HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1352 ORDZN~CE NO.__.i~. . NEW AN ORDINANCE A~E~DI~ S~'rION 17.12.020 OP CHAPTER 17.12 (ZONIN~ MAP) OP THE MUNICZPAn CODE O~ THE CITY O~ BAKI~S~IELD. WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedure set £orth in the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakers- field, the Planning Coaission and City Council have held hearings respectively, on a petition to zone certain property now being annexed to said City, and WHERe, the City Council has determined after due consider- at:ion of the petition and the recomaendation of the Planning Cosmission, herein on file, together with the reasons advanced at the hearing for the zoning of said property, that said zoning should be authorized upon annexation of said property to the City. NO~, THAREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 17.12.020 o£ Chapter 17.12 (Zoning Map) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, be and the sa~e is hereby amended by extending the boundaries o£ said sap to include certain property in an R-3-D (Lisited Multiple-Fasily Dwelling--Architectural Design) Zone and a C-2-D (Cossercial--Architectural Design) Zone, upon the annexation of said property to the City of Bakersfield, the boundaries of which property are sho~m on the sap hereto attached and made a part of this ordinance, and are sore specifically described as follows: That certain property in the County of ~ern located Westerly of Oswell Street and Northerly o£ Co~mnbus Street, being a portion of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 15, T 29 M.D.B.&~., and more particularly described as follows: To place in an R-3-D (Limited Multlple-Pmaily Dwelling-- Architectural Design) Zone classification that certain property comaencing at the Southeast corner o£ said Section 15; thence S 89° 19' 37" W, 805.61 £eet along the South line of said Section 15; thence N 43o 31' 23' W, 309.00 £eet 1. .... 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'. le's's',, to'. the pbi..~'..t;' of .beginn.i...~.~J.. ,...... ': " ' ' ' ' '' .-.'t'.'"" v" .?o .pl?c..e in a :" Zone:.;,~.,/..a'$'s~fication. th&t. ~.e~r'~.~.~'i .pro '" Sou{~. . .:... [. said".Secii'on i-5;. ... .COf~:er.,. 'Of .... · " 805.6:1. £eet-'~.l~ti.~';t~'~' "" '"" ~.,"--"'.'"n~" i~: · · . ,..,.. ... .. , .... ~ ...... ·t,.. po .t to a 'point on a curve.'frem ,hi'.c..~'I ~..o.'int "' cur, v.e; bears N 43° 31" 23" W curv~.".::tn.~, a .s6u. thwesterly , .ir line' '~J~./.~-~d ~,~.ion 1:5, fro~' said cur~:'.~"~.~i"."~'lgO .15' 19" W. '.".1..'0 · 'l;t-. F';..G' ~.. · · .-. . . ' - . . 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'.t.h.e. nce' .-N 00° 00 *. t:'~[~,e [,.N.~'( --~".;:.1~9 ~-~e~.~ in'~ i: '" · · · to the true point of begtnn "~' :"'"' :".::: ""'~'"='" '"-.~i;.' - · . .. . ....':.' .;". .,,' .- ,~. ~-... - .: -". ... . .s~.c~zo~..2.. : .. · ): ?(.'." " .i ' :'"' :'i..." ';~'." .... '. · .. .. -. . . . .. ......-..~.~. ,.~.'. ~..: "-* . ....: , .... . . -; f... :.., .[.,'.: ...& This .or.di.-'nance shall become effectiv..~, up.~n..' t~e.'~ · ... ,~;,. ~.. : · the above-described'[:~.er~.itory to ttte Ci~y."6f l~tR~s'f[~l~'; ..', ..... · ' .... '..'..-' . ..-.'' '~. '~'.,IT"~ "~" "",L. '-'~".;' ' · · '~: '. ' ".' ": '.. ":... '. :';'~..4. ':.~. ,,, .;.,:. · - .":'' ' ' . · .; ..: .: k . : ~ . ..:" .':.'. ' ';,..'..-.'-.:.' ' · · .. . : .... ~..'-..'. .'.[.. ......::.:. :'. . :~:..~, :..,.'...'~.: ., '....':,.~, ........... 006-- - ,'"'--- - ".' :- · . .. . - . . '..'...'%..' · . .?.: -~ ,.~':..:? . · : '. ~....., ,- · . .'.,.~ · .... . . .. . ; , . .. :.~ · .' · . .. .' . ....- . '~ ,' ...... .' 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' '.'~A¥: ~::..:;'~: ~, '... .... · · .., , "','~ .. · ..-. to a point on a curve from which point the center of said curve bears N 43o 31' 23" W 1,055 feet; thence Northeasterly along said curve to a point at the end of said curve, from which point the center of said curve bears N 45° 47t 11" Wt 1,055 feet; thence N 44° 12' 49" E, 50.00 feet; thence S 45° 47' lit' ~ 80.00 feet to a point at the beginning of a curve, from which point the center of said curve bears N 44° 12' 49" B, 290.00 feet; thence along said curve in a southeasterly direction to a point at the end of said curve, from which point the center of said curve bears N 08° 00' 00" W, 290.00 feet; thence N 82° 00' 00" E, 662.00 feet, more or less, to a point on the Bast line of said Section 15; thence S 00o 00" 35" E, 233.00 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. To place in a C-2-D (Commercial--Architectural Design) Zone classification that certain property commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 151 thence S 89° 10' 37' ~t 805.61 feet along the South line of said Section 15, to the true point of beginning~ thence N 43o 31' 23" ~, 309.00 feet to a point on a curve from which point the center of said curve bears N 43o 31' 23" ~ 1,055 feet; thence along said curve in a southwesterly direction to a point on the South line of said Section 15, from which point the center of said curve bears N 10° 15' 19" W~ 1~055 feet; thence N 89o 19' 37" E, 591.44 feet to the true point of beginning. TO place in a C-2-D (Commercial -- Architectural Design) Zone classification that certain property commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 15; thence N 00o 00' 35" ~, 1,408.85 feet along the Bast line of said Section 15 to a point on a curve from which point the center o£ said curve bears N 71o 25' 39" ~, 1,055 feet, and said point also being the true point of beginning; thence along said curve in a southwesterly direction to a point at the end of said curve from which point the center of said curve bears N 45o 47' 11' ~t 1~055.00 feet; thence S 44° 12' 49" ~ 1~017.74 £eet; thence S 45° 47' 11' E, 80.00 feet to a point at the beginning of a curve £rom which point the center of said curve bears N 44o 12' 49" E~ 290.00 feet; thence along said curve in a southeasterly direction to a point at the end o£ said curve, from which point the center of said curve bears N 08° 00' 00' Wt 290.00 feet; thence N 82° 00t 00" E, 662.00 feet, more or less, to a point on the East line of said Section 15; thence N 00° 00' 35" W, 1,170 feet, more or less, to the true point of beginning.. S~CTION 2. This ordinance shall become effective upon the annexation of the above-described territory to the City of Bakersfield. o00 ......... ! HEREBY C~RTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a re§ular meeting thereof held on the 27th day of March, 1961, by the following vote: City clbrk and B~-Officxo Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. A~~-.t~i~ '37th day of March, 1961 MA~OR-of .the City of Bakersfield. m KAIBAB AVE. R'I BLADE AVE. RENEGADE AVE. R-I ! / R-I R-I ~ , '"'.AR' ' 4BI4I IIALPN L. IIIITN AtTt avi! of Iosting STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... ..t...h..e.....2.._8...t..h._...d.l~X....o...f....M..a...r...c..h..~ ........................... ,19..6...].._. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci'l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held 6n.....t...h...e_...2..7...t...h.....d...a.Y_...o._f......M..a...r..c...h..,. ................ ,19.-6--]:..., which ordinance was numbered ........ J,1~..5...3. ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTI(]~I 17.12.020 OF CHAPTER 17.12 (ZONING MAP) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this % · 2~.t.,hday of ................. _M...a..r...c..h_.t ............ , 19....6...1.. . ;-: -:- ...., . · - . .; -]',.,* .'~: ..... :. .~ '¢'-..'. ' r. '