .. :. ?:.;..-:.:~',... :. ....: ',.. · .~:,,,~'-::~;~ .- ..... . ..Cl~ssif_i,*.ation.,~ -. Wholesale .and Manuf..a~u~i,.'~. This '-~t~'~-~':.'"' "~ :- -.£ioation Sba. 1! apply tO'a' bus~ness conducged.'excluSiv®ly. ~g~.:-..W~°le- '.. . - sa. lO, manufact~u~tng or food processing,' inoludi.~-prod~t. Xefi o~...'-".....-.' '''':..i.'i/- .. · . . .:' ...'.[y'-~ .... seo.t~n 'a wholesale sale or sale .at wholesaie' means "a. sale of-~O'~J, -. wares or me~ol~mdiae'-.for the purpose' of resale 'in'. 'the reEula~, o0U~-se. "" .'[. .f- .: . - _. of business.. ~his schedute does not .apply on sale~ 'made direct to . oensumers, .even.theU~h. a "~nol'esale~ price.maY.be given',:..:'?~: '-' ~ .': ".-. '. :2 " "... and.wholesale bu'stnesa on the same"premises, the.g_~oss reoe..ipSs from. ...--"-.. -. _ . ....... - -:_-.- each class of :btLsiness shall 'be reported 'Separately' and the 'license -- tax paid accordinglY. ' "-"" '"~:,. - · .' -GRo,~s ~EC~TS scm~lrr~' '-"--'-" ':' Average 'GrOss fleecings_Per NO~.~:h License' .TaX "Per_ Half_Yearn ..... ": ' ':_ A' . _1-' "'- " to. .. 50o $ t '.oO'6ooo" ... '' ..... '"'"'""' ....':' · . .1,too $ ,oo.$ 0.oo _.'."F.i:-i'" .. 'l~O00. to .. ~000 l~oO0.- lOoO0 -' ~ ' P'O00. .to ~000 ~ 16.00 12o00 '- 3~000 .to ' tl.~ 000 '.~0o00. lll. oO0 ~,000 to' 5.,00'0 ~..00. lb.O0 - . __ _ . . ..... "15o~ -. . . .. .... ..... ....... 'j.'.:~. · ..-.~ -" :- - -' ' . - - " ' . -.. "--.... - :'-'.., .... i · - · :.-. _ ' · ..... ..· . "...'....~,' :,; ... ".7' .. ~' .-~.':.17 ". ' . ........ · _2/U ...... ' '.. · .... ' - --~ ...... , ....... _'_-2 ..... '~_~ '--'.~_.-., '~': -;'?."": .:""'"' '.." ~- ':,:" - ' - - --~-'----.--~-.-~-~r7-..~7-.. .----..~-~-...' 2 ..z .....- ~'~ --: ----'-'. " ' ....... i..'.-' :.-~,:-".-w.'.'..~ ..°~i d..~:'~.,. - . . ... ~ .._ ._.....2.,_..~. ~.~..~. ~.~.. .... r7 - '~--K..~ ,~.r. ,-.... '- -- . ......~ ~:L ~.'~ Ave~a~e'L-~.oas Re~ei~)~s.."P~,.. Mon~- · L~'een~ Tax Pe~-Ha~_Ye'a~' $ ~,ooo _'_-.~o '% 6,0oo =~:-- $28 oo ~' ~'oo.~'. ~"~.".~'"~- " - .... ' · . .'..:. :?,.i "~, · 6;:ooo ~ 7';o~- .3e.oo.. "_ f:~O~o'~t:.~/f'- ~-.- :'"' -" (:':-::'~::? 'lb .' · · ' .".' 7,~'oo'.' ~o 8,O0o 36.oo:::. ea..;oo' .. "-: 8,oo~ ~o 9,ooo ~o~00 2~.oo .':' ~:.'''~- ' ':' '-- . ... . ...- . .' ~ .. :. .':.:-.~ · 9,000 ~o .... .zO~OOo ll!l. O0 26.00_ ....:~...:,: "' .. ' .':t"'.],~.:.:.-.'. ~0'~ ~ ....... ' '"" 000 ~o ~2,000 52,00 .30.' '/ · ...... .' . . . .: ~,oo~..... ~o ' ' Z~,ooo .. 60.00. :3~.~._:<t~.. . . . . ... ~ .-~.:]~.:. ~,ooo ~o ~.,ooo-'- ~.oo ~:i~6° - -/..' .~6,o.o0~o .~,ooo 76.00'" ~.oo ...'.' ..-: - .~'- ~:'"'~" ,0 - "~' ' ~8,ooo ~.o' eo., 0oo 8~,o0 ~6 0 .... :~.~' 20~ 000 ~o 22_~ 000 92.00. 50.;'00 '..: .-'~ ee,ooo ~o ~,~o.o .zoo.oo.. ~,ooo. ~o. .. 'e6;ooo ~°8.oo · :-~.oo' 26'000 .~o' ..'~',000 ~6~00 ". :.62.00 -. ....... ' 28,000 ~o 30,000 ~.00' 66.00 "':.' -- 3o,oo0 .. -~o '3k,ooo ... ~36.o0 3~,ooo ~o... '38',ooo ~oo.' ..- .-"7B.oo-~ ..._ --.-' 38,o0o ~o '~e,oo'o -. ~6o.oo ~.oo ~e,o°o'. ~o "~6,'o~ ~?e.oo' 9o.oo ..'" ~6,000 ~o' .. '~0, ~0 18~.00 96.00 '.. ' -.":':- o~e~'~O,O00 ' ~o~ e~o~ ~~o:~L ) '. · " '~O00'.Pe~ mo:~, om .- )~a~ 2.00 ~aa 1.oo - 'FIAT ~ATE. LI0.ENSES 'AND .SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS.' Every person engaged.in the busine.ames herein enumerated.she11 pay a 1.ieense tax -. ... - ..... ..- , ..' ..... l~.".~sem~t G~mes. and~evices.' Includi~ Pin. Ball.~."~nd .Marble . _._ -- . . . -~?m~..--.- ;__.~ ..... .~".~. .. o~ leased by.'~m~-.~e, ooln-opoPated 8ames, machines-' ~d devices mentioned .'he~ein,' s~ll pay ~e license tax as he~einafte= set fo=~ '" -. .. .-.-.~..?'.' .- . othe~ s~ilaP'~chines with elect~ioal attao~ents,, fo~.maoh..~e~y " ~usement mac,ne, ~d 'all' aamss ope=ated, solely 'fo~ '.~Sement, .not _. °the~wlse 'spe.cifically ~ein pPovided fop, .~hm s~ of $'6.00 semi- .-. .. a~ually fo~ each such ~chfne, ~e o~ (b).. Fm~ each pin ~9, marble oP halI ~, usi~ ten o~ mo~e · . · .. (.C). Fo~ eeoh pin. ~am9, ~ble o~ ball ~e,'usi~ fo~ to (d) Fo~ ea0h pin ~ame, ma=ble o~ .ball ~ame,"usi~. one balls,' lnolusi, ve, ..the..s,m of $~0'.00 semia~ually. .. ..- (e) Fo~ each i~on claw, ~ane, o~.si~la~. ~ohine the Sa0 ~ 00- se~uaIly. (f) Po~ one cent (1~) fortune tellt~ ~o~nea o~ meo~nioal' " ... answe~ boxeS, .a license., t~ of 50~ s~ll be paid s~a~ually' fo~- each such ~c~no.;. . B,' .(1). It is the intent he=ein t~t the license shall stand. in ~he n~e of-"the gotual .... such fo~s as. ape P~eso~ibed by the .License 0olleot~. -' (3) Licenses on machines already issued s~il be t~ansfe'~ed, -........, ~..~ff....:: [: . _ . .~ ... · . .. '...~,...~,~-_.,:.~.._f.'_ · - - . .. . ' ' 4.-' ~: ,~ '~ · ' ' '- - .... . ' " ' .' .'.' ' ,' ":'::,~:'~f~'"~',U '~ - · · .-:.: . · .... _ -.',.,-~,L~%.:.. . --., ..'.¥.~:.. _. ?.'..~i:' . · .~hethe~ ~n a sealed ,~ .... - . ..__ :?~;'.;.":...'.....-.... '... · - . . . .- · . ..... · ..:~],:.'?.- · . .' . .... -.: ).,'.,.:... ....... . ~.'..:." .'_ ~e .on ]P~se~ O~ed .or. lease~ by. ~m .s~ll _pay .a' pe~!t~, of' ~:.?.?( - .'..".... double of'Sa d lice e fo : eve Of anF..peml d · . _.'y.'..;:..:' :: ]. · _... ;. '..' . . .'..-..'..... .... *,;'.;~j'..',.... · . ..... . - .~. issued go h~m o~ t~' fo~- tho pin g~es, ball'o~ marble g~ .'hereunder'," -..... .. may .be.. ~evokod by. the .Ltcen~ Collecto~. Any such 'pe=sOn.:~Issatisf'[ed ~: - .. · .'-:..?::- = '. .w~n a pe~lod..of gen .(10) .~Ts f~m such ~eV~oat~-on, appeal....'t'o.:-'th· . 3-. ~ -"(a) Every pe~son ~ducti'~, ma~ging, o~ ca~rYi~ ' '-' .~.. "1 ........... '.'.'-._:-_.--'..:'-: .' '."J:"" : .-~.:.,:--'--;:~q~:... .._ . .' . '...~' . ~".;~." ¢:.~ · - ' -' . ":'~'~;-~ u.. - ...... ~," . _'. -. _~,_ .... ~...... . ..... :. f_::'.:._.-, , '- .. . · .~ . _. ...... ....-. . ; · _. -.- · .,.-:- :..~.:.: ,. , ., · . .~ - -- .~. _ . . .: .~'..-~,:.'~, . _ ..;... ' . . . :.%. - .~, _. ~ . .......... · . .':' On an-arcade, shall pay a tax .'of-~_'~_2._-p~.'.t)O semiamxu~lly, which' shall · inc'lude-'all' pe:anY'am~sement ma~hi~e~~: and all other...'.amusem_?n~'!machines" ''_. - 'ex~ep't:~ ~il'.'m~ chin°s or' claW'machines, which maohl-n..~e:. are ~o be.:'.' "separately licensed as_ provided in_. sub-seCtion 1 ~nder this Seo~i. on, "_...-(b')'."For the-" pUrpose of th s'se'c:tlon, an. a ca e"is.definea to.. - _.. _ .- _ ...... :.." .;...~',-. , " -'be on-~.J-~era1' enCl'osume in which is conducted the b~al~iesa of _ =.~- '.' . .: ~'±;.~.' 'operat n or:: ex i in , phonoaraph., graph0p om%.' .:iAl in maChi e-, '. kinetoscop'e~ bi.ograph, proJeo~oaoope, .or any other instr~eD~'-[or ma-c.~ne'. ~.. iike"o'~Pacte~, and e~ibiti~, ahowt~ O~..iet$1~ ~he ...... . .'~,... j', .. . U~.j .'' " use ~f _~ ~crOscope, l~-~eaSe~,.muscle-teste~., ~alvanio weighing ~ohine, or ~ohine of. like-c~racter. "-'. .,g." (a) For'the business of actl .. AUoti°neer, ~e 't~ of S30.00 se~a~llyI provided,' ~t if ~e . person by'wh~ ~he .au0tioneering is done· is an i~inerant vendor·· of goods, wares· 'o~ mePc~ndise, .~emporarily located in this Cf. ty~ he · 'shall pay ~ license tax of. $15.00 per day; but this p~agraph s~ll · · ..~0t- apply ~o .an~ 'pePs0n. Selling ~s .o~ goods, wa~es., or... merchandise '. .. a~'his re~lal~,'estab~shed,.o~'fixed place of business In said.City, -' and ·such pets.on or.a bona fide member of the ft~ o~ corporation o~ing such business~ 's~ll ao~. in the capacity-of t~ A'uo.tioneeP. (b) If, in-.the opi~on ~ ~he Tax Collector., the ;person'. selli~ ..... '.~ goods ~y auotion, establishes .a.place of business in.. the .City solely .. for t~ .p~ose 0f-hol~ a s~gle, auction, t~n:in such case the ..... ..license tax of $15;O0 per day applyi~ 'bo aUc~ionee~s or i~ine'ran~ vendor's of goofls s~ll apply d~g .the total per'i:bd of the auction..' .:. ' ' '.'(c) No .license .S~ll be required fop the Selli~ of any goods .. ...~ p~hl!~....sale belo~i.~ to t~ _United S~atea., .the Sta~e of .Oalt~.: ..... '.~- 'fornia,. ~he Oo~.ty of Kern, or ~e. City of Bakersfield, or fo~ sale .. of p~opert2'by virtue of ~y process issued by any State or Federal · Oo~ or for ~he bonafide sale of household goods at the d~ioile .-. .... 'who is engaged in the b~iness of.' aut~obile ~eeki~, wBere ~ecked. " o~'-.~ged autom~ilea, a~e bought ~d seld, in w~Xe or in p~t~ '. ..- ~F$~aging. ,n an. aut~obile ~ec~ business, where " da~ged- aut~bile.S.are, bought ~d sold, in whole .. '8. '~be~ s~oa'- $5,oo se~a~ually for ene c~r-and $3.00 .." sedately for. eao~ aaa~t*onaZ e~t~ ove~ one. '- .. "-. -g. Beau~ S~~. - $5,00 f0~ one eperator ~d $3.00 f.e~.'eae~ · ' t0. Ba~b~ CO!'le~e - $~8.00 per ~lf yea~. -~2~T ~aths...~blio :- (a)' For t~ busineSs-Of keeping, ~intai~ · ~' er- f~ia~ 's~e~, ~n o~ T~kish bathe' not cenducted in eon- ' · [~ctA0n with and as-a Part of any ot~r busineae p~Yi~ a license " .-tax .~de~ t~ ~ov~sions of t~s. ord~nanoe, er ef any ot~r ord~ee · ~endatory here~, o~ supplemental.~rete,, tBe 'Xi~ole"f~ax' of $20.00 (b) .Fe~ tBe busXn~s of keepi~, ~in~aini~' or furnia~ "--mineral liquid' ~ths, ~neral vapor baths, ~ner'al ~d ba~s, ".any· otBe~ m.edioinal baths not oonduo, ted in oo~ee'~ion witB and aa a_ ...of ~is ordi~no.e,· or a~ o~r or~nanee ~emda'tery ~eof "~Ppiemental hereto, the t~ of $10.00 .ae~ua!ly. .electrie-'-aigns or. billboards in the City - $30.00 per year for each.- electric sign .e~ billboard.. ...-V~' . . .- j'-.., ;~...: ~_.. .... _- "_1~. ~ o~ P~oI Tables - $6.00 pe~ ~lf yea~' f.e~' ~oh table. " -' · .- ..' .1~,'.-. Bowli~ G~es ~ $6.~ pe~ ~lf year., for .~ach .alleY;. ...- ..--' ".16-~ C~ist~a_.-T~ee_ Lot .- $20.00 fo~ each' lo~. ~s_. s~ll n°~ 'apply to ~kets or o~he~ places of business already ~[' .. .. . _ ~. ..: - -' section 8 of. this ordinance. · . '17. a~j D~v- Dry cleaning, rug o~ upholstering -. ol%aning shall.-pay, a 'license tax as follows: _.- '(a) .. Lf dm,y. cleaning plant is outside of City., the:license .. Shall b~ .'$a5.00 .per 'half year for each vehicle .delivering or pi0k!ng .--(b) .E~oH pickup agency in 'the City shall pay a lieenge based .. on' gros.a receipts, as per..Schedule A, ...~eotion 23. .. (o)_ ':Each d~y Oieaning plant in the City shall pay a license -tax based.on .grosa..re°eipts as.pe~.Sche~ule A,-Section 23, except '~_.hat work 'done for.other cleaners or pickup ageneies shall be under Schedule' B. .._ 18. Cloein~ Ou~ Sal~ -.(see Ordinances 561 New Series and .. 19. flotleo2ion A~_en_o?. - A collect:ion agency is defined as an establtshmen~ .for the collection of accounts, .notes., obligations, or ~ebts fo~ others for a compensation.or fee,' provided, that this · .. _ / - _ ..- . .... '?.' '. in' 'the. business.~0f~' ' colleCt'tOn agenoY-'ahall .pay.a tax as provide~.:i~gl'~'. . ____ ..:. . .. . _ . -.~:.....~ _.: ..... .. sub.section ~0..of. th~s seetion,- · .. ... .... '.... · .. · [ _.: .. . ~..... ". :.---=' . - . . · -~/~-.." ..:._ ~ · . . . · ?.;.~.~2.~. '- {b) F0~ 't~ p~pose '.of-g~s o~d~n~oe a contractor. ~:8:~~ .... · · . ': .... .... ~F 'p~s0n .who ts 'l~oo~d as a o~nt~aogo~ b~ the-State ~f ~'al~fo~nla~ _ ..o~- ~y person w~' ~dOr~akes ~o or' offers to ~de~take g0..;'o~ p~o~ts .i..~['~o ~ve tBe capacit7 go-'~de~take ~o o~ sub~s a bid to, ".. ~r improvement, o~ to do-any part t~reof', incl~ing t~ ereoti~e~. ("?' :~." .. : soaffo~d~ o~ ot~ s~uct~es o~ works Xn oo~ec~on -- T~ te_ oontraOtor..!ncludos specialty contractor,' and fu~he~ .. includes ~y person ~ho cong~act~ to h~e out t~ucks, tr~to~s~ "" p~oject, ~hethe~ at"~ages b7 the h0~ o~ day o~ f~'a c0ntPac~ __'-/~o~ '~egulattons. aa. ~ano'os~ Public.- ~o~ '~n~ainl~ o~ oon~u~tn~ any p~blio ~o'e' .~[e 'ltoense ~ s~alt be ~id. as follows'-" .. Pu~ic D~cos - $50.00 sem!~ually _..._ . .--'.- .?~ ". · .. ~ .... r~:~ :'. ._~ ...... * ~..':" . . -~-_~___= ~_ - .......... · ..... .- _. .... . .. -..---_=_~ .::'J'._ .... ,-.. ..' .:.-. .-. _ .'~, .... _. _ · ' - · ............ . ..... -' . ¢"".2?'.' "'''~':x~ r.'.--~:2.-". ".~ ..... ~0hedulo A, Seo~t.on :~3:~-'- No license is ~equi~ed :.~[;f. ~os,. ~-eoeipts a~e " · - '" less t~n $100.00. pe~ month. · . 24....D~a~s..and Mo$o~ T~cks'- FOr keenly-,.' o~, ope~at~ o~ '"~m.a poin~ inside '~he City limits, of ~ ~t:tT' of Bakersfield'~o a " . po'lng °ugside said'Oily, or f~om .a point ougSide .'of said Cigy go a ' .. · l~t~s in accordance wt~ schedules C O~'D Of seo-tion 2~. keep. inE or. conducting a .hotel, lodging house, or auto 'court, th."e,~ :.:.%. .._~. ;-....- . license tax ..... shall be in accordance, with the following., schedule:.' .1'~'-~':~':" -Number of Room~ -' .... ~ ~, "License, ~ax :"'." ': " 36 '-t° .~0 "-" ' -' "' ""' "' all-.O0 ' ' "' · :-'~ ...... .. '~;1 ~:.o' ?~; .'" .... -. 3o.oo - , '" ":-'.".:-" ~.'-..'. ;i.:'i-'~-. -'~-' ?6 to 100' "' ' ' · 40 · O0 , . i'-"-~':::._..;:.....,.~ ....... · '..-. . . · lO1 .to 1~0'~ n-. · 60o00 ".' '~ ........... ~ ' '"" 15'l. t'o' aO0 ~ ' ' '-' ~ ._gO ° O~ · ' -~- '.'~i': .[.' ~.. . . --.../ . :'?:_, ..-.": ..... .--~...~2 .' ~ ,.... · .... . ..... · _.. . - . , :.).'--'~.. _ ....,........ ~iX.~_._ ~m" ~a~. . ~-6 o~. _ ~6~.- ~o_m,~,_. ~ .~x ~'. ~.. . $~o.oo...~r.. '-'. _' ..~5.. . a~u~llY · - ' .... '-~:':~;'~:"' ' ' ":'" '~- _.. .... · ..... ... .. .'.'.. .... .. ·. .. -.'.k' .'(~ - ~ - .... "-. d:''.'4''. · _...... '-- ~,~., =,, "I · ..-.~. '30 I~e-~re~,_ ...~._-~m-/~ ~nd ~ .-~ ..- '~o~_..: ~'~11~ ._ ."..":..'~:.:": .:".'...~'..-' ': ...-' d~l~ f~m the. first day 'of the 'month -'. tn ~tch i~sued,, and $5.00 ~.'~'Z'~ . · _ : - , n~'~...~ for 'each' ad~tlona1 mongh affter s_uch t~ee~onths pe~$od,'-'for eaoh:~c;:' .. 31, .Ic?.. penog .... '$10.oo semta~ually, provided,, t~t if..~e ~ce'. .... '- . . .. .. · -5 .:..~.f:'.... -' .... ... · }f .... · ...., .....:~ 5(.:_5'~:- ..:~". _ . - . _.. ~[, -.".:-. .. - ' ' = -- ' ' - · ' -· ~. ' ' "['~q:.':' .~5..',..: ..... _'-. - ...._ ~_......... ...... .~... .. , : · . .. _.~ ......... . .... . ~_- .. -. · _~ .........._ ...::., _, ':~ ~.":~ "' --- ~ece~_s schedule_ SeC.'forth-in-Section-'23 .fo~ aml .v.o~k aet~l!.F ..-'. "....: -:._. ' .......... . .... .~.- ._ .: ..'.' .......: ..... jy-' . ..~-. .... "pe~fo~ed witch' the CitY, P~'o~~ however, t~",ltc;en~e 't~'-".s~ll: ~':_-'~J:-["' .. ....... - _~ :_... .. ..... ~.:. ~....:.' · . not less ~. $10_.00 p.e~ ~lf year..This classification specificallY' ... ~liea--to.~e persons 'engaged in" oilfield-'Servici~ and repairs ~-:~'~ '.. · -._?~.~.- .. ..... .. ..'. _...~?~ .... ~.._ · - and s~la~ ~n~e~i~s..~e~e ~he service ~l' perfumed at the~._We!-~.' '-:'" · - .'-~:~::- -... o~ 'o~r"places 'ou~i~ 0f ~e 0~2" o~ Bake~sfield. . '~?~,~' · -'J. ..... ([~3. ~l~r~ _Labor. - ADy person e~aged in the'business of ~'home i~ovem~'s such 'as pain~i~,:.. ~oof. repai. Pi~, pl~b~ or '. -.. ' .... ..' '.'. ?,l~. . . elec~ical_~ePai~'s, ~nor c&~en~ry, '.'etc., s~ll. paF a license. ~x. -~-':' . _ ..' .-. -. . · . _..[_.~,~.~:. ... ' ..'[- .-"-' of '$10,00~'pe~' 'quarter or ~actional pa~t ther. e~. ._. '"if ..'.'::'..- · ' ~erchan~se' Shall mean and include all persons., .:both pri~~~ -~- .. . . . . :.Z~' ' . ~d age~,, who enEage in a ~e~o~ary and tr~sient' businesa.-'in" _. Ci.~2 .of-~ Bakersfield, selli~ goods, u~es or merc~ndise'~.f.~d who, - for'the, p~o~e of c~PPYi~ on s~ch business, ~re, le~e'or .any..ro~, bulldi~"or struot~e, lot or. p~.e~ses, fop the exhibition . o~ ~sale of 'such.goods, wares and mere~ndise; p~ovided, t~'t. this -' s~ll"not apply ~ e°~erolal travelers or selli~ 'agents, selli~ thei~ goods .'tc, me~c~nts, dealePs 'o~ tradePs,-'~e~e s~e is to a par't .of said. merc~nt, dealer or trader, s stock in trade in ~' megul~ place of bUsiness., whethe~ selli~ f~. p~esen~ oP..f~.~e · 'd~li~e~.y, bY s~ple-o~ othe~ise, nor to peddlers, as the'S~e are. ~efined i~ t~s 0~'~in~ce, nor. to persons selli~. f~uits, vege~bles, · meat, P. oul~y,..butter, eggs ~d o~her products of' ~heir o~ fa~ .-. _~_._ E~ery..person', whet~r principal or agent, who is .an tax of ~15.00 per day. ..... Pro~ded~..t~t the '.license tax for a temporary seaso~l business. ~!t' be $20 .'0 0.. per q~rter o~ fractional part thereof.. . .. . ..... .. ~ .-. :..~?.-:... :....- .... .:-.._.. .... 2~. -- ~-.._.. _.~_. .__ .- . - · : - ~ .....-.~.*~2.~.':~*. . · . .~.'. .... -...._ ..... .,'- ~ ~.."~ . · . . . - . . - . . ~ ' 2... '~2'~'." · _.' :. '- .. ~.~- .. -- .' , .' .-...~...'.,.:5'} .: : ~' ._ . ...... . . . .'_.- .~....'._' -:'.~5.' .. :' .. - . .. - . . · . . ...... ..-.~.'.? --- . ....... . . : : '~-.'.:~.~.~ ..... -. ['--- i'e.-defined to be. any· p'e~son.not'..tmving a~. f.~Xed': pl'~'"...::0~-"business)J.'. '- .f"'['-'-. ~ ~e C~"~-B~ke~s~'~d, ~ho ~oes. f~ 'ho~-~o. house, .. '" ' · ':K .'- ~ .'~'~ ' ' ' '.: -.... '~" f"5'[~-' ..... ~:.-..' - . .: · . _-. ·" . · _ . . . ..- . :..~.'~" ~ . _=-~. ..... · -.-....._......' : .... ~'. . . . ...... - · · .- (c) "No.po~son shall be deemed o~ .°onside~d a 'J~k_: deate~ ...._.. .... .. _ .- · . ~j,':.j · 'abo,e' d~I.~n~ -' -- " ' ' "s.~a~u~lly, plus $10,00 semia~ually for each· vegcle ove~ On~- -..:. · ... used in said business. ... ':'"':/-(e)' For eVe~ J~' colleoto~, ~e license t~.~hall be ....--. -$20.00 Somi~ually,.'plus $10.00 se~a~ually fo~ each vehicle ove~ .' .- .... one: used. in said busimess. P~°vide~, g~g'any pe~som ~oldi~ a valid ' l'ic~e ~o e~e In ~e bus,ess of 'Ju~ deale~' o~ J~k col~ec.~or issued by t~e Oo~y of Kern s~li ~e entitled to a !ieen.e_.to engage in. ~e business 'of J~ oollecgor in t~' City of Bakersfiel~ " ~g~ou~ p~Tmen~ of g~e aforemengiomed li~em~e ~ax.. g~oh J~ · .c011e.cgors-s~l'l comply ~ith all ordin~ce~'of' tg~ City pertains. :' · .- to'J~ cellec't~s.. - . . 37- "~and' La~ ', (~). Fo~ .~e~ati~ o~ ~intaining a ~nd · - la~Y and uSi~ in. oo~ection gherewith.any wagon o~ othe~ -' -- '"vehicle,. a license gax of $10.0-o se~la~ually"for'-each such wagon ..~. ............. "'" ..... "' · (b) '-- Fo~'..operati~ or ~intaini~ 'a. ~d" la~y where no -. w~gon' or-ve~:~.!e' is Used In co~ection the~ewith, ~e license t~. - · -' ~__.~... · . .... · . . . '~..- . · . . . _ ". . . . .L..] '.- . = ' . . assi~en~ of salary~ salary warr~ty, -aai~y 'de~n~a automebAXe., 0~Be~ .p.erscn, automebile. Contracts, c~erciaI paper, e~ences ef debt, .assig~ents· of-.salary, salary war.r~ty, salary de,nde, .t~e checks or. o~her, evidences 0f salary ~e or to ~eC~e due ,. ~'ahall pay- ... a license .t~ as fOllOWs: -' .(~ T~oae .persons licensed or requi~ed.'to be-liceased by' ~he S. ta~e .Of Califo~a ~der the provisions of el~er- .or both' of tBo. se- certain" acts ~o~ as ~he "0alifor~a ~11 'Lo~'ACt'' or ~e "Personal ~roper2y. Brokers' AC.~", s~ll pay a ~Cena'e tax of $50.00 (b) Ail otBe~ pers~s maki~ perao~l loans. 0~ purchasing com- mercial paper S~'ll pal a li~e'nse ~x 0f $25.00'.per year. .... ~.~ (c). ~o.~i~.in ~is se.c~'ion s~ll be deeme~.t~ apply to ~y person, exempt from pa~ent of a city license by t~ State $. or · Federal law. .- ep~aging in .the ccc~en ~.~sse~., in ~he city of Bakersfield,' . '" the 'liCense"~ s~ be $1%.00 pe~ year; provided~ ~t any pers~ -. 28. _ ' . ., ' . . _ - . . . ','...' ~ " - .." -':.f '" ~ ~ 4'. ~ '..' ~'.'~ '· ...-'- ." ~i~ .Mi~~tes ._7'_(~)- ~or Home aelive~y-'.',~ .mil~, b~e~X~..[..-':,.~,.' · . ~ .~.C..'- .- ~:..'"' . ' .' ' :-'.~, ~ ~ ..' co~aBe .cheese, e~c;, '$6.00 .' se~a~ually for each v~hicle.., 4~.'.'.'C ~....~'. :~ ;". - -. .... ~.-?:~.:.;,.'. .. · -'.--." f'~.':,:5~, .. :.' · . (b) If such ve~cles are opera~ed.'.~y a,.~~f~".dai~y · -...'.t.-~-'.''~ -' ' ~i~ an esgablished place of. bua'ineSs witch the' 'O'S.fy, then': s~.:::'...:..).,:" ....'~.... - · " ..~ .' '. ~,jj'.-' -" .': ,i"' ' .:'.. -sales 'shall be. ~ncluded In gross receipts 'in-'acoo~d~ce wi .. .- ..- · · · ' gion 23. -- '.,.',-: · .~.:.: .... ...' .... ....z .~a.. ~intaC~ ~ ~ou~s.~ - $10.00-se~a~uallY. ".>...;~/~".' ...... ;,.." .'.. . . .._.~ .... · . · ....._. _.~ . : .'~".4~. me~n~' g~b~o o~..~ovioo, :. .._ . _..~./. .. .... .. . ~... ~,';:;.' ... . .... '.... ~g7 ~ago~,~ ... " . ... .- . . · . ~.'~ . .. - ._ ~. - · ~.~..j: .. . - ...- _ =--- . _- - - .. -- _ -' _ _- --'-_ ' ~ ._ /.~'~-....~.~ ;~.' '.'~'.~.¢'~ · '.. ... ~"._.'z.~:."~.~'.'~,~...'.~..~ '.- ~-..z.. ........ ___. - . - ....... .. . -/., x.t.... ~ · . r~.. --~..-..-.,....--.~ ~ ..~. . .~-.-r:.~,.~*;~,' ~ .'.... .... 45.' Pawn Broke~_---- Is defin~ go be any person who carries on, cOnducts, maintai, ns-.or engages-'in, the business of. loaning money for .- in~eres.t-':for himself or. any other p_eraon, firm-.or, corporation, --' receiving goods, .wares, or .m~~Aae as a pledge-, or pawn in.. ":['"~' · -. - .... . . - . .- .. '.~ .' '. '~,~-.~ 'secu.~i~y £oi.. '~o payment; of s~uno, or who pm'.'otmses att'roles of " personal.propert~y and rosolls or agreos to resell'..suoh..'&rgi,les t° :'~'. .... Vondo~s. oi~"'th~tr a~s:i, gn~ at prlce~ agreed upon at ':o~- b~fore the tt~®'' '-.. · ~e~uired frOm Oily M~agor.) .'..'~' -- -'.. · ~6.. Peddl. e~.- 'A'. pod~le~ is defined as ~y peasen, wheghe~ a. reSiden~ of ~e Ci~ ~ Bakersfield or nog, ~raveling by foot, wagon, -augomogive vohiole,..or any ogHor g~e of conveyance, fr~ place '~ ·public..· agree'g, ~ occupies a ~empo~a~y stand ~ private p~ope~y,. and. offers ~o o~ does 'Soll, b~ger or ~xo~e a~ goo~s, me~c~ndise, books, ~gazines, f~uits and vegetables, food p~oduc~', · (a) ~s...an~ve~e~ables. Fo~' every person peddli~ frUi~ o~ vegetables regularly;' 'over fixed ·rouges or a~ a s~and, the ~ioense gax s~mll be $10..00 semia~ually, or fo~ any fraotio~l pang Of the calenda~ half year period.. Any.itinerant f'rui.g and vegetable peddler shall pay a license. tax of .$.10..00. per day. · -' (b) NoJ license shall be required fo~ any person .to peddle .... f. uits or vegetables, poultry or eggs, raised or produced by himself --.or 'smuei'mem~e~ 'o~..B/~S fkmi~"or for ~che p'ed~li_ng of"mi'no~"-'krticles ." · manufactured by .som~. member of his .family when the receipts from such peddling do not. exceed $100.00 per month. This exemption shall · ~.:.,_'..~ . ,,,.;~.:.~.:.. . '" -. ~' ' .- ..'~ .-.; '- , v..~' ' -...' _ .· ,,~ ~.~--~_' ~ .. --- ~_._ _ . - · .-.-.'('...:.~',-_~.. ' ...~ , . · - -~c ' .' ' '-.:'~.: .%'~. .... · . .. .. . · .~ · ' .... : -2~Tz ~-'_~-~ i;,.'._ .:f" -'~' ' ' ' .... '"~*~"; ":~"~ "":'" "- -" ..~,o ~ ~o-'u~o ,~'-~f "~'~~.~.°ook~ o~ .~,~"d b~'..~'~"~"'"-. _ ,. . .... .:.~:~.: - . . .-. '-'.me~e~ ?f ~is f~ilY~ ..... ~ :': '" ' '~ .... "' '"' ..... ._ {o)~ ~ -'-~ ~o~ ~h~ ~eddl~'"~'."f~x~d ~out~s 'Of ..:' .'~:~ .:.... foo~uffs such' as b~ery goods,~ delicatessen'gO,ss, gables, ';0.a~,,-.'."- ' .. -' ". . '... · . ~ ;.:/' ...~.: .'.' · '.popco~,"b~ed.soft'.~i~s (but no~., Snoludi~"'-ioe c~e~ o~:-~'~'"_ .. ' '.~ll[. -. ' .... . i. -..-'/'J":' - ' ~x'..~.. ' .... 'pelle~ *ehici-e. This s~ll be In addition to a~-license paid for · a~ ea~blishe~ pI~oe of business i~ g~e. Oigy, suo~ as a bake~ .or ..-... -' Or mO~or..vehicle, or $10.00 'se~a~ually, ~ 'frac~io~l par~ ~ereof, if peddled on foo~ .o~ with pushcart, bicycle, or othe~.._~nua'lly. propelled ~hiole. ... "' .. ' ..... (d} Vehiolo.~O~c~ng - Fo~ each person selling or gaking ... ugensils, or',~.osmegt.cs, ~he ltoense gax shall ~ $!0.00' pe~-~lf -yea~ or f~aegional .parg thereof. ~s seogiom a~ll alao i~olu~e -- ag · pe~s~s ~0 sell:· in' ~he h~e ~y means of ~e .party~ plan ~e~e ".a .g~o~p of f~[onds 'a~e .invige~ im fo~ gHe display of 'me~c~n~ise. ..... ....... ~O.~a~ ..:no~ o~~o .~o~o~.~_~o~ _~ ~.~ '..,~o~n~ ..~.~x .of.,.$~0:..o.o per. day, .w~e~her. ~ch_~ddll~ ts done by foo~, from a' Ve~cle or. " from'a gemp°~ary.stand. (Pe~g re~ui~e~ .from O~ef of Polioe.} ... .-.-'. - - ........ ~'-...~.. - '. _ .~_~ .... ' ~-'-":-~ ~ .... ',~'~:. ,.~.:~'.. ' "-....-'" '. · .'~ .-. ~ ..~.....':.:...." '.::..J;:'~'~ ~5['~? '.-~-~ .. ,-.- - .. _.-:_ .._._-~ :- ~ '..: .-;~ ~-. ~ . -.. ~ _._ ..... :~::-~: -. ? -~-. _. ~f :. ~:-i_~ ~. ~ ¢~. ~..;".~: ;"~'.. _.'~._..'~;.~ -..'~? _-'..:.~'...~ (:),;: :~, '.: ....~ :~.. ;..~)~:' ?/~?~:~:;?. ~;?:.... ~ .- ~-~_:. :...... · ? .- - .----'. c%-.).' - ' .......... ·: "'~ ..... ' ...... "'" · ..... ' ' '" ....¢ , ,~. .... 7...? , - · · ..:., ..._. :. .....:.,,..,.~...:-.~.....?.~:,....:~.. . .. . ........ · ." _ ._ ...... :,.._,~.~.~..;~,.,. _. · · - · . - ".., .... _:' ;'7'.~,%-'-,' ... · - _. '- - -;~.: · '... '-. .... .. ,., ;?r~,. .. ,.>, ' .... · -. _. . . .. ~...._'., :,?, ... . ~ - .... ,~.. ~ ~'¢- '. _'-~..<: ..'~".;' .~: ?):; '.,?. ?.. .... ...=_.~.,.~ ,..:,.;....._,-, . . ' 7'-~eguia.rly licensed at a fixed an~manent pla-o.e..o£ .b~i-~ess· in'.the . . .. _ ..~- -:.-. · . '- - .~ [ - ._. - . .: ...'. .-..,'... _.. Oi~y- ~_o¥ided such sa~es a~e inCluded in ~he ~o~n"':~eeiP~s- of.' ~he' '-: .'"-'.',."- ' i~ ....... ~' '-' ......... -- · b~s So "'- "- ~ ..... ' .... ~7, Photographers - (a) Every pho~og~aphe~ haVin~ '& 're~ul~---'. ~ ~ '"'._' '-'<". --'andupez'emnen~ place of business in the Oi~y shall.~Pa.~_'."a".:.~'~ense ta'X"-'" ' ".:':~?'' "l~-'-acco~dance wi~h tho' ~a~es 'shoma in 2eotion-: ~3o..'.' ":" ' .... i. '. · ....i..' p~ovide.d, ~h_n.t~' a ph°~oS~a~he~ openir~ a p~'.~f .business ~..~he" "',." .. _ .... _ · ., ....,...: .:. ._-?,~i~.. :7 · ._. . . .' :. · O~-~y. f'o~ the first t~me', shall not be conside~'e~."as pe~man~,j~t~t~il "'_ . .:.._.' - %': .... ' ' ." - :'-.'::': ::.'i-""~:'?.-'!: "' "'- -- es'~_ablished in th~ City 'fo~. at'leas~ six'montl~S.~' · TBe in~lt~.'.licens~ '- ....: --_._ .. . .. .- .~.-. ?..;':~,-'_.....-- :.... ._... ..: ...:,. shall be issued fo~ ~he calendar_ half ~ea~ o~ f~actional pa~t thereof','.',,' .... ·. .',-' . . and ~he tax shall ...... · -:~..': ' -' ' -'~" 'i "7,.'.' 'A '"~'~ular and pez-manent, place of business#_' &s used in'.tli~l .... -'*' pa~a&Taph (a) means. 'a . business which is kept. open for 'a~'::"~ast ssx. '-..-.. "- -..... -'-hoUrs between the 'hours of 8 A.M.. and 5 P.M.,-at' l~a$ five daY. a'['.'a-..;;[':-/,-..'.-... ~eek .~nd a'~ w~.~ch place of business a bona fide ..effort is made ..~o,.,~..~.-. [--...... .. condu~' a photography business. ' ..::.='.'""- . -'(b) A.' pho~o~aphe~ Whose place of business. ilS. 0ursine the . ' ':.--'f'. '-/ · " 0i.~y .bu~ .who '~.egularly makes' calls inside the Ci~. _for the. Pu~po~'eii:.':.. - <.'..'i.' ..... o£/_..ruskin8 photographs. 'a~ the ~eques~ of ~he pe~s~n"o~ agencY'Pe~'-: .... """ '"":" '" ' · '='- .'. ' ' · _.':' ._'.. ' ... ~..'~i.'-.- '." ... : .'.. " · ..... in8 the. phot0~,'~aph shall be deemed not to be ~,.'%~ansient '[pho~0~aphe~' .'..-~-" as ·defined .in paragraph (c) below, and sha~_"pay a liee~s'~...tax ~f ...... .'..:'- ~i t '" of '~"' .. ~'.~'~ ' $~5 ye~ '--..". .... - .. .00 par half r.- .o~ .f~ac_ onal.pa~, the~e . . · ....... ..,.=. . .. :' . .....~'. , · .. .. "(c) "T~ansient ~hot-o~_a~e~ -- A "t~.ansie~t..~hotoE~aph®~.'< - . · . -.' ..... _. - -_ ..... ' . ,_?. (' .'. ... ~.l.~ pay 'a' lice'nse: ~-x- of-$lO~.oo pe~ da~._. 'Fo~-'.~he'..p=~-pos~:'..._of"this '" ... .... °~dinanoe, any pho'~.o~aphev whose business., iS .P~'in'~ipal'..:~Akin~ '... ...-' .,-.,..._ . . po~trai~s in. the home and who does 'no~ h~ve a p~ao® of' business :.~?., .... , ... 'the .'.City,. shall be .deemed .~o b~'a t~ansient'phOtog~aphe~'. '.i'-:'.:'.i;_'-:.'-<''' '.'- j.~..'; ~ .. (d) Any-person soliciting.o " ns..coupons to apply on 'photo~ap.h~..~:'"' shall pi.~-- Pho~og~aPhe~. o~ sell'~ ' '[..":~')> ('. ':." · . .. . . .. .¥;"' . · · - . · . .. ..-.._- ~.' _..~ - .:- . .~. " ''--.- " - ':' -".'""..:-"."J ~." '.' "':- .. '"":..C' ""4 . .'' ' .:" .,': ;'3'- -' - ... .:-. ......~ ..'...'.:.~.'.:,.-:-~. - · .... ..' )-.'.....<...:..."...!~.~<" ~... "".;/i' ~-..!.!.'.. . ...--.:_ · ..- '.." '. , ....- .... "" -~-: · .'. ........ .. _ _ · ..... ..... :.~ .'% -' .-.'..-'...-; - "· . ". ' .' .-- - _~' '.: ....:'-V,::',.:Y-';.-.... - - "~-:."-":.:.'~'!.k;,.~-';' : ' ..<' ?':..'"- -.- .' ',:.-;,?"' ~''' >.:..'~.:%,.?:?.,'.';:.~-.; . · - '~". _ - -" -. _ a license .tax of $5.00 per day. · This section-shall a!lo' apPly-.to. · sOlicitors by 'telephone and-to, the' photographer. soliciting on days - not licensed as a transient photographer, -. ' ..... " .(e.) ,~t~eet._Ph0to~raDher-s - $100.00 per half :Year or ._ " .. f~acti°nal pa~.t 'thereof. ._ ~'._. "' .... · -='_{£).. Automatic Coin onera~e,~' Phqto~ra~h MachineS,' eXe. ep~ machines loeat~d in an amusement., arcade,. $10.00 semiannually for : '... each .machine', . '- ' ' .. · · "-. " .. · .[~, P~ivatJe: De~ect~ye - $1'5.00. per year.. " -' .. .. ~9_,-_ private Pa...~rol- For'. every person engaged in .th~-.;t~.'~ness ~' .. .'of 'cenduC'tim~ a private patrol system· the license tax 'shall be .. ' $10.00 'semiannually*' .. -.'..'ii i · ~- F.o~ every person employed as a Private Patrel'.Watchman. by an~ .- ..... · Person who holds-a' permit and has paid a license to °pe~&te a p~'vate '_-- patrol-system, a license tax of $5.00 semiannually. (permit"..~ui~ed from"0ity 'M.~nager'. ). ' .... _ .. · 50...ProfessioDs' - Any person engaged in' one or more of ~he :~' following p~ofeSsions' in the City. of Bakersfield, and everyone -" "" engaged in a professi'on not 'otherwise provided fo~ horein and main.~'- iic'ense tax based on t~e a~ual ~ess ~eceipt~ in..acco~dan~e.,wi~ the-..~.. fol'lowi~ sehedule: .. '"" -. .. $ 5,ocs'to $io,ooo per y,ear . , . , . . . . 25.00. · '' " 10,000 ~o' 20,000 " ' ~0.00-.~ 20,000 to .30,000 " " -' · · · · · · · · 55.00-.' :--.-,: :~.:~.. 30,000 te ~0,000 " " · · · · · · .., 70~0~" ' -~ /.!.0,0o0 to~0,0oo'" " 8.5.00 . "w 50,000' to- 60,000 " " 1(~0_'.00 " " "- "' "60~000 to ' 70·000 n' .u · · ·· · · · · 110o00 ..." n. · -.' ....':".,.'.'.';" .70,0.00 'to .:80'·000. " " · 120.DO.'.'.'.." " ....· - 80,000 to' .90,000 "" "--' · · ·. · . , · 130,9~"';' ti-lt. _. 90,000 to 100,000 " " ' · 1~0 " " -' · " Over.. 100,000 " " .. · · · ..· · · 150~*'00 "~ The fel.lowin~ .prefessions .are. specifically in~luded'ii~%h~8 .... aSS Ca .... '."..:"~' ' ' .' " .-- 33- . .... 'chi t " .... . ...... _'Ar . ..ect .- - ':' .' ..- " - .... " .- ' ' · ...... ':::-.:A~t~ey at. Law · ' .... ':"-' - " ".-.. ':' :." · Auditor or Accountant ' '"'"' - · .- · _ · -.: ....:: ': m · ·._: ...... -- As_mayer- ., m" ' .. ~m ~ [., ~_.-- .:, :' : ~ ' ... · .... .-' .-- ...... /- Bac~erio!ogist .' _.'::.: ,?...'... :.'- .... ' abe . .... . ...._ - Chemist or. Chemical ':L ratory _.. '~ . .~!%:._ ..... · · · . · Chiropediat '. - · · .--:.. - ' ....... 'Ohtropracter - · . .~ ::"- · ' ' · ..... '- . Civil Engineer- _ _ i'.J::[~[.~iT'i(:'-' " .~" ... Collection Agency ..... .... :'- ".' · ..... ... Den~al Laboratory. . ..'....:,:... ,~:..'--. · .-.. -. Dentist - :'" · · " ..... " Electrical'.Eng-ineer''' ".-....:!':.i" "-'- _-:-:'"-'-: '~ '. · . .... Geologist" · ..... L..'.:T "' .. : ~ ., .. -" Hydraulic 'or'.]/ir~tng:.._...Eng.$neer .. :-:.':~.':':"::'-t'..'._...~_ -- _ · . Insu~anC e AdjuSter. ' .."' ._ Mechanical Engineer.':'":.'.'.: · .i.[."' '.i:'~''.': .... Medical Laboratory..: .~-~.-.._..:,}:.: .. .... . OcUlist ....... . . ?(.....- ... . .. Op~i'cian .~ .. - ' ... --. Optometrist. · _. ..... · . Osteopath'. .. .?..:... . . .... . .: ii.!:/.-- Physician ....... ~ ....' /. '-._ -"... _.. '- Realtor ..... ' .. Structural. Engineer ...... · ,~:..~ "~.- ... ._ . ..... ... Surgeen . .- ,_ :... "' · · ' Surveyor Veterinarian .... . ....... .. -. ...... and'any and all other' p~ofessions not he~einabove specifically Se~..::i'...'- . .~.' .. . ",..:~...j:.:,~,."..:... fo_~th... . .. ... ........ · This· Sectio.n Shall apply to persons engaged in a professio.m...'in .-.. _the..~it"Y, whether maintaining, an office in the City or not,- ~''- '".'_':. :~:..'"--'..'.' · ' '51, ~',' A~y real estate breker, salesman,' or."reaI 'e'~!~.t....:e. ..' _ .- . ~:-'..,:::... . _ , .firm who sells o~ leases. real estate in the City, whether'~atn~_.a~ning...: -~ . .... . . ,...::,:~ ~.:'. ,. .:..~ .. an office in the:.City or ~ot, shall _pay an annual:license. 'tax :en g~c$~_ ..._ commissions and. fee's"received ~ _during the prior yea~...on._r'ea..l: transactions within _the ·City limits', in accerdan~e with the '.scRe~..' " .:for. P~o.fessions as stated in subsection 50 abOve. Real esta~.te?.: :-'- "-.~':' .. salesmen ·need not .'rePort separately, if. their grOss· receipts 'a~e. -.._ .."~:......'- ..... inclu'ded ~iYA% the. g~ls.s v'.ece~tw-'.Of _t~_e'i'-real' esta'~'"br~:~.;~.~'?-":-'"?',..,:--,"~ :_:_..-j This section shall not applY to persOns-renting'. or leasing the~ _ . . - .,: . · ..,. ... ~:.-....- ewn property.,. ....... ... .:. ~.~~~:::'- .. .. .... ~.-:.::.:'.:.- ~= ..'/.:' ..-. ....:_.'..-_.?_':._.'.: · '. ' .' :' · v ;,.' -'.~:'.': ~.'.':': .' "- .- · · . ".' 34. - · ' - -: ~'?~:.L.." "-~.'- .- ..'., ~-::"~ · .. " ... .. - ~.' ~,' % ...?~:~?.,.'.:: -U~" ',-...~.-'_'. ' · . . ' ...;.'. · · - .. . . ._ ._ .-' '. ' :.. . . ...~F~:.:~:-,' ~ ._ _ '2 '.:.' ._? ..~ - · . tUbdivider~ Selling their 'own 'lots .may exclude. £.~.,~a'i g~oss' receipts 'tl~e.-.~osts.' Of'. land and development CostS," .'~'~;~...'.- "T~ansactiOns.!."'aS used herein 'shall mean tho sale, rental" ~r.~ .: .. 'leas~ of real property located. WitMn the City.. _...)-.:,: "' ':"::'- .. :.m~s~d. by'..gress .reCeipts as p~ovided in Section 23 of t~a ordi- · -- n~ce. "F0~ the p~ose -0f dete~ini~ ~°ss -~eeeipts., only those ' _/_ .....reCeiptS .deriv.e.d from .adverti. si~ of local business to secure '!~eal · . -~tronage s~ll constitute the t~xable basis. .. -.- _~3. Rent Oa~a, ~tomobil~a forgive - (a) .(Taxi Operated by '. '- . :'n~'Saee)..~ . FOr .every 'person conducti~,' ~ging' or carrying on the business" 'of le.t~ing :~he use .of any automobile or.motor-propelled vehicle f.o~ ~ transpoPtati.on of passe,ePs for hi~e,-to be ~iven. ..by .the~.Persons hiri~ o~ rentl~ the same,, at' ra~es per Mle, per -'. -'~ip, per hour, per day, pe~ week 'or per month, and such vehicle, i.s ... routed .~der the-direction.of the person o~. persons hiri~ the same, ' ~d ~ch such vehicle' .does not 's'~and' in or UPon any public street, alley oP otheP'public place w~.le awaiting empi°~e.nt, fop each such .vehicle., ~e 'tax ~'$1~.00 per quarter. (Pe~t ~equired from City .. .(b) (~xi opera,ed ~ o~e~) FoP every person conduo'ti~, .. managi~, or c~rYing on the business of ~l~, d~ivi~ o~ ope~ati~ · '.' any aut~obile or mot0r-prope~le.d T~i:c~e for the .'transp~tati.on .... of .passe,ers for '~re ~en ~iven by-'the o~e~ ap ;representative · .. · . ... ~ .....- · ~. _ . " of the"o~e~, at rates per mile, ~eP. tPip~ pe~-~ur, per day, :-. week'~ or' per month, and Such ve~cle la roUted .~er the 'di~ection' " of such passenger or'passengerS, o~ of such persons hir~ the-.s~e, .for.'each such vehicle the tax .of $15.00 pe~'qua~te~. (Pe~i't Pequired .. -' (c) (Drive. y~self cars) Every.persOn e~aged in the Business of renti~ a~obiles, ~rucks or t~a~le~s to in~viduals 35. .. or firms at rates per'mile, per_.~'_i-p, ~er hour, per da~,'"::per week,· ". ' - per month, o~" per year, .wh'_..e~.e suc~=-Vehiele will 'not .be used for the.'""-:-.'"-.~..'"'./.': transp_ortation' of pas. septets for hi~e~'' shall pay a semiannual licens'~.. - _. .. ... . . -..,.~. ~_.: . - · .. . . '.. ~'-~' ... tax deterwntned· by average.monthly, groSs.-.~-~eeipts. '.in accordance. W~~h''' ..' .Schedule A o'f Section 23. '"-' ..'" ........ '- (d) .Oar and Truck Leasing - $·25.00 per year~..~ .. ..-..:. : .. 5~. '. Roek~_ sand~ G~avel~ Di~t., ~Mixed Ce~cr_et_-_.,'- .- (a) If place- ' '-'.--'": of busine'ss iS...n~intained within the City, the license tax shall be ~ ': measured by gross receipts as provided.in Section 23 of thiS~-~ordinanoe.. "- '' '. '. (b) :If no place of business is maintainedwi.~[hi, n~he City, '- the license tax :shall be determined by gross .receipts within the City ".._ limits, in.accordance ~rlth gross receipts Schedule C, Section 25. ~' ~-' -'"' 55 J .~chools. of.'-B_arJ~.eri~ - $48,00 semiannually. 56. S~hoo~s-'of C_.os~e~lo~v - $~8.00 semiannually_. 57. Schools. Da~c!~.~ - $10.00 semiannually. .. 58.' '~ch_c_ols. Sec~etarial and Trade - $10.00 semiannually. -. 59.. Seco~ Nand Deale~ - ('a~ For the pm~poses of this ordinance, · second hand dealer is defined to .be any person who carries on, conducts,· or engages' .in th'e.business of-buyi.ng'.o~ selling or exchanging or otherwise dealing in' or acquiring any article or thing that has been·- .-. Sold or used before;. 'provided, this definition shall 'not include the: term Junk. Dealer, Pawn Broker, .~econdh_~nd Dealer· in Automobiles, ~econd- 'hand FurnitUre, 8econdB~..nd 01othing Dealer, or regularly established -.' .JeWelers .who buy old'gold in corme~tion with their business. -" ... FOr: carrying' on, conducting or engaging in the business of .seeond-"..-" hand dealer,· the tax ef $50.00 semi'annually. (Permit required)-. '-... -. "".:. .." .. (b) SeCondhand'Fux'nitUre~Deal~ -' TS defined tO be. a~2'.'":"'' "- person .deali~ in, buying, selling or exchanging secondhand household " fur~iture or househ~old, goods only; provided, however, that this ~- .... 36. '-_d~finitiSn shall not' includ_e any.-pe~son, firm o~ corporation :~.~-"J.';'~"~'~ .'. -~n~es o~ ~e~s ~n'secon~an~.h~h'o~d tu~n~u~e o~ ~ou, ehoi~~ ~oods :....'~'?':~ only .a~ an_.~nl,~deng-'~o--h~s regula~ bus~ness., o~ one` ~o?~onduc~s '_o~ .. ~[...['. ~:.. ~in~ains a'f~it~e s~ore and whose principal bu~nes~onsis~a' :.~-.'. ~...... :~'... ~a~o~ goo~.. '_' ' . '.... ( .:".~.,~ .... "(-._ '..~ :"_' - - ~...k~p~ng, ~e~aao~'~, -o, . . ~.:..'_ "'*~ "'" "-: --. engage~ in tho busine~, of'. buyi:~, selli~,'exc~ngtng or otherwise - · . deal.img in gecon~nd augomobiles, w~oh ~ve bee~ aold or used .bef~e. of ~o'on~nd deale~ in automobiles, ~ licenSe'tax shall be aa p~ovide~ ~ 8e~gio~ 23 of g~s' maintains or engages in the business of buying or selling or exchanging-" -or. otherwise de~ling'~n or acquiring articles of clothing o~'wearing- apparel °n12 '~ha~ ha-ve.-been ssld or USed before. -'~' 'For' ke~p.i~, eenducting or otherwise carrying on the..business · - of Seco~dhand. cl.~hing dealer., ~he license'tax Shall be. as provided' " .. fo~ .in Section 23 of this o~dinance-~(permit requi~ed~ .Shoe Shinin~ - $3.00· for' one person plus $1.00. fo~ each additional person, semiannually. -- 61.. Shoo~in~ Gall~.V - $[~0.00 semiannually.. managing o~ m?. intaining a skating rink, the tax Of $20.00 semiannually;.'-.. '.. provide~, that any refreshment stand or skate s~ore in connection.. .' wi~h said skating rink sb~ll ~e licensed under gross receipts as. · ' p~ovided in Section 23~ "-" 63.' Snorting,Eye,ts - For the business of conducting a pro- '' -"-" .... ~ffe's'si~nal' football game, baseball 'game,. basketball game, horse._...:y~:'.' '.¥ ~. · raci-~-~, auto fac'lng, 'track meet, or any other sporting_, e~.n_t'.-or --~ '- athletic-O'ontest'.not otherwise provided for in this .ordinance, where.· .. an a'dmission..fee is.charged, the .license tax-sha!l be $15.00 per'. d~y, or .$30.00 semiannuallY for an established place 'of business.. This "'--..._ · . se-o~_i~n shall 'not'apply to any interscholastic or interco!l'.-egiate "'.. .~ contest or to'anY' amateum Contest, or to any contest held under the.. auspices of the' City Recreation Commission. ~'. ... 64.. stock.Br0ker,..- (a)' For every person conducting, carrying·. on Or.' managing a stock...o~ produce exchange, where orders, may be placed ... bY' .telegraph or otherwise, for the pumchase or sale of stocks, securities, grain,, oil, meat, coffee, cotton,, or other commodities,.. -' '" or where a oal1' board is maintained giving or quoting prices Of an.v such.article .sold, the tax of .$20.00 semiannually. ..... · ' (b). This Section shall further include 'commission brokers.- or agents' dealing in .grains', produce,, potatoes, cotton or similar " commodities · .. .... 65." ~%.~J~tF.~ ' '(a) =Solicitor" shall include any person who'.' goes .from-house .to house, or' from place to place within the City of Bakersfield, seIling, or taking orders for, or offeri .ns to sell. or ·take order,'~ for, goods, wares or merchandise or .any ar.ticle for . ...~..: f.utume delivery from a.pol~t wire,in the State. of C. alifOrn~a, or .for .. services to be performed in ~he futume, .or for. the making, manufacturi_ng.- or repairing of any article or thing whatsoever for future delivery, :.. · ' (.b) Any·person, not having a fixed plac.e of 'business .or .. fixed and' per~nanent headquarters, in the City of BakerSfield, but · who conduct·s, carries, on, __m_an~g'es, engages in, or maintains any · business, 'trade,' .Cal'li_ng or Occupation or who sells or offers for' .' . ' · sale any commodity, ~°ods, wares o~r merchandise in the City of Bakers'-'.. '' ; -.._ ,~_ .. - ..: . .- .,,~.~ .~". ~ · .... field, by tho ass' or emplo~ent.--_~____f_ s.o!iCitor,, and eve.~'¢!sblioitor .~..- who engages., in any ~ucH basins'sa. ,-' '-~-~].~..e-' calling, or' occupation, . or-. · "-' .... . . ._- ._%_. :_;.. -:_..??.'~' .. ~ .' chandiso in the Oity of Bakersfield, shall pay a:.license ~'Y,,a,X"' of $10.00 Semiannaally or any f~.otional part .thereof.. _ .,.~a= soot;ion.~..,.... shall:alSO apply 'to any- s'01ioiting by telephone for g"businesS n.-?~ · _ . _... _ .tmvlng a fixed place of. basinoss 'in tla~-OitY.... ~'' ~--'" '{c) This .scot, ion shall not &pply to an' importSl~_.Of goods, · taros and'merehand:l. Se,. a~ t~e sa~e is defined in this-~..o~dinanoe,' nor. tO any 'salesmen taking orders from established .dealers in the City for merchandia, e to become 'a part of their retail or wholesale stock · in grade · 66. Th.~atSrs,' Shows, _Games, En_~er.ta!~m_e. nts.:. E~htbi~t£°ns' 'e$.c. · (a) 'For every 'person conducting, managing, or carrying on " a theater containing a permanent stage .~pon 'which movable scenery and'theatricaI appliances are used, where regular theatrical.or vaudeville performances are given, and to which an admission fee ia ' ' charged, collected, or. received, or conducting, .managing, or carrying on.a moving picture. ·theater where moving or motion pictures are exhibited and- an. admission fee is. charged, collected, or received,_ the license tax shall be based on gross receipts as set forth in SectiOn .23, .s'cheaule A of this ordinance, but in no event shall be .._ less than $20.00 semiannually. .... .-. (b) .Trav_elln~.Shows - . Every rosa' show,·· opera, concert, balle~&', or' other'attraCti°n or entertainment not otherwise provided. " '" .'for in this'or'dinance shall pay a .license 'tax on estimated.. .. .... ...... daily gross receipts as follo=s: 'Less than $1,500.00, $10.00 per day;.. .."- Over $1,500.O0,. $20.00 per day. " This sUb~Livision shall not apPly to entertainments sponsored lo~lJ%alont, no~ ~o ento~ai~on~ conduc2ed soh°~ls, o~ ~elig~.°us p~posos. Enge~ta~en~s- sponso~ b~-f~aterna~.. . ..._ organizagio~z..~r set_vice clubs exclusively fo~ cM~y, my be-'exe~... . such claim f~ exemption musg be aPProved by the City ..Subdivisions--(c) and (d} above shall include all' rides, shews.;" ... 'attractions, amusement'.games, g,~es of 'skill and concessions· '.ki~d 'traveling. with a 'circus or carnival. No license shall be-.~.~..-~.' '- _. " re-q~ired for'any hot'dog stand, lunch stand, 'refreshment-.'at&nd' or for'' . ..'.-' · the sale of d~inks,._pOl~COrn, candy, cigarettes, gum or'o.~aer..., food products on the carnival or circus grounds. (e) The'tax' set forth in subdivisions (.c) and ('d)'ab~,e'~'' shall, not apply in the event a circus, carnival or bazaar .is conducted- entirely for ~he benefit of'a school, church or charitable' entertain- · men~, given 'by'any 'fraternal or civic organization.Iooated within' the. ~ity'of Bakersfield where such fraternal organization receiVes al1 the. moneys or .benefits derived from s~oh oirous,i carnival or a~tr~ctions, where'such'circus or carnival ts.e°nducted within a B~ilding or o~· school or chm"ch grounds, and is not conduoted in. a tent, .... .- (f). Ri. di~. devices. ~tc. - Any person conducting or ._. · ~ operatfr~ any' flying horses, merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels or .other- rSding devices, when Said flying horses, merry-go-rounds, ferris ' wheels o~ otheP..riding devices are-not', shown with any other show, -.-'. .game, attbac%ion or carnival as mentioned herein, except where the ~ ' 'eam. e are. designed an_d-.Ope-rate~ ~lely £o~ the amusement of shall pay a license ~ax of $10.00 per da7 for each a~eh riding . ..~....-..-....~if· · device. (Permit requi~ed from CitF-.~Eer.) ..... ..~'"~?'" .... ' .. conduc~ing, operatic' o~ maging an msement g~e, o~ test off skill, strength, physical end~ce o~' capacity of any k~nd Whatsoever, a~d _. . '{h). othe~. ~Xh~btts of any nature ~tsoeve~, not' ~efe~red to in. t~s subsection, s~ll pay a license tax-el'S25.00 pe~ .... ' devices, such as me~y-gO-~o~ds, flyi~ ho~ses, fe~i~ ~ee!s, - ~a~e g~ains, pony ~ides~ especially ~esigmed'and ope~at~.$ aole'ly for ~e ~usement of .ohil~en, a.s a De~eng business, ~hall' pay a "--.. · license ~ax of-$2~.0o...'ae~a~ually. (Pe~mi~ f~om cit~ Ha~ge~, o~* ...'[ N°. 286 N.~,) -- ' ~emov~ the license ~ax shall be tn aecordance ~th g~oms ~ecetp~s' .'sohe~ie '~, ~eoOlon 25, bug nog lesa ~n $10.00 semia~lly. · " 69;'.. Yendin~ .~ac~ne~ - S~ll be deemed to mean and include any ~o~ne', contrivance, dovioe or appliance ~ich as a result cf a. deposit of money ghe~ein paya only me~ohan~ise, ~he value ef 'me~ch~dt~e co~es~nds go ~e val~e of ~e money ·deposited therein, ' ' ' _~g). Fo~ eve~ po~son Operati~ any mao~ne or ~chtne~ --. license ~ax s~ll. be cha~ged in accord~ce wigh t~ followi~ schedule:.. ~- .! _to;not: mOre than 25_ mach'ines, $6.00 pe~ 'year'. " "._'-:' .'-..: .~._- ~_~ ..: .... . .~ . .. ~ ).~': ..:-... ~...._'.' ..._..:, [.-.. ..... Not less than .26 ~o not more... than ~0 machines, $0.00 p~i-.'~sar.-..-.'-.~ Not less'than .%1 to not more than · :_.z'-~ .. No~ less than .76. ~o not more tb~n 100 machines, '$iL6.00 pe~:'Year. .. .~.~.:~. · ven~ any goods, 'w arose' o~ me~c~ndi~e f.o~ t~ ~ of-F[i~e..'.[~:ent~'o~. -'. m~-. a.'l~cense tax' ~a~l Be oha~ged ~-aooo~dance ~th. s~edule = _ ." ~ .-[ o~ mo~o) . Ve~inm Machines · ' .. .--y- - _ _ .:.~'.... l'to= not mo~e..t~n 10 mchines, $10'.00 pe~. yea~ '. ...:.?.'. ~ot less t~n 11 t0 'not more t~ ~ ~hines, $~0.'.~'.Per..yea~.; '.~ --;- ... · . . ~ot less ~n'76 ~o no~ more t~n 100 p~us $.~0' pe~ 'yea~ .for each ~chine ove~ 100 machines.' .'-.?~'-- .. ' -" '.::~ '--'..~ · .~..~.~' . ~ · .. All ~e~ator~ :of vendi~ ~ohines cove~ed .by ~ia o~i~nce -'- s~all, affix go ea~ suo~ vendi~ ma~i~e a s~ioke~ o~ se~'l g~.' be :- .. · ~ "~5' " 'f~lshed by the LiOens~-.~ollecto~, said stioke~ o~ seal't, be pla~.~-- .. on each such ~ch~ne in a conspicuous place.' Any pers~ ~'eperati~:'."':f .~...-.[: ~. ....... . ..... . .......................... . .... _ . .-:.... '"' .. ~.:..~:;:.. a. v'endi~ m~chine tn violation 0f t~'s-' sub-~ect~on s~i':paY'..~~y '",,." of $5.00 in addition .to ~ho regula~ license tax' for said ma~~..~' for .each q~artor or Porgion of a quarger d~ing ~ioh said':~ime i~ -.,.. operated ~thout a license. .If any such opera,or s~ll.fail to pay-~ ...... ' . .:_~:~,:~?.~...'... -- . the license..-tax-when 'd~_e,_ or thO. license penalty .pr'~vided herei~, wh~'.'" . . · machlnes .'_may be revoked by- the License Collector.. "' on Jonua~7. 1st of each· yoa~, except fo~ ne~ bu.~nes~ c~e~ed afte~ July· lsf~he 2~cense tax shall bo one ~lf of .the. above ~a~s'fo~.' the re,inCr, of t~ cal~dar year. -... .. . .':_70. Watel. oom~an_v'- For the business of SuPPlying the_City' .. "- · . 0f .Bakersfield and.-.the"inhabitants thereof with water, the tax Of $2,000.00 semiannually; excepting, however, "~hatl..whenever any person '- · - 'is ·.organized for' the 'purpose of 'distributing Water.'te a subdivision.'..' · or limited area within ithe Gity, then said pers~n-'shall pay" for. the ' ~'.' _..business .of SupplYing ~aid water %o said subdivision or area, a license tax as set.forth in Section 23 ..of this 'ordinance. 71. 'Wei~hin~ Ma.~hine~_- For .'every person operating any' ~ne 'Cent weighing machine, a.. license tax of $1.'00'per year shall be charged' fop each 'sUch machine .that such person operates.'or., maintains, PaYable · .. annually, in advance on Jan~_ary 1st of each Year., -' Ail operatorS_, of weighing machines Covered by this. Ord.inance. shall file with the License Collector an affidavit showing the... lo'Cation of each and every machine_f0r.which a license_is required: ..'' .. ~All 'operators. of weighing 'machines covered by this erdinance shall affix to. each weighing-machine a sticker o~ 'seal t° 'be furnished .... '... _-_i_' · ' - .... "-.. -' r..,. bY the nioense 'C611ect'or,. sai-d-'.st~oker or seal gO'be'placed on .....· .. - .... · ~. ' .... . :..' ..'-'..: - ~as.f~ j'(:;).: -'. .. i~eh ~c~ne ~n' a ~nsp~ouoUs -'pia:~ Any PersOn:ope~a~n~ a "e~Sh$~ :"" ...... '..,'- · in"addi~ion tO the ~eg~ar license. tax for said ~ehine' .fo~ :eaCh ".j:.: . .... ~x ~en Sue, o~ t~e l~censo' penal~ p~ov~ded"he~e'ii~. When notifY'ed~- .. .n?. ·. Any such ope~at°~ of a wetg~ng ~ch~ne who' s~l1 be '~SSat~s-. . ..... lied with the revooaglon of any license by t~ Licenle'...~e~%:etor - "."~' ""' ~'¢~:f' hea~ng.~e'dec.~on of the CI~ council shall be. f~nal, '(Per~.' ' ' ";'.":-~.. from -City Manago~ with approval ~_.: 8eaie~ of Weights" & Measles.)- '; -""- · '. - . . ... , - . .. "- " " 2~.."2;2'- ~ " '- - . '_- . " theate~ 'b~ld~," oRe,att~ as such and pa~t~ a l~oen~e the~fo~, "': '":' "" the license tax .fo~ said contests shall 'be $10.00 a.emia~ually in .... ad~gion to ~e lioe~e paid.for maingai~ and o~e~a~ing sai~ theate~g: ._ -' or' 'insi'ai= k 'and aajusti~ weighi~ and ~as~i~ instrU, merits in. ~he Oily 'of. BakerSfield, s~l1 pay a license tax of $2~.00. '--'. per 'calendar year or f~ac~ional parg ghe~eof, payable in advance..". '":'.._ ~ ?. · -: -__/. ~ · _. .~: ~ · ... . .~ ~. . ._ -. -:7':'v':'." -.. -'.'.. .. - .-'-."-".:,' ..... .- ... of business within .'tl~e..Oit~.. of' Bakersfield, except as othez-wi~e. . ... ....... Provided in this ordinance, who delivers goods, wares.'-o~.-~e_~chandise ' - · · r~- .~-." .. · ' ' .. =' of 'any kind bY .Vo~cl'o or who .~ovidea' any seP,i.o.e.b~'the use of. '.." '.. . ve~cles in ~he ~it7 of Bakersfield, s~ll pay' a..semi~ual · .'- "tax on gross ~Oceip~s fr~ .business .done in ~he. City, as fell°~ .... · '~ - For sales'at. Retail direct to the oens~-'.. . ..: .... Schedule D - FOr sales' a~ ~olesale to ~etail ~:.w~lesale .... deg.~ers havi~ an"esgablished plaoo ef ~aaineaa in-g~":."~:i~y, go -. ~o~ ~"p~g of ~ ~ook'~n .~ ''.-- ' .... :' .'. --:.._ '......~ . · delivery of goods, wa~es o~ merchandise', f~om a: f~eisht retinal -'.:.~. ros~ Hece s Per Yoa~ " '~ ' ' "~ ' .... . .. ._. .. .. ~- ' "' ~ ...... i~', .... "~'.X ' ~. .~o,ooo: .to ~o,ooc-_ eo.oo -'iz,~o'." ':~: ,,..~ _". ."~o,ooo ~o 6o,ooo-- ~o,oo. '" ..~0:- ~..... '. ' . ." .0o,ooo ~o 0'o,oo0 ...... ~o.o0_ ..'"..~.~. .:.,_ _':'_ _ .. '.'~o, ooo_.._. '~o :[°o,ooo... '-" ~o. oo?¢-?~T'"~.oo. _.. . .:~ .. ·... -... ..... ~ O0 ~ 000 to 'l~O ~ O~ '.-~ O0 ~0. O0 '.." :~:~- . ~ . _ .-~o,ooo ~o ~o.;~. . 7o.oo ... ~.o'0':'"". ... -'!~o,ooo ~o 16O,ooo ... go.o0'' '.--~,o.~'''''' .." .. .... .. · . -. n:.. - . ._ .. .. _:i ' '-.'-~bg.,o'oo ~o ~ao,ooo · ,o.Og:' ~.oo .'---.~...- ?~:-- .:~y' . . .. . . ~o,oo.o.~';~oo,ooo .. .. -.ioo.oo ~o.o0~ '-... ..-~. ._~-._.~__ .. . ... .... ._.-- . ~ .~: · ......._'' '~*-.~ · · ? .-- ~'~ ;...~..... .... . - '- .--~ .---- _ '- .. .... '.: ..... .~az,.?~:.- ,. . ._ · ..... ....... .[;.....~. ....,......~?.f:~:...._~..:_~:..... _ · . oo,-ooo to o,.ooo ' ' o.0o .".., '?.:'J"'"". . .. . · .-c-...~.:~ · . .... ,, . . ]...;~E=. ~,...~.~ ........= : ..-' _.. --~o,oOo ~o 3~o,oo,. '.~o..'~"~- so.oo .'.~ ..... , ..[: ..._ .. ~o,ooo ~o ~.~,ooo. :.. -~oo,0o' ,o; .... h.so,ooo'" ' .'. 1o':2oo "':(' ':":'(.'/:'' .-...[0o,ooo ~o 5~o,ooo-- .~'.oo-:~;~o.~. ::~..~-.~(_ ....~.. -~:. '~o,.oOo ~o ~oo,ooa ~bo.oo' .-.' ~o.00.:~.~"~:' -~;'--: " .... '~'"' ' '7;.. ~¢" · . .. · 0~ each_~O00 ove~ $600,000 add: .... ..2~' · :..~.,.~ ..~ . · ... . ... .~=¢:-. .. · .. .~.- _ ....- ...-.,...~ ' - " ....." ' ' ' ' "~"~"r~ ~ :- ' .'- ' · '~....J.' ~'':'.: ...'. [~'- . .'~ ~"h~ ~ '~f' ' Bak~t~l~."': ... ~ ~ ? ....- . ._.... .'" ,.. :. · -.-.--'~:.'.,'2:._:.'-' '.~?. ,, ;"~... .. . ..';. ,..g~ ,... .'~; '. -~- . ' i.:~ · ~ORC~. It s~ll be the duty of t~_ 'TaX,~g'iI'ector,. :' ._---' ~d'~ ~ ~ob7 directed to e~o~ce each and all .el' the provisio~s" ..'::_ .' ..... ~.}2 ' ' . '~ · ' ' ,i. ' '-,'. .':..~ ' · "/ .... '-' - .... ' "?':.r-._ :..- ~' -~""*'~ :'.' -~¢."'~.~.. .. ~is~nts, shall ~ne ~ ~use to be examined all .p~a'....o~ : .... """- -.--. - .. · · . -- _. · ' - · ". · · ='....i~ ._.'.'.' " _ -.. :.. '-- .. . - ..-. ..-...- .: ..,-~ · ,. ~.~ .. - [-.- .... ..-.. ~. .~ __ ...: _.-- . .'- .-_' .~".....' - . . '- -.f,,.~.'.:..~ _ .~...'(::..'--~ .... ~ .' 7'[-- .... _. _ .... ". ~' ..';';')".~'-'Y .":~.i.'... :~ '" -' .... ~- . ..._( ~ ~ ... ......; ._ . . · . . .... . ~6,. .. ....'.. ... ' .-' - ...... '..-...~ .~-..':'~::.~.~¥ ''-' "~" '" .... · bUsiness. . in the Ci2Y of' Bake~$~-ield...._ _. to ascertain whether the ._ .' provisions' 'of this ordinance have been 'complied with.:.'. ...'...' i' i.'i'.~..-:- '~'' .... ~._:../_.~' . ._ '.-f'.--' The Tax COlle_ctor and each and all of his assistants alld .... '.- ~ .... :j..~: Police o~fioe'r shall have the power and. authority to en~e..-.~.', J,."' · · . .... · ..... . _ . ..required to he li'oensed herein, and .demand an exhib~tio_:n., of its '. ..;-..: . .._ · . .... ....;.~:[ f -. · license "certificate, . Any person .havir~g such license 'Oe'~ttftcate.-!...'- · :.~y the~_etofore 'issUed, in his Possession o!" under his control, Wh~7.:,. -.:--...: ....... '[:~z · 'wilfUlly fails i.e..exhibit the same on demand,.' shall be gui!~?of a ~..sdemeanor and slj..bJect 'go ~ho ponalti~s pro~.ded for b~ '~he....".:/i? ..f' ~' ~"." ...... p~,Ovisi°n,, of this ordtnanco~ It shall be ~h.e duty' of .~i~e T~X' i-/'- : v. .. --;"-Coli®~tor and e~oh'.of his assistants go o~use &' co~Pla:l, nt to-b~?. filed a~ainst; any .ar/~l ali per~ons fomad to b~ v~ola~ ~ny '~¢~ 8~ ~"-.'. ~v~on~. "'"~ · -' :'." '"" "'~'''':- . .- .-- .r~ ... .. . '.. :,.~. : _ .. . . '~"J'~ _ ...._. .-' .a-debt to the Ol~. of .Bakersfield. An action. ~ay be ~o~'en°~~: in ~e n~e of. s~d 0ity in any oou~t of c~pegent ju~isd~ct~en, fo~".' .. · -~he-amo~t of any ~linquent lic~se, tax and Penalties, ..... '.' '~ SECTION 29. " 'DELINQ~T TA~ ~CO~OTIB~. {a) If the Tax OolleO~,~ .. .' "-"-. '('''' ..:....,.~. . . ... ~: -... " g~ collect any such.~~ would be disp~opo~t~o~tel~.. ~'~t17 wi~h ",~.' ... ~elagion go gho ~ob'abl. o outcome-of the collecti~ eff~ta, he ~,y .... · ~e~e~o~ and sub~g l~ ~'o ~ho 0it~ Co,oil. Upon a~oval of ~e " ..0~t7 Co~c~l~ ghe .Tax Collocto~ ~ ~emove-f~om h~s a0~ve acco~0s ..'- .... _.. receivable..,-. any unpa'id tax...~.:...or believed te be -~wing, .which-" i:~' .' .... ....-'" is '.so approved by said C'°uncll. :'-_".:. - .... ._~__ :_ .. ' · ~ -' JL.i ~..' -': ". ~' '-'-': ..... {b) The removing from the-active accounts receivab'l.e, of the "' .:-: -. Ta_x.'j:._Collector of any'unpaid tax as provided herein, sha'l'l not pre- · ' c.lude .the _Cit7 from' cOllecting or .attempting tO colle~O any sUO~'I.'.. '.' ' tax which proves to-be. C'ollectible. -' SE0 _'r.O} 30° " . ..:,-... '". .. REMEDIES 'CUMULATIVE. Ail romedles prescribed lXereunder . ::' "' shall, be :c_um..ulagive and the use of one or more remedies by ~he'".Ci_~Y ..... .. of. Bak0rsfiold shall not bar the use of any otlaer remedy pumpose of. enforcing the provisions hereof. -- --.-' IgEC~ION 31. ... · " ?ENII, TY FOR ~IO~A~'r0II'.. Any person v:tol_ating any of the.."- pr0'vi~ions o£ t2~i~ "or. dinan, e or lmowtngl¥ o~-intentionally mil- " .representingI ~o any officer or employee of thi~' City any material. _. faot in procuring the license herein provided for shall be deeme~. .... guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction ~hereof. shall be punishable by. a fine of no~ mo_re than Five. ltm~dx'ed Dollars .{$500.00} or by i~prison~ent in tho County ',l'~il for a pe~,iod of not ~o~'e thma six months, or by'...both such fine and imprisonment.' 8EC~I0~ 32. pl:a'aa~ '.o~' Port:ion'0f thts o~dtnAnoe ~ fo~ ~ny ~on h~l~ ~o-b~ ...- "- ~n~' ~o~on~"'°f ~t~ o~n~,~,.' ~h~ ~ ~o~o~1 'of"~a.~ · .' .~ ':......:_~Ob7 aool~ .~ha~..~_~. ~al~ ~v~ ~dopg~a ~ o~d~no~ and · ~p~og~vo o$ g~e $~'~g g~g ~ o~ .o~ mo~ ~o-glon~ ~aB~og~on~ "' " .. '" - ~" - 'i '"' ''/ ":~'/ -~ '~'~'i'v"~'" ;" ' .. ._ __ .~ ' '. . : ....' . .. ....:~ .~.,_ './'~ ~:~,,:'.....~ '"' 2'" ' ~_-----; ~"~'" --.'~:~-~::~'.~- ' ' . ~" ' . ' ..... :~?'~:.~,'~:'?~ ~:': _~. ' .. .. ~. ~'.'.""..'..(~ ."" ""-'/'.' ...... _.~ ..... · _. ~ .. ."~"~i~*:~ -..-..~ ..::~:, ~.-.. .2 - ~ - ,'} :'"~ · · - -' '- -.' ... _~-~;~...?.~.. _ - . .....-..):..:.._ -:.. .......-...~.., -....~ .- .?. . . ~.- ,. . :~ . .. ...._ ..:~Io~ ._~, ~ _.~ ~..-. . ..~?<f....~:?.:~._:. ~. ;:..._ . · · . . ~.~__ =_.. - . . . _ . _ ' ....~ ~..~.~....~_. · · :' . - ..... .~-/~.'~ ..: .. _.= ....... _ . ' ._ :....%..'-?.. . . '.. -. . .'~:. ..... .. · . ...? :... :~".. ':'. .... · ...... .. .: ..: ...... .'..'~ .~' '_ .... · --._..~ ......... .,. .'......~. ?.... -: - .: -"' .2 .J'-'-': :. """~'J~""" ' .- _ _. . . ...-- ... ...._ . ..-..:. .. . .. _ :_ · _.~.'_. .-. -. ._.....:..,. ._.. .... and s~ll t~ke effect at ~ight J~e 30, 1959. - -._.,- .... . ..._ .":~ -(."_: -'.., '....'i, -~ .... 000 ...... "" " '" ': ..... '~ ~';:...:}:U~' '-' ..... :. ... I ~B~ ~~ ~hag. ~ fo~,g'o~ng ~d~n~no~ ~ ~aa~e~'~. ':.' ..' :"~..-" . . .. ;.'.~ " ~: ~r~. ~,tt~. ~a~ s. ~oui~s; e~.. ~: .... '~" ' -'" ': .... ' · - ..~: ... · . ~t~. ~; .' '- ' .. ,- .~ · ' ,~ · . . .~'...~-.:~ · ' ' -"... ~ ..":2 .... 2')' .- .. . ~,~,~, ~.~~,, . .".~:..'~'.'":~- · .. . . . . ....,.. _ .. ~0~. o~ gho.'~Ig~ og ~ako~$I~d, ......... ' ....... · .... ..'--...'... ,. '...'. ...... "'-~ -- · . _." ~..... , .._ .._..'_.. -. -' .' Affii aui! of osling ( ri inanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... .~.h...e.....3__.r__d_._..d.-a-_Y-.._-°-.~.---J---u--Z---Y- .................................... ,19___.5__9__ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci:l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..... _.2.2.._n___d_.___d...a.Y___..°..~_..-J-.-u-_-n--e..~. ............................ ,19.5...9.___, which ordinance was numbered ..........3.-2..4...6- ....... ~ ........ New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE LICENSING THE TRANS- ACTION AND CARRYING ON OF CERTAIN BUSINESSES, TRADES, PROFESSIONS, CALLINGS AND OCCUPATIONS IN TtIE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING MUNICIPAL REVENUE, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF, AND RE- PEALING ORDINANCE NO. 681, NEW SERIES. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -'', · ' N~t~ry Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California ., ... My Commission Expires June 9,