HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1266 O~DI~A~O,~ ~0 ~:= 1266 =-=~ ~E-W SERIES FIELD.~ CALIFO~I~ A~D PROVIDIE~,. FO~ ~!E ~IO~{ [OF SAID ~ERRI~0RY ~0 PAY ~'~E BOI~DED IIffDEBTo EDAWES'$ OF ' 3A['.'D WHEREAS, a pe~i'~,io~: ~-.-'a~ ~t!ed ~,l~h ~he 0ouncil of She CiSy of Bakersfield on ~e .18th ~.y of Sep~emDem~ 1959~ x~eq~e~i~g certain ~i~bi'~ed ~er~l~o~y %.herein de~cx~tbed be a~ed' inco~po~a~ed.'~i~hin ~he' City of ~ake=sfield~ and ~~S~ ~aid ~e~i~to~ ~-~'~ ~igned by ~he o~e~ of all of the ous $o She CiSy of Balco~!ald~ and ~~0 ~he ~aid '~l~c~ do~ no~ fo~m a pa~ of ar.y o~h~ ct~y~ and ~~ on ~he 18~a dmy of 3ep~embe~ 1959~ ~h(-~Pe ~ms filed in ~he office of She Ci~y Clo~k of She Ct~y of Baker~fi~ld~ con~en~o si~ed by all ~ho o~e~ of p~ope~y included of such a~eza$ion equa~!y ~-~'i~h ~ p~ope~y in ~he Ci~y of field ~e pay ~'~e bonded t~id~b~a~eaa of said Ci~ ~her~ln de~c~ibed~. aa p~ovided fo~'~n 0~di~ance 1~o. 893~ Itew Se~ies~ in 0~dina~.ce ~ew Se~te~o in Ordinance h-co llla~ ~el-~ Se~ieo~ and in 0~,diDance ~o. 1229~ ~e~-~' ~e~ies~ all of /;he 0i~ of Bakt~sfield~ and any and all other indeb~ednest o~ liz.bili~y of ~he Ci~y ou~andir_g o~ authorized on and af~e~ ~he da~e of co:~pl, tion of said annexa~ion~ and ~hi~ Council hereby determines ~ha~ said con~en~ fia signed by all ~h~ o~m,e~$ of p~ope:~y includ~cl In ~o. id ~e~i~o~-y~ and cou.~Iie~ tn ~e~pec~ ~i~ ~1~ p~ovl~iom~ of ~ec~ion 3~319 of ~he Gcve~n:~en~ Code I~~S~ Sh~ Council of ~b,, Cigy of Bakermfield did~ on complfanc~ ~h ~ p~o~f~fon~ of ~ Ann~ion of ~o~ Ac~ of 1939~ and ~n~~ 2~$~o~ b$[n~ T2~i~ Pa~ ~ Chap~,s~ 1~ A~cl~ 5 of ~he Go~e~en~ Oode of ~he 8~a~e of Caltfo~nta~ s~eC~f~call~ d~om~b~ ~h~ bo~da~es of ~uch ~e~t~omy by an appropriate name~ and ~e~in~ Nonday~ ~he 26~h Council Chambers of ~he Ct~ Hall~ 1501 Tr~ Avenue~ Bake~ield~ Oalifo~nia~ as ~he da~ ho~ and place ~hen and ~he~e ~he 0i~ C0~oil ~ould hea~ p~o~e-s~s ~d~ by amy pegsom o~ming real prope~2 ~i~hin ~e aforesaid ~em~i~o~;' amd ~R~AS~ said Reso!u~ion ~-=az published a~ leas~ no~ oftener. ~an once a ~eek in The ~akersfield 0altfo~ni~n~ a pape~ of 8enemal circulation published in ~he Ci~ of · aid puhlic~$ion ha~ing be~n completed mt leas~ t~en~y days p~io~ Sh~ da~e se~ fo~ 'said'hea~ing~ in compliance wt~h Sea,ion 3~311 of ~he ~o~e~en~ 0 ode ~ and ~~S~ a~ ~e $imo se~ fo~ hoa~ing p~ote~$s~ no ~i~en p~o~es~s.~e~e filed againu~ ~he p~opo~sd a~exa~ion by any .o~e~ p~ope~ ~i~him ~e ~e~i$omy p~opo~d ~o be SECTIO~ 1~ ~a~ ~he Council of ~ho Ci~y of ~ke~field hereby app~ove~ ~h~ a~exa~ibn ~o and lnclu~iom within ~he incorporated limits of ~he Ci~ of '~aker~fie~ of ~ha'~ ce~$ain uni=habi~ed ~e~i~ory de~igo rimmed ms "GOODE NO, 1"~ and !'~ is hereby fu~the~ o~dainod $~ said .~ep~i~o~y be and $~e m~.e is hereby, m~ue~ed.$o said City~ territory is decc~ibod as 2~ A parcel of land sigua.~ an ~he Co~-~%T of'W~n~ $Sa~ of Ca!ifo~ia~ and bo!n~ a ~o~,~ion of Sec~iofl 3~ ~o~p 29 8ou~h~ Rax~e 27 E~ ~-i~ Do M o~ begi~mi~ a~ ~he (N~ W.) co~ner of Lo~ 1~ Block 9~ a~ ~aid Lo2 I~ Block 9 i~ sho~.~n on ~he ~p of ~, ~Goode ~aot~~ ~eco~ded May 2, 1910~ in Book 1~ pa~o 1~. of M~p~ in ~he office of ~he Ooun~ Reco~de~ of ~aia K~rn CounSy~ ~hence easterly alon~ ~he no~he~12 bo~dm~y o~7 said Lot 1 ~o ~he no~heas$ (N oEo corne~~ ~he~eof~ ~hono~ son,belly alo~ ~he eas~e~!y boundary of said Lo~ 1~ ~o in~e~se=~ a lithe parallel wi~h~ and dis~ ~an$ 50 fee~ zou%horlI~ am measured po~endicula~~ ~o ~med ~o~the~iy bounda~y~ thence ~res%mrly along said pa?ailel line ~o inSeP~ec~ ~ho ~re~e~ly bounda='y of said LoS 1~ ~hence northerly alo~ ~aid ~s~'~ly bo~d.~ry of LoS 1~ on and alon~ ~h~ corporate bo~d~y of She Oi~ of Bakersfieldo. as same is defined by ~ ce~aim a~e~a~ion desi~ed as ~Spx~uCe Addition Nco 1~~ ~hich wa~ annealed by a Special Election held June 2~.~ 1958~ ~he ~esu!t~ of ~,hich SDecial Election filed Augus~ 11~ 1958~ ~.z~.~h the Secretary of S~a%e~ S~a'~e of Califor'nia~ $o Sh~ no~s%h~e~2 (~ Wo) co~ne~ of ~aid LoS 1~ ~h~ poin~ of beginnins~ .and containing 0.1578 acrez of l~nd Said ~ex-ri~ory, and ~he prope~,~y locaSed therein, ~hall~ upon ~he comple~ion of She a~a~ion of ~e ~ame ~o ~e Ci~y of Bakersfield~ be subjected %o ~axa~ion equally t-~iSh o~he~ p~ope~%y in %he Ci~y B~kemsfield $o pay ~he bonded, indebtedne~ of ~a CiSy of Bakersfield,. de~cmibed in t~e aforeme~tio~%ed con~n$ of ~he o~ex:s 'of located ~herein~ ~he i~suanc~ of bondm 2o rep~e=en2 ~aid indeb~sdnes~ being provided fo~ in 0rdina~,~e Eo. 893~ ~s~ Series~ in 0~din~nce No. 950~ ~ew Se~ies~ in 0~dln~nce ~o.1112~ ~ew Se~ie~, and in 0~dinance No. I~29, Ne~-Serie~ mil of so~id Ci'by~ and any and all oSher lndsb% e~ess o~ liabili%y of tbs Ci'~ ouS~andi~ o~ authorized on and She da~e of comple~ion of ~,aid SECTION 2~ Thim o~dinamce sh~ll become ~ffec~ive thirty days f~om mhd after the dat~ of it~ pa~ge~ ............. O00 ...... o MES: B~F~NZ, .,,B~TLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, .GROC-6r DOOLIN, STIERN, NOES' - ----- ABSENT: ~"~ Affi aut! of osttng (Ordinances STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that n the 27th day of 0ctober~ 19.5...9..._ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...... .t...h..e-.__..2--6...t--.h.....d-.a--Y---.9.-f-----O--.c---t--°--b--e---r--~ .......... ,19..5..9...., which ordinance was numbered ........... .1._2.._6_.6._ ............... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA, AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXA- TION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBT- EDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of ........ __O_.c_._t__.o_.b...e~.~ ............... , 19.5...9_ .... Notary Public in and for tl~e County of Kern, State of California · .-" ~...,- My Commission t/xpli'~:a ? ; .Z ' ~¢ . : -..... - . :