HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1340 OADI~'i%NC2 NO.~ 1340 NEW SER~ES AN ORDINANCE ,!PizaLY, f'{NG A~Z~ON O~ A PARCEL DP UN[~L%BZTZ~> %fZ~}i !T(i{i~ TO '~-[~ CR'Y OF BA~S~[ELD ~ CALE~N[A~ DZSi~NART~ AS "~AL~S~.~N NO~ 1~" AND PR~V~DXNG ~'~ T~C,~; ~0%XAT~ON OP SA~' T~RR~T~Y TO PA~' TH~ ',~O~{:3;{O '~;NX'.',5'.7~NESS O~ SAFD CiTYo ........... ~.. z,:,,_ Cem,.;c:~ o~ ~;ke City B~ker~f~e~d on ?~e 25th d~3' ~-:~' N,;~e~b,;er~ !960~. requesting '~hat ~er'~:.~ un:inhabited ~e:¢rilory ~kere!r. des::ribed be annexed tO and incorpcrazef terr~=ery ~o be ~nnexed~ ane h~S~ ~he ~erziic...r7 de:?;rtbed in said pe~!~ion ts ~oniigu,~u~ to the City of Bakersfieid~ ~;i.~AS..~ the said %ez~:..!'~or~r do,ls no'~ fcr~:] a part of any ci~y~ and sS~.n icy e:i: No~'embe~.., ~e60~ t:~eze was consen-:;~ signed by a.~ '~:he e~rr:.ers of property i~..cluded in said tha~ said ~erri'~erF be s~LL~at:'~ed 'lo '~axa'~!en a.f~:er '~he co~p~etion suck a~mexa~ion equally ':0:~.t~'.~ 'the proper'~y i:,~ ~:~:.e Ci'ky of Bake~rsfieid pay tle b~n.ded :h~deb<:edne~s ::d~ s&:?.~ for in Ordi~.anse Ne~ 893,. Ne'.? SerLes~, in Ck~d~nance No~ ese,, N~w in Ozd!na:.~ce Ne,, 1.!12~. Nez~ S,-Les.. . and in O:rdi~ance Nc,. 122r;,~ New all of ~he ~ ....... ~:tt7 of ~,~ ........ ~.~'-' ~.~..c'. a:~:? and ail ~'~her indebi'eines'~ liabilf,~y o:f tlc City o~rt:s~:aud!'.n~' c:7 authorized on a. nd ali:er '~he of cemple(c!c::~ of said an.:.axa":ion~ and ';:~!s Co~n_:il kereby de'N~rn.inc.:-s ~hat said consent ls signed 7':.7 a!2 'N'~ o,;me:rs ~',}' preper:',:y inciud~,l said terr:t'r;ory~ and ce~p!:',.z:s :%':. e':"e::y ::espe~';; w-['~h t~e prevfsion~.: Section 33319 el? the Govez. xv.:~c:..~,;: Cc,,de cf ~:e State ef Ca~!~on'nia,. WH~R~AS~ ~he Council of ~he City of Bakersfield did9 on the 28th day of No~ember9 I9~0~ pass a Resolution being No~ 118-60~ in compliance with the provisions of ~he Annexation of Uninhabited Ter~fory Ac~ of 19399 and amendments '~here~o~ being T~le 49 Division 29 Par~: Chapter 1~ Article 5 of tSe Govern~en~ Code of the S~ate of be annexed eo ~he Ci~ of Bakersf~eld~ and des~§natin§ such by an appropriate name~ a~d see~ng Tuesday~ ~he 2?th day of December~ 19609 at ~he hour o~ e~§h~ o~clock Po ~o9 ~n the Council Chambers of ~he City Hall~ 1501 Trux~un £ven~e~ Bakersfield9 California~ as the day~ hour and place when and %,3here the City Council would hear protests made by any person ownin~ real proper~y w~thin ~he aforesaid and WH~R~%S~ said Resoiut~.on was published ae least twice~ but oftener lhan once a week in Y~e Bakerafield'Californlan~ a newspaper of general circ'ulae~on p~b!isSed ~n the Ci~y of Bakers~ield~ said publication havin~ been co:~p~eee~ a9 ieasl ~w~nly days prior ~o the date set for said hearin~ ~m co~pliance wi~h Section 35311 of ~he Government Code~ and protests were f~led aSa~ns~ Tke proposed annexation by any o~er of proper~y w~hin ~he Terri~or7 proposed ~o be N~ ~6~~ B~ I~ C~DAIN~ by ~he Council of the C~t7 of Bakersf~eld~ as follows: S~TION io ~a~ ~he Council o~ ~ City of Bakersfield hereby approves annexaeion ~o and ~ncl~siom ~i~kf~n the ~ncorpora~ed lim~s of the C~'~7 of Bakers~eld~ of ~ha% certain ~nin~ab~eed ~errt~ory des~Ena~ed a~ "Talisman No. I'~ and ~ ~s ~e~eby further o~da~ned ~hae sa{d described as follows: A parcel of land s~ua~e in the CouuZy o~ Kern~ Sta~e o£ California~ and being a portion o£ Lo~ ~8~ in Section · o~nship 30~ Sou~h~ R~uge 27 ~a~t~ ~o Do ~o, and as said Lot 48 is show~ on the "Kern County Sales Map NOo 1 off Lands o£ Jo B~ Hag~i~~ £iled for record May 3p 1889~ in the office of the Co~y Recorder of said Kern Couney: Beginning at the sou~h~es~ (So Wo) ~orner of said Lot feet in wtdth~ as aame is aho~ on abo~e said Map~ which road fs commonly ~o~m as M~ng Ave~e~ said poin~ of ntng also being a point on the c~rren~ corporate boundary of the Ci~y of Bakersfield as defined by ghat Annexagton desi§nated as 'Ben,on Pa~k NOo 2v' as adopged October 1956v by O~dtnance }~oo llO?~ New Series, and which was certified No.ember ~gv 1956~ by ghe Secretary of State of Californiz~ ~hence easterly along the southerly boundar~ of said Lo~ ~8~ on and alomg said corporate bo~ndar~ as defined by said Ordinance No~ 1107~ New Seriesv ~o sect a westerly boundar~ of that certain Annexation deslg- na~ed as "Benton Park~' distant No 89O 57' 22" Wov 961o255 feet~ more or /esso from ~he easterly boundary of said Section l~ as measured along the southerly boundary of said Lo~ 48~ and the proton§ation thereof~ ~hence continuing easterly alon§ the so~gherly boundary of said Lot 48, on and along ~he corporage boundary of said City of Bakersfieid~ and as defined by ~he above mentioned Annexation designated as "Benton Park~" as adopted October 3~ 1955~ by Ordinance No° 1065~ New Series~ which was certified No. ember 4, i955~ by the said Secre~ery of S~ate~ ~o ~ntersect ~he easterly boundary of ~he Wes~ ~0 2eet0 of the Wes~ half (Wo. 1/2) of ~he ~ast half (~o ~/2)I of ~he ~as% half (Ro 1/2)~ of ~he West half (Wo 1/2}~ o~ said Lot ~85 thence northerly along last named easterly boundar¥~ departing from the ~rpor.~? bound.fy of '~he Ci*y of Bakersfield..~o intersect . e northerly boundary o~ the South.half (S,, i/2)~ of the ~outh half (So 1/2}v of said Lo~ 48~ lhence ~es~erly a/on§ last named northeri~ boundary to intersect ~he easterly boundary of the Wes~ half {Wo 1/2)~ of the East half (Eo of the West half (Wo 1/2)~ of said Lo~ 48~ thence northerly along last named eas~e~ly boundary to intersect the northerly boundary of said Lot 4S~ ~hence westerly aiong last named northerly boundary Co the northwest (No Wo) corner of said Lot 48~ thence sou~hert~ along the westeF1y boundaFy of said Lo~ ~8 to ~he so~thwes~ (So ~o) corner tbereof~ and to the point of be~fnnin~ of tk~s descrtp~on~ containing an area of 70235 acres of iand~ more or less. Said terri~ory~ and ~he property located therein, shall~ ~he completion o£ the annexation of ~he same ~o ~he City of BakersfieId~ be subjected ~o taxation eq~fiy ~th o~her property in ~he City of Bakersfield to pay ~he b~nded ~ndeb~edness of the City of Bakersfiefd~ described in the a£oremen~oned consen~ of ~he o%~ners of proper~¥,~ located ~herein~ ~he issuance of bonds to represent said in debtedness being provided .for in Ordinance No. 8939 Ne~ Series~ in Ordinance Nco 950~ New Sertes~ in O~dinance No° 1112~ New Series, and in Ordinance Nco 1229~ New Series~ ali of said City~ and any and all other indebt- edness or liabiiit¥ of the City outstanding or authorized on and after the date of completioa of aald annexation° $~C?ION 2° This ordi~ance sha~l become effective thirty days from and after the date of i~s passage° I HEREBY C~RTI~Y thaZ Zhe f~regotn§ Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meetint thereof held on the 2?th da~ of December~ 19609 by the followtnt vote: AYES: BALFANZ, Bg.~LEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, STIERI"{, r4OES: ABSENT: ~ )lartan So Irvin Council of lhe City of Bakers£ieldo By_ APPROV.~.D --~ da~ ~f Dec~ber~ 196~ ~t~ng City Clerk ~ .'~r~n~ Sullivan · Affi aui! of osting (0r inanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern f ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .......... _D._-e--c--.e._.m.~.e.._r.___2..8_ .................................................... , 19._6._0.__ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....... __D..e__.c.._.e~_._.b..e__.r.....2...7_ .......................................... ,19___6_.Q., which ordinanee was numbered ....... .1.__3._4._.0_ ................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD~ CALIFOKNIA~ DESIGNATED AS "TALISMAN NO. 1'.', AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. MARIAN So IRVIN ~-i- ~-~--'~-~-~--'~-~ ~-'FJi-" ~-f ~-~-i-~-"~-l'~Ii---5'f the Co~cil of the City of B~ersfield. and sworn ~ before me ~his of .... P_~~g___p ............ , ~9 60 Acting City Clerk ~ and for ~ C~nt7 of Kern, 8~ of ~lifornia