HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1291 OHDI~CE ..~0 o 1291 ~W SEHIF~ 0~ ~Z~B~T~D ~I~R~0~ ~0 ~ 0~ 0~ ~~ ~E~ CAL~ORN~L~ AND PEOV~DIN~ FOR ~ ~ TION' 'OF SAID ~TO~ ~0 PA~ T~ BONDED I~EBT~ EDN~S OF SAID CI~o Bake~field on the ~6~ 6.ay c,f Na~ch~ 1960~. ~eques~t~ thm~ ~i~n' %he Ci~ of Bake~mft~ld~ '~~$~, mmid peri,ion ~ sig. ne.d ~y ~he ~e~a of ~11 ~~So. ~e ~em~i~o~y described in ~atd pent,ion iz $0 .~he City o~ Bake~sfield~ '~$~ the-maid ~.~i~o~y doe~ no~' f0~ a pa~ of any o~he~ cl~y~ and ~~5~ on the 16~h day of M~ch~ 1960~ She~e ~a~ filed in the office of th~ OiSy 01e~k of %he Ci~y of Bakemsfield~ m ~-mi~en signed by all ~he o~e~ of p~opek~y included tn said te~tto~ s~id ~em~t~'ox~y .be subjected ~o %mxz$1on afSe~ ~he comple~iom of such a~exa$ion, equally ~iSh the p~oper~y tn the CiSy of B~ke~sfield pay She bonded indeb%edns~ of said OiSy therein desc~tbed~ vided ~or in 0~dinance No~ 893~ Ne~ ~e~les~ in 0rdi~nce No~ Ne~-s Serie~ .in 0~t~,nc, NCo 1112~ Ne~ Serte~ and in No~ 1229~ Ne~ Serie~ all of '~he City o~ Bake~mfteld~ and ~ny oShe~ i~deb2e~ess o~ !iebt!l~y of ~he City om2mSandt~ o~ on and af~e~ ~he da2e of. compilation o~ said a~exa~ion~ and Co~cil hereby de~e~ine~ -~S said consen~ is signed by all She o~e~s of p~ope~ty incl~d~d 2n ~aid Se~mit~ and c0mpiies respect wi~h ~he pro~imions of 8~c~ion 3%319 of the .*ovem~em~ Code '. ~.~$~ She Co, cji o~ She City of Bmkemsfield did~ om ~o p~opo~ed ~o ~e a~e~d 9o '~h~ Oi~ Of ~ke~f~eld~ ~d ~a~ ~-Oo~cil of ~ho Ot~ og Bakersfield he~eb~ ~o Do ~ e~ly bo~d~ o~ ~he said ~ou~h~e~$ ~u~e~ (So ~exa~tom de~ig~$e~ as ~0olles~ ~ei~ ~Oo ~ aa a~op~ed O~obe~ be~ 30~ 19~9~ by ~he Seo~e~m~ o~ S~$eo S~a~e' o~ ~o~hea~ ($, Eo} co~ne~ o~ ~ao~ I~0~ 2~%~ amd ehe~oe ~ 0e .07e ~0" ~ ~o~ ~e oo~po~e ~o~~ ~ "College ~eigh~ ~oo ~o"~ ~d~ed ~ep~em~e~ 29~ X~8~ b~ O~dl~noe ~he. ~ou~h~e~ q~e~ {S~ Wo ~)~ o~ m~id 8ec$t~ ~%~ ~hence oon~in~o ~ and aloe. She co~o~e bo~d~ 'o~ $~e Oi~ of.Bakersfield a ~$ance o~ %~o~28 ~ee~ ~hemo$ So 0~ 28o 10~.Eo~ ~he co~po~a~ bo~da~ o~ ~e 0t~y 'of BmRe~leld~ ~ d2~mce o~ ~93..362 fe~ ehence ~o 89~ 19" 37~ Eo~ a distance o~ 336o~2 ~ee~ ~o no~heam~e~12 ~1o~ said c~v.e co~o~e ~o ~he ao~es~ ~ee~ ~hemoe N~ ~e 12~ ~9~ Eo~ m dt~moe o~ ~0o00 fee~ ~hence ~7~ .Il" Eoo ~ ~a~nce o~ 8~9o00 ~¢e~ ~he~ce So dia~ance o~ ~0~00 ~ee~ ~o ~. poim$~ ~e ~egl~i~ o~ dis~an~ 1000o00 fee~8 ~nce ~o~$h~emee~ly a~ ~atd o~e conc~v~ ~o ~he ~o~h~e~ ~ distance o~ 78~o375 ~ee~ ~o in~e~eo~ een~e~ of .~aid c~e bea~m ~o 0~ ~00 23~ ~ ~t~an~ 1000o00 ~hence So 89° 19o 37~ ~o~ ~Io~ ~he mou$~ly bo~~ o~, $o ~ sou~e~. (~o ~o) corne~' of ~he sou~ea~ of ~aid Sec,~to~' X~e ~he potn~ of be~~e end con~at~ .... o~000= ..... Affiilavit' of llosting (Orilinanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........ .t_..h..e.....2...6...t..h.__..d_a.y.._..o..f......A.p..r..~..1..~ .......................... ,19...6.__0.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fall, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....... ..t..h...e._...2...5...t.b_..d...a_y....o...f._.._A_~r..~l, ............. ,196D...., which ordinance was numbered ............ .1__.2.._9_.1._ ............. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERS- FI ELD ~ CALI FCRNI A ~ AND PROVI DING FOR THE TAXA- TION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBT EDNESS OF SAID CITY, Subscribed and sworn to before me this · 26th day of April ~ , 19 60 :.. ................... '~ -" Notary:Public in and for the Count~ of Kern, State of California ~ . ~ : : My Com~ s=_,iun ~,,~ii'e~..~:'ne ~). ,~.';'~.~. ~.. · ~ : · ,,-. -.. ,.,