HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1327 ORDINANCE' NO .~.~1.327 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE APPEOVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO .THE CIT~ O~ BAKERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "CORONADO NO, l", AND ?ROVIDING ~OR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO ?AT THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS O~ SAID CITYo W1TEREAS, a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 29th day of AugUst, 1960~ 'requesting that certain. uninhabited ter~itomy therein described be annexed to and incorporated within the City of Bake~sfteid, and %,rHEREAS~ said petition was signed by the owners of one-fourth of the land, by .area, and by assessed value as sho~n on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Kern, and WEEREAS~ the territory described In said petition is contiguous to the City of Bakersfield~ and W~IEREAS, the said' territory does not 'form a part of any other ctty~ and ~PIEREAS~ on the 29th day of August, 1960, there was filed in the offlc~ of th~ City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, a 'wPi'tten consent, stg~ed by th~ 'o~n%e~8 of ~oPe than two-thirds of the val~e of th~ te~lto~y~ that said territory be subjected to taxation afte~ the completion of smch annexattom equa!ly'wf~h.the property in the City of B~ke~sfteld to pay the bonded indebtedness of said City therein desc~lbed~ as pmovlded for in Ordinance No, 893, New Series, in Ordinance Nco 950, New Seriss~ in Ordinance Nco 1112, New Series, and i~ Ordinance Nco 1229, New Ssrtes~ all of the City of Bakersfield, and ~ny and all other indebtodness om. liability of~the City outstanding oP author!zed on and afte~ the date of completion o£ said annexation, and this'Counctl h~meby ~®t~mine~ that said consent ~s ~tgnsd by the owners of mo~e than two-thirds of the value of the territory, and complies, in'every m~spec'~ with th~ PPovistons of S~ction 35319 of ~he Government Code of the State of Callfo~nia, and WHEREAS~ the Council of the City of BakeP~Eteld did, on the 29~h day of August, 1960, pass a Resolution being No. 9~-60, in compliance with the p~ovisions of the Annexmtton of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939~ and amendments thereto~ being Title 4, Dtvf. sion 2, ?a~t 2, Chapter l, A~ticle'~ of the Government Code of the State of California, specifically de.scribing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, 'and deStg~attng such territory by an appropriate name, and setting MondaY, the ]~rd day of Octobem, 1960, at the hou~ of eight o~clock PoM~, in the Council. Chambers of the City Hall, l~O1 Tmuxtun Avenue, Bmkersfield, Californta, as the day, hour and place when .and where the City Council would hear p~otests made by any person owning real property within the afo~e~atd territory, and %DiEREAS, said ResOlution was ~ublished at leas~ twice~ but not oftene~ than once a week i~ The Bakersfield Californian., a'newspa~er of general-circulation pub!i~hed in the City of Bakersfield, said publica~ion having been completed at least twent? days prto~ to the dmte set for s~td hea~tng, t~ comp. ltance~with Section 3~Sll of the Government Cods: and WHEREAS~ at the time set for hea~tng protests, no written protests were filed against the proposed annexation by any owner of property within the territory p~oposed to be annexed° NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 0RDA[NED by the Council of the City of BakePsfield, as follbws: SECTION 1o Tha~ the Council of the City of BakersfieLd hereby approves the ~nnexatton $o a~d tnctusto~ within the incor~,o~ated limits of She City of Ba. ke~sfield~ of thmt certain uninhab~.ted territory desig- nated as "coRONADO NO° l'~; and it is hereby fu~the~ o~d~tned that said territory 'be a~d the s~e is hereby annexed to said City; ~hat said territory, is described as follows: 2° A parcel of land situate in the County of Ke~n~ State of Oaltfomnta, and be~n~ a pomt~on of Sections Township 30 South, Range 27 Beginning at the northwest (N'o Wo) co~ne~ of Lot ~, in said Section 13, a point on the southerly line of that public road of 60 feet in width along the northeJly boundary of said Section 13~ commonly known as Planz Road, and as saidLot, said Sections and said road are shown on the "Kern County Sales Map Nco 1 of Lands of Jo Bo Haggin'~ filed .fo~ record May 3, 1889~ in tbs office of th~ County Recorder of sald Ke~n County; thence easterly alone the noJthe~ly boundary of said Lot h, along a line parallel with and distant 30 fee~ southerly as measured perpendicular to the northerly 'boundary of-said Section 13,.a distance-oF 250000 feet; thence northerly and parallel with the nomDherty urolongatlon of the westerly boundary of said Lot.h, to intersect the northemly boundary of said Section~13; thence continuing northerly parallel.with the westemlYboundmry of the.south- east Qua~te~ (S~ Eo 1/4) of said Section 12, 'to intersect a llne parallel with, distant 1333~711 feet southe~ly, as measured, pempendtcu!a~ to the northerly boundary of the said southeast Qusmte~ (So E~ 1/4) of Section 12; thence westerly along last named parallel line to 'intersect the westerly boundary of the southeast quarter (S. Eo 1/4), of said Section 12~ thence southemly along last named westerly .boundary to the nomtheast (No E'o).co~ner of the south half (So 1/2), of the soathhalf ('So' 1/2),bf the southwest quarte~ (S. W, 1/4)~ of said Section 4~" Wt~ al°ng'the'no~her!Y bound~x~yof the said South half (So 1/2}, of the mouth half ($. 1/2),'of the southwest q~a~tem~ (So' Wo 1/4}~ of Sectl°n.12, a distance of 1655o791 feet to a polnt',~ thence S~ 0° 01~ 52"' E~, a distance of 660oh/~6 feet~ to intersect the southerly boundary of said Section 12~ being the cente~ line,of said Planz Road; thence contin~tng.southe~ly along a line ~e~pendicular to the s6uthemly boundary Qf said Section I2, a distance of 30 feet, to. inter, sect ~he no~themly b0unda.XTY'of Lot 7'In Said Sectlon 1 · 3, thence ea~temly along last named northerly boundary and along the northerly boUndaXT7 of Lots 6 and 5 in said Sectton 13, along a line parallel with dls~ant 30 feet southerly as measured pe~pendicula~ to the northerly boundary of said Section 13, to the northwest (No the polu~t of begi~ning~ containing 33~935 acres-of land more o~ less. Said territory, a~d the p~operty located, therein, shall, upon the completion of the a=ue×mt!on of the Same'to '~he City of Bakersfield, be subJecSed to taxation equally with othem property in the City of Bake~sfIeld to pay the bonded !ndebtedn~s~.0f the City of Bakersft~ld~ described t~ the aforementioned con~ent of the ownems of propePty~ located therein, the is~uance of bond~ to represent Said indebtedness being p~ovtded fo~ in O~dinanoe Nco 893, New Semies~ in Ordinance NOQ 950, New Series, in Ordinance Noo lll2,.New Series, and in Ordinance No. 1229~ New Series, all of said City, and any and all othe~ indebtedness or l~bflity of the City ou~standin~ or authorized on and ~f~e~ ~he date of completion of said anue×ationo SECTION This o~d![n~ce shal~ b~come effective thirty days from and after the d~te of its passage° ...... 000 ...... I HEREBT CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was p~ssed and adoptsd by the Council of th~ City of B~sf~e~d at a m~eting thereof held on the 3=d d~y of 0ctobe=, 1960~ by the following vote: AYES: ~, BENTL~, ~R?~A$~:~, COLLINS, CROSS, DOOLIN, ETIERN, NOES: CoUncil of the City APPR0~D this 3~ ~y of 0c~be~~, 1960~ o ~ C~y:Of B~s~eld. '