HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1368 ORDXNANCE NO o , 13,68 ~ SERIES AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TE,~RTTORY TO THE CITE' OF BAKERSFIELD, CALXFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "BEALE IqO. 1,'* AND PROVXDXNG FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. ~HEREAS, a petition vms filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 17th day of May, 1961, requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed to and incorporated within the City of Bakers£ield, and WHEREAS, said petition was signed by the owners of all of the territory to be annexed, and WHEREAS, =he =erritory described in said petition is contiguous territory to be annexed, and WHEREAS, the said Zerritory does not fora a part of any other city, and WHEREAS, on the 17th day of May, 1961, there was filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, a written consent, signed by all the owners of property included in said territory, that said territory be subjected to taxation after the completion of such annexation equally with the property in the City of Bakersfield to pay the bonded indebtedness of said City therein described, as provided for in Ordinance No, 893, New Series, in Ordinance No. 950, New Series, in Ordinance No. 1112, New Series, an6. in Ordinance No. 1229, New Series, all of the City of Bakersfield, and any and all other indebtedness or liability of the City outs~and:Ing or autho~ized on and after the date of completion of said annexation, and this Council hereby dee_ermines that sai~ conse.n,.t is signed by all .... the owners of property included in said ter:,-itory, and complies in' every respect with the p=ov'.'sions of Sectio:.% 35319 of the Government Code of the State of California, and 22nd day of May~ 1961~ pass a k~aso!'ation bsf=g No~ 53.61, i~ pliance with the prov!sf.o~s of the .~%.~e;~.~ic,z. of T. hni:akah!taf. Territory' Act of 1939, and am~ne~nts tha%'atos T:'e~n~ Yf.~l~ &.,, .. D:tv~s!~ t,?... ;?.7':r. fa~;f.ss o''~ ~.s terr~.to~'? so pro~o:;e6. specifically 4esot!binE ~ ~ ' ' Hal!, 1501 ~:u~t~n Aven~ ~a~=z%~ff..~Id~ California= a=~ the and place ~en and whe=a the City Coz.::=:%i. ~.;c~:.!d hear protasts m,'ide by of~ne~ than ~ce ~. we~k in 51ke 3ai~c~fia!S Califoz~:h~.~t., n Gove~nt Uode, and Bakemsfield, as follow3, A parcel of land situate .~.r.,. eke Co~::aty of ~ern, Sta~ze of Califo~nf.a,. and bein§ a portion of Blocl: 34. ~.n DRURY:S ADD.~TiOI~ l~ LiERi~., as per' map £iled April 2?, 1893, I.~.. Bco~.,'." of pi~p~ at pa~e ~:.1, ~.n office of the County Reco~zd~e~ of said ~.-. Co~m~?; ..... ~=,~ ~}...~ek 34; Be~innin§ at the Northeas'- c~.'..:~3_e? of Lct .1.1 -~--: s..,: · - .~:]{k.~NGE (1) S, i~¢ 31~ ~8': ;,, a!on~ ~he ~u%~ti':a;%.:~'.e..:.l..y of said Lot !2~ .-:,. 6.~.sta~-...ce of ?~ feeS~ to ~.nte::sect a line parallel -.~:.'.th ;:nd .4~.s'~a~.'.,: ~,;, !~~' '~-~ ~ .~: 08 2~5 feet from th~ no ........ as~.._l~ l~.ne of Street: (form-=~ ii;' '(".' a.~. ?- ~.';":z set) an,~. '~.;.~ -y:eas-/;¢~:,:'.. al';r.,.~ thereof} of Lo~ 12 au~ 21 in said ~i=ck 34.~ intersection also beln~ a ~oin't. on ~he c~::ent co.rporate bounda::~] uf the City of ~akersfield; THE~C.~. (2) Il, 73~ 28' 3~" %~', ~ .~!ou§ sa.id ~arallal line and alonoo said cr,:-.'po:."ate boiaada.'-'), of the C'~ty Bakersfield as s~.'~.e :ts defined b70.~.di~:.~ce ..No, 765 Ne',.~ Series, to f..:.-.te;.'.~-ac~_ t/ae weste~'l~ bo~c.~.~ry Section 21, ....... ... . , the Git:! of E. akers:~.!ei~ as same is define.~ by the CPJ{RTER of the G~.ty cC Bakersff. eld, to ir:.teusect the nor'~b, eas~er.'.il.- '.':.o~=,~.ry of said Block 34; TP~ENCE (4) SoutheAs~e:"!~ a~:.=~,.~ sa.~.d last .named :.~o.%"'::heasterly boundar,;~, dapam::',:.::"~ fz'o;,~ the c.:~-peT'.at~ boLn~da.%:y of the C~ty of B-...':.m:.af~eld~ to 'tee Iio'rtheas2 of said Lot 12, C~..a '~.-.uint of be~.'",r~n~.n§, 0,15! Acres of: =.'."-: Said ter:."itory: ~.u,~ ';~'..~- p.-_-.:perty ice, ted thure::n~ sha!l,~ the completion of the ~;,m_a~.~.t:.'.er. of the sa'me to 2ha Ci2y of Bakersf::.eii:. be subjected to t.a)mti.=:%,ac'::.~, ,1~....,~..-,':~_th oth~..-, prege'z, ty in th~. City of Bakersfield to 9ay Zhe ~..,m~o.=;. :h...~bte~nass of tlae City uf Bakers fie 'i d.. '/eacz~ibed in the afoz.em~.'..%ti::.~.a.~, co, sent of ~he Dwners of loc~:~:ed ~b. ez'ein: the ~.s.~u.-"...::::e c:..- '~onds to '?.pr~ser:t said. f-.n,i~_btedne::s be!nE pro'!~id:~.d fo? in Or d:%':..L::; .-..a '~.i.~, 893~ }!e.~,.-- Series, f.n C._~.4:l.u~.n,.':e lie, 953: klaw SeT:..'.ec, in Cr~.f:.~.a.~%..-:a V"..'.., }'.119.; '-%l~w 8e.--.ies.~ an~2 · {. R'o. 1229~ ~e~-~. SeT.~.es: all c:7 se':.:t.. ..._:"'.'i',-...., a'a'/ ~.:.:i'e az:~i a_.~ and a:~ter the &~_!:e of uc.:f:: .:.:":f.o'.:. '~'k sa!-i SECTION 2. This ordinance shall become effective thirty d.%y's from and after the date of its passage, ! HEREBY CERTIFY that ;:he forego.~.ng Ordiz~ance ~:as passed and adopted by t/~e Council of ~he City of Bak~rafiel.d at ;: regular n~et~ng thereof held on the 26th day of June, 1961~ by tire following 'vote: AYES, CROES, DOOLIN, MARCI'IBANI~, MO,'I~MAN, ITIIIIN NOES, ABSENT: ABSTAINING~ ~-.'=y C'~'er'J~--~'d Ex-Offf.~Ci'~' Cleric of the Cocci1 of the City of ~rsfield, ~P~D m~~-~of J~2, 1961. i , .~'. ~ : of the C~Y 6f Af av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Ke~m~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That ahe is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that the 27th day of June, 61 on ' 19 ........ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the ~ounci~ of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..... .t...h...e.._.2...6..t...h.....d...a.j[....o..f._..J..u...n...e.~ .................. ,19...~, which ordinance was numbered ............ _~.3...6..8._ ............. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFOI~IA, DESIGNATED AS "BEALE NO. 1," AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY'. Subscribed and sworn to bofore me this ...~.7.J;Jadsy. of. ............. ~Tune., ..... .~ ............ , 19.ill... ............... ............. · ' ' · "Nota~ Public in and for the Coun~ of Kern, 8tare ol' CSLlffo~nla · ~?~.¥." ":T'. ~V.: :' ~' ':':, lv~.~-~, ~-.~'o, :, -~.'~" · · .,. :.'c .'['.:,'~(kq ,i ,.i,: 0. ~r,:f