HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1245 · - AN ORDINANC_ "A N IN'G .SECTION -3,0! (zoN 'G MAP) OF..ORDI~.-.NO. 1010, NEW SERIES 0F T~ ': -. " CI~ OF 'B~~D,. BY 'C~NGING T~ ZONING ' OF. ·THOSE C~N-' PRO~RTIES ~O~ING ON .?:--"" TR~T~ A~N~ 'EASTERLY OF -"V~'' M~T AND. " "~' " .- ~STERLY..OF '-~I ON A~N~. ' .... · . *'![.~.. W~AS, in..~e0rdance with the proced~e, set. fe~th in t~ '" Provisi°ns"~f.Zontng O~dinance'N0. 1010, New Series ~' the City .. 0~. B_akersfield, tbs .Planning. C0~ission and City~.'Council have ~ld ... ~arins.$ respectively, on a motion of t~ Planing Com~ssion to "change· t~ 'z.oning Of. ~e. rtain properties within said. CindY., and. W~A8, the. City Co~c~t has dete~mi~d after due considera- tion of said motion, and' the recommendation of'the Planing Commis- sion· on file herein, to~ghe~ ~ith t~ ~asons advance d_ ' at t~ · . heamings for a change of zoning of said pmo~mties,_.~ha~ said · zoning change".-sho~d be authorized. NOW," 'I'~P~FOBE, BE IT O~~D by t~ '0ouncil of the City of .BakerSfield, as fot. l. ows: SECTION 1. ". That·section .3,01. (Zoning Map). of.zoni~ ordinance No. 1010, New series of bhe. City of Bakersfield, be and t~ same is ~reby amended by cham~ the .zoning of certain pro~rties in said City, ihe bound~ies of w~ch.Pro~rties are shown on t~ map hereto attached and made· a.'. part '.of t~s ordinance,as follows: changing the. zoning Bestiaries from an R-4 (MUltiple'Family ~elling) Zone to a C-0-D " (Pr'ofessional office - architectural design) zone .df that property in t~ City of Bakers- field looated on t~ northerly side of Tmuxtun .. Avenue easterly of "V" Street and westemly of Uni. On A~nue, being mo~ p~ticularly described - _ . as roi'lows: ·Dots ~.l t~ough 17, incluaive, an~-- . .. .......... ~ ........... t~" WSs't~'rly -ne-h~lf (~). of_Lot 18, Block 5, · " ~use"Tract, City of Bakersfield,. as per map recomded Au~mt 3, 1911, in map Book 2, page 30, in t~. Office of the County Recorder, County · of Kern,. State of C~ifornia; and .. -- -"- ' ' .- -- ": -~ : ': '--'-'- ' '.'' -. ,.-...<-..'~:~...'..t':. ¥'-.':.' ..... ~:.." ' · ' -- ... ...... .':...~ ..... _ ~- - -. · - L'==;'"= .... .- ._ · · ':~ - . .~.. · --..:.~.~ ,~'.. '.":.· . :...-.:.:~..~..:?? ..... _ . -: -.. · . - _ :..._.._~..'":-'-.......... .....- . ... .. '~ ~ ..: -~...:'.., -" : .:~'~;-'"'~.'-'.'f ..3 - ':- ._ ~.'..- '- '." '. " ' -' ·(:Multi'Pie F:amlly Dwe'l-ling) · Zone t:o". a.. C,i~D ... ': ....... ' (Li mi te d.'-'¢~mme ~ci al-, -' -archi te ct~at ' ~'esign) '. · -'- ..... · - ........ ... ...... '-August-~:-191i,' _l-n.]~'ap.;Book"-~'~ page ·30, ln-'.~the'~.i.: ...... :.~his ordinance shall t~k~ e-ffec%"'thir~y days~ from .~md'- '':?';" · -',-,:..: ..... _. :.- : '-: · .... Y'~'~E~.BY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was 'pa~se~' · .... -and adopted by:_-.-_~_'-.~ 'Council of tho City of Bakersfield at..!:a.i'egular ".".'" .._ meeting the~eof.het.d, on the 8th day of June,.1959,.',.~..y_ '~ follm'ing ...... vote :_ · ..... " ..!. 7'='* 'AYEs: BA[F/~'tZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES. DOOLIN, ~TIERI~,... ' .' .. -. _. . .. ~EENi':~~ · . ' ... .- City ~lerk and Ex'~ffl~l~[O Clerk '.:i.. ~ " of tb3e Council of the City of . .' ' -- : -:.~ . .- . _._. _:" ..j C f Bake~sfield ._.. .. ~:. . . . ..::?,.:~...,..~ :_::' Z Affihau ! of ios ng (Orh nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County o.f Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being dul~ sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... _t_..h_e.....9_..t.__h.....d...a..y.....o.._f__.._J__.u..n...e._~ .................................. , 19.__.5..9__ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinanbe passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............t...h..e......8_.t_._h..___d...a...y.___.o_.f__._..J..u__.n_..e.~ ............... , 19....5...9., which ordinance was numbered ........ .1: ~ .4. . _5. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.01 (ZONING MAP) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1010~ NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES FRONTING ON TRUXTUN AVENUE EASTERLY OF 'V' STREET AND I~ESTERLY OF UNION AVENUE, Subscribed and sworn to before me this i _ , Public in ~nd for t~e County ot~ K~rn. 8t~te o[ Calfforni~ .~ -.' ,.., .. &~]]~ Commission Expires June 9, 1961