HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1251 ....." ' '"AN-ORDINANCE ...... AMENDING SECTION 3.01· ·-(·ZONING · . .~...-~-~ii.-'"'. .-- MAP) OF ORDINANCE_. NO 1010, NEW SERIES OF · · ' ' ' .-.'~i.':~.' ' -'~ iTHE cITY. OF-BA~F.!ELD, BY CHANGING THE. '-. :..~: ..... .... .. · ..... .~:~!~.'.%. .... _ -- .-..---- ZONING ~F ' CER~A~ ~OPERTIES. IN..~AID CITE....-..~.. _ ~.~ ........ ~.:". . .' ..... ~,~...=..~:~. . . · . '. i' ' "~:~--/~'-'" ' .......... ' ' "' - ' -' 'i . ,.:~-:~::- .?-' .. _-" .- . .... WHERE~S~ in a~oOrdanee wt~h ~he p~ooedume se~. ~'..~.'.~ 'in the · - .:~ '.t-'.:, :: · ' - --.i-- ., ~"~f'"-' prOvtsio~s of 'Zonin~ O~dinanoe No. 1010~ New'.~e~ies"~".~-~he ¢1~ cfi' .i' .' :.:.¥?'::::~':"'. . --~Bake~sfield~ ~he'._Plsmntn~' Commission and Clt~ C0.unotl have held. -,L~i~.._.. .. "he&_.rin~s ~esp. eottve'l~,' on a--mo~ton of the Plan~in~ Co__~.Xssi°n~o ..:.: --~_~ .-_ ?. ~han~e' ~he zonln~ ®f oe'~tain properties· within said Cit~ &..n&.'~···. · " "-~-WHEREAS~ the Ct~ Counoll has determtne~ afte~'.".'d=e-con-' ..i' ---..."~ stde~ati.-~o~l of-. sai'a motion ~nd ~he =e¢ommenda~ion of ~he P'ianntn~ . . . -- commission' on fi'le he~ein~ ~o~e~he~ with the reasons-"'~dv&no~d .a~ ~he - ... .... . helen, s for a .oh~® of zonln~ of s~id p~oper~Xes~ ~hat said 'm'onln~ :'-...~ .'_~?_ .. .. · ' ohan~e should, be .au~ho~ized. - '. .... NOW, 'THERt~'08~.~..BE IT ORDAINED b~ ~he 0ouneil ef ~he 0it~ of " B~ke~sfiel~ .as follows= SEC TI 0N 1. .. T~t S~o-tten 3.01 (Zo~ ~p) of Zoni~ O~dlnanoe No. 1010 Ne~-~e=tes of ~e. Cit~ '6f Bak~rsfield~ .be and '~he s~e is he~eb~- '~men~ed b.~ oh~tn~ ~he ZenXn~ of certain p~ope~Xes in s~X~ ~e bo~da~ies of whioh .proper~ieS are sho~ on ~he ~p hereto · a~ohed ~d ~de a ~a~ of ~hts o=dtn~nee~ ~s. follows= ...... Ohan~in~. ~e zoni~ bo~da~i'es f~om ~n "A" (A~.Xoul~u~al)". Zene '~o .an'R-1 (One-F~!~ ~elli~) Zone of ~ · ' .. Plaoe '~ ~ 0~al B~an~h 0~nal~ as. said S~ree~s are' · designated' ~d delineated on ~he Map of ~X~t~ T~ot~ '~eoo~ded J~u~ 2~ 19~3~ tn Map Book 3~ Pa~e ?0, in..- .. . ~he offioe'o~ ~he Co~ Re~orde~ 0oun~.'of Ke~n~' 8~'e ' .. Be~i~.'at ~he 'intersection of ~he no~herl~ line ~f' Te~raoe W~ wt~h ~e wes~e~l~ line of Dobrusk~ D~ive.~ ~henoe wes~l~ ~lon~'~he nor~he=l~ line of Terrace " a dtstanoe of 320 fee~ ~o the eas~e~l~ line of Ve=nal Plao(~ ~henee no=~he~l~ alo~ ~he eas~erl~ line of 'Venal Pl~oe .a dts~noe of 3~0 fee~ Thenoe easte~l~ and parallel _ . ...... .. .. .. _ .... .. ,../_:.- .... = _.- .... ~'_-._. "- ... ::._ _ with the northerly line .~f--.iTerrace Way-a~ distance of ..._..--- -'. - .320 ·feet· to.-the west~ly line·-of Dobrus~y .Drive; thence.~- southerly a!on~ the'-weste~ly' line of Dob~s~ ~w~.-aL'[.._'. "". ' " ~s~nce 'of 320 fee'S, te 'the point of ~egi~ing; ~. · - · Begi~ni~-'at tb~ intersection of ~he' northerl~.~.~ne of .. ' line of 3outh'~~'- "' Terrace Way wi~h ~he westerly · ' thee westerl~ aloe. 'the northerly line of. T~race Way fi-A--distance, of ~00 feet ~o the' easterl~ "If~'~. of Dobrus~ · ..-. .... · - - Drive;'.-then~e. northerly along the eaStje~fY line of . ...' -' Dobrusky_Drive a distance of ~67 feet~'~o the southerly..--'" .. "' _ _ . ' ~hence '. S-O~erly line of Priscilla. Lane; easterly along the.' . " ...line of 'pri. scilla .~e a" dis.t~ce of ~00 fee~. to-~e '" ... ._.weS~erl~ line- 0f-SoUSh-"N" ~treet; thence..s'ou~XY alo~ .... ~he westerly line of South '"N"" Stree~ a dl~e of 267 fee~ to the point of" begi~ing; a~ .. ...j-_f._ Begi~i~ ~% '~he intersection of' the northerly line Of._ -'.... Terrace Way. wi~h ~e easterly line-of south "N" Stree~ ~ ThenCe northerly al~g ~ easterly line of 3curb Stre~ a distance of 23~ feet to the southerly line' of _ .. ..-Pris(,illa Lane',' ~hence easterly al~ ~he southerly line 'of 'Priscilla-Lane 'a distance of 2~0. feet~ t~nCe· southerly _." -Jr- · ~d parallel...wi~h the easterly line of 3ouch' ~N" Street · ' .a' dista~e of 234 feet to the northerly line of Terrace Way; .~hence westerly alo~ the northerly line of Terrace ..... Way a dist~ce of 220 feet to the point of begi~i~ and. Begi~ing at the intersection of the northerly line of Priscilla Lane with the easterl line of South "N" Street; thence horsefly a distance ~6 feet; thence easterly ..- of · . · ' .-- ~d parallel'· with the .northerly line of P~iscilla Lane a distance .of 220 feet; thence sou~erly and parallel with .. the easterly line of ~.outh "N" ~treet a .distance of 26 ' ".....-. feet to the northerly..line of Priscilla Lane; thence westerly al'o~ t~ hOrSefly line of Priscilla ~ne a. ~stance of 220 feet to the point of begi~i~. SECTION 2. ~his' ordinanCe'shall take effect thirty days from and after. - the date of its Passage. .. --I 'HEREBy OERTIFY ~ha~ ~he ~regoing Ordinanoe was p~&~se~' -- -... : .. . . · .. ~..,'. _~[... v~--o---'_. ~ '-' ' "-' :' -'-"""-'" ~"~': -,,,,~ __~ · .... . ... ., .. _. . . .. -.~-...~.. ~ ' ~. .~ ar' '/'~"~'~' '' '"''-.. ~' · · .'. '"' - '. "..' ~-'-~: · ': . ~..- .,.....~~. ' ~'~ ..3. ~' ' .... ~' -' ._. .... .. .' ~.2 :.._ _ .:.~ . '~.:'.' . · ..: ...?... ·. . - .~'- ~... . _' I LANE ~ R-I R-I PRISCILLA LANE ~ '::': :"::::::i: :i:i.i:'..ZOi'!:i'"':i:i:i'i Z:::::::i'!:i:':i :::::'.' ""?' :' ."'"'8.~". ' .' · """ ' eO :.:-'".: '.'.:.:::'::: .: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0 . ================================ ,I R-I I~-I R-I o~ DR. MAITLAND DR. 1,.,- /i'7 <'~/ ~" ZC 672-- PLANNING COMMISSION Affi av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRV1N, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that the 7th day of July, 19....5__9._ she posted on the Bulletin Board at on ................................................. i ......................................... , the City Hall, a fall, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a nn the 6th day of July, 19..5..9.__., which ordinance meeting thereof duly held ................................................................................. , 1251 was numbered .................................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.01 (ZONING MAP) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1010, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN SAID CITY. ~* "'- .."'~ubscriS'e~l an.d sworn to before me this .~' ~: .. ~, ~_.'. .. ~ - 7th da~ ~f}_ ......... ,,./_..u..1.y.. ....................... , 19..._5..9.., '~%~'~" .i"'Not~w"l~b.lle ".~-and for tl~e County of Kern. State of , .. ~.- .'..~-~-~'~'*'~'~ IVly Commission Expires June 9,