HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1253 .'~'.- - ~i~ · EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 1253/i~".~._.NE_W SERIES - · . .. '"~-~ EMERGENCY. oRDINANCE· A .MEN~$i~.~12BSECTION..13 ..... '"' SECTION 24-.0Fi'EMERG_EN~.~i.O~R~INANCE N0.1246, .... NEW SERIES OF .THE CITT~- OF-BAKERSFIeLD, PERTAIN- -~: . " "'.".-.- ING-Tg._ .BILLBOARDS AND ADVERTISING ELECTRIC-SIGNS', ~ .... ~- .w~__~S_~.~_the-City Council hereby declares ttla~/an.emergency · exists making. 'i'~'.necessary to provido for the ~..~._i.'lY 'oPeratiOn of a munic_.iPal department., to wit: . That it is. neCe'asary to make certain· '.change_s.'..'in the ·ordinanCe g°verning the ·colleCtion of license t~ .__ -. in' th~'.C£ty of. Bakers'field bY 't~e License Tax Collector.' -. NOW,-THEREFORE, ~BE IT ORDAINED by the Co ~u~.~il?'0f the City of 'B-ake~.sfie'ld, as :f-oll6ws: -- .... That. SubSection 13 0£ SectiOn 24' of .Emergency Ordinance No. -' 1246~ .New'Series Of the City.' Of Bakersfield be, and the same is hereby · 'amended to read as 'follew~: '-' business of ad.verttsin~ by .electric st~ns .~-Sillboards 'where the - place '.Of ..bu~in.ess is maintained in~'ide the City., the license' tax shell be in accordance with ~ros., .'receipts Cla_'ss..Xfic~'tion.A of Sec_- tier 23.. .(b). If bherc, is no place of buSiness inside the City the .. license· .tax shall ~e computed .on the gross receipts ~lthtn the City .- .!imits"in acc'ordance with Schedule C of Section 25. · ' SECTION .2. 'This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure " 'within ~he meaning of.' Section'24 of 'the Charter_of the City of Bakers- field, State of California, and necessary t© 'provide for the daily -..~i'.... o. Pe~a'~X~n' eT .a municipal' de~tment,- 'and-shall' be-effective from- and · after· the 20th 'day of July, 1959, provided, however, that July 1, 1959, shall _b.e the effective'date .for the .computation of the first:' · taxes· due. here_under. · ..... _ .... ' .. .. · ....... o0o ....... ...- ' -.'..-i:' :~'. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Emergency O~d~nance was.passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield '- at a...regu!ar me'e~i~g thereof held on the 20th day of ~uly, 1959', -" . by the .following vote: · AYES:' BALFAN..Z, BENTLEY, ~ld~, COLLINS,_ CROE$, DOOLIN, STIERr(, -,"' ._-.. ~>~_ ~ity-'~lerk and Ex-Officio Cle~'k-"of'=ne · '"'--" -'" Council of the City of Bakersfield Y R' of the~"gi~y of Bak6~sfield.- Affi~av~! of ~os~ng ~r~uan~es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ................ __J_..u..l_y._..~_.l_ ........ ~ ............................................... , 19..5--9.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fail, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ................... ..J..u...1.}'.....2..0. ........................................ ,19.-5-..9..., which ordinance was numbered ........ .1...2.._5..3_. ................. New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTION 13 OF SECTION 24 OF EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 1246, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, PERTAIN- ING TO BILLBOARDS AND ADVERTISING ELECTRIC SIGNS. Su~.~bed and sworn to before me this .7 ......... ~ o~ ....... ~ ~..~.~. Notary Public in and for tl~e County of Kern, State of California '~. ~ "~ : ~-~ -.