HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1260 ORDINANCE NO,_.%~60 NEW SERIES ~4 ORDINanCE APPROVING ~qNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERS= FIELD~ CALIFORNIA~ AND PROVIDING FOR THE 'iAX. A~ 3. ERRITORY ~,O PAY THE BONDED iNDEBT~ TION OF SAID '~ ' "~ EDNESS OF SAID cITYo WHEREAS, a petition was ~iled with the Council o~ the City of Bakersfield on the 30th day of' Ju!¥~ 1959~'reques%ing that ~erta~. uninhabited territory therein described be annexed to and incorpo~sted within the City of Bakersfie!d~ and WHEREAS, said petit;ion was signed by the owners of all of the territory to be annexed, and WHEREAS~ the terri%o:~ described in said petition is contigu- ous to the City of Bake~sfie3.d~ and WHEREAS, the said territory does not foxm a part of any other city, and WHEREAS. on the 30th day of July~ 1959, there was filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. a w~itten consent, signed by all the owners of p~ope~ty included in said tory, that said territory, be subjected to ~axation after the completion of such annexation equally with %he p~operty in the City of Bakers= field to pay the bonded indebtedness of said City therein des~}~ibed~ as provided ~o~ in Ordinance No. 893, New Series. in Omdinance No. 9~0. New Series, in Ordinance No. kl12~ New Series, and in Ordinance No. 1229~ New Series. all of the City of Bakersfield~ and any and all othe~ indebtedness o~ liability o~ %he City outstanding or authorized on and after the date of completion of said annexation~ an~ 'this Council hezeby determines that said uonsen% is signed by all the owners of · property included in said te~itory~ and complies in every respect with the p~ovisions of Sec%ich 35319 of the Government Code of the Sta~e of California, and WHEREAS,, the Council oE the City of Bakersfield did~ on the 3rd day of August~ 19~9~ pass a Resolution being No. ~4o~9, in eom pliance wt~[h the p~ovisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Terri~ foxy/ Act of 193g', and amendments 'thereto, being Title 4, Division 2~ Part 2~ Chapter 1, Article 5 oS Ahe Government Code of the State o~ California~ specifically describing the boundaries off the territory so proposed to he annexed to the City of Bakersfield,.and.designatin9 such territory hy an appropriate name, and setting Tuesday, Septem~ her 8, 1959, at the hour o( eigh'~ o?clock PoMo, in the Councfl Chambers of the Cfty Hall, 1501T~uxtun Axenue, Bakersffeld, California, as the day, hour and place when and where the City Council would hear protests made hy any person owning real property within the aforesafd territory, and ~HEREAS, said Resolu'~ion was published at least twice, hug not oftener than once a week in The Bakersfield Californian, a news~ paper of general circulation published in the City o~ Bakersfield, sa~d puhlica%ion having been completed at least twenty days priom to the date'set fo~ Said hearing, in compliance with Section 35311 o~ the Government Code, and '~EREAS, at the time .se'~ fo~ hearing protests, no w~itten protests were f~led against ~he proposed annexation hy any owner o~ property within the territory proposed to he annexed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED hy the Council of the C~ty o~ Bakers£~eld~ as SECTION 1o That the Council o~ ~he City of ~aMem~ield hereby approves the annexation to and inclusion ~thin the incorporated limi%s of the C~ty of B~kersf~eld, of that certain uninhabited territory design. ha%ed as i'~H~TE I,ANE NOo 6"; and it is hereby further., ordained that , sa~d territory he and the same is hereby annexed %o said City~ that sa~d territory ~s described as follows: .... A ~ar~el of land si'gua'~e in the County of Kern, Sta'~e of California, and being a portion o'~ Lots 7 and 14, in Sec= tion 18~ Township 30 Sou~h, Range 28 East, M, Do Mo, as said Lots ? and 14 a~e shown on ~he "Kern County.'Sa!es Map Noo ~ of Lands of Jo B. Haggin," filed for ~eco~d May .3 ' 1889, in the o~fice o~ the County Recorder o~ said Kern County~ Beginning at ~he northwest (N. ~o) corne~ o~ said Lot 7~ thence easterly along the nor%herlv boundary of sa~d Lo% 7, on and along 'the comp.rate boundary of the C~%M of Bakersfield, as same is defined by %hat certain annexation designated as "White Lane No. 3," as adopted April 9~ 1957, by the Board of Supervisors of said Kern County, sec~ a line parallel w~%h. and dis%ant 10 feet eas%e~ly~ as measured perpendicula~ %o the westerly boundary of sa~d Lo% 7~ %hence sou%haply along last named parallel l~ne~ and the southerly prolongation %he~eof~ and departing ~om comp.rate boundaz7 of %he City of Bakersfield. ~o intersect the northerly boundary of said Lot 14, the last named northerly boundary also being the southerly boundary line of White Lane of 60 feet in width~ thence westerly along sa~d southerly boundary line of White Lane ~o intersect the southerly prolongation of the westerly boundary of said Lot 7~ %hence northerly along last named southerly o~olonga~ tion and along %he westerly boundary of said Lo~ 7~ on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as same is defined by %ha% certain annexation designated as "'White Lane No. 2~"' adopted June 3. 1957~ by Ordinance No. 1122~ New Series, and certified July 8, 1957, by Secretary of State. S~ate of Cal~fo~n~a~ %o the northwest (N. W.) co~ne~ of said Lot 7, the point of beginning, con= tanning 0.3103 acres of land, mo~e or less. Said %errJtory~ and ~he p~operty located %herein~ shall, upon %he completion of %he annexation of %he same to the City of Bake~sfield~ be sub~ected to %ara%ion equally wi~h o%he~ prope~y in %he City of Bakersfield ~o pay the bounded indebtedness of the C~ty of Bakersfield, described in the aforementioned consent of the owners of property, located therein, %he issuance of bonds to represent said indebtedness being provided for in Ordinance No. 893, New Sezies, in O~dinance No= 950, New Series, in Ordinance lll2, New Sezies~ and in Ordinance No. 1229~ New Ser~es, all o£ sa~d City. and any and all other ~ndebt= edness o~ liability of the City outstanding'or authorized on and a£~er %he date of completion of said annexation. SECTION 3. This omdinance shal~ become effective thirty days from and after the date of ~ts passage. ..... 000 ..... I HERE[~Y CERTIFY !:ha'g %he foregoing O~di. nance was passed and adopted by the Council of ~he Ci%¥ of Bake~sffeld a% a ~egula~ meeting thereof held on the 8~h day o~ September. 1959. by the following vo%e: Ci~¥ Clerk and E~ Off~c]o Cle~:k of ~;he Council oE ~:he Ci~;y of Bake3:sEieldo Affihau ! of rh uan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that 9th day of September~ ........ on ........................................................................................... ,1959 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci~l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...........~t~h~e~8~t~h~d~y~f~S~e~p~t~e~m~b~e~r~;~ 19....5...9., which ordinance 1260 was numbered ..................................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA, AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXA- TION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBT- EDNESS OF SAID CITY.