HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1362 ORDINANCE i~0.__..1,.362 NEW SE. HIES AN ORDINANCE AP?ROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL. 0F UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALII~ORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "AS~HALTO NO, 2," AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION 0N SAID TERt(ITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS 0N SAID C I~o WHEREAS, a petition ?:-'..s filed with the Counoll of the City of Bakel-sfteld on the l?~h day of Apl~!l~ 1961, Pequestins that cel-taln uninhabited tee~ito~y the~e'%-I described be annexed ~o and incorporated within the City of Bake~sfieid, and ~REAS, sa~d De~t~on was si~ed by ~he o~s of all of the tek, itchy to be a~exed, and ~~S~ the ~e~[~o~y described in said pett2ton is con2i~ous te~[to~ to be a~e~ed, and ~REAS, ~he said ~e~?~o~ ~es no~ fo~ a p~t of a~ o~hex, city, and ~~S, on ~he 17'hh da~ of Ap~il~ 1961, 2heine was filed the office of ~he City Clerk of t:he Ci~ of ~ke~sf~eld, consent~ sl~ed ~ all She o~,~ of p~pe~y included ~n said teP~i~o~ ~ said ~i~u~-f b;~ ~ubJec'~;ed ~o comple~ion of such ~exa~;!o~,. e~9:.aLly ~i~h the of ~e~sfiel~ ~o pay the bu~.'.~%e~ i~Adeb~e~eas of sa~d C~y ~hePetn described, as p~DF~ded fo~ i~.. 0~dinance No, 893~ Ne'.~ O~dtn~ee No, 950~ New Se~,~.~.,. in O~d2n~ee No, 1112~ New Se~les~ and in 0Pdinance No, 1229, New S~,~iez~ all of ~he City of ~ke~sfield, and a~ and all o~he~ lnde~'~'aae~s o~ liability of '~he o~ authorized on and ~2e~ '.;b.o ~a~:~ of co~le~on of said a~exa'~ion, the o~e~s of p~ope~y ~ncl~.f:.~{ i'.~ said ~e~t~o~ evemy ~espec~ wi~h ~he pmc't'!~lo's.~=, of Suo~lon 35319 mf ~he ~ve~n~ Code of ~he S~a~e of Califo:v~.:~a, and WHEREAS, the Council of ~he Cl~y of Bake~sf~e!d. did, on 2he 17th day of Ap~il~ 1961, psss a Resolution plt~ee w~th ~he p~ovts~on~ off ~;he ~exa~lon o~ Unl~bi~ed Te~o~7 Ao~ of 1939, ~ ~n~n~ ?he~-e~o, being T~le C~p~eP 1, AP~iole ~ of ~h~ ~T~-~n~ Co~ o~ %he 8~a~e of Oal~.fo~!a~ speetf~oa11~ desc~.btn~ ~b.e %o"~ies of ~h~ te~g.~o~ so p~oposed $o ~ ~exed ~o She 0[$~ cf ~k~Psf2el~ and desi~a~iuS such 2e~i'~o~,~ by an appropriate ~, an~ :~e~!ng Mon~a~ ~he ~gth ~y of ~y~ 1961, a~ ~he ho~ of ei~ o~clock P. M.~ tn ~he Cocci1 Ch~be~s of 2he Hall~ 1501 ~~ Ave~e~ Bakex~sfteld, Oa12foPnia, as the d~ hou~ and place when and wheP~ %he Oif;~ Co~il ~uld he~ p~ests ~de a~ pePson ~tns Pe~ pPope~'~y t-~.$hin '0he ~o~esatd f;e~t~o~, and ~E~S~ said Resolv.~f. on ~-~as publts'~d at l~asf; ewtoe~ oftene~ t~ once a week In ~e ~e~sf~eld Califox,n~ a ne~-~spapeP of ~e~P~ oi~a~lon pub].2shed ~.n ~he Ol~y publication ~ving been co~!o%od a~ least ~went~ date se~ fop said he~n~ ~. ou;:~lianc~ ~.~h Section 35311 of p~peP~2 within the ~mPt~o~.' p~.~opos~d ~o ~ NOW~ T~O~ ~ ~ 09~Ai~D ~ ~he Council of ~b.e Ci~2 cf B~e~sfield, ~ follows= SEO~IOm 1~ ~he a~exa'h~on ~o ~ ~nclu~{on wt~h2n %he ~nco~ora~ed limits of ~P~t~o~ be ~d ~ r~ ~ l~.~:~..~b~: anne~ea ~o sa~. Ci~y~ ~he~; said ~e~to~y ~s described ~ a;~ bo[n~ a po~-~on off Lo'['~ .~ [:.~ S~i~o~ ~ ~o~nsh~.p ~0 Sou~o ~.:s.~$ ~".p No, i o~ ~ds o~' ~', B~ ~L;[~?;:[:a,;~ ~S~ea ~o:~ ~eco~d ~'~ ~. ~889, ~ke~sgie!~ Lot 3~ o~ ~! a~.o~'~.~ ~ai~. co~o~a~;e ~~.~ ts defl~ed ~y O;~.f.::?,me~ ~o, 13~ New S~i~s~ _~o ~he Sou~h~,esl; cox:~.:~:.; 0:8 '[;he No~h ~lf (N, 1/2) ~CE (2) con~lng x~o~[&~;;:'.'.~ o. iong ~;~ eas~ex~iy of '~he C2~y og ~:~:~:,~.sff~eld '~o ~n'~e~s~o$ the bo~.~ line off ~'.::.~ Lo[; 3~ ~s s~td no~,~'ae~iy line ts sbo~ on ;:~u'i.d ~Ko~ Co~2y S~les ~lap No~ 1 of T~CE (3) wes2e~ly alon~ ?h~ '~ ..,,=,~ named nox.'~ly of said Se~iou 1:~; ';o i~.'~8e(~ ~h~ we~17 boun~x-y of ~e East 30~,,00 ~e~ ~f sai~ Lo~ 3~ as pe~ ceaSe, tm "A~~ ~Y~ ~ ES~A~'~ ~OP~ ~x~h I~ 1961~ ~.m Book 3.'~? at pa~ea 917 ~o · ~OE (~) ~o~.~ly alo~ :,.r.~: ~e~ westerly ~m~ beg~i~g~ c~n'~.~.'.'~'=~ 8~899 ac~:es o~ l~.nd~ ~e ~he co~].e~on of ~he a~m..m~,~:':~'(or o:~ !;ho s~s to ~.;he Cl'~ bo su:~Jec'~:ed ~o ~;a~a~lon :m';:.:,'. ~1~,. ;.~'~'?~ .... o%;he~ px'op~r~-F i~I '~he "~" '~.~,.~ o'~ ~ke~sf~eld ~c pay '~Me ~'-~-~' ~'='-.'-" ' 9~0~ ilo-:..' S~;~[...~ ':'." :i.:. "' .',." ';' ' ..... .. · ~ ....... ~ w.%"' S~=.'i.', .... ,., f.: 0 :f~.:. "'.~ '~'~': ~ .~u..= ~:c~,7~ and a~' ~nd ali No. 1229, New Se~tes~ .... indebtedness ov lta~ili~y of ~ City outs~and[n~ o~ e:~ho~ized and af~s~ the date of comvle~ion oi' said annaxa~.Ono SECTION 2. This o~dinance shall be~ome effective Shtv~y days af~e~ the dat~ of its pessa~a.~ I HEREBY OERTI~ th~']" ,,~.~. ~.:ore$otng 0.~dinar..ce wz.s passed z.n~ adoDted b~ ~he Council of '~hs 01'jy of Bakersfield at a ~e&ulal the?eof held on the ~ day of Hay~ 1961, b'.~ the following AYES, BALFANZ, COLLINS. CP..O'-S, DOOLIN, MA~CHBAN~, MG~,MAN, ITIEII, N NOES.. ABSENT: ~~,~' ABSTAINING, ~ ~ , O:-,~;'...';.c~:.l of 't.;he Ci:~y of Baker-sfXeld. ?ROVE~is 29'~h ¢~y of May. MAYOR of :che Ci'~y of Aff av ! of Iostfa g (Or an es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and quali~ed City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ......... ..t..h...e.....2...3.~..d.....d.._a.y.....o..f.....~...a.y.j ............................... 19..6_]:.. she posted on the Bulletin Board. at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci~ of said City at a meetin~ thereof duly held on .............. ..t_h..e.....2...2...n..d_...d..a.x....°...f.....~...a.~.~. ........... ,19...6..]:.., which ordinance was numbered ............1...3...6..2.. .............. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF HAEERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "ASPHALTO NO. 2," AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY;