HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1283 ~,~NERGEI~OY ORDIEA~O~ ~0~ ~!28~ I~EW SERIES CE~~ ~ST~IS~G A ~I~ A~ FOR LX~S A~ REQU~G FROUfrOU8 OF SUC~ OE~RS TO CARRY ~ion~ main~nance ~ op~va$io~ of ~Pamp~li~'~en~eP~ ~o~ Ba~sfiel~o aa cause $o b~ done di~o~ly ~ indi?ec~ly~ any of .t~ ~o=~*i~ (a) eonst~0 inztal~ ~ainSain o~ opera~ ~ '~a~01i~ 0i$2 a~$ing b2 and with t~ au~ho~i~ o..f said O~ B~lfllng Ins~~ ~mi$ ~oh ma2 o~he~wis~ b~ ias~ f~ ~".,pond~$ o~ a~ b~tneaa said ei~o and o~Pa~ion of a ~ampolir~ ~ :' S~TIO~ 60 (~) S~se a~d ~oca~o~ o~ a~ ~ampo~gncs~ s~ sha~ be { o~ a ~ ~ ~ra=po ~.}~ ~ , {x2~) ]Layouz o~ public add~ess system aad spec~caZ~ou o~ SECTgON 7 o (a) Th~ authorized Off~ce~ ~ha~ no~ ~ece~ o~ f~e any a~can~ f~om attaching to the app~cat~o~ one or mo~ Section 6'(2) (l)~ ~etali of a~ppo~t of t~ampoline.and manne~' /to gro~ and/or (iv) Type of a~[ (v) I liumin~tion~ co~p~an~ 'w~h. ~he pFov~on~ off &h~8 (b)' if ih~ Com~ss~o~ 'approved ihe application ~{~h 7o " ~SSU~N~ OF' PE~ITo (a) Upoa app~o~ by th~' ~tho~'~e~ '=' (~) ~'~ app~lcan~ may TaX an~ 'L~c~e Co~m.cto~ o~ the C~ty of Baks~fie~ at thru t~me $~0~ ~0~ ~NSTRUC~ION ~D X~a~TIO~ RE~IONS, (a) ~ ~ed in ~ny k~d ~ d~$~p~'ion~ exc~p~ ~po~ne ~m~ padding~ sha~ b= 0 less outside ' ~y~~Yllllil ' . . (8) ~y t~am~o~ open ~a p~b~c ~9a b~t~en th~ ho~o of one (12) & re.hone shall be mainta~ned Ks easil~ oF ~eadll~ accessible, and the ome~genc~' numbers of ambulance ae~vtces~ and of the F~e Department ~nd Police Dep~ent~ shall be posted consp~cuoual~ on o~ ne~ sa~d telephone. (1~) All t~polines equipped el~ ap~l~s s~ll ~ve a co~d of s~f~cient st~e~th ~~ c~oss~se t~o~h all of the sp~a of ~aXd ~poL~e ac aB to p~event ~n~ of t~ apexes f~om be~ eJected.o~ t~o~ ~nt0 tbs a~ ~n case of accidental d~aoo~ect~on of 8~ld sp~ f~om .o~d t~m~ol~ne, (1~) The ~pace be~een t~oLXne~ ~d su~o~d~ such t~polXnes s~ll be l~eled ~th ~c~ughed ~ell-~ock o~ vive~ ~avel vf 3/8" or lea~. s~11 be .padded f~om ~e g~o~d to a helght:..of ~ feet. ~n or upo~ ~'n~ ~r~po~ c~ or ~ ~n or upon ~on of the of 18 ove~. accompanied b7 a pe~s age 7ea~s ~o' U{m b~ p~.~fo~ upon ~ny ~o~po~uo o~h~{~ Zhmn ~n accord u~Zh (~) ~o ~won~ o~he~ ~h~ ~ ~o~ ac~u~y p~fov~n9 upon ~o ~he op~va~ov oZ '~ ~r~po~n~ ~ea~av or ~ny ~ra~po~n~ ~up~'vv~8o~ r. ¢/1.. :~. · ." ':' '" '"' .".. :" ' "' ~:.:.~ ... ... , .: ,. · - ~ _$5o, oo0 '~. ' .'.'.' v~o~a~on by any opo~a,~o~ o.~ ~~ o~"'fo~ any ~eet lO~ '"'" ' · -"".."' . ..; .' ,... .~ . .. . · . : $~O~ ~ o .' POS~X~G O~ RE~YXO~So ~ot~ o~ th~ r~t~ons' P~C~bed 20° Affi av ! of J ost ng ( r nanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, / County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and thai on ...... ..t..h...e.....2...2...n..d.....d..a...y.....~..f.-..M..a...r..c...h..~.....1...9..6..~ .............. ,19 ........ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....... .t...h..e.....2...1...s...t.....d_.~..Y__...o..~.._.M__a_.r...c.._h_~ .............. ,19....-6-..0, which ordinance was numbered ...... .1...2..8...3. .................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDI NANCE REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTI ON, OPERATION ~ MAINTENANCE, SUPERVI SION AND USE OF TRAMPOLINE CENTERS, AND REGULATING THE ISSUANCE AND REVOCATION OF PERMITS AND LICENSES THEREFOR; REQUIRING SUPERVISION OF SUCH CENTERS; ESTABLISHING A MINIMUM AGE FOR USERS OF TRAMPO- LINES AND REQUIRING PROPRIETORS OF SUCH CENTERS TO CARRY I NSUBANCE. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .:"~' '".~.:2-.~-..n..d..day 'of ................ ..M...a..r._.c...h.! .............. , 19.....6..0.. .-?:.,.. ............... .... : -. Nota~ Public i_n ~nd for the County of Kerl~ I~.,t~,~of California '...-. ... _. %-~ . _. ' ~- -.~....... · ..._. "~-:_ _...-.'