HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1322 ORDINANCE N0~ 1322 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CiT~f OF BAKERS~ FIELD~ CALIFORNIA~ DESIGNATED AS "ASPHALTO N0o 1'' AND .PROVIDING FOR THE '~XATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE' BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CiTY. o WliEREAS, a petition ~ms £f.:!.,~d '~-~ith the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 25th dsy of J:~ly~ '1960~ ~eqt%esttng thmt ce~t[~!n ~i~bited territory therein d~s~.~ibed be ~nne.~ed to and Incorpc~at~:d wi~hin the City ef B~ke~sfield~ ~nd ~E~S, ,~aid p~tition wes ~igned by the o~ers of ell of tho ten.irony to be annexed~ and ~R~S, the territory described in s~id petition is contiguous to the City Of Bakersfleld~ end ~AS~ the s~id territory does not form'~ pert of ~ny other city~ ~nd ~E~$, on the 25th day of July~ 1960, the~e w~s filed in the offio~ of the City Clerk of ~h~ City of Bskersfield~ a %stiffen con~ent~ ~igned by all the o~ens of ~' '- prcpsr:,y included in s~id t~itory~ that said te~rito~y b~ subjected to t~s~;ton mfte'~ the completion of such a~sx~tion equsl?,y with the p~ops~ty in the City of B~ken~field to the bonded tnd~btednes~ of s~id C~,~,y 'therein described~ as p~ovided fo~ tn 0rdinmnce No. 893~ New S~rlss~ in 0rdinanc~ No~ 9~0~ New Series~ In 0rdinsnc~ Noo !112~ Ne~ S~ri~s; end In 0rdlnsnce No. 12~9~ New Sez~iss~ all of the City of B~k~rsf~.e!d~ ~nd ~ny end el! othe~ indebted= ness or ltsbility of th~ City outstsnding or authorized the d~t~ of comp~.etion oF said snn~:~tion~ ~nd this Conncil hereby d~termtnes thst ~sid consent i~ sf,~d by s].l the o~a~ers cf Property included in s~id territory~ end co:~plies in every respect with the provisions of.Se~:tion 3~319 of the Government Code of ~fzie stere of C~lifo~nl~ and lo P~tE,~EAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did, on the 25th day of July, 1960, pass s Resolution being No, 73-60, in compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 19399 and amend~:~nt~ thereto~ being Title 4, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter 1, A~ticle 5 of the Government Code of the State of California, specifically de.scribing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bmke~sfield, and design~ting such territory by an appropriate name, ~nd setting Monday, the 29th day of August, 1960, at the houm of eight o~clock P oMo ~ in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 T~uxtun Avenue, 'B~ke~sfield,' California, a~ the day, hou~ and place when and where the City Council' would hear p~otests made by any person owning meal property within the aforesaid ter~ito~y~ and WHEREAS, said Resolution ~s published st least twice, but not oftener than once s week in The B~kersfield Csllfo~nisn, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Bakersfield, said publication having been completed at least twenty days prior to the date set for said hearing, in compliance with Section 35311 of the Government Code~ and WHEREAS, st the time set for hearing protests, no written protests were filed against the proposed annexation by any owner of propert~ within the territory p~oposed to be annexed~ NOW, THEREFORE~ HE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City Of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTION I. That the Council of the City of Bakersfield herebY ~pproves the ~nnexati0n to and inclusion within the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield~ of that certain uninhabited territory desig~ hated as "Aspha].to No° 1"; and it is hereby further ordained that said termito~y be and the s~me is hereby annexed to said City~ that s~id territo~y is described ~s follows: 2. A parcel of land situmte in the County of Kern, State of California~ and being a portion of Section 13, Township 30 South~ R~nge 27 East~ MoD.M., and also a portion of Section 18, Township 30 South~ R~nge 28 East, M.D.M., and as said Sections 13 and 18 are sho~m on the "Kern County Sales Map No~ 1 of Lands of Jo Bo Haggin", filed for record May 3~ 1889, in the office of t/~e County Recorder of said Kern County: Begir~uing at the south~est (So W.) conner of Lot 2 in said Section 13~ thence easterly along the southerly boundary of szld Lot 2 and the eas~erly prolongation thereof to intersect the easterly boundary of ~sld Section 13; thence continming easterly along the westerly prolongation of the southerly bo~da~ of Lot 5 in ssld Section 18, to intersect a line parallel with and distant 30 feet easterly, as measured per~ pendicmler to the ~sterly bo~da~ of said Section 18, said pera!lel line also being the easterly bomndsry line of that cer~a~ public' road of 50 feet in' width between said Sections 13 and 18,' and as sho~m on above referred to Map, co,onlY ~o~ sS Sou~ "H" Street, and also ~o~ as Ke~ Island Road; thence nomthe~ly along said l~st named paP~llel line~ (along the e~ste~ly bo~da~y line of said South "H" Street), on and ~long ~e co~porate bo~ds~y of the City of Bakersfield as same is defined by that certain Annexation designated as %~ite Lane No~ 2, as adopted JUne 3, ~957, by O~dinance No~ 1122, New Series~ and certified July 8, 1957, by the Secrets~ of St~te,..State of California, to intersect~the southwesterly prolo~ation of the southeasterly right-of-way line of the Sou~e~ Pacific Railroad~ as said Railroad ~i~t~of~way is sho~ on ~e map of T~CT NO. 1817, recorded November 23, 1956, in Book 9 .of Maps at p~ge 10~, in the office of the said Co~ty Recorder; thence continuing northerly along said easterly bo~da~ line of Sou~ "H" Street, on and along the co~po~ate bo~da~y of said City as same is defined by that certain A~ex~tion designated as ~ite Lane No~ 1~ pem Resolution app~ovinE said A~exmtion adopted March 26, 1957, by the Boamd of Supervisors of said Ke~n Co~tY, as recorded in Minute Book llS& page 21, Pecords of said Board of Supervisors, to inte~ sect- a line parallel wi~, distant 30 feet southerly, as measured, p~pendicula~ to the n°~the~ly howdah, of said Section 18, thence westerly along last named parallel line, on and along the composite bound~ of said City as same is defied by..that ce~ta!n A~ex~tion designated ss Planz Pa~k, a~ adopted J~u~y 2~ !951~ ~y 0~di~ance No~ 898, New Se~ies~ and ce~tified February 5, 1951, ~bY the. said Secretary of State, to intersect a line p~rallel with, distant 30 feet w~sterty, as measured perpendicular to the Weste~I~'~.bodnda~ of said Section 18~ s~id'lsst named p~l!el line being~the ~ste~ly bo~da~y line of said South "H'~ Street; thence s0uthe~ly along la~.t named parallel line, (along the westerly bounda~ line of s~id South "H" Street), ~nd depamtinE f~om the co~po~ate boundax~y of the City of Bakersfield,. to intersect the sodth~ly, b~d~ of the No~th half. (N~ 1/2), of.Lot 1, in said Section 13, thence westerly along last n~.~d ~outherly bo~=da~ to intersect the westerly bound~ of said Lot 15 thence southerly along th~ westerly bounda~ o~ said Lot 1, end along the westerly boundary of Lot 2 in Said Section 13, to the Southwest (S~ W.) cornem of said Lot 2~ the point of begi~ing, containing an a~em of 30~774 ~c~e~ of l~nd~ mo~e om lasso 0 Said territory, and the property located therein, shall, upon the completion of the annexation of the same to the City of Bakersfield, be subjected to taxation equs!ly with other property in the City of Bakersfield to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Ba~emsfield, demc~ibed ~ the aforementioned oonsent of the o~e~s of p~ope~by, located therein, ~he issuance o2 bonds to represent said indebtedness being provided for in 0~dinance No~ 893, NeM Series, in 0rdin~ce No~ 950~ NeM Series, im 0mdinsmce No~ 1112, New Series, end in 0~dinanc~ No~ 1229~ New Series, all of said City, ~d any and all o~er indebt~ edness.o~ liability of the City outspending or authorized on and af~e~ ~e ~ate of co~le~ion of said annexation. SEC~iON 2. ~is o~dinsnce shall become effective thi~y days f~om and af~e~ the da~e of its pass~ge. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at s regular meeting thereof held on the 29th day of August, 1960, by the following vote: AYES: BALFANZ. BENTLEY, CARNAl(IS, NOES:.~.~::~:~-.-..-,,-. ~CL',';,';,g, CROES, DOOLIN, STIERN, Marian S. Irvin ~ty Clerk 'gn~"E×~Orf'ici'o' 'Cier'k of the ~ ~ Cou~ci! of the City of Bakersfield° APPROUED-~thi.~2~h" day~f Augusb~ 1960. By ~ '~'~ ~ .... Actin~ city" ~lerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ......... A.~gus. t_..3.0 .......................................................... , 19_.6_Q__ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fall, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............_A___u..g___u~;._.t_..__2__.9. .......................................... , 19._.6..0-__, which ordinance was numbered ...... _.1_.3___2_.2.. ................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AlqNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "ASPHALTO NO. 1", AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. MARIAN S. IRVIN Council of the City of Bakersfield Subscribed and sworn to before me this By ~,~ ~.~ ~.~ · ~-/~.~; ~Nctary ~ul~li¢ in and for the County of Kern, State of California