HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1281..... .. j : .;' ..: -. · .. ~....-J" ,.. _. ".... ~i:~~'. ~._. ', .. ~' :..'....~' - ~.,'~ ~/.~. ;:. -. - . :.'.,:..~'-'.':....._~ · . ' - -' ~i ' ' ' ' -- ' ' '- ' -' '~-~2.~'. -.... .,:. ~._. ORDI-NA~CE N0. 1281 NEW S~Ig~_. ... ~ .... AN ORDINANCE PR0'~DING ~OR TE CONTRi~TION _ .'-~.:~. PENSION· FUND 0F THE FIRE DEPAR~NT...~ BE IT 0RDAI~D by the Council 0f the City of Ba'~'~sfield, ~enew~' a fo~e~ membe~ of the Fire DopaPtment of .._'. ~..~"'.~'~ ' ' f_ _. of. Bake~sfield...~e-ente~s the' service of said department, said..m~be~ and the City s~ll, respectively, pay in~o said f~d a. s~:~"of money w~ Will-b~ing the..aCco~t of said employee in said retirement .... f~d to the ·level it Mould have been had said emPloyee not left . .~.~N:~ . _ employ 02- ~e City. Said s~ mhall be in addition to the s~-sps'~fied in She last paragraph of Section x77 (1S.) c of the Cha~'te~ of the City?~.f Bakersfield. "~. -' Said su~ to 'be so paid into said f~d by the City and b~'.' · ..~....' .t.he re-employed msmb'ev of the Fi~e Department shall be ~especti:wzly computed actua.v~ally, which computation shall be presented to the Pension Board of the' Fire Department fo~ approval; upon approval by said' Pension Board, the auditor and the t~easu~er shall pay said' s~s ~so app~ov.~d,.f~0m the funds of the City and 2~ 'the. salary of Said membe~ so ~e-employed, ~espectively, in the ~e~ 'and withinTM .- a pe~iod of tirae, as ~y be determined by actuarial computation and _- approved by said Pension Bo~d. ...... 000 ...... : I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the Council'of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meetirLg thereof held on the ?th day of March ., 1960, by the following vote: LFA ' 6 "'~!.~¥ "'."'"N.'K"~ COLL,"'R, CR~:S. ~)~O~IN, BTIERN, AYES: BA .... ~ _-- _ 01t~ C~erk and Ex-OfFicio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED~'this ...?-1;1'~'.. day of March 1960. Affii avit of losting ri nanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the dul.v appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that the 8th day of March, 60 on ........................................................................................... ,19 ........ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fall, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci~l of said City at a the 7th day of March, 60 meeting thereof duly held on ............................................................................. ,19 ........ , which ordinance was numbered ........... .1...2..8...1. ............... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONTRIBUTION BY THE CITY AND BY RE-EMPLOYED MEMBER OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TOWARD THE RETIREMENT AND PENSION FUND OF THE FIRE DEPA~TMENTo Subscribed and sworn to before me this .' .day of .......... .Ma..r.c.h., ..................... , 19_6.__0._. . '.~ : Notary Publicjn.". and for the County of Kern, St~e of California RESOLUTION NO. 1-60 WHEREAS, a pension and retirement system has been'created by the Charter of the City of Bakersfield providing for a retirement fund and disability benefits to the members of the Fire Department, which retirement fund is to be paid to members of said department or their dependents as set forth in said Charter, and the amount to be contributed by the City and by each member of said department" is based upon an actuarial computation based upon the age of the member entering the service of the City in said department, the number of yea:~s anticipated in the employ of the department, and the amount to be contributed by both the City and the employee to allow a retirement benefit to be paid any member retiring after 20 years of service and the minimum age of 55 years, or at the compulsory retirement age of 62 years, as the case may be, and WHEREAS, there is provision in Section 175 (ll) C (5) which permits a member who has discontinued his service with the City to become agztn a member of the system, and requires a redep6stt in the retirement Fund within a period of six months of an amount equal to that which he withdrew, and which provides that his rate of contr'tbutton For Futtme yea~s shall be the same as his rate prior to the termination of his membership, and WHEREAS, no provision has been made For any contribution by either the City or the re-employed member of said department for a contribution toward said Fund for the period during which said re-employed member was separated from the service of the City, and which under actuarial computation will permit a pension payment to the retired e~loyee or to his dependents, at the rates set Forth in the Cha~ter, and WEEREAS, it is the desire of this Board that said discrepancy be rectified by proper ordinance to equalize and maintain said fund on a sound actuarial basis, by providing for a contribution to said fund by both the City and the employee so re-employed to carry out the intent and p~pose of the Charter and maintain said fund on an actuartally sound financial basis, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Pension Board for the Fire Department that the Council is requested to pass an " ordinance requiring the payment by both the re-employed employee in said department and the City of a su~ payable monthly to be compute~-~.0n an actuarial basis in order that said member of said system so re-employed shall pay a proportionate amount into the fund which will permit said member or his dependents to receive the amount set OUt in the Charter. 00o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Pension Board of the Fire Department at a regular meeting thereof held on the 24th day of February, 1960. Secretary o~ the"Pension B°~rd o