HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1354Ba;~r-~®&d on '..:~..".e 3x'5 rJ.~..' · ,-.,. ........ un:~r, ha~ed ~err~ory ~.~;.: .'.';. / ....... :'~ .... ~e~.'~:.',:a.. I~{~;~S~ ~he a~&d ' · " - ' " c&ey ~ ~-d ~hr-: office of ~:he C:!C~y C&e:." ut ~;'.:e CJ.~;, off B,,d(~r~&e:;d, a ":¢~&%'~c:~ Ord&nsnc~ No. ~0~ New a~ ~=~h.~'~,zed u~ ~ad ~ ~ . ........... 2i~¢ [c~,:[:., :o~,:~.''. ~a%?e'.r, ."...-' .... ":~:~ 'k' ';: ~ '.'" .L::'~ ......) ~:~[<:".:.~ ~.' '' '8~(~ o'x~;:.:'~'s ¢,'? .... ~:.o':)a~"~'~. . ~ off ':=e S'~'~ of Csh~.Sc:'.:r.:'.~. ~'..:'.d WHERFAS~. the Counc~_l of '~P.e .CitF of S~-ke~s:."ield d.id~ on the 6th day o~ ~rc~ 1961~ p~ ~ ~o!~tion be~n~ ~o~ ~1~,~ ~.n co~.., p/lance with the provisions c:~ tY:a A:~.nexa.~.cg. ~.Y Uninhab~.~ed Act of 1939o ~d a~end~eaga '~.:e~e'~o:: ~elnt Title ~0 Division · peciElcally describing ~-'-~ r-~ ~--~- ~ to be annexed to the Clt~ oE 3aker~Eiei5~ anti des~.gn~:.~ by an appropriate n~e~ [~[fl ae~.~.nS Monday~ 9he l(.'~h ~ay at the houg oE eight o~cio~:k P, ~o0 ~.n ~2 Council CIz~be~a oE C;ae City Hall~ 1501 T~uxtan Avenue~ ~.:::e~a:~ie!d~ Ca/iEo[-nif.~ ia aad place ~en and where ~he C:.'~ Council =~o~1d h~.a~ 9~oiest~ Rage by any pegson o~ing rea1 p~opa~ty [:,l'~h~.n ~he aEo~es~.id i:eri~ito[,7,: oEtener than once ~ week~"..:.: ':d;,e Bake~sf:;.eld Ca2. iE~n~.a=~. oE general cizculation ' ~ :~ ,~ publication ~a~'i~ been coa:~Y.~ed at le~;a~ t~:ent~ da¥'a p~to~ da~e set ~o~ s~lg ~eil-tn~, .~"- ~c~p:.zanc~ ..... ,., Section 3~I1 Gove~ent Ced~ ~ ~d Baka~s~ield~ as fol!o~i That ~he" ..... "'~' .~ ~E~ ~'"-' ~:~ i:5a'~ aaf. d ler:-~o:?~, Da a.id ""' ..... ' ":'"... A parcel o£ land si~=a~e ~.n ~he Co~n~7 of'. Kern~ S~ate o~ Call,omi&9 and be~n~ ~ po~$~on o~ Section ~ T~sh~p 29 Sou~h~ Range 28 Bas~ r~o Do ~g~ng a~ the ~~e~: (No Wo) co~n~r of ~he a~thwent quoter (So Wo 1/4~ o~ ~;.~ nor~h~n~ qu~er (~o ~. (So W. ~/~)~ of ~B~ ~or~t-~s~ quarter (N. Wo ~/~)~ o~ said eas~erly~ and dep~.~:A=S ~'?~ ~a~d co?po?~2 '~'2~2~y~ alo~ ~he nor'~her~y Bou~.~7 off ~a~d Par~:~ A '~o ~h~ northeast (No Bo) corner ~h~r~.f~ ~nc~ soul:h~rly along the ~undary off ~atd P~r~. A '~o ~h~ southe~s$ (So Eo) corner th~e~ ~he~ce ~e~er~.y s.~ong t~e sou[~herly bound~ry ~a~ ~rce~ ~0 ~o ~[~c n:r'~hea~ (N, ~,,) corner o:~ ~he (the ~est half (W, ~./2)~ of the northwest quarter (No ~/4)~ of the scu~h~-~s~ que,~$er (So W, 1/4) of ~aid Section 14~ ~s hereinafter reff~a'red ~o a~ Parcel B)~ ~hence southerly alonf ~he easterly ~und~ry of said Parcel ~o the southea~ (S,, Bo) ~orner ~hereof~ ~hence ~esterly alon~ the southerl7 ~dery of naid Parcel B, $o the sou~hwe~ (So Wo) ~orner i:!~ereof~ ~hence northerly ~long ~he ~es'~erly ~unda::-,[ ~ff ~ald Parcel B~ ~o She ~ou~h~est (So Wo) corner off ~ld [~:'cel A~ a poin~ on ~i~e current corporate ~dary of ~[~e C~y eft Bake~8ffleld~ ~hence continuing nor~her~ ~:long .~he westerly ~undacy off ~ald Parcel Ay on and ~o~.~ 5a~d corpor~.~e ~undary as described by ~d~nance Noo ~09~ Ne~ Ser[eo~ $o She nor~h~Ye~ (No Wo) corner of said Par~e~. A~ ~he potn~ of be~tnn~.ng,, con~ainin~ 60 acres of land; ~ore or le~, ' Said territory, ~=d ~M~ p;:opert~ lccaSed ~here~n~ sha~l'~ upon ~he completion of ~he ~ne~e~.~r~ of '~he ~e ~o ~he City of subjected to taxation eq~[f,y ~-~i~h o~her pro~erSy in ~he City Bakersfleld to pay ~he bonded ~d~btedne~s of ~he City off Baker~fieid.. described ~n ~he aforemen'~;.oned c~nsenT of ~he owners off located there~n~; ~he tssnan~::e off ~onds ~o rep~en~ ~aid :indebtedne~s be~n~ provided flor ~n Ord~n~.t~.::~ N~. 393? N~ S~-~es~ in O~d~nance 930~ New Ser~s~ ~n ~d[~a~r.~ No,, 1~[2~ New Se?~st and [~ Ordinance ~229~ Ne~ S~r~s~ ~. ~f ~s~[.d C~y~ ~.d ~n~ aug a1~ o~her ~n.. ~s ordinance ~:[~ '--. ~.;~me eff~:~;!v~ ~h~r~y d~ys ffFom and 0 a£teF the date o~ ~ts p~ssa~eo ............ 000 ........ I H~BYC~TIPY ~h~ ~he forego~nf Ordinance was passed and adopted by ~he Counc~! off ~he C~:y of Bakers£~eld a~ a regular meeting thereo£ held on the IO~B day ~£ ~prtl~ 2~61~ by She ffollow~ng vote~ CARtqAt~S, OOI.U#S, CRO£S, 'DOOUIq, Clerk ~nd-~-~ftcto Clerk of C~unc~l off the C~ty of Bakersff~eld. APPROV]~D'th~.s~:IOth day o£ Apr~lo 19610 ~field. o AtTt avit of losting rMua es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............ .~..h..e.....1...]:..~..h.....d_a...Y._...°...f....A..P..~.~.l..:. ..................... ,19...6..1._. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meetin~ thereof duly held on ..... ~..h..e....L.1..0..~..h.._..d..a..Y_...°...f.....A...P_..r_~..1..: ................ ,19...6...1.., which ordinance 1354 was numbered ..................................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "OSW~.T. NO. 1," AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subsc.ribed and sworn to before me this ._.!~_.t...h. asy of .................... .A.~.?A!., ........... , m.S.~... ~' .-"'" ~TotarT' l~uM.k In 8nd for the Gaunty of' Kern. State of California :'"".: ·"J..,. ',. ri..: 'v; ~...:,.; ~ :-.:., ,-..,:. ;:/ · :..:....:..- .. :.