HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1333 01'lD~Ti~7~.~IO!g Y.~O,, ..~..!333 NEff SERIES A~I 0RDE~ANCE ?fGP~!LXNG 0RDI]'~iNCE N0~ i317~ N~$ SERIES 3F Tlf~g CiT~ 0F ~t~RSFXELD~ AND A~NDING 0~P~R 1~04 0:~ TiT~ l~ 0F T~ ~ICXPAL CODE 0F T~ 3iTT 0~T ~)~RSFiEY~ ~ A~NDING SECTXONS 15~04.020~ ~.~ ,, 04 o 050 AND 15~04,170~ A~ BY ADDING T0 SAID CCDE~ S~',C:~,~EONS 15 .... ~ 7~ SECTIONS 15~04o27[;. TH~0UGH t5.04~279f AND SECTIONS 15~0~,281 T~0'g~'OK 15o04~289~ ALL PERTAENING, TO Ti~ CONSTHUJTi0~'~ ~)~P~NTE~ANCE~ SANITATION AND C0~UCT FORN~ ~ BE IT_0RDAI~D by i:he Council of the City of Bakersfield, a~ f ollo~s g SECTION That Ordinance NoD ~.317.~ N~w Series of the City of Bakers- field be0 and the s~e i~ h~by SECTION 2 Tbat Section 15o04~020 of Chapter 15o04 of Title 15 of the M~icipsl Code of fac hereby ~snded by a~dtDg th~ssto eigh% ~ae~-~ subdivisions to be n~be~ed 8~ 9~ 10~ !1~ -o,,~.., i3~ _~'~ ao.d 15~ which said subdivisions s~l! read-~.~ follow~$~ 8o .&%~i~ ~.~sa~.~ s~'.~.,~y shade st~uct~s of approved material in~ta!led~ ~,~ected:~ Da~ ~sed ~djoini~ o~-~ adjacent to a t~aile~ coach~ ~-~ does not include cabin~ small houue~ ~oom~ s~ciosure~ o~ othe~ b%~tldi~ erected~ constructed or placed on a~.y t~ailer site ~tthin six feet (6~) of any~aile~ coach o~.~ th@ ~Jame ~ite in a t~ai!er park° Cabana does no~ include awntng~ i0o CAE~%NA~PERN_~ENT means'any cab~a Which is desired so as to be not ~ezdiiy disassembled~ moved oP reassembled~ 15~ CAB~NAoPOR~B~ 0R DEMOUN~B~..me~ns any pre~ab~ICated caba~ which is~ designed %o be ~eadily assembled and disassembled and adapted to' ready tmanspo~tation from place to place, 12~ CARPORT mean~ an a~i~ or shade struct~e for ~ automobile located on a trailer site~ 13~ EE~D~ moans any roof~ or shade structure installed~ erectedo or used above a t~ailer coach and site or any portion thereof ~ 14o WIR~BR~X memns any p~otecti~e fence~ wall, st~uct~e o~ shelte~ f~om the wind mhd which exceeds forty-two inches (~2") in height ~ 15o WINDOW A~ING me~s any a~i~ ~tch does not project mo~e t~n 30w from the body of the t~atler and w~ich does not extend more ~an 6~ on eithe~~ side of the window it is designed to SECTION 3o That Section 1.5o04o050 of Chapter 15o04 of Title 15 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield be and the same is hereby amenqed to ~.ead ~s follows~ ~5oO4oO5O ...... .~.'. To P~,~ Loca~%~_.T~a~!~~ . Par~_. No traile~ p~k s~ll be located ~,'~n:.n the City of Bakersfield until the location thereof Is apD~oved by the Pla~i~ Co~tssion of said In the following A~. ~e p. srso~, de~i~ing to locate ~d operate an auto and tmatle~ pa~k in said City ~hall file an application therefore with o the P!annlnE Commi~siono ~m._~ application shall be accompanied by: (1) One (1) copy of a true legal description of the gro~d~ upon which the ~uto and trailer park is to be co~mt~ucted and a plot plan showing the t~le~ sites mhd locations of any buildings or struct,~es~ complete plains and specifications of the proposed const.vuctton, and a description of the wzter supply~ ground d~ainage and method of se~.ge disposal° (2)Said app!ic~tion shall be accompanied with a fil~ng fee of fi£ty dol,.ars ($50.00)o Bo Upon r~ceipt of such application~ the Secretary of the Planning Commissior~ sh~ll set the matter for consideration by said Commission at the r~..ext regular meeting° Co The Planning Commission shall consider the plans and shall ~pp~owe o~ ~ond~tioo~zl~y mpprove s~id plans, providing, by a majority vot~ of its membe~s~ the Commission determines from the evidence p~esented all of the following facts to be true: (1) That the lznd is classified in a ~T" Trailer Park Zo~ o (2) That all of the provisions of this Chapter and of Chapte~ i? of tB~Is Code would be complied with° D~ The Plm~.g Com~i~sion sh~ll disapprove said plans and deny th~ application if~ in its dete~mination~ adequate evidence ham not been sho~n that said plans will conform in all respects to the conditions set forth in Chapter 17 of this Codec E,, In case the ~pplicant is not satisfied with the action of the Planning Commts~ton~ he may, within thirty (30) days after such action:~ appeal in ~iting to the City Council° Said City Council shall hold a public hea~ing on said appeal and shall render its decision thereon within thirty (30) days after the filing thereof. F~ Upon approval by the Planning Commission or City Council~ the Building Depa~tment shall issue a building permit, providing all othem requiremezAts of law have been complied with. SECTION That Sec~ion 15,~04o!70 of Chapte~ !5o0~ of Title 15 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bake~sfield be and the same is hereby amended to ~?ead as follows: 1) ~ 04 o 170 A~ Each tralle~, pa~k shall be developed on a parcel of at least £ive ~5) ac~es of lando Bo Each t~ailer site shall meet the following minimum standard s: (1) Not more than twenty per cent (20%) of the sites within the trailer pa~k contain an area of at least 2~400 square feet° (2) At least eighty per cent (80%) of the sites within the trailer park contain an area of 3,000 or more square feet° (3) Each site shall be not less than thirty (30) feet wideo (4) The corne~s of each site shall be clearly and dis- tinctly marked° Each t:,?~lle~~ ~!to shall be numbered o~ otherwise marked (6) Each tmafler site shall front upon an accessway not less than thi.~ty (30) feet wide° (~?) In no event shall the occupied area of a trailer site exceed seventy-five per cent (75%) of ~he total site a~eao The area shall be deemed occupied when covered o.~ occupied by a trailer~ cabana, awning, closet, cupboax, d, automobile~ unoccupied travel trai~e~.~ ox. any othex, vehicle ox. structua, e~ ox, ~. omblnation thereof o (8) Park~ng space for the trailer coach shall be improved with a concrete slab constructed to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Inspector° (9) All tx.ailex, sites shall be equipped with a dmainage syst,m to accommodate independent trailers, which system shall meet the requirements as specified in Title 8~ Chapt,r 9~ Article 3, of the California Administrative Code, or as the same may hereafter be amended° (10) A co;Acrete ~lab floor constructed to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Inspector shall be px.ovided for all cabanas ~ Co No trailer coach shall be located closer than (10) feet from any building~ exterlo~ fence~ or another trailer coach; provided, however~ that this ?estriction does not apply to a cabana, ox. to a compax.tment containing solely a private toilet or bath, or bo~h constructed for the exclusive use of an occupant of a tx.allot site designed for the occupancy of one (1) trailer coach° Do Each tx.allot coach and each building shall not be located close~ than ten (10) feet f.vom the boundsx.y line of the trailer park. E o Appro'~ed fence~ shall be constructed on side and rear adjoining property lines° Said fences shall be a minimum of six (6) feet in height° F. All access ways shall have cleax, and unobstructed acces~ to a public-~hox.oughfa~e~ Go Access ways shall not be used fox. parking of vehicles, excepting that parallel psmking may be pex~mltted on one (1) side of an access way that is constructed to City standards for commercial Ho All trail~ parks shall have at least two (2) means of ingress or egress leadlog to a public thoroughfare° I~ Each t~aile~ park shall provide one (1) off-street automobile pa~king space for each traile~ site within said trailer pa~ko In addition to pm~ki~g spaces for tenants~ there shall be established and malnt~ined ~*ithin each t~ailer pa~k an off-st~eet automobile parking a~ea fo~ use of guestso The number of such spaces within this pa~king a~ea shzll be equal to one (1) space for every eight (8) t~ailer site~ or fraction thereof within the trailer park, each space to be no less than eight and one-half (8~) feet by twenty (20) feet~ plus such mdditional area as is necessary to afford adequate ingress and eg~®S~o J~ An auto and trailer park shall not accommodate any t~ailer coach when there zre no available traile~ sites within the park° Ko Each t~ail~ shall be pa~ked on each site ~lth the hitch fronting to~a~d the access May~ SECTION ~ That Chapte~ 1~o0~ of Title l~ of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield be and the same is h~reby amended by adding thereto Scot, tons l~o0~ot?! through !~o0~ol?~ Sections 1~o0~o~?1 through 1~o0~o279~ and S~¢t!ons 1~o0~o281 through 1~o0~o289~ which s~ld Sections shall ~ead as folloMs~ ~O stru~tur~ or cabana on any traile~ site may be occupied -unlsss the site is tenanted by a trailer and no structure or cabana may be occupied by any occupants other than those occupants occupying ~hs t~ai~e~ tenanting the site° 0 15o04.172 Awni~n~g or l$indbreak Location No structure or projection thereof, including an approved awning shall be located closer than ten (10) feet from any trailer coach~ cabana~ or awning on an adjacent trailer site; providedv hot, ever, that a windbreak may be located on log lines provided it is at least five (5) fee~ from any '~raiier~ awning or cabana. 15o04o173 Prohiblte~ Obs,:ruction No obstruction of any kind shall be erected, placed, or maintained on or about the tra~ier site that would impede the movement of a ~railer from a site to a driveway or prevent inspection of plumbing and electrical facilities and related trailer ~quipmento 15.04o174 Plot Plan and Office ~ach trailer park sha!l maintain an office in a permanent building° The owner or operator of every trailer park shall maintain in a conspicuous location in s&id office a copy of an approved plot of ~he trailer park° The p._ , pian shall show in detail ~he site layout~ the location of cabanas and trailers, and each site shall be designated by number or by cth~? means of identification. 15.04o271 Cabanz~.Lcc~tion ~ver'y caban& sh~ b~ d~s~gned and erected as a free-stand~n~ s~ructure~ and shall not be permanent par~ of any ~raAXer coach° Trailer coaches shall not be physical part of any cab~nao Cabanas may be attached to a tra~ler ~th appropriate flashln§ or sealing materials to provide a weather sealo No cabana shall be constr~cted, placed, or maintained on more than one side of a t~ailer coach° As used herein~ side includes end o 15o04o272 ~A..s~.P~~~_~ ag~ttnst Eleme~,t~s Every cabanm ehmi~ be constructed and maintained so as to p~ovide ~helter to the occupants agminst the elements and to exclude d~pne~s in inclement ~,emthe~ The materials used i~. the construction of ~ cabanm shmll be of substantial and approved stock. Every cab~a s~ll have an approved floor of concrete constructed ~o the satis- f~ction of the Building 15 o 04 ~ 273 ~~~a~~ements (a) Cabanas mu~% co~o~ to the stPuct~al requirements of Gmoup I occupancies in commodity with the U~fo~ B~ildi~ Code o (b) A buildi~ ps,it must be obSa~ed before co~enci~ ~o~k on any 15 ~ 04.2 74 ~~ ~e h~ o~ ~ c~ba~ shell no~ exceed o~e ~tory ~n height no~ ~h~en (13~ ~e~ ~t ~h~ h~s~ po~n~ abo~e the ~c~ual edJo~n- ~han ~h~y (30) ~nches ~bo~ o~ beyond ~he bu~di~ et any po~t~ A c~bana sh~ co~s~s~ o~ only one (1) ~oom ha~ a super- ~c~ ~oo~ ~ o~ not ~s~ ~n ei~h~ (80) square ~ee~ excludt~ ~ p~a~e ~o~e~ o~ b~h oomp~en~ ~o caba~a shall ~xceed ~el~e i~ ~e~ves~ bu~ in no ~v~n'~ shall a cab~a exceed for~ feet (40~) in le~tho No pa~t off ~ch ~oom shall be enclosed o~ subdivided ~holly o~ ~. p~t by ~ c~'~;s.!n~ fixed or movable p~tition~ othe~ contrivance o~ device fo~ any p~pose contrary to the p~ovisions of this chapte~o o A pex~nanent cabana shall have a clea~ ceiling height of eight (8) feet f~om th~ finished floo~ to the fi~shed ceili~, o~ if there Is no finished ceili~ to the ~oof; pmovided, howevem, ~ag if the cetli~ moor Is ~loped~ the ~m~ ceiling height is ~equt~ed in o~y oneself (1/2) of the sloping ceilt~ area~ At no point s~ll the cetl!~ height be less ~an seven (7) feet in amy portion of the 5 o4 277 ~bana A pomtable om demo~table cabana may ~ve a ~~ clea~ ceiling height of seven (T) feet six (6) inches from the f~shed floom to the finished cetling~ or if there is no fi~shed ceili~, to the roof~ pmovtded~ howevem~ that if the cetli~ or roof is sloped, the ~nim~ ceiling height im mequi~ed tn o~y one-ha~ (1/2~ of the sloping ceili~ area~ p~ovlded f~them t~t the ~nim~ supemficial floom area shall be not less t~n ninety (90} square feet. At no point s~ll the ce~!li~ height be less than six (6) feet six (6} inches in ~y portion of the ~oom~ 15~04~278 Cabana~e~~s Re uimeme ts A.~ Room :~d~h~ No area o~ portion of the moore meas~i~ less t~n seven (7} feet in ~dth shall be included in the co~uta- tion of the ~~ ~equi~ed floor amea~ B~ ~~~o Evemy caba~ s~ll be p~ovided with (1) om mor~ z~ndows ~vi~ mn aggmegate amea of not less t~n one- forth (1/k~. of the floo~ ax~ea~ Windows shall be so amma~ed as to p~opemly light all potations of t~ re..mt at least one-~lf (1/2) of ~e meG~ed ~ndow amea mhall be amm~ged to open. No required window s~ll be less than six (6} squame feet in amea~ Toilet om bath co~ar~ment windows shall co~ly with the provisions of Section 18358 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of Califomnia~ Co ~9_q~o At least one (1) door opening shall be provided which shall be not less than thirty (30) inches in width nor less than six (6) feet two (2) inches in height° Do Scre~n~o Ail openings shall be protected with approved open-mesh, fly-tight screening in conformity with the provisions of the State Trailer Park Act° 15 · 04 · 2 79 Caba~.a_.s,Cookin¢. Prohibit~.e.~ Cabanas shall be used for living purposes onlyo Cooking ~ithin cabanas shall not be permitted° Cooking appliances, including hot plates, shall not be installed in cabanas° A~ A_wr~i~ Ma_teria.!so Awnings shall be made of metal or of other approved material; provided, however, that neither canvas nor similar fabric m&terial may be used unless it is approved by the City F ire Marshal o Bo .Roof~ Ma~eria.!.s.o ~etal roofing materials shall be of corrugated or similarly reinforced sheet metals not less than 26 gauge and shall be securely anchored to the framework. Co SunoOrto Framework for awnings shall be of standard metal pipe not less than three-quarter (3/~) inch outside diameter° Up-rights of f~amework may be of any approved material of equal or greater strength. Metal or other rigid awnings may have supporting framework of similar or other approved materials; provided, however, that weight of awning is adequately supported. Ail Joints of metal pipe framework shall be securely fastened with standard screw-pipe or pipe connected fittings. Welded Joints may be used. Awnings shall be free-standing except that one side may be attached to an approved awning track on the traile~ coach° The awning structure shall meet the same Uniform Building Code requirements as Group J Occupancies and shall be designed for a vertical live load of not less than 10o ten (10) pounds per squa~?e fcc% when the roof dead load does not e×ceed 2°5 pounds pe~o sq?~a~,?e foot~ and shall be able to withstand a vertical uplift a~ sp~c:?!~d'in Section 15~04o285 (a)~ Do ,~~e~d.~9_~.,~ A~ings shall have at least one (1) side entirely open at al! ~t~as~o Only canvas o~ bamboo d~ops or open type fly screening may 'b~ '~d p?cT~ded the ., y are not pe~an~ntly anchored ~ No trelliso s'~b'b~?sy~ windbreako cabinet~, struct~e or obstruction of any t~ may b~ closes? t~ three feet ~3~) of any screened Screen fr~es ~ ~'~ n'~~ be used to ~uppo~t an atoning Cooking shall not be p,r~t~t~d within a~y ~wning nor any hsati~ or cooking g~?p.,.tau~e bs installed or used within any a'~ing o ~,5o 0%028 3 ~f~.q~,ag:4? A~r~ 'J.ocat!~ a:~ ~4~a,;iz~.g~ ~cept wtndo~:~ awnir.~g~ shat3. Ac ~h~t'=~),~_~[[~:gc~'...:;~:'? :;.(~c~ a~.i~ shall be e~ec~ed maintained ove~ro or et'~it..o~a.- ',:-fh.o't'.~' o~,' in pa~'$~ a~y pr~.'~'s.'4e Yo ~5~n~.ng J:~a.'.~: e.,~cc~ed ,.~-, ;~-~: Jf~% ( 3..;?~ ) in v/lath shall be nc g:eea'~.~ ~'a .'~c~g,~io. '~,}.~tl ':?f.,.e coeoh i~ ser~es: but i~:~ /lO o~,,,oo...o?ty foei {40~} in leng~b.o ~ ' '~"- - ~' ' ~ .... ramada ce ~oof ower a o~ any portion thereof ~b.a"O be des.~gz~sd and e~ected as a free- standing self-supporting ~t~uctu~e to: 1o Withstand vemtical live and dead loads imposed upon it and to withstand a vertical uplift or a horizontal £o~ce from any direction of fifteen (15) pounds pem square foot Mind pressure on a vertical projection of exposed surface of the s~uctu~ and 2° Be securely bolted or anchored to the ground~ and 3o Constructed of approved one~hou~ fi~e ~esistive materials or of approved slow-burning material, and 4o Shall comply ~ith structural requirements of the Unifo~mBuilding Code° Bo ~at~o~~~c~iom~ ~ ~ada o~ any portion thereof shall ~ve a clearmnce of not less t~n eighteen (18) inches in a vertical direction and not less t~n six (6) inches in a horizontal direction f~om ~ t~ailer coacho Cross braces or st~ct~al ties s~ll not obstruct movement of any t~aile~ coach~ The supporti~ st~uct~al members of a ~ada shall not extend more t~n twelve (12) feet horizontally beyond either side of a traile~ coach nor s~ll any ~oof o~ cave projection extend more than thtr~ (30) inches beyond the support~g mtructural memhers~ C,, Ve~~~.~ All vents and ducts proJecti~ from a t~iler coach t~ough the ~oof of a ramada shall be of an approved fire~resistlve slip~Joi~t o~ an approved quick disco~ect t~e~ No portion of a ~a~da shall be attached to any trailer coach~ No side or end of a r~ada s~ll be enclosed or fo~ a partial enc~os~e except t~t the rood of a r~ada may be used as a part of a c~ba~ a~i~ o~ carport and such enclosed area co~o~s to the ~equf~ements set forth herein. 15oO4o ? Cooking within a ~ada shall not be permitted nor shall any cooking o~ heating mpDli~nce be installed therein~ No toilet or bathroom shall be in~tzlled or used within ~ ~da ~less the room is so desired and a~a~ed as to meet all of the p~ovisions of this C~pte~o Facilities ~it~n a trailer coach a~e exempt from the p~ovisions, of this Sectton~ 15~04.288 Wi~eaks A~ .~~ A ~ndb~eak shall be desi~ed~ erected and maintained as a f~ee-~t~n~ st~uct~e~ N° portion.of a windbreak .. shall be at'~ached to om beco~e a part of any t~aile~ coach o~ caba~ B~ ~bilit~o Windbreaks in excess of seventy-two (72) inches in heist s~ll be designed to withstand vertical live and dead loads imposed upon them and to withstand a horizontal force from any dimection of fifteen (15) ponds per square foot wind press~e on the vertical projection of e~osed s~face of the st~uct~e and shall ~equire a building permit therefore ~ 15 ~ 04 ~ 289 Wl~~~q~ibitio~ A windbreak s~l! be erected and maintained so ~at neithe~ of the ends nor any othe~ portion shall be refined to form an enclos~e o~ cabana~ No ~.~indbmeak shall support a roof or a~i~ SECTION 6~ ~mt subdl'~i~ton {g} of Section 15o04~120 of C~pter 15~04 of Title 15 of the M~uicipal Code of the City of Bakersfield be~ and the s~e is hereby ~epealedo 13o i HEREBY CERT~T theft the foregoing 0~dinance was passed and adopted by the Cour~c!l of the City of Bakersfield at a ~egula~ meeting '~he~eof held ow the ~l~t~ day of ~lY~r----~_~_~ 1960, by the following vote: City ~lerk and Ex-O£~ic~Clerk o£ the Council o£ the City o£ Sak~rs£ield. APP~0VED ~ ~_~.~ d~ of ~N~uaher__ ~ 1960 ~ ,~ MAYOR of the City of Bake~sfieldo ~ ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .......... _N.._Q.V.__e__m__b_._e_?.._...2.2 ..................................................... , 19__.6._0___ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............. .N.9..v...e..m__.b__.e_?_...2._.]:_ .................................... , 19__-6._.0-_, which ordinance was numbered ...... _.]:_.3_._3__3_ ................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1317, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, AND AMENDING CHAPTER 15.04 o£ TITLE 15 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY AMENDING SECTIONS 15.04.020, 15.04.050 and 15.04.170; AND BY ADDING~/ TO SAID CODE, SECTIONS 15.04.171 THROUGH 15.04.17~,, SECTIONS 15.04.271 through 15.04.279; AND SECTIONS 15.04.281 THROUGH 15.04.289, ALL PERTAINING TO THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, SANITATION AND' CONDUCT OF TRAILER PARKS IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALI- FORNIA '~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this o~ .............................................. , 19 ......... Notary Public-i~i and for ~;he County of Kern, State of California