HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1363 ORDINANCE NO o 1363 NEW SEI~IES AN OI~DINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF U~INHABITED TEHRITOHY TO THE CIT~ OF BAKE~SPIELD, CALII~OP~IA, HESIGNATED AS ~OORONADO NO. 3," AND PROVIDTNG FOR THE ~'~TION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE ~0NDED ~~~SS OF SAID CTTYo ~HEI~F.,AS, a petition ~a.s filed with the Co:~_~cll of the City of Bakersfield on the l?th day of April, 1961, requesting that certain uninhabited te-~tto~y therein described be annexed to and incorporated · within the City of Bakersfield, and ,.~AS, said '.~etitlon ~s sl~ned by the owners of one-fourth of the land, by a~ea, and by assessed value as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Ke~n, and ~HE~EAS, the territory described in said ~etttton is conti~uous te~ttory to be annexed, and WHEREAS, the said territory does not fo~m a part of any othe~ city, and WHERF~S, on the 17th day of April, 1961, there was filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, a consent, signed by the ow~e~s of more than two-thirds of the value of the te~itory~ that said ~erx-~ito~y be subjected to taxation after the completion of such annexat~o~ equally with' the' property tn the City of Bake~sfield. to pay the bonded indebtedness of said City therein described, as provided for in O.~.dtnance No. 893~ New Series, in Ordinance No. 950, New Ser~os, in O~dlnance No. 1112, New Series, and in Ordinance No. 1229, Ne~ Series, all of the City of Bakersfield, and any and all other ind~bte~nsss or llabiltt7 of the City outstanding or authorized on and afte~ the da~e of comple~ion' of said anne~.ation, and this Council hereby d~'.~z~u~.~:.ss t~._~t said consent is si~ned by owners of mo~s than ~wo-th';rds of the value of the terrlto~y, and complies in e?e~y ~espect w~h ~he provisions of Section 35319'of the Government Code of the State off Caltfo~ta, and 1. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did, on the 17th day of April, 1961, pass a Resolution being No. ~-61, in compliance with the p~ovisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Tex~itox~ Act of 1939~ and ~n~ents ~e~o~ bel~ Title ~, Division 2, P~t C~pte~ 1, ~t~cle ~ of the ~ve~nt Code of the State of Callfo~nia~ specifically deso~ibt~ ~h~ bo~d~,tes of the ~e~Ito~ so pPoposed be ~exed 2o the City of B~e~sfield, and desi~attng such ~ ~ appropriate n~e, ~d ~e~ins ~onday, the 29th ~2 of May, 1961, at ~he hou~ of eight o~olook P.M.. In the C~notl C~be~s of the City Hall, [~01 ~t~ Avenue, B~ke~sffleld, Califo~ta, as the da2. h~ ~d place ~hen and where ~he City O~oil ~ould he~ p~otests ~de by ~y person o~ing ~$al p~ope~y within the afo~esald tek, itchy. ~d ~R~, sa~d Resol~.on was published at least twice, ~t not oftene~ t~n once a week in ~e ~e~sfleld Californian, a newspape~ of gene~al ct~c~ation ~bl~she~ In the City of Bake~sfield, said ~te set fo~ said he~i~, in o~lla~oe with Section 3~311 of the ~ve~en~ Code, ~d ~AS, at the $~me ~et fo~ he~tng p~otests, no p~otests were filed agai~ ~ p~posed ~exatton by any o~e~ of p~ope~$y within the ~e~i~o~ p~oposed ~o be ~exed. N~, ~~0~, ~ IT ORDAY~D by the 0o~oll of the 0it2 of ~e~sfield, as follows: SECTION 1. ~a~ t~ Co~c~l off ~he Ci~2 off Bak~sfield he~e~ ~he ~nexa~ion $o ~d inclusion within the incorporated limits of ~he City of ~e~sfield~ of ~ oe~a~.n ~Inhabtted te~t~o~ desS.~ated as "CORON~0 NO. 3"~ ~d i$ ts hereby ~$he~ o~Ined t~ said te~o~y be and the s~ is be~e~ ~exed to said City; ~ said re, itchy ts desc~ibed as foll~s: A parcel of land situate fA~ the Count2 of Ke~n, State of Califo~nia, and being a po~ion of ~h~ Sou~est qu~te~ (S. W. 1~), of Section 1~, T~ahtp 30 8ou~h, ~o '-' ~:as~ ~, Do ~g~t~ at ~ No~hea~4; co~nc~ of t~ South half (S. 1/~), of t~ SouSh ~lf (So 1/2), of t~ Sout~est (3. U. 1~), of za~.~ Seo~ 1~, a point on the c~ent co~o~a~ ~~ o~ ~ Oi$~ of ~e~sfteld, said potn~ of b~gi~ also bei~ ~he NoP$~ast of T~CT No. ~35~ ~s pe~ ~p recorded Nov~beP 17, 1960, tn ~ok 11 of Naps at page 1~, tn ~he offioe of ~he C~n~y R~co~deP of said Ke~ Co~j T~CE (1) N. 89° %3~ ~" v~o. ~ong the no~hePly b~d~2 of sa~d TROT No. ~38, on ~d alo~ the o~poPa~e ~d~ of the C~.~y of B~ersfield as s~ Is defined ~ O~dtn~noe ~oo 13~7 New S~tes. a distance of 15~.118 fee~ ~o a point, distant ~. 89~ ~3, ~" E., 995.00 feeS, ~om ~he westerly b~nd~ of the South- west qu~te~ (S. W~ 1~), of sa~d Section ~CE (2) N. 0° 01~ ~2" W., alon3 a line p~allel with ~M ~este~12 b~nd~ of ~he Sou~h~est qu~te~ (S. W. 1~), of said Section 1~ ~d ~p~t~ ~om the co~po~ate b~d~ of She Ct~ of ~ke~sf~el~, a d~st~oe of 660.~39 feet, to intersect th~ no~he~ly b~~ of t~ South (S. 1/2), of ~he Sou~est ~e~ (S. W. 1/~), of said Section T~CE (3) S. 89° ~ 17" E.~ alo~ la8~ ~d no~Pl~ bo~~ dist~ce of 88201~9 fee~ to a po~n~ ~s~ the~on, No 89° ~t 17" W.~ TfO.O0 feet, ~ the easte~l~ b~~ of t~ Sout~est ~ua~e~ (S. Wo 1/~), of .sa~d Section ~CE (~) Northerly' p~alle1 ~.~t~h the eas~eP17 bo~d~ of S~t~est ~o~ (So W. 1/~), of said Seet~on 12, to ~ntoP~ect the s~'~Pl~ b~d~ qf the No~th (No 1/a)e of ~ ~o~h ~f (H. 1/~), of the Sout~est ~eP (So Wo 1/~.), of said Section 12, sa~d also betn~ a po~n~ on ~he 8ou~heP17 bo~d~ of T~CT No, 2335, as Der ~9~' ~ecoPded H~ch 2~, 1960, tn ~ok 11 of MaDs a~ 9age 63~ ~n the off~ce of the said Co~7 ~ecoPdoP, s~id las~ ~med ~ntePsectton a18o being a ~otnt on ~he c~on~ co~oo~ate bo~~ of the C~t7 of ~ke~sfiol~ ~NCE (5) So 89° ~ 52" Eo. alone the southePl~ bounda~ of said ~T NO. 2335, on ~d alon~ said co~porato bo~d~ of tho Ct~ of ~k~sf[eld as sa~d co~poPa~e bo~da~ ~s defined b~ ~.~ce No. 1276 New Series, a d~s~ance of 770.00 fee~, ~o ~n~orsoc~ t~ eastePl~ bo~~ of the 8ou~hwes~ qu~ (So We 1/~), of sai~ Section 1~, sa~d last ~od ~n%:~s~ctlon ~So bel~ ~he' Southeast co~e~ of 8a~d T~CT No o~335~- T~CE (6) Sou~he~l~ alo~ ~hs eas~orl~ bo~y of tho South- west qu~e~ (So Wo !/~), of said Section 12, alo~ a portion of ~he ~e~o~l~ bo~~ of T~CT NO o a303, as pep mp thereof ~ecoPdod November ~, 1959, In County Reco~de~, on and alon& the co. ps.ate boundm-y of the C~t7 off ,5~-~',es~t$1d as said co.ps, ate boundm-y is (leftned i~ 0r~,.~o~ No. 12~;9 Ne~ 8e~es, ~d alo~ the weste~l~ '~d~ of ~CT No. ~07, as per ~p t~eof, ~ecovded Sept~be~ 1, 1960, ~ok 11 of Maps, a~ pa~ 122, tn the offfioe of the said Oo~t7 Reoo~deg-. on ~d alo~ tM comp.vats bo~~ of the City off Bakersfield as said co.ps.ate bounds7 is defined b70~din~ee No. 1~12 New Se~tes and on ~d along ~he co~oo~ate b~d~7 of the of Bakersfield as said covoo~a~e boundav~ is defined ~ the ~oresatd ~tn~oe No. 1327 Ne~ Se~t~8 to the NoPtheast eo~ne~ o~ tho S~th halff (8. ~/2S. the South biff (So ~/~), off the Sout~est qu~te~ (8~ ~. ~), off sa~d Section ~, the point contatni~ 36~733 aspca of l~d, ~e o~ less. Said tePPtto~, and ~ho p~ope~t7 located tho~etn, shall, upon the completion o~ the ~ex~ton off the s~ to the Crt7 of B~o~s~teld, be subjected to t~a~ton equall~ with otheP p~ope~ hke~s~teld to Pa7 the bondod t~debte~es8 o~ the ~t~7 of described tn ~he ~o~en~oned consent off the o~e~s located therein, the tssu~oo of bonds to ~op~esent said tndebte~ess beth& p~ovtded ~o~ tn 0Pdtn~ca Hoc 893, New 8ePics, in ~dtmoe No. 9~0, Ne~ 8aPres, tn ~dtna~ea ~Io. ~2, N~ Series, ~d tn 0~dtn~oe No. ~229, New 8o~Ree, ~ o~ said CttT, and ~7 ~d all o~heP tndebte~ess o~ ltabtl~7 of the ctt7 0utsta~dtn& oP authorized on ~d a~teP the date o~ co~e~%on off said SECTION ~o ~te~ the ~te of its passage, ......... 000 ! IIRI~BY CER~I~Y fha2 ~,he fo~esolng OPdlnance vas passed and adopted by the Counoil off ~Be Cl~:y of Bake~sfield at a ~esulo~ meeting tho~oof held on the 29th daf o~' Ha:y, 1961, by the ~'ollo~tng vote: AYF.~ BALFANZ, COLLINS, CRO---S, IX)OLIN, MARCi-IBAi~IY~S, MO~.MAN, STIERN NO~ AB~I~ ABSTAINING, ~,~.~,~ , Af av ! of os ng r an es STATE OF .CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........ ~;l~......2...9..t...h.....d...a.~r._...o_.f.....M...a.x~ ............................. , 19...6.._1.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .............~..h...e.._.3.~..s_t...._d...a.~,__.o_f.....M...a_y.~ ............. ,19..--6..]:., which ordinsnce was numbered ............ ~..3...6..3.. ............. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD', CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "CORONADO NO. 3," AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY: