HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1300 .... ..... ._2'~-.' '._._' ' ': .' .. "' 0RDINA~CE-NO 1300 NEW SERIES'- ' .. .... ' ..~.~-'~ "' .. ... .- .,~-..¥ . ........ AN O~INANCE DETEP~INING· A PRI~ FACIE-'SPEED " --' .~ LIMIt-0F ~ MI~S' PER ~R ON A'-PORTION OF .~-r- ~-- TRUX~ A~N~E~'IN T~ CI~ OF ~RSFIELD, AND . ' "' ..-: -- ON ~ PO~IO~ ~I~0~I~ ~~, I~ 81lD CI~, _. .-of' Cal&fo~n~,. has dete~mi~;'-upon the basis ."0f e~lnee~t~ and Ba~o~fSo[~, ~ fOllo~: .... ... " . - SEO~ON 1. .. -' That a p~i~. fac~e speed' of 35 miles_'pe~ hoUr'.be and the sa~e · ~. is heroby deger~n.ed' ~nd d. oclared go be ghe prima facie speed. . .which vehicles.~y travel on East Truxtun Avenu~ between the westerly. line of Owe~ 8t~e"et and the easterly city limit~. .... g~IO~ ~at..a prima facie speed of 35 miles per ho~ be and the s~e is horeby degermi~od and doclared go be ghe p~ima facie speed ag' - --o-o- ~ .... ' ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing 0r.dinance was passe.~_-''' -' and adopted"by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a"regular meeting thereof held on. the 13th 'day of June, .1960, 'by the following vote: . "-- ,~¥ES; "BAtFAt~z B.E[,I'TI£¥ C~.~I$. tOIL~NS, [~RO'F.$, DOOL~N, tTII~RN, ..... .'. NOES-:. ..... , ...... City C~erk-a~d' '~z-O:f~::l.¢:[o Clerk o~' the Council of the City of Bakersfiel'd "':~iT~ NAY~R'~of~ theT.citY of Bakersfield. Affii avit of losting (OrMnanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That s]{e is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 14th day of June, 19 60 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fall~ true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci'l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............. .t...h..e.....1...3...t..h.._..d..a..y.._..o...f.....J...u..n_..e.., ........... ,19...6...0.., which ordinance was numbered ............ .1...3._0...0. .............. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING ,~ PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMI'r OF 35 MILES PER HOUR ON A PORTION OF EAST TRUXTUN AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, AND ON A i~ORTION OF CALI FORNI A AVENUE, I N SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... [~.'~.bday.~ ~ "~,°f ............ .,.Iml_~t~, 19..§.1l.. · · ~"-'""-: .............................................................................. ..." . Notar~ PuBlic in a~d for t~e County of Kern, State of California -"' '~ ~-Com~is.,;~on Expire~ Juna 9, ~.. - ....- · ~ .o" ...~ . '