HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1277 ORDINANCE-NOj"~ 1277 New S~x,-ies AN ORDTNANCE GRANTING TO THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA:""- AND"SANTA ~E RAILWAY COMPANY, A CORPORA_TI.0N,... = ' ITS SUCOESSORS -AND ASSIGNS, A PERMIT TO .CONSTRUCT, -- MAINTAIN AND OPEraTE.. A RAILROAD TRACK-ALONG 15TH STREET AND. AORDSS .N STREET AND TO CONTINUE TO MAINTAIN AND' OPERATE CERTAIN RAILROAD TRACKS ' "'~" .. %?ITHIN ANO ACROSS CERTAIN. OTHER PUBLIC STREETS, .' --- ALL IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN,..~ .. --- STATE OF. CALIFORNIA. ..::~ ...... '. BE TT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY*OF BAKERSFIELD. :as 'follows: '- Section i __. .. " The Council of the City of Bake~s.field hereby gmants"'to The 'Atchison, Topeka. and Santa Fe Railway company, a-6orpoPation. -"- o'~ganized and incorporated under the laws of the 'State of Kansas, -.. its suecesso.rs, and assigns, a permit to constPuct~ maintain and 'operate .railroad trackage of standard guage along 15th Street and -": across N Street in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State' ~ of California, the center l~ne of said track being described as follOws, to wit: .. Beginning.at a point in the cente~ line of _.- The Atchison_, Tooeka and Santa Fe Railway Company's'n0rthePlY main track as located in 15th Str-eet, distant easterly 109.55 feet " ....... along said m2in track from the ea. ste~ly, line "~' :' ' of "N" Street; thence westerly along a"6 deg~,ee 5 minute 14 second curve concave 'northerly. "' 94.06 feet;-thence northwesterly tangent to the p~eceding curve 73.09 feet; thence westerly along :- a 9 degree 30 minute curve concave southerly .... 60.26'feet to a point of tangency in'a line which is parallel, with and distant southerly-12~ feet measured at right angles 'from the'northerly line of 15th Street; thence westerly along said '" parallel .line 187 feet to point of ending. - Secbion 2 The Council~ of said.City of Bakersfield hereby also ' · grants to said The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, its successors and asSigns, a pommit to maintain and operate ~rackage _of standard guage for existing ~ailroad spur. tracks -- .. _..~:...~.- ..._ . -. . .... .._.:~.~...-."~ .. ~ - -..~. .~'-~- .:"~:!'~._~, known and designated-by said .corporation as Tracks Nos. ~'I"" )-1-3 'and 51 located in. and-.._a!ong an 'alley through Blocks 3'~', 333 and 334 and across Q, R ~n-~ S Streets and Track_ 232 located .. " 'across R and S Streets and within 15th Street in said CitY.-0f Bakersfield, %he center lines of such tracks being described as follows: .... '-' Track 41 Beginning at a point in the East line of "S" -. · :~- Street, disbant southerly 30.5 feet along said East line from the southwest corner of Block 7; thence northwesterly along a co_nveni~nt IO- degree curve concave northeasterly 48 feet, "_mo~_e or.less,, to a point; thence northwesterly tangent to the preceding curve 77.9 feet to a .... ~_ point; thence westerly along a convenient 10 .... ' degree curve concave southerly 106 feet to a point in the center line of the' alley (33 feet wide) through Blocks 332, 333 and 334, distant easterly 116'.9 feet along said center line from ~. the.East Iine.of "R" Street; thence westerly .... .along the center line Of said alley through Bloc'ks 333 'and 334 and across "R" Street to a point, in "Q" Street, distant westerly along s_aid center line ll feet from the East line of "Q" Street; .thence westerly, along convenient l0 degree reversing curves 121.8 feet to a point of tangency in a.line which is parallel with and distant northerly 6.5 feet measured at right angles from the center line of said alley; thence westerly along said Par. allel line. 218 feet, more _- or less, to point of ending in the East line of "P" Street ..... ''~ Track 43 · '-' Beginning at a point in the center llne of the · - alley (33 feet wide) through Blocks 332, 333 and 334, distant easterly 79.66 feet along said cen- ter line from'the East line of "R" Street; thence we.~7~erly along convenient 9 degree 30 minute re- versing curves 162.6 Feet to a point of tangency in a line which is parallel with and distant northerly 13. feet measured at right angles from the ~center line of said alley; thence westerly along last 'said parallel line 274.98 feet to a point in "Q" Street distant westerly along said .. · ....... p~raltel line 11 feet from the East 'line of'-"Q" - · Street; ti~ence westerly along a convenient 10 degree curve, concave northerly 61 feet; thence wes'~erly reversing on a 10 degree curve concave southerly 10.5 'feet to point of ending in the West line of ,'Q" Street, distant northerly along said West line of "Q" Street 0.8 feet from the ... ....... southeast, corner .of Lot 1,-Block 332.. ....-- Track 51 Beginning .at-a Point. in the center'line of the '. alley (33 feet wide) through Blocks.. 332 and 333, · dis:tant ea~terty 38.2 feet along said center line-~... --.. from the'East line of "Q" Street; thence westerly . along convenient 9 degree 30 minute reversing-..- .... curves 162 6 feet to a point of tangency in'a.-'. line which is parallel with and distant' souSherly '~'~ 6.5 feet measured at right angles from.the Center ,_.~..-' line of said alley; thence westerly along last '.".:' .. ._. said parallel line 163.4 feet, more or less, to "- point of ending. ':' '~-"' Track 23.2 '~.. '" '. ny Beginning at the intersection of The. Atchison~' Topeka and Santa Pe Railway Company,s southerly '-~ main track with the' West line of "R" Street; ~-' thence easterly along a 6 degree 5 minute curve concave southerly 83 feet, more or leSs, to the East line of "R" Street; thence continuing along said curve 103.17 feet to a point;, thence westerly .._ tangent to the preceding curve 113.83 feet;.thence easterly along a 10 degree curve concave southerly 8 feet to a point in the North line of 15th Street, distant westerly 38 feet along said North'line from. the Southeast corner of Block 334; thence continuing ~- along the southeasterly prolongation of last said · .~.' curve'126 feet, more or less, to point of ending in the East. line of '~"'Street, distant 25 feet south- · erly along said East line from the North. line of 15tUh Street. · - EXCEPTING that portion of track lying outSide the limits of any public street. Section 3 The rights, .privileges and permission herein granted to said corporation are. subject to the following:,. (1) such regulations as may' be prescribed from time to time by the Council of the City of Bakersfield.". .. (2) The use of said tracks for-the'transportation of freight for hire. (3) Tha~ said' tracks shall be laid and maintained to confo~ ~o t~e grade of the streets over which.they pass. .. (4) That the construction of said track along 15th Street..and across N Street and the maintenance'of all said tracks shall be' Performed to'the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the ..City of Bakersfield. -' _.. 3-.. . ~ .. ' · _,...'.~..,.~.- ..~.. ".. .(~) That 'Said' tracks.-~llatl be operate, d.-..in a manner so.: as to minimize' the interference with the use of. said streets' .b~"." th bli ' e pu c. = (6) That this permit .shall be revocable fn--:[-gs entirety or as .to any.one or mOre of the tracks embraced 'hereby or as to a portion o2' any of such tracks at the pleasure .of the City Council of the .City of Bakersfield. 000--~ I HEREB3 CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed ..'and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield ~t a re~.lar · meeting thereof hel. d on 'thel5th day of February,' 1960, by the following vote: city Clerk and Ex-O-ff-icio Cle-rk- of the ... -: ...--... Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROV~.I~}hisl'$'t~" d~If of February, 1960 M'.A.¥0R of the C$.ty of Bakersfiel~ - Affi{ aui! of os ing r inan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kez~~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, 'deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... .t...h..e..~..~..6...t..h...~..d..a...y..~..~...~.~..F...e~.b.~.r..u...a.~.r~y..~. ................... , 19_....6._0_ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fall, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci:l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .............t...h..e....~.~..5...t...h....d...a.y.....~...f.....F...e...b..r...u...a..r.y...-~ 19-..~..0..., which ordinance was numbered .............1..2.._7..7.. .............. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A.RAILROAD TRACK ALONG 1'5TH STREET. AND ACROSS N STREET AND .TO CONTINUE TO MAI NTAIN AND OPERATE CERTAIN RAILROAD TRACKS WITHIN. AND ACROSS CERTAIN OTHER. PUBLIC STREETS, ALL. IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF. CALIFORNIA. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th dab, of FebruarI~..~..~ ......... ._.., 19 60 ~. ~' ..-~'. Notary Public '~n and for tl~e County of Kern, State of California