HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1299 0RDi~[A~CE NO~, 1299 hlE!~ SERIES AN 0EDiG~AHC~ APPROVZNG ANI~IT!0~' ~ A . . z~.Rk~or~ T0 ~,~'~':,~ O!~T OF ...... ~,R~..~ TXON ~ SAID ~'f"~'~'"~'=~...,,,~,~.~.~,,.~ T0 PAY [.}~ BONDED !i~'DF, BT- c~.. ~;ake~;sfisid cn the '.St'a dcV ~' May~ i9~9~:. ~'oqn~s'~;fi~.~ ',~a';~' ~.:~eb~. ~e,~ .,~, ~.~o~y fff~e :e~/.:o. d~cc:eibed Be a~-~;ed to a:~.d ~noo~'.~ !~R~$ ~ said ~ o. ~ pm~.'~:.,.:.~n ~*~.s si~ued by the ownez~s of ail oi' thc k~R~S~ the te?~itcz~ descz~;.bed in said petition is czty~ and ~H~.S, on the !O'[:h day of J~e~ 1959~ ths~$ wa~ filed the office of th~ Cl'~y ~]oPk of ~;h~ City of Bake~sf!old~ a consent~ signed by all ~.,~ o?~ms~s of p~epe~'~y included tn said '~o~-~ ~hat said ~e~'lto~y hz, ~f~J~oted to ~axation aft6:~ the oomple~:;.on of such a~ex~ion u~ 1~ ,~ -.-~," ~l'.~y of et : ....~,' ,,,~,~a the ~i-ops~ in the ~ ' field ~o pay ~he bonded :~.~3.dabts~_es~ of said Cii;y thez~ein as p~ov~ded Eo.m in OrdLns.~ No~ 893~ Noie Se~ies~ in O;~di~.~.an~e Nco 9[.,~0~ New Se~ies~ in O~~e Eo, !al2.'~' New Sa~ie~o ~d in O:edi~z%ce Ifc, Ne~e ~e~ies~, all off She C[!;'~- cfi Bake~fi. eld~ ~.d any and all othoe indebtedmess o~ liabilf.$~$ of tho ~,~..,y ou~standl~ o~ maSho~iaed on ~..a a.~te.t-'~he date of .ce'mpLe'['i.~m o~ ~atd ~exa':;ton~ s_nd th%s a~.,~by dete~'mina~.. 2has ss.'!.fl oons~',~.t is signed by all the o'~;z~el-a State .Df Ce.!~.f.~.~ a~d ~}~EA~ the Oot~9.~i:.! o';~ ~';ke City of Ba]..:e~-s~ield ~d~ on ~':.~e 18th day of l~m.y~ 1959~ psas a P. ei~o.ti~.'l;ion ba::.i~ No. 37-'%9~ in com~ pliance,~.~,,,,-,'~-'~, '~he p~o~ ..... ',lc.,.:,~ of the ~' ' ~-~ ~ 0mlifo~ia~ specifically ~s~r.~.bi~ the bo~ies of the te~i~ory so p~oposed to be a~exed to tl~e Ci~;y of [6alze~sfield~ and such.territory by an app~-opF~ia':;e ~mes ~d ~etti~ Monday~ the 15'~h day of J~e~ 1959~ at ~he 'h.ou~ of eigh~ o~clLock P,M,.~ in the Co~.cil C~be~s oZ t~ City ..... ' fo~J~a: as the days hot~r '2~d place ~hen ~d ~he~e the City ;,ouid hea~ protests made by ~y person ow~1~ real p~operty wi~h_n~ the aforesaid te~ttox~y~ EER~S~ said Resoiu'i~io~ was published at least t'~ice~ b~t noi~ of'~ener tlm~ once a w'ee,~ i'.~ ~e Bakersf:i. eld Califor~an~ a news~ pape~ of gev. e'.~al circula'~!o~ p~b!ished in t;xe City of Bake~sfteld~ maid pt~blication h~'~i~ bee~ c~n~pleted at leas~ t~-e~ty days p~io~ the da~e set fo~ said h~a~!ngo iv. compli~.~e ~th Se~tlon 35311 t~ Govermae~ Code, and p~otes~s were filed ' property wi'~.n tlxe te~r!~bo~,?y p~oposed ~o b,~ a~exed~ Bakersl'ield~ as follo~s ~ SECTION 1 ~ T~t time .0o~oil oi' the City of Bake:~sfield hereby approves tl~e ~exatio:a t~ and imclusio~'~ ~it~n the ~nco~po~ated limits the City of Bake~$~ieid~ of that certain ~i~abited tek,itchy desig · ~e~ito~y be and ~he saz~e is he?eby a~exed to said Cit2'~ that ss. id tion 12~ ms said Lo'~ 5 ~.s sho~ ~ "[~erm Oo~ty Sales Map No, ! of Lands of ~'o Bo Haggiu~~ filed ~y 3~ 1889~ in ~h~ office of ~ 0o~=i~y Reuo~de~ of said Ke~ Oo'~ty~ wes~e~ly alo~ tlxe scut;mealy bo~dam.~ 0f said Lo'~ 5 to inte~~o sect the W~este~ly bo=ud~y of the Ea~ 165 feet. of said Lot ~hence hOrSefly a!o~ lass n~ed we~te~iy bo~dary to lnte~~- MOOR 2he~ no~2be~lv. ~ bouiida~',y.... ~f .~";:f~. ~ 2oad~. also ~:.o~-~i s,s '",,,,.~s,_~ ........... . of ~he easterly bo't:;c,.daz?? of ',~b~ n:o~'~wes% or,.e~-~sr (N i:f~ of '~' SaW Seotion 12;~ ? City of Bake~sfie~'d~ ,,~,-.~...m~ ~u~b.~ly alo:.~g ~zld p~lom~a$!on and s.!oD~ tl.-~ ~aid eas~.~Tely boundary (:f northwest qua~e~~ ;~i~= i;~'~ i./~)o .Df S~c~ion 12: and along easterly bo~d~y c~' ~a':.d. I,o~; 5~ out and along seid bound, a'~y~ as sam~ ~.~ d. sfi~_ed by %~9 certain a~in~zai:.f.o:.[~. as Ben,on Patak No~ 2~ as adopted Oo'[~.~be~ 15~ 1956.~ by Oydi... n~ce ~o ~ 1!07, ~e~{. S.s'~?:~.e~' ' ~, and a~t:!.fled No~e~:goez~ 19.~ 1956:; b~ the ~eo~e~a~y of S'~ema:, f~'t~te of California:, 'bo ';:b.e sou'~--. eas~ co~ne~ of ss':d Lo';; r' . .. .. . ...... ~ '.~' B~ke.,J~f~.e.td '~o peJ$ ~he bo:~.~:d ;to.o.~s. one~4 pi[' '''~,m.~,o ~i~..~, ~ "'- cZ: de~c~lbed in the afo~eme~d,~io;3.e.d '5,t~nsen'~ Of ~he =c~ o.C located ~hm:~ei~,~ the tssu.~;.~a .;,,~ bund~ to ~'~re~en~: za:%d being lo~ovided fo~ In OPd~n~.;3.;:8 ~[:3, 893~ l~ew Se:eies~ In No~ ]229o New Series~ -'~ ......... ' ,.,,,~ ~ a,.:d ~y ~.d al! .~h,~.,~ .. ou....~.~ ~:. :. .~. t,~...~.~1~ the 6m'~e of co~pletion of ~=.,..~,..._~ .... ~ ........ fiECt':'X ON 3. ~ ~ 'i ' .- a,%m,, the da'be of i'Ve POOR ORIGINAL /~YES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES. DOOr. IN STIERN, NOES- "~'~,~.~,,~ J . ABSENT',~-~.,~..~.~ Affi av ! of ost ng ( r uanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... .t...h...e.....7.__t._h_____d__.a.y_....o..f......J..u...n..e._, ................................ , 19._6...0... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..............t..h...e.....6...t...h.__d.._a_y..._.o...f.....J...u..n.._e_.,. ............. ,19...6...0.., which ordinance was numbered ............ .1...2..9...9. .............. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, CALl FORNI A, AND PROVI DING FOR THE TAXA- TION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBT- EDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ' ?"."~ _"~th aa~ n~ June~. ~_~ 60 Notary Public: in and for t~ Cotlnty of Kern. State of California ;.' ~ -.. ." M~I Comm,~,'.ioii v~p,.re.~ June .9: · ~..~, . ~, .__. . .-