HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1350 ORDXNANC~. NOo 1350 N~,~ S~R~P.S AN ORDINANC~ APPROVING A~vN~XAT~ON OF A PARCEL GP UNINHABIT~.D T~RRXTORY TO TH~. C~TY OF BAK~RS~IELD~ CALIFORNIA~ D~SIGNAT~D AS 'COLL~G~ H~.IGHTS NOo AND PROV~DXNG FOR THE TAXATION OF SA~D TO PAY TH~ BONDED ~NDBBT~DN~SS OF SA~D C~TYo Bakersfield on the 10~h da~ of ?ebruary~ 19~I~ requesting uninhabited ~err~ory ~here~n described be annexed to and w~th~n ~he C~y of Bakersfieid~ and WH~S; sa~d pe~on -~as s~sned by ~he o%~ers of a~.l of the territory ~o be annexed~ and ~~S~ ~he ~err~tory described ~n said pe~.on ~s territory ~o be annexed~ and ci~y~ and consen~ sfsned by ali ~he c%'n~ers of properey ~ncluded fn ~err~ory~ ~ha~ sa~d ~err:~or~.~ '~e subjected ~o ~xa~on af~.~r comple~on o~ s~ch an~exat~>n equ~l~y %~h ~he proper~y ~n '~he of Bakersfield ~:o pay ~he bonded ~ndeb~edness of ~a~d C[~9 describedv as provided ~or !~.n Ordinance No~ 893~ Ne%, Ser~es~ Ordinance Noo 9~0~ New Series~ in ~dinanc~ Noo 1112~ Nets S~r{es~ ~n~ ~n Ordinance No. 1229~ Ne%-~ Ser~es~ ~11 of the C~CV o~Ba~{eT~' and any and all oeher indebtedness or liabi!i~y of ~he C:i~y and ~h~s Council hereby deCe~m~nes '~-~ ~n~ said consen~ ~s s~gned the o~ers of pz'oper~ inc~'~ed :%n sa~.d ~err~eo~y~ and co~:p~:.~.es every respec~ w~h ~hc pro'~.s~tons of Section 353t~ of ~ke Code of ~he Sea~e of Cal~'orn~.a~ WHHREAS~ the Council o£ lhe City of Bakersfield dfd~ on ~he 14th day of February~ 1961~ pass a Resolution being NOo 13-51~ pliance with the provisions of ~he Annexation of Un~nhabited Terri~e~ Act o£ 1939~ and amendments ~he~eto~ bein~ Title 4~ D~vls!o~ ~o be annexed ~o ~he City of Bakersfieid~ ~nd designa~in~ s~:~ch by an appropriate name~ and seg~n~ Monday~ the 20~h day of ~arch~ a~ the hour of e~§h~ o~clock ~o Mo~ in 9he Council Chambers Ha11~ 1501 Truxt:un Avenue~ Bakersf~etd~ California~ as ~he daT~ hou~ and place when and where ~he C~y Co~nc~l would hear protests made by any person own~n~ real prope~'gy ~hin ~he aforesaid ~erri~orT~ and WHeReAS, said Resolute. on ~as published a~ leas~ ~ce~ oftener ~han once a week ~n ~Se Bakersfield Cal!forn~an~ a newspaper of ~eneral circ~lat~on published in ~he City of Bakersf~eld~ said publication have. nE been comple%ed ~9 least ~wen~y days p~o? ~o the da~e see for sai. d hearth§: ~n compl~ance ~h Sec%~on 353XI of ~he Governmen~ Code~ and protests were f~.ted aga~ns9 '[:ke proposed anne×a~ion by ~ny o~m~r of propergy w~th~n ~he ~erri~:o~y proposed to be annexed° NOW~ TH~R~OR~., B~ IT ~DA!N~D by ~he Council o~ ~he C~y of Bakersf~eld~ as follows: ~he annexation ~o and" ~ ~ -, ~ ~" ~he C~y of Bakersf~eid~ ¢.~f tha~ certain ~n~nkab~ed ~e~r~o~ na~ed as ~Co~leze Heights Noo iO~'~ and ~ .~s hereby f~re~e~ c~dained A parcel of land situate ~n the County of Kern~ State of Ca1~fo~nta and being a portion of the so~Pheast quarter (So Eo 1/4) of S~c~on Township 29 South~ R~n~e 28 ~as'~ ~ Do Mo: Beginnin~ a~ the northwes9 (No We) co~ner of '~he nor~heas~ quarter (No ~o 1/4)~ of the southeas9 q~ar~er (So ~o i/4)~ of said Sect~.~.n point on ~he current corporate boundary of the C~y of Baker~ield~ (So ~o 1/~} of sa~d Section ~$~ on and along said co~por~e boundary described by O~d~nance Nee ~099 Ne~ Ser~es ~o the northeast (N~ corner o~ the so~heas'~ q~ar~e~? fS~ ~ 1/~ o~ s~d Section !$~ So 00 00~ 35~ ~o~ along the e~ster~y boundary of sa~d Section 15~ as map of T~ACT NO° i986~ recorded ~arch i99 19599 in Book !0 of Maps a~ pa~e 1159 in ~he'office o~ 9he County Recorder of said Kern Coun9 and depar~in~ from said.corporate boundary~ a distance of 932045 Feet to a point from which ~he radial center of the following described curve bears So 8'9° 59" 25~ Wo~ d~s~an~ i000o00 feet~ thence along said cur~e concave ~o ~ne~° nor~nwest~' ~i~h a radius of ~000 fee'to ~hrough a central ang!e of ~4° 13~ 24~ a distance of 771~$4 feet ~o point of ea~genc'y~ from wh~ck the radial cen~er cf last named curve bears No 45~ ~?~ 11,~ We9 disPan~ lO00o00 feets thence S~ 44u 12, 49 alon§ said tan~en~ a dis~anc~ of 101?o?4 fee9 to ~he mos~ easterly of TRACT Nee 2~22~ as per zap recorded Jul~ 1~ 19~0~ in Book Ii of ~aps at pa~e 93~ in ~he el'fica of ~he said County Recorder~ a on the cu~ren~ corporate bo~ndar~ of the C~y of Bakersfield~ thence No 450 47~ il~ W~9 alon~ ~he ncr~he~s~erly boundary of said T~AC~I' NO° 2322~ on and alon~ sa~d coTpoza~e boundary as described by Ordinance No~ 1291 New Ser~es~ a d~s~amce of 849~00 fee~ ~o ~neersec~ ~ sa~d l~ne bein~ '~he southeasterly ~undary o~ "SI~ON P~K~ as '~SI~ON P~K~' was annexed ~e 9kc C~y of Bakersfield by ~ha~ resolution enameled ~'~der for annexation of con~uous o~ed by C~ey o~ Bakersf~.eld 90 ~he C~V of Bakersf~eld~ des~na~ed as ~SI~ON P~K~'~ adopted ~rch 15~ 19~0~ by the Board ~f of said Kern County and recorded ~arch 15~ 1960~ ~n Book I37~ a~ ~0~ Official M~n~es of saxd Board~ ~h~nce N~ ~4° 12~ 4¢'~ ~.~ alon~ !as~ named sou~heas~e~ly boundary a d~s~nce of 581o371 fee~ to ~n~ersec~ the northerly ~undary of ~he so~heas~ quarter (S~ ~ Of ~he sou~heas9 quarPer (So Eo 3./4.)~ of sa~d SecPlon 15~ ~henc~ No ~.5 ~dinance No~ 12~2 New Ser~es~ a d~tance of 45~00 feet ~o a from which the radial center of the ~oliow~ng described curve bears No 44° 12~ 49" E,:~ d~stant 5~o~5 feet~ ~hence northwesterly alon~ distanc~ of ~48o283 feet eo ~n~ersec~ the westerly boundary of 9he northeast quarter (No ~ ~/4}~ of ~he sou~heas~ quarter (So ~o ~/6.)~ of said Section 159 a point of non,~tan~ency from ~h~ch the radial cen~er thence northerly alon~ last ~d westerly ~undary on ~nd along corporate boundary of sa~d C~y as described by Ordinance Noo 1170 New Ser~es to the northwest (N~ W~} corner of the northeast quarter (No a~ i/4~ of ~he sc~hess't quaT~eF (So Eo 1/4)~ of sa~d Section 15~ the po~n~ of be~[nn~ng~ co~a~n~n~ f9~4857 acres o~ i~nd~ more or the completion of the annexa'~i~ of the same to the Ciey of Bakersfelld~ be subjected to 9~at~on aqua%fy ~9h oth~r proper~y in the City Bakersfield ~o pay '~he bonded ~ndebtedness of the C~ty o~ Bakersfield, o f~ca~ed ~hereim~ ~e iss%~a~ce ti: ~nds ~k~ ~'epresen~ s~Ed indeb~edz, ea~s adopted by the Co~nc~.% of C,he ~her~of held. ~n '~he 20~k clay Affi{ a.i! of {o /iug ri iuaure STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and thai on ............ _.t___h._e._._2..~_s_...t..._.d_.a.y.___o_~._.__M_.a_._r..0._h..,_ ..................... , 19._6_1__ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full., true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .................. _t._.h__e.____2_._0___t___h__._d_a._Y__.__o___f_.__~._a__r_._c___h_,._, 19___6___1__, which ordinance was numbered ..........1_._3___5__0__ ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "COLLEGE HEIGHTS NO. 10'", AND-PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .~ 22._n..d.~ay of .............. l~a.~'__c_._h., ............... , 19__.~L :.~ __'9 : Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California ?