HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1252 "-'.- AN ORDI~,~AMENDING SECT~0N '3.,Ol'(Zening ':'" ~-. '", .: · Map] .OF ORDINANCE NO. 1010, -NEW' 'SERF-ES OF THE " .__..~ ..... . OIT~- OF '- : ._ . ' ..... [-.- .. OF-THAT CEi~TA'IN-PH~ .... ' '-- -.' _I~ATED ON 'THE EAST- :- " .- -E~LY S!D~;_~'~-~~':.--~:- · - ' - - · ' . . -- "i - "' ' ' .;'" ' '..' . · . -WHEP. V~S, in.a-C~or~-With the proCedemc' s~'.~S~th 'in the ..~:-_ pr'v~s~_ons, or Zon-xn~_o~inan~e 'No.. ~O~0', ~'w ~X~S'..;~k ~ cit~ or...' -B~e~sfl~ld, ~ Pla~xn~'oo~tsston ~d ~ity Co~X1 have h~ld hea~ngs-~e'sDectively,.-0n a petit~en to ch~e..'_~e' zo~ of · .pr0pePty wit~ said ~ity, '~d. .." '"'"' "' ~~S~ t~' City Oo~cll ~s de~e~ned'.afte~due censide~a- .. tion o~ said Pet.i~ion and the ~eco~endations-ef' the' Pl~i~ Cern-. ~sston .he~ain' on file, ~o'gether ~h ~e reasons advanced at ~e' ..... heari~s for a..?~a~e. 0f .zeni~ ef said property, ~at said zen~ - c~nge' should be authorized', -.. '" NOW, 52~0~ BE iT ORDAINED· by the Co~eil of the City of. -" Bakersfield, as follows.: · - .. 3EgTION 1. . T~t..~ection 3,01 (zonin~ ~ap) ~f Zonl~ 0r~n~e No. 1010, New. ~e~ies.. ef t~ Oi~y .of B~ersfield, be and the s~e is hereby .- .. .amended by e~i~'..~e'zoni~ ef cePtain p~ope~ty in said City, ~e · bo~da~ies ef ~hich p~operty are sho~' on ~e map 'Mrete attached ~. and ~de' a p~t' ~.t~s 'O~din~ce, as follows:· · .'Cha~t.~ .the 'z0~ng fr~ a C-1 (E~ig~d Co~e~cial) "' · Z~e .to a C-2-D (Co~ercial-Architectu~al Design) Zene · -.'. of tM.t certain pr~erty ~ the City 'el B~ersfield ... located en..t~ easterly side-ef Oak Street,. ne~the~ly . ef .P~.m ~t~eet ~d so.u~e~ly of D~acena Street, bei~ '-' mope' ~aPt!cula~ly described aa. fell~a:. ' ..... · All ~..Let ~, Sleek ~'A'~, ,GPeene~s Traet,' as pe~ map .... . ._. the 9~'fice ef ~e-Ce~ Reee~de~, 0e~ty ef Kern, State " -. '- ''el Ca.l. ifor~a; excepti~ the~efr~ the. northerly 3.9 feet g~ted to the' 01fy of B~ers.field'by .~ed ~ece~de~ .. J~ 25,' 1957.,.. in Beck 2809, page 191, ~ official .,Ret ... erds; and excepting ~herefr~ the westerly ten feet · .granted te the State ef Califo~ia by Deed ~eee~ded Feb~u- ... a~[ 11, 1957, in Book 2732, page 116, ef Official · .. -- Th&s ordin~noo shall-]E-AI~e efgect thirty.,~ys -- ' .... · ........ '' ..... . .... '.:.the: da~e -of lts··passage. .... I"Ht~EB![ CEBT~FY. that the foregoin~ Ordinance was~assed .and/ j':J "' '"'~"::. .__.- _ . . ~- '-'?-' ... . . ..~_.:.'~..:.. .... - 'Council o£ the City of Bake~s£ield,, ~-'-"": '~<" .. ' - ' '"' ' · .... ' "- '. ":~i,~.", C- I ' R-~ R-2 " ~ DRACENA ST. PALM ST. C., I R-~ ZC 674-- BLODGET CORP.