HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1241 ...... NEM' . . . .i .... .: .':.. ..... ' ........... _?- '~ ..... -::~: :::.'...-. . , __ '-u':" ~ _..;- _ . _ 'AN i'0RDiNA~GE:iAuTHoRtzINo THE cITY' EN~INE'lW.R ~o .,'.: (:.:........:_i. '.L "~":" - -_'.L:--:'.' '- oF-BAKERSFIELD 'WITH NON RES-tD~S 'FOR THE: ."'-'?~}':~J .. ,' ".. - .... .-'.' 5:-'_.' 'I:~N'TAL /LIt'D USE OF. A. S~I'~[ tlII~ttlffiOTION I~iTI-I .T' ;-'.~." · ..'--:... . ...... ~.f ._ I~-INO DIaCOI~IE~I~N ~0R NON-PA~ 0F. '81J'0~ ' .. _,....:-.,~...,... '" ~77 A~ 119~, -~ ~. a~I~8~..O~' ~ ~I~. "-'~'~f ;..'-.'.: ..-"<...' .... .. ....... .~._ . '__ ..:;2:· ,.;,' ' :_ .... . . ~:~ · , .. .... .- ~ - . .. .~'/'~- . . . .--.- ..: · · . .... . ~ ~ ' ' '... j'.' .~' . · ' a~ follo~ · ..... . .. " a~I0~ 1. -' .. ., .. . . .' -.. _. .>~'.- No po~Son, ft'~m .~ c.~po~atton o~t~ o~ c'~olllng .-- .._ ..-~.!~., ~'.: real p~eper~y sit~a~e~ without the city ll~ts ef t~e"~City, ef BakerS,":"..." · . . .. .. , of ~ .0~7..°f Bako~f~o!a~ ~h~[1 ~nga~n_ ~7"~rtv~go ~o~ I~n~.'-..../%.'-'~' .. }..~..:. l~es: co.coting W~h ~Y private sewo~ line. ~0r lines se.vt~-~p~ope~Y · _'~:~:'" tno!uded in.'sat.d ag~oement', -Shall be deCo,thud 'by' ghe Ci~y Engi~eer ' . ~. '..~ _ . . .. _ .. __.. · . . . . · _ .~. ' sm~io~.'. ~,' · ~''' ._," . ........ Neth~hstan~-~y..Prov~sions ~of'~ghlS 6~d~anco to ."~he Comgra~y~ whenever 'any. such p~ope~ty, mentioned in .Sectl.n 1 he,eof- -- · a' foe. to ~he Oigy .of B~ke~sfield p~suang to ~he '~e~s of a' oent~o~ . . . . . . .~'. · _ ...~ --.---. .... .- . __ . . __ -_..___. _ -_. ..-':-'-:-.: .... ,~...- ...~ ....~ ~..~.: -....._~..~- _~ ?~. ,..~..: ~....,/... .... ..~.j -'.~:'~' .;_ . - _- ...--.- - :. . . _ · .... .-.- . , . . · .-.. _ ..:._~. ~ . .'&.-f _. ~. : .., -.. ~.:~ ~'~ ,.~.. ..,.. :~......~'.~.~ ~ ~ · · - . -- .- · · - _ --- - . _ _ -" - ' ' ="-'- -' .- -- ' h:'.'. '.-;. .~ ,.,~. '"..- --.~,~ .~ ...... =' '. ~ · .. '~. ~-,'.,-.~,?' 7.'~ - ;. -~ ~,:.' .- ..._~. ".:~i~,..,. ',k..L . . . .... .~.:., -,... -. .'...'_.....:~,~..'~, . . .. .., .. with said ci'~7 for(.~h'e.'ase-pf_.-8ttT*s .sewer l~':.the owner of .aicP'": .. ~~~ '"".... :. . .' ..: :' ._C~-~,~:e':.'" '.- ~I0~ ~,. - .- ~:.-.. -':.? ' ~. ~'.' ......' · -' ':'.: "~"~";'~:' .... '"- .-::.'.~4:.:~" :~'':' ' "' - ..... ~L.'-(.7~[-.-. :..,~;. _.":'-': .- · : ... · . · .... · _ ..'...:;~).' .. .. ._.'... · ,.....~j. - e~[~ ef said p~oper~y. ~vi~ entered into a ~tt~n '~greomeng'.'w~'h:.'.' /.'~- the. said City"of" Bake~sf'ield fo~ ~e pa~ent of. ~ental for sai.~-: "-..' '. "- - -. ..-' . .. 27 ' ' ~ .. '" " 's~o~.[... .' · -' .". ' ~''~'~ · ' Tho c~Dactty an& use ~arges shat~'~-be' as '.folloWs: = One ~ily ~o'lli~: · - Capaolty'c~ge "$30.00 total ..Uge. ~harg~, pe~ pl~bi~ fixgu~e or , .. appliance ~.00. each. ~-~r~.__"-' - . ' :'..- ' .. · _ · ".~. _ · . '-"' ..'. ..... i.- ':. -.'.-,~/.,._~. _~' ... ......... _,z_ ~:- ..... ~ _: ..... ~.__ -- . '~. -. ...... -..~._ .... . '. ~ yr._ .; --':.,~;~;~-....- -..... :_~=- - . ~ ~---:'' -. .._ 2~-- "- - ' - -- -- ' - - _ . '' ~=.-- .. ' ' · - · - ' - - - . ,-'..'5 ,'.r"~_,;.'~.:~'.~"~%":'~~ J~?...-':'L. :' ~-- · ., ._.-- 'r '...=-~. .~ - '- - ~--. ~'-' ,' -. ~' ~' ._"..'. ~'.'- '~ .._ ' ..' . :-.".;~ ' .J.'~:-/'.~,...~.~'7~ %' ~'" .~;~.~ ~.' '?".' - . -f' _. " . _' ... .. · .. .. -):.- . ,....... ~::.. .. .. . .- . _ _ ....... -- -~:~.~.~,~..:,.,,., .,-~: ...'"..': "' '-' -" '-"--"'" '- . ',7 "~".'.--._U.: ?:..."v":'?~::":5 :..~?,~.',~u:,.~j "- '- '- - :- - · "~ '" '- . '.:..,."' "~!.:~'.~'..' '-~ -........V..:~"b~ ;..~ . '-,,r','.?-. ;_., " ............ - ..... ...: L'~=~'_~-.· ~:.-j' ~ ....~.~.- :.:. ~. ...... .: :-...~.._..: ...... - - · :-. -J'.' '.~ - ~'.~' .~,".'"'"-'~L:;..; ', ").? ' ' - · · ' .~:j-~-.~. f'i .~/".~ '.~ .~ '.. '...,. ,.~-. ~.,~?,=:.'_~'.' .-; "~.'v '. .... .. _..- . - -: ..~_~..~ .~.,- ..... ~. .:. ~ - ,_. , - __..__ -. ":'-- ' "' ' - '_ . · : · ~_.'~ ~-~,~.',.~..~,,L" :.~j;,".:. ..'.~;.~- ' .~ · . ,: ._.. '7 .._ . ~. . . ...... .. ...-.:~!:'~..~;%~....j'. -.... ~ - _ . .... ' · '. ·'7"-'"+~' ~'~'"£~."..'-"."=' '-...' , .L ~wv -'~r .... 'More' ~amilY Dwe 11 ing :': ........ ' ..... '...-'~..-~.-....:~.~.-..~-.~,~',,'.~ ..... :-'. .... . .... -:-....-.. . · ~.;.;.~;...:~...,..'.. .. ~' .,:,~... ,j. -~.., :...' .... '.. '7 ?.,'~'~,'~".' .t'_';': .:]. '=',:.- ..... CapaCity chd~-ge_ , '$30.00 for'first umig-:-P.la~.! ;"'. . .'.._': · $15,00 for e~Ch, additional-unit. '-:': "' ~ .'.., ";.,":' :'- " ....... '" ~"' · " ' ' '" ' ' ' .- ........ 'T~'-.::'~'"~' - -~' ~. -..- _ ..' ',.'~..:~,~.~ ... ~,'i~ . .. .. ~:,:.~ _. " -~'i '""" '-"~"'"' "' :';".:-"'" 'Tra_.e.~:Ooumt: " -." ,: .- .... ..~ .~-~....-...... . · . . _ ... .... ~ . ., . .:...,~::.:.'.:,~,':: ~.~..'.. _ · _ . .. ... ..... ~,~.... ,.~ ....... _ ..... /-Toilot'a~d laundry _'rooms. (each ~oi'le~'¢;'~m ana.,.".~~i%~"?!-'.;...'.'."-;.. -2~;OOm shall 'be considered as a separate unit)...." :,:"~?~'".'~'7' ,' ??.,'."'.-' · ' ' '- ., ' -. ' ' ' '~.7" :'< ')';7~'%" .' '''~:' :'. -... - - '~'_. " .Capacity charge -_ $30.00 for first.unit' pl~.'$1~.00 for each-additional unit. ..... : .... '.-..':--~"'." - 7%..--":-- .... .' .,:,.'<-'" . _ ':~:'/ -.- .. _ ..... . 7~ '.~.~..~ . · '..~?~ -:..-.. .... .- ::-. Use cha~ge, 'per~lUmbing flxtu~e Or..appl~'~e '$~.O0".'e~; '. ".?-:../-. · T~ailer.. s~aces .( equipped with ' seWe~::.e:0m~e_ctions)" ~_-".~..,:' '!'.-_:.:7.'-. '..~.':,'.:_ " -combine.~ capacity'.'a_nd use ch~_~ge of$20~'00 'Per'""tra~t;'.'.' :.,.,~:" "'?...'. · space. ..... · . :. -' '.. ' , -.' _::~,;".'_ · ~ .... " ~'. - ' ' ' ' ' ~ '. ' " . _ ' ' ':-' .,',.-'7'7'~.~'~:-.": .' " - _. ·: Hotel' .d.~ Motel~ ' .'. . '. '. -" ' " . .;' ::'.;!'.-..;:'~' . -".-,:'.:' - . ' · .: ' · · ' · . ". '.~'i:'~. · -....'.~.:: .:.-. -' :~. ': ~" " "capac .t7- - .-$'30.00 i st-' estro "o ..... ,.-' ..... · plus.· $~.00-. for each' additional restroom ~'_.,b~at~o~';'..;%!',!:..~.".':::: ..:-':...':.':.i ' ' ' - . - - · ' · ' ' '.". ' · .' 7 .:','..~;~,." .... '" ;,. · · - Use '_c~r~e, -pe~ plumbing fixture or app~'~C~ '$5'.0~::'e~_~-'.' .. ...: ... _.?-,... · .. .. Garage: ..... ~ ..... -' ' '.' ..~ i:, .:'i '":'" ,-..:-: .... "Oapacity charBe '" $I0~ .;' :' "' .' ':' '~se c~arge~ fo~ plumbi_ng fixture or . appliance $5.00,' plus $!~0'.00 for a -'~ . · ' · washrack-'of one-ca~ capacity.· ' .... "~ ..... ": ..... ':':',-', .... ' _ . . . · · .... :~.j..;'_.-. :.: ~.. - '" ' ' · Gasoline Service.. S~at'ion: '- " '! .';:.-.'.":.::': ;..:'.:~i':" ' '"' :"' .....~.~-.~, _ _,,.. · . Capacity,_ _ __Charge '" $1oo..00'.'" ~::"'"'" ~' ~:'"':' Use caarge~per p-um~-ng- -- .fixture or .::-... :... ... ....... · - ap'~liance $5.00, plus' $~50.00 for a' " .... :"'""' ' ..... '-. "' washrack of '.one-ca~ capacity. ~..-'"' · .... Restaurant ~ . .... ,-. Capacity ..~ha'rge "' ', .... $100.00 -- 'Use oharge~ pe~ plumbing fixture or. . ...... - appliance $5,00. " .. - ..:~. .. (.b) Occupancies 'listed above shall be.construed and.. defined .. as provided in O~din_ance No. '1'010, New Ser~es and. amendments, thereto, Unless 'a' different meaning and/or construCtion is herein .specified and/or'"PrOvide'd"-'"-" - for..' .- ":' "' '.' .. (c],.' Oc.cupanoles not 'listed above will b'e charged at'a -. · ' .rate per year to .be"d. eteHainod by tho City Engineer with the'.-approval .. -,- .._._...!./::¥"_..; ..? :: .... :'::.:".i.~ __ · ...... " · ...... · "?"~:- .~,..' ' '" ~'C' ....... ~ .~.,..j.'.~ -.~. ~..-. · --.~.. ~ · ._ ..... :_ - · .(g-.'~-: .... .. _ .. . -. ....... ._ :'. · - . .._~. . · .. _ ...... ..-...... ~:_::.'... ~. :_.. -' ..-. ((~ .App~ovaI- of ~ Oi~Y'O~uncil s~lX ~e obtained befo~'e· "-any .co~ection"i's'~'de to ~e-City's sewerage System. Upon such. ._-" '0ity. ~ B.a~sf'leld-, as required in $~s ordinance. .:- .... -=~"=(f) 'Contracts as. ~rovided above s~ll include, the fol~Ow- - ovisionS= ...... ,.~.. ... 1. The con~ac~ shall not be ~ransfe~able. : -"- yea=S, .pinS. ~.e ~expired pbrtion of ~e calen'~r year in ~ich' .t~' .' -. cO~enCes... .. 3~ '- The 'rate to be charged for the ~exp~ed pop,ion'.0f 'the . calenda~ year in.w~ch t~ Con~ctton Is ~de shall be .at 'the.?&te .... ....... of' 1/12 for each'month 'or portion ~here°f 're~ining in such Calendar .-' ':'-'. :-~.,:.~ .~eaP. For each succeedi~ calendar year, the full '~$ sh~l be[." ....' " -. d~e and payable on ~he firs~ day of J~uary, a~d mus~ be paid'wiShin_- .... ~hi~y days· ~he=eaftem.~"which shall be' kno~ as .the grace pe~'iod. .. - After the g~aCe period has expired,_ there shaI1 be a 10% s~c~Tge'. :. added.f°r pai~ment within the. next sixty days. · '" 4~_~ A .contract s,hAll..'b.o deemed m~k~'oa~'c~'lled'"if-. - payment in full as .p~ovtded ~ the 'fo~egot~ paragraph is no~ ~de... '~ within. ninety days after it becomes due and .payable... ~e .service".'. ...... . f .~'-..' line's~ll, in g~t ~vong, be disoo~ecged. -. .....~.~. 4- ' ' ''~' '":' '::':''':/'"";: ~: '~''''''(: ..... . .- -=~- ~" ' m' ..~..-.' .~:,4,~.'~_' ..... "" "-.'" .... .'Bake~Sfie.ld,i~_ .-- .and..."~. ~ates and cha~s... _ .. a~e fo o be. ['... . '.}_? ... ;-~-.:... _. ... . .--... . ..- .....-.... . ..~" .":.. ~.~.'_......~.. · .:;....}-:.~ ........ -.2LinC-? -_ ..... ' ' " --" - . . ..... ...... _ ' ' .- · - . ..:." - S~IO~ 7. ~'""~ ........ ~..:../' ..': -: ~... :?:¢~...........- ..._. o~dinanco, the .righ.~ .to resinate any agreement ~de~'~:this.o~in~nce ... ' s~il :be set forgh'-'i~ o~oh individual agreement; ' ' _~. · -- - . ' U~ .~ ' " .. p~ovig'~-Ons nog' 'oonga~od he~6tn, if not in co~'lic~ herew~gh~. · · · .'. ::'-' · ' "- SEOTION 9. ' -'." .. . '??g.. ./.. · - ho~tofo','o enterod.t~o between tho City of Ba.ke~sfield .- . "... - . . . %'~'~- .. ... . _ · . ._ .. .- Co~gy of Koi, n, da~eg' gho 15gh day of' May,' 1039i" givi~ the:~ou~-.-~.' . ..... . ..... . . ..~:..-...... . · ..... ,'?:'. -. .. Ok Kern the ~?ight ~--c~oct its privaee sewe~ t0 ~he.'~.adworkS:'..o~: -. . 5-"' .. --' ' 8oeg~on'' 10 _ '-'..~-"'.' ""-" ..... '~ ~',.i_" '~: /-.. - -. .'~.'.. . _ .'~.,~." .... '-.= "' ~i~ten agreement with. __ .rental fo~ the.privilege of .co~ecti~ ~s private· sewe~ 1.tne_~.~ :.-.' . iinoa wigh gt~o ~in ..se~rage sysgem of ghe".Ci~ of Ba~sfiold, and " .... perf°~m any covenant-or ~onditlon contained in.'-~*~d agre'ement~ ~he''~-' .. -' o~no.~.'.'8on~.by ~og~od ~a~I a~ h~ l~g' kno~ ~d~a~. o~ ~pon .. :._. ' · .... . ...... , .,.r:-~.~... ... . .... . ~ . - - -' -.. -:~;'~ . ,-.':w ~.""-. '. . · :.. /.,":~ *."' .- 7'- ~':'--6 ' ~.; .. '- ' "~?' --' ' ' '..?~.' - ........~ · ........ ...~"-.-~ ._. _. ~ ....... - _~ ..' . .- ~.-..'-':.,.~... ,~-~{~:.~.. '.- ..... by said. privaoe Sewer line or lines which .ars 'cOnnected'.to.. · ' ..~di'.ately d'isconnect' said' ~iva~e "'sY~"~o~' t~ .City of Ba~e-rsfieid, unless rental .has 'been paid· Wit~-n- Said· ten '~'0) daYs. time., .or said cove. nants or. conditions .haVe be~,.~ ~__ kept, observed Or.performed or the breach t~reof._h~s..been.¥~edt~d '.:.".. -W~hin.ssid te~n (lO)-days. time; and/or he may refer the ~:mm~'$~g~L.'~o the · C~' -~.~t:~ney~ who shall' bri'ng an action in a co~t of c'om~ten~?..}.. -~ .... an~. c. oole.r, ap~i'ance,, device or .other apparatus, Shall ne't ..b,~"~%~cted · . ko the drainage System on the .premises where sai~d-.e"oOler~ 'a~li~n~i~. device o~ other' apparatus is.located ~d used~' 'no~' shall:Said wate.~.'~.~ :~..~._ .._ . -- . be. i~Lany manner dischar~d in~o bhe sanitary sewer system'.of · .. (~.) "ill c_onnections. ~retofOre made-.'o~., existing .a't '~~:me.:- ' '- · ' · -;v..':.~". ' ' - - ' ' · . · . . - · '~'t. '~.. -- ... _ · _ . · . ..::,~ ..... _. . .-~:. .~. shall be. disconneC'~ed from the sanitary sewer system~:of?~::.~lty.'oC ...... . . ....Z..:.L~ . . ..'.~ . · - · '.°r dr~na~e'sys~em-of .the city of ~S-kersfield sh~l'l be equipped with..'-" ,'-'-'.~ said' swimming ~ools..for a period of not less th~ 'o~.....~ear. _ ......... . .... .... -"/~nd~n°t until a permit has' b~en o'b '-"' ' "'' ' ' · .../-.~:._~-.-.. .... t.aine, dl from.the -Ci t~..E~gk:~:e'~ 'wh°, .. . ..... . : . - . .. · .?~,:,.,.~ ........ . .... ... deSi"~na'te'--$~e' ti'~'=fo'r t~ dl'c~i4~e .of sUCh wa~.~.... In"no event. ..'~uch d~sj~.-'Of.--water from swimming pools be~'.~¥~a ~time whe'n, the-'.'elim- · .s~iC. temp~r~-.?re..i.~, hi,er ~n seventy de~ees Fa~enhei-t~.~?.'.~?.J~%]~.'~.'-~.'-."'~L''~ '.- ._ '.'(e) Att//~immir~g pools existinE .at b~ effeoti~'/d~te"'of, this ~'.'~e~di~nce and 'co~cte'd. to .the-saniatary sewen s.~stem~..o~.~ ~ City of ...... .. ... _.~., -.. Bake"rsf~id~._.shall be made to co~orm to the pr~isio, ns of t~s ordinance., 'v. %~..'~f). Shoed any pcraon,..firm or corpo~atiOn violate'~y of.-''L · such provisions, t~ 'City ~'~ - '" ' ~otice to the property owner o~. said pPemises,-sent by .... at his last known 'address, or upon ~en (10) days. wni~ten.notice 'to oCcg. pant of .said'~remises, ~nt by. registered mail, imme-diately dis- ... _ .~f. .9o~ect ·.said priva.te sewer 1~.~ from 'City,s 'out,fall.- main'sewer ..' .. -SECTION 12, · " ' .. -~... ~.~%~.~.. ..... . .. ' .. _'.. ~[~.~.~.-. · ... .. .T~ ber'~ .and Conditions ~.eSfi.ed-in this ordi'na~c~..shall .~ · ~.._. ,. .~:W..' .. · · .~pply .only to contracts to be entered in~..from and 'afte~ ~ effeo.tive-.'--~ da.te"L'of 'th~s ordinance.,-- and t~ :~l..renewals.of contraets~'no~ in feaZe.- and effect. '- " %J .... "-'.'. ~.~L.J~.. -.. " ' EECTI ON 13. "" "'" ' ' '-' '~ ' '~ That.ord~.n~nces Lnumbers 578, 708, 741, .104~, ET? and'.ll?4.~."...~. all New'~Series' of the City of Bakersfield, and"all bthe'~.°~dinances. 'dr '"'-" .·.·.Parts Of ordinances in 'conflict' herewith, are 'hereby eXpress~.L'~eale'd .. " -.' S~TION 14. · ". ' Thi's ordinance shall be effective thirty ~ays~.~om'and ~].. · after the date 0f 'i~s' passa~, _. " '<2..' · .... ... ..'.- ... -~ ..... .. ._ '..~.. ~L.... . .___.... . _. · ,... .~- ...... . .-,~ ... ...... : ..... .... ..,~. ~.....~..~.~.~.,'--,... ...... .~.. ~._. . . . .,~?.v . · . · . . ..:.,j$~ - I.~REBT.CERTIFY .that the foregoing Ordinance was passed '- ' --m'~d adop. t~d b.y ~:1~' Co!mc"il o.f tho Ci~2 of Bakorsfield...a~- a .ro~lar '.-' .meeting therei~f held on thc llbh.day of 'May, 1959, .by the follO'~g_. vote r" .. -'.'"'-. ' · ' . ...... ' ' ' ., ~,~- ~GDI N'STIERh, ..:.~.~,,~"~, {,~- .... :.,, ,.., ..:~. .-, , . - ~ .'.~,=~. ¢~t~z,~~ ..... ...~~.__~ ..... ':~.-~~ ............ . .... '~ ... " ".~~ ~,3 ~) - ... City,Clerk an~.E~;Officio Cle~k-of the .. ... CounCil of t~'. City of Bakersfield. .~.}~:: :-.~...~....'~%....~ .. ..:- '~..~ .j ~ -- .. ,~. '.. :'.: · .~PP~D ~,~"'lith' day of May, 1959, '. ". ...','.. "~ :.'...,, "....:~ ':...'.'." Affi av ! of r uan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that the 12th day of May, on ........................................................................................... , 19_._.5__.9_ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a , the 11th day of May, meeting thereof duly held o ................................................................................ ,19..5.-9...., which ordinance 1241 was numbered .................................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WITH NON-RESIDENTS FOR THE RENTAL AND USE OF A SEWER CONNECTION WITH THE OUT-FALL MAIN SEWER SYSTEM, ESTABLISHING RATES AND CHARGES FOR SUCH CONNECTIONS, AND AUTHOR- IZING DISCONNECTION FOR NON-PAYMENT OF SUCH RENTALS, PROHIBITING UNAUTHORIZED CONNECTIONS WITH THE OUT-FALL MAIN SEWER SYSTEM, AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NOS. 578, 708, 741, 1047, 1177, AND 1194, ALL NEW SERIES, OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. Subscribed and sworn-to before me this ..._l..2...t..h_..day of ........... i.[V!_.i~y_~ ......................... , 19_5..9. .... .,-'. ~" ~Not~ry Public in and for tlxe County of Kern, State of California .:" ,. ..'- M~ Commiscicn E;~pires June 9, 196,~ ---_' , :...-'-..~.~.-'"'~"-