HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1268 · . ...... ORDINANCE NO. 1~-68. - NEW SERIES . ~'~"~ ....... AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3'.01 (ZONI.N$' MAP) '- ........ OF ORDINANCE NO. 101'0, NEW SERIES OF 'THE CITY ..~ -· ·--"~-- 0F BAKERSFIELD BY ZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY BEING '- .-'" -- ANI~XED TO 8AID CITY. :'- ~-.". ".' .--.' .-...': ~.."". .. _ .... WHEREAS,. in.accordance with the procedure -set forth-in' the' ' -provisions of gecO:ton 21.00 of'Zoning Ordinance No 1010~-:'le.w :Series, of. the. City of Bakensfi'eld, the Planning Commission and City Council"- '- have held hearings re~_pectivoly,' on a petition to. zone a portion -'- certain property now.. being armexed to said Ct't¥, &nd. .'-:i,.-'iii':..' '- ~RF. dtS, the ¢l'ty Counc'll Ms dotermtne, d-. after due 'c0nSilderatlon of .the pet£tlon .and' the rocormendation of tl~' Planning Co,mission,- -~ -. honein .on file., together' with the reasons advanced at flit hearing.s,,. the zoning of 'said. p~opert¥, that aaid ~.oning ~l:tould-be auth. or~7 --' upon annexaticn, of said property to the City ::"-'_ ':~. " .NOW, TI:tEREF0~, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of tl~~- City. o£.~i.!-'.· . · _~->~._. .. Bakersfield, as follows:- :' '.- SECTION 1. -.~'.- -i-. That Section 3.01 (Zoning Map) of Zoning Ordinance NO;' 1010, New S_eries of the City of Bakersfield, be and the same is-herebY..: .~- amended., by extending the boundaries 'of said map 'to include' certai~''_ _. " pr'operty in .a C-1-.D (Limited Commercial-Architectural Design) ~e., upon the annexation of said property to the City of Bakersfi~'d, the.' boundaries' of ~hich property are shown on the map .hereto ~'tached -'" and made a part of .this ordinance, and are more specif..i~l~ly de~x-ibed ..~ as follows: ..... . " -Beginning at the Southwesterly corner _of Section '1~,.- .. "'-'" .... -. Township 29 South, RanEe 28 East, M. D. B. & M., -'~" · . '. - "?~ County· of Kern, State of California;. thence Northe~'l~7.~- 0° 14' 34" W. along the Westerly line of 'said Se:~t~fon '""~"- - 15 a distance of 205.00 feet; thence Northerly ~09'~ 22' 41" F. a'distance of 205 00 feet; thence Southerly 0° 43·' 23" E.. a distance of 205.00 feet to the :S~utherly -~.:"..."' ~ "' line of said Section 15; thence Southerly .89~' 19' 37" .'-'~.%~-- W. along-the Southerly line of said Section 15 a dis,.- ·tance of 205.00 feet to the point of beginning. ~:_..,.. ___ _. _ .. . .-?'?...~&..~ .' .. __ .- "' SECTION 2. -.' · This ordinance shall become effective upon the annexation of the above-described territory to- the City of BakerSfield. .. -- .......... 000 ...... ._ !~.HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and. adopted 'by the. Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting 'thereof held on the"26th day of October, 1959, by the following vote: ' A YrS. BALJ:'AI':Z, BENTLEY, CA~N~,,KIS, COLLINS, ~ O00LIN, STIERN, ABSEHT: ~ ~' ~ j ' " City C~e~k and Ex-0~ficto Clerk of' the Co~cil of the City of Bakersfield. · - ...,'.~.~.:-..::-/' '.~ . . '-- A~PR~,~.'is..26thy~day of'October, 1959 :: .;.. . Q'¢[... ., ~:~-~City of Bakersfield. .~ ~ .-.- ,~,~..' .,: - _ .--..~-.~ ~; ~ . ~,_ _ ...... ,. ~. ~ ~_, .-- R-I R-I R-I I 0 C -I-D ~ ""'"'~'.".'"'"'='"'"'~"'""'"'"'"""'"'"'""'"" ~ ;..... .:....:.:.: ~,~..::.:. ~.,..~'~.~:: ::,.:..... `~:~:.:~.:~...:~.'~:.;~:~x~:~.:.~.~:~:~:~:~:.:~:~:~::~:~:.:~:.:~:~:~:~:~:~.:.:~:~ I ~:::.'..:.'.-.':::~.':.'::..::.'::::..'.:~:~::: Affi av ! of ommg r man es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... .t...h_.e__2__.7_._t__h._...d..a_.Y__..9..f.....O..c...t...°..b...e...r.,. ....................... , 19____5..9.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci~l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............t...h..e......2..6...t..h......d..a.Y......°..f..._.O-.-c...t.9_.b..e..r.., ..... ,19....5...9., which ordinance was numbered ...........1...2...6_.8._ ............... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.01 (ZONING MAP) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1010, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY ZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY BEING ANNEXED TO SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Notary Public in and for the County of' Kern. State of California