HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1347 of Bakers£ield on t~e 25~h da~ ~f January~ 1961~ requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed to and corporaled within the City of Baker~field~ and WHEREAS~ said petition ~aa signed by the owners of all of the territorl to be annexedv and t~IER~S~ the territ~ry described in said petition is contiguous territory to be annexed~ aud WHEREAS~ the s~id i~rrltorI does not ~orm a part e~ any o~her ctly~ ~d ~ER~S~ on the 25th day o~ Janua~y~ 1961~ there was filed the office of the Cily Clerk of the Ciiy of Bakersfield~ a witten consent~ signed by all ~he o%~ers of property included in said territory~ tha~ said territory be subjected to ~axation after the comple~ion of such annexation equally with the property in ~he City of Bakersfleld to pay the bonded indebgedness of said City ~heretn described~ as provided for in Ordinance No~ 893, New Series~ in Ordinance No~ 950s New Seriea~ in ~"dinance No~ 1112~ New Ser~es~ and in ~dinance No,. 1229~ Ne~ Se~ies~ all of ~he City of and any and all other lndeb'ae~ness or 1lability of ~he Cit~ outstandln~ or authorized on and after e~e da~e of compteeion of said annexatton~ and ~his Co~ncit he, eh7 de%e~mlnes t:hat said consen~ is s~ned b~ all the ov~ers of p~ope~ty included in sa.~d ~erTi~ory~ and complies in every respec~ wiih lhe provisions of Section 35319 of the Government Code of ~he S~a~e of Calx~orn_a~ and I~}tMRE~S~ the Council of ~he City of Bakersfield did~ on the 25th da7 of January~ 19619 pasa a Resolution being Noo 8-61~ in com- pliance with the provisioms of the Annexation of Unimhablted Territory A~ of 193g~ and amendmentstaereto~; being Title 49 Division 29 Part 2 Chapter 19 Arti. cle $ of the Government Code of the State of Californla~ specifically describing the boundaries of the territory mo proposed to be annexed l~o the City of Bakersfi'eld~ and designating such territory by an appropriate name~ amd settimg Monday~ the 6ih day of ~arch~ 1~61~ at the ho~r of eigh~ o~ci~ck Po S~ in ~he C~uncil Chambers of the HaI$~ iS01 Truxtum Av~nue~ Bakersfield~ Calif~rnia~ as the day~ hour and place when and where lhe Cily Council would hear protests made by any person ownfmg real prcper~y ~ithtn the aforesaid ierritory~ and ~~$~ said Res~l~i~m ~as published al least ~wice~ bu~ oftener th~ once a v~eek im T~e Bakersfield Calfforniam~ a newspaper of gemera~ circulation p~bliahed in the City of Bakerafield~ said pubiica~ion having been completed a~ Ieas~ twenty days prior *o Che Governmem~.Code~ and ~~S~ a~ ~he ~im~ ~e~ for hearimg pro~es~m~ no written pro~es~s were f~led agatms~ ~he proposed annexation by any o~er of pzoper~y within the ~e~riio~y pzop~sed to be annexed~ N~ ~M~E~ BE tT ~DAtN~ bY ~he Council of ~he City of Bakersfield~ as SECTION 1~ Thai tee Council o~ '>~ ~ _ ~a~. C~zy of Bakersfield hereby ~he annexation ~o ~d ~nc!~aion within ~he ~ncorpora~ed lim~s of ~he City of Bakersfie!d~ of ~ha~ certain ~habi~ed ~errieor~ destg~ na~ed as ~*College Heights i~oo 9~'~ and t~ is hereby further ordained A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern~ State of Califo~nla~ and ~®in~ a por~on of Section 15~ ?ownship 29 15~ thence No 0° 00~ 25~ Wo~ alo~ the easterly boundary of said Section 15~ as pe~ map of .TRACT NOo 1986~ recorded ~arch 19~ ~959~ ~ ~o©k 10 of ~aps at page 115 in ~he office of the County Record~ of said Kern Co~nty~ a distance of 25~ Wo~ d~sean~ t00@ ~eP~ thence so~h~esterl~ along said curve~ concave to ~he nor~h%~es~ wi~h a radius of 1000 feet~ feet to a point of eansenc~ from v~nich the radial cente~ of said c~rve b~ars No 45~ 47~ ~i" Wo~ distant 1000 feet~ thence feet ~o ~he mos~ easQerly corner of TRACT NOo 2322~ aa per corner also be~ns a p~n~ ©~ the corporate boundary of the sa~d City of Bakers~eld~ as per ehae certain annexation des~na~ed ~s ~Col!eEe Hei§hes Noo ?'~ and as described Ordinance No. t29i~ Ne~ Series~ thence continuin§ So 44° 49~ W~ ~ong said ~an~en~ on and alon§ said las~ named corporate boundar~ a d~s~a~ce of $0o00 feet to the beginning curve bears N. 45° 47~ &l~ Wo~ distant 1000 fee~ thence wi~h a r~di~s of 1000 ree'~ ~h~ough a central angle of 45 06~ 48~0 ~ d~sPance of 78'{038 fee~ to in~ersec~ ~he southe~l~ boundary o~ sa~d Sec'~©~ ~5~ a po~n~ of ~ansencya f~om which ~he r~d~,~l center of last n~med curve bears No 0 distant .1000 feee~ and as shown on said map of IRACTNOo 23225 %hence No 89°19~ ~?~ Zo~ aiong sa~d southerly C~ty of ;Bakersfield~ a d~stance of 1733024 feet~ to ~he south-' east (So Eo) co~ner of sa~d Section 15~ the point of beglnning~ cone~nins an area o~ 2~o215 acres of land more or less~ Sa~d ~erritory~ and ~he propert~ ~ocated ~herein~ shai1o ~pon the completion of the annexation o~ ehe same to the City of Bakersfield~ be s~bjected ~$ ~axa~ton ~u&i~y w~h o~her property in the Ci~ of Bakersfield ~0 pay ~he bonded ~ndeb%edness of the C~ty of Bakersf~eld~ described in the aforementioned c©nsene of the owners Of proper~y~ located ~here~ ~he ~ss~ance of bonds to ~epresen~ said indebtedness nance NO. 1229~ Ne~ Seri~$~ a~! o~ sa~d C~U~ and any and all other ~ndebtedness or i~abii~t~ of the City o~seanding or a~thorized on and after ~he da~e of complete.on of said annexation° ~ 30 SECTION 2o I H~7{EBY Ck'RTXFY eDa9 IZe fforegoin§ Ordinance was passed and adopted by 9he Co~nc~l of meeting thereof' held on 9ke2~th day cf Marah~ 1951~ by the followins AYES: B~~, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOr IN, STIERN, NOES: ABSENT: ~"'~""~'/~-~' i STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............ .t...h_.e_._._2__8_.t.~._..d-~.-Y-_---°--.~-----M--a--r---c--h--~- ...................... , 19__..6.~ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City ag a meeting thereof duly held on ......... ?...h...e_._.2_.7_..t_._h.___.d..a_.Y.._-0_~__.~_-r--c---h-_~ ............ ,19.__._6__1., which ordinance was numbered ...........~._3._4._.7_ ............... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD,~' CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "COLLEGE HEIGHTS NO, 9", AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ::~;'2k~ ~.-2--.8.~_~:_h..:_day of ................ .M__.a.._x'_.c.__h.z ................ , 19_..6.~_.. ~- .............. : .... ~. .............. Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California