HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/29/1987 MINUTES CCBakersfield, California, July 29, 1987 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 7:00 p.m., July 29, 1987. by the Tolbert The meeting was called to order by Mayor Payne, followed Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Reverend Michael of the First Assembly of God Church. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Mayor Payne. Councilmembers Childs, Christensen (seated at 8:25 p.m.), Smith, Ratty, Moore, Dickerson, Salvagglo Absent: None MINUTES Upon a motion by Councilmember Moore, Minutes of the Regular Meetings of June 17, 1987, and July 1, 1987, and Special Meeting of June 24, 1987, were approved. PUBLIC STATEMENTS H. L. "Hal" Butler, 112 McCord Avenue, #23, spoke in opposit~on to the proposed plans to consolidate the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Bakersfield Con- vention and Visitors Bureau as concerns the upcoming Veterans' Convention. Upon a motion by Councilmember Ratty, Mr. Butler's con- cerns were referred to staff. HEARINGS This is the ti~ne set for hearing protests as required by Resolution of Intention No. 1025 to construct certain improve- ments (sanitary sewers, lift station and force ma~n) in proposed Assessment Dis- trict No. 87-1 (Jenkins Road to Buena Vista Road Sewer Project). Correspondence has been received from Paul W. Mackie, 14005 Tlerra Bianca Avenue, John Kerchinski, 704 Harrisburg Street and David J. Fillerup, 13612 Unity Court, dated July 27, 1987, protesting Assessment District No. 87-1. A packet containing correspondence petitions with ap- proximately 386 signatures, and a l~st of questions was received by the City Clerk on July 29, 1987, from a group of homeowners requesting postponement of f~nal determination for a period of not ]ess than s~x months for the purpose of further study, fact find- ing and homeowner participation. Public Works Manager HawIcy made a brief presentation of background information regarding Assessment District No. 87-1. He stated he had received a letter of protest and a petition signed by a number of opponents to Assessment District 87-1 and recommend-. ed that the Hearing be opened, those speaking in protest be heard, and the Hearing continued for thirty days in order to check the percentage of protests and prepare a response to the objections. Mayor Payne declared the hearing open for public parti- cipation. Bakersfie]d, California, July 29, 1987 - Page 2 115 John (Jack) Mettier, 105 Ritter Court, representing a group of homeowners called "Committee for a Fair Sewer, spoke in opposition of Assessment District No. 87-1, presented a protest petition signed by 386 landowners, and requested the Council place a six month postponement on any final determination of the pro- posed annexation of Sewer Assessment District No. 87-1. The following spoke in opposition to Assessment District No. 87-1: David Fillerup, 13612 Unity Court; Jeff Logan, 13304 Paisley Court; Malcomb Carr, 312 Newburg Street; and Jim Beane, 200 Scotsburg. Ben Batey, a Assessment District No. sewer system project. builder of thirty homes in the area of 87-i, spoke in support of the proposed Karen Dirks, 13304 Paisley Court, spoke in opposition to Assessment District No. 87-1. Leland Ross Hansen, 13312 Warrenton Avenue, spoke in opposition to Assessment District No. 87-1. No further protests being received, the public portion of the hearing for Council action. Mayor Payne closed deliberation and issues until Councilmember Ratty made a motion that staff research of Assessment District No. 87-1 and any action be deferred the August 26, 1987, Council meeting. Upon a motion hy Councilmember Ratty, John Mettier was allowed to speak. Mayor Payne restated Councilmember Ratty motion, to defer any action on Assessment District No. 87-1 until August 26, 1987, pending a report back from staff. This motion was approved. Councilmember Dickerson clarified his vote, stating that he is unsure how long a hearing can be continued without making a decision, noting there may be some time requirements relative to the thirty days delay versus the six months requested by the home owners. He feels the report from staff will be very important to have for a resource in making a determination for future direction. This is the time set for public hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 1029 de- claring its intention to order the vaca- tion of excess right-of-way on Pacheco Road at the east side of Wible Road in the City of Bakersfield. Mayor Payne declared the hearlag open for public parti- cipation. David Lawless of Quad Consultants spoke in support of Resolution of Intention No. 1029. No protests or objections being received and no one else wishing to speak in favor, Mayor Payne closed the public portion of the hearing for Council deliberation and action. 116 Bakersfield, California, July 29, 1987 - Page 3 Upon a motion by Councilmember Dickerson, Resolution No. 138-87 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield ordering the vacation of excess right-of-way on Pacheco Road at the east side of Wible Road ]n the City of Bakersfield (Resolution of Intention No. 1029) was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmembers Childs, Smith, Salvaggio None Councilmember Christensen Ratty, Moore, DJcRerson, City Attorney Oberholzer introduced Deputy City Attorney Laura Marino as a new addlt]on to the City Attorney's stall. REPORTS Councilmember Dickerson Services Committee Report No. 7-87 follows: read Auditorium and Community regarding naming of parks as The issue of naming new parks was referred to the Auditorium and Community Services Committee which has met several times to discuss the selection of names for ~lve (5) proposed neighborhood parks. Proposed sites and Councilmembers afIected are as follows: 1) North of Freeway 178, East of Fairfax Road (Councilmember Smith) 2) Harris and Akers Road (Councilmember Dickerson) 3) North of Panama Lane, East of Highway 99 (Councilmember Salvagglo) 4j Monitor Street South of Patheed Road (Councilmember Salvaggio) 5) South oI Stockdale Highway, West oI Jenkins (Councilmember Ratty) Road To assist in the selection process, elementary schools within the immediate area of each proposed parr were surveyed. In response, a list of pro- spectlve names was provided to th~s committee and is available for review by any Councilmember upon request. It is the teeling ot this committee that affected Councilmembers should have the opportunity to submit names for parks in their area. Council- member Sm]th, w~th assistance from the students at Elssler School, submitted the name of Panorama Hills for their proposed park. Therefore, based on the above lnlormatlon and further deliberation, this committee recommends the following: 1) The name of "Panorama Hills Park" be approved for the proposed site located North of Freeway 178 and East of Fairfax Road. 2) Councilmembers from the remaining areas are re- quested to submit a park name. 3) Suggested names be voted upon during a scheduled City Council meeting. Bakersfield, California, July 29, 1987 - Page 4 Upon a motion by Councilmember Dickerson, Auditorium and Community Services Report No. 7-87 was accepted. Councilmember Dickerson made a motion to implement the recommendations of Auditorium and Community Services Report No. 7-87. Councilmember Childs fnade a substitute motion to have a workshop on procedures used for naming parks prior to adoption of Auditorium and Communfty Services Report No. 7-87. Mayor Payne restated Councilmember Childs' substitute motion to defer any further action on Auditorium and Community Services Report No. 7-87 until a Workshop regarding naming of parks is held on August 12, 1987. This motion failed. Mayor Payne restated Councilmember Dickerson's main mo- tion to implement the recommendations of Auditorium and Community Services Report No. 7-87, including instruction to staff to conduct the same survey in the schools ot the parr site area of Panama Lane east of Highway 99 and approve the name of Panorama Hills Park for the area north of Freeway 178, east of Fairfax Road. This motion was approved. Councilmember Dickerson made a motion to place the nam- ing of Challenge Park for the Harris and Aker Roads park site on the agenda for the August 12, 1987, Council meeting. Councilmember Salvaggio clarified his vote, stating he is pleased that Council has approved the report on naming of parks. He thinks it is an excellent report, which he supported, and he has no problem with any Councilmember submitting a name for a park in their ward because the check on that system is that the Council has to approve any names submitted. Councilmember Childs clarified his vote, stating his opinion that the report was excellent, although lacking in certain areas, such as Councilmember Salvaggio's ward. All he was trying to do by way of his substitute motion was to streamline some type of procedure for dealing with naming of parrs. Councilmember Dickersoh's motion to place the naming of Challenge Park on the agenda for August 12, 1987, was approved. Councilmember Childs clarified his vote, stating that Challenge Park is an excellent name but because Councilmember Dickerson himself said it wasn't approved by a majority of the committee, he could not vote for it. Councilmember Dickerson clarified his vote, stating that the procedure he thinks has been adopted is good in that both school children in park s~te areas and the full Council is in- volved. He would invite any changes or suggestions from Council on naming parks and he feels the Council has taken the appropriate action. Councilmember Ratty, Chairman of the Urban Development Committee, read Urban Development Committee Report No. 17-87 re- garding Noise Nuisance - Fruit Growers Express as follows: On July 13, 1987, the Urban Development Committee met to discuss the noise nuisance caused by the Fruzt Growers Express. The nuisance was abated when Fruit Growers Express effected a permanent reidcation of their facilities. The original com- plainants have indicated that they are satisfied with the solution reached. Accordingly, no addi- tional action is required by the Council at this time. Bakersfield, California, July 29, 1987 Page 5 It is recommended that the Council receive and file this report of the Urban Development Committee. Upon a motion by Councilmember Ratty, Urban Development Committee Report No. 17-87 was accepted and recommendations imple- mented. Councilmember Smith read Urban Development Committee Report No. 18-87 regarding Maintenance District No. 5 as follows: On June 8, 1987, Mr. Phil Walker addressed the City Council regarding Maintenance District No. 5. At that time, the City Council asked staff to review the comments of Mr. Walker, and discuss his recom- mendations with the Urban Development Committee. StaI! was able to answer Mr. Walker's questions to his satisfaction, and sent him a letter on June 11, 1987, providing him a summary of the budgetary information he had requested. This inIormatlon was acceptable to Mr. Walker. Mr. Walker was, however, also interested in ensuring that the public input process would be developed for the maintenance districts. Start has indicated to Mr. Walker that such a process will be developed. Accordingly, it is recommended that the Council accept this report and direct star! to ensure that a sufficient public input process IS developed for maintenance districts next year. Upon a motion by Councilmember Smith, Urban Development Committee Report No. 18-87 was accepted and recommendations imple- mented. Councilmember Ratty, Chairman of the Urban Development Committee, read Urban Development Committee Report No. 29-87 re- gard~ng request to place outdoor advertising signs on City pro- perty as Iollows: The City Council referred a proposal froin Martin Communication Company to install three doublefaced outdoor advertising signs on City property adjacent to Highway 58, east of Mt. Vernon Avenue. This Committee has met with the sign company and star[ concerning the proposal. ~fter consideration o~ the neighboring land uses; and the property zoning, we recommend approval of the proposal. Accordingly, we recommend that staff prepare a con- tract with Martin Communications Company for City Council approval. Upon a motion by Councilmember Ratty, Urban Development Committee Report No. 2U-87 was accepted and recommendations imple- mented. Councilmember Childs, Chairman oI the Budget and Finance Committee, read Budget and Finance Committee Report No. 26-87 re- gardlng analysis of investment ot Clty's funds as follows: On July 15, 1987, the Budget and Finance Committee reviewed an analysis of the Clty's investment func- tion performed by the Big 8 Accounting Firm ot Price-Waterhouse. After an analysis of the entire investment process and reviewing a sample oI the City's investments, the Ilrm issued an opinion stating that the City has a very professional and safe cash management program. Bakersfield, California, July 29, 1987 - Page 6 119 The Budget and Finance Committee recommends that this investment report be received and filed, and that staff responses to the recommendations and observations included in the report be implemented. Upon a Committee Report mented. motion by Councilmember Childs, BuGget and Finance No. 26-87 was accepted and recommendations imple- Councilmember Childs, Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee, read Budget and Finance Committee Report No. 27-87 re- garding Management and Internal Accounting Control Recommendations as follows: The Budget and Finance Committee met on July 15, 1987, and reviewed the Management and Interaa[ Accounting Control recommendations prepared by Price-Waterhouse. As part of the City's audit process, the independ- ent audit firm provides the Council with a manage- ment and internal control letter which serves as the auditor's recommendations for improving opera- tions or controls. These recommendations are formed by their observations during the audit enga- gement. The recommendations were based on observa- tions during the fiscal year 1985-86 Audit. The study and evaluation dlscloseO no condition that they believed to Be a material weakness. Subsequent to receiving Price-Waterhouse's recom- mendations, staff has implemented most of them and are studying the remainder. Therefore, it is recommended that staff's comments to the Management anO Internal Control Letter transmitted to Council in a memorandum dated June 5, 1987, be accepted, and that Price-Waterhouse's letter be received and placed on file. Committee mented. Upon a Report motion by Councilmember Childs, Budget and Finance No. 27-87 was accepted and recommendations imple- Councilmember Dickerson, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, read Legislative Committee Report No. 6-87 concerning Closed Sessions under the Attorney-Client Privilege as follows: The Ralph M. Brown Act requires, with certain ex- ceptions, that all meetings of legislative bodies of local agencies be "open and public." Closed ses- sions can be held for the following matters: per- sonnel, national and public security reasons, labor relations, license application by rehabilitated criminals, real property negotiations, and pending litigation. These reasons, under the Brown Act, are statutory. There is one other reason for which a closed session can be held and that is the attorney-client privilege. This is allowed based on the rules of the Court. Senate Bill 200 is concerned with the latter, the attorney-client privilege. The purpose of this bill is to clarify that "pending litigation" is the exclusive attorney-client privilege that local and state bodies may invoke to go into closed session. This bill would place limits on the ability of gov- ernmental bodies to invoke the attorney-client pri- vilege and subsequently hold closed meetings. 120 Bakersfield, California, July 29, 1987 - Page 7 The City Attorney has recommended that the Commit- tee oppose the bill. The League of California Cities has taken a neutral position on the bill and, according to the Senate Legislative secretary, no cities have supported or opposeO the bill. This Committee also shareO Oltrerent views concerning this bill. Therefore, returned to action. it was recommended that the bill be the City Council for discussion and Committee mented. Upon a motion by Councilmember Dickerson, Legislative Report No. 6-87 was accepted and recommendations lmple- Councilmember Childs clariIleO his vote, stating the reason he supporteO the Legislative Committee Report No. 6-87 was because the Legislative Committee was dlvldeo on their feelings on this issue and therelore felt the report should be brought before the Councilmembers for full discussion. Councilmember Salvaggio made a motion that the City of Bakersfield go on record in support of Senate Bill 200. Councilmember Ratty made a substitute motion not to sup- port Senate Bill 200. Upon an amended, substitute motion by Councilmember Rally, the Council approved a neutral position on Senate Bill by the following vote: 2UU Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmembers Childs, Smith, Ratty, Moore, Councilmembers Christensen, Bickerson, Salvagglo None Councilmember Dickerson clarified his vote, stating the reason for voting "no" is that he feels the City should take a leadership position in being one oI the first cities in the State to keep the government operating in the most open form ot govern- ment possible. Councilmember Salvaggio clarified his vote, stating he could not support the motion to lake a neutral stance on SB 200. He feels this bill balances the competing needs oI local and State government and the rights oI the people, is a fair compromise be- tween the need ot government for candid legal advice about pending litigation and the right ot citizens to witness their government in action. He also could not support the substitute motion be- cause ol the intent of the Brown Act which speaks of not yielding the people's sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. Councilmember Moore clarified his vote, stating that vote is in no way an attempt to restrict informational access the people. He feels that while it is Councll's obligation to give people access to Information, it is also an obligation to protect the public. his from Councilmember Salvaggio read Legislative Committee Re- port No. 7-87 regarding Assembly Bill 2191 concerning the election of School Board Trustees by Trustee Area as follows: This bill would create a law requiring cities with populations of 25,000 or more to hold an election to decide whether school board district lnembers would be elected by district rather than at large. The Dill, which has been amenOed several times, currently would aireel school districts Wlth aver- age daily attendances ot 1,000 or more. Bakersfield, California, July 29, 1987 - Page 8 I '£ ! The League is opposed to this bill as it was opposed to Assembly Bill 2190, a similar bill pro- posing that cities be required to have Council elections by district. No cities have supported it. The Downey Unified School District has come out in support of it. The impact of this bill is upon school boards and not City governments. Therefore, the Committee recommends that no action be taken concerning this bill. Upon a motion by Councilmember Salvaggio, Legislative Committee Report No. 7-87 was accepted. Upon a motion by Councilmember Childs, recommendations of Leg~slatlve Committee Report No. 7-87 were implemented. Councilmember Dickerson, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, read Legislative Committee Report No. 8-87 regarding Senate Bill 1659 concerning the purging of Voter Registration Rolls as follows: This bill would require the Secretary of State to adopt spec~I~c regulations for groups that register voters, purging of the voter registration file, and absentee ballot procedures. The purpose of the bill is to purge the so-called "deadwood" from the voter registratlon rolls. The League of California Cities is neutral on the bill, and the bill has failed to pass the Senate Joint Rules Committee. According to Senator Seymour's start, the bill was red~rected to the Senate Elect~ons Committee, where it also failed passage. The bill is essentially dead, recommended that no action be bill. and the CommIttee taken concerning this Committee Upon a Report motion by Councilmember Dickerson, No. 8-87 was accepted. CONSENT CALENDAR Legislative The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: Approval of Warrant Nos. 9927 to 10272 inclu- sive. in the amount of $322.225.00 and Warrant Nos. 1 to 196 inclusive, in the amount of $2,084,881.41. Communication from Steohen L. Wright. City Manager. Citv of Taft. 209 E. Kern Street. dated July 2. 1987. reouesting suDDort for the location of a Federal minimum/medium security orison on the west side of Kern County. (RE- CEIVE AND REFER TO URBAN DEVEI.OPMENT COMMITTEE Communication from R. O. Price. Chief of P-lice. dated July 10. 1987. regardins Grand Jury audit of Police Deoartment's citizen eomalaintoroeedure. Bakersfield, California, July 29, 1987 Page 9 Communication from the Downtown Business Association, 1401 19th Street, No. 101, dated July 21, 1987, nominating Fred McKenna as DBA representative on the Board of Directors of the Greater Bakers- field Convention and Visitor's Bureau. (RECEIVE AND REFER TO CITY MANAGER) Communication from Kenneth W. Kind, Attorney at Law, 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 309, dated July 13, 1987, regarding down-zone of Tenta- tive Tract 4871 to provide a buffer zone for the landfill off of China Grade Loop. (RE- CEIVE AND REFER TO CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE) Communication from James T. Rowland, 3048 Panama Lane, OateO July 1, 1987, requesting to close Fortune Street to allow parking for shopping center located on the northeast corner of Panama Lane and W~ble Road· (RE- CEIVE AND REFER TO PLANNING COMMISSION) Communication from Graceco, 2660 Oswell Street, dated July 7, 1987, requesting a General Plan Amendment for property current- ly zoneO MeOium Density Resident~al at the northwest corner ot Oswell anO Bernard to Commercial designation. (RECEIVE AND REFER TO PLANNING COMMISSION FOR STUDY AND RECOM- MENDATION) Communication from Martin-Mcintosh, 4130 Ardmore Avenue, Suite 201, dated July 12, 1987, regarding City Policy ol Sewer Service to Unincorporated areas within the Sphere of Influence. Communication from Milazzo & Associates, 3300 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 300, dated July 21, 1987, dedicating adOltlonal right ot way to accommodate a proposed meanOering s~dewalk along Truxtun Avenue near Truxtun Plaza West· (RECEIVE AND REFER TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENI') Claim for Damages and the following: Vera A. Stalker, 2712 Personal Injuries University Avenue; from Joe G. Torrez, 513 Austin Street; Jere P. Romanowtch for Samantha Sievers, 1217 "L" Street; anO Henry G. Aleman, 2401 S. "M" Street, Apt. #15. (REFER TO CITY ATTORNEY) Notices of Completion and Acceptance o! Work for the Iollow~ng projects: Union Avenue Overcrossing Between 21st Street anO Route 178 (except lanOscaping), Contract No. 85-250, was completeO on July 10, 1987. Bakersfield. California. July 29. 1987. Page 10 Storm Drain on E1 Sereno Drive between Belle Terrace and T~nslev. and Belle Terrace between E1 Sereno Drive and Chester Avenue. C-ntract No. 87-114. was completed on Julv 13. 1987. 3. Deleted. Construction of Effluent Storage Reser- voirs for Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3. C-ntract No. 86-189. was completed on July 20. 1987. Tract N~- 4895. located at or near Panama Lane and South "H" Street. City Contract No. 86-233. was completed on June 25. 1987. Application for Encroachment Permit from the following: Mrs. Huguette Bardv. 2515 "F" Street. The applicant is requesting aDDroval to in- stall a 16 ft. lone canvas awning with 8 ft. clearance extendin~ 3 ft. into the right of way (from face of the building. K. C. Steak House) at 2515 "F" Street. ReQuest from Tenneco Realtv Development to extend Improvement Agreement No. 84-146 for Tract 4717 to July 18. 1988 and Improvement Agreement No. 84-169 for Tract 4705 to August 15. 1988. Upon a motion bv C-unci]member Childs. Items a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. i and k. with the exception of Item i. 3.. which was deleted. and amending recommendation on Item c. 1 and 2 to re- fer to Manager. were adopted by the following vote: Aves: Councilmembers Childs. Christensen. Dickerson. Salvag~io Noes: None Absent: None Smith. Rattv. Moore. UDOn a motion bv C-unci]member Moore. communication from the State of California Youth and Adult Correction Agency. Devart- ment of C-rrections. Parole and Community Services Division_ dated July 21. 1987. regarding establishment of a C-mmunitv Correctional Center located south of the intersection of Golden State Avenue and 24th Street. was referred to staff for review and recommendation. Uvon a motion bv C-unci]member Moore. communication from Kern Citv Civic Association requesting Kern City be re-zoned as an adult communitv was referred to staff and City Attorney for review and assistance to residents of Kern City. Councilmember Childs submitted communication from the State of California Department of Corrections. Parole and C-mmunit¥ Services Division. regarding establishment of a C-mmunitv Correct- ional Center in Bakersfield. Councilmember Moore made a motion to move the Closed Session pursuant to Government C-de Section 54956.9(a) regarding Terry l.. Moreland vs. City of Bakersfield forward on the Agenda. T' is motion failed. UDOn a motion bv C-uncilmember Dickerson. New Business Item regarding a Resolution of the Council of the Citv of Bakers- field ordering change and modification No· 2 to Assessment District No. 82-1 (Stockdale Trunkline Sewer) was moved forward on the Agenda. Bakersfield, California, July 29, 1987 - Page 11 NEW BUSINESS Resolution No. 139-87 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield ordering Change and Modification No. 2 to Assessment Diagram and Assessment Roll of Assess- ment District 82-1. (Stockdale Trunk- line Sewer) Upon a motion by Councilmember SalYaggio, Resolution No. 139-87 of the Council o! the City of Bakersfield was adopted by the lollowing vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Childs, Christensen, Dickerson, Salvaggio Noes: None Absent: None Smith, Ratty, Moore, (New Business is continued on Page 12.) A motion by Councilmember Moore to move forward on the Agenda the Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Sect]on 54956.9(a) regarding Terry L. Moreland rs. City o! Bakersfield forward on the Agenda was approved. Councilmember Childs made a mot]on to consider the eval- uation ot the City Attorney an item that arose alter the Agenda was prepared. Mayor Payne restated Councilmember Childs' mot]on, to consider the evaluation ot the City Attorney an item t~at arose alter the Agenda was prepared and place it on the Agenda as a Workshop item at 5:15 p.m., August 12, 1987. This mot]on was approved Dy the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Noes: None Abstain: Councilmembers Absent: None Childs, Smith, Ratty, Moore, Christensen, Dickerson Salvaggio Upon a motion by Councilmember Childs, the evaluation of the City Attorney will De placed on the Agenda for a Council Wor~- shop to be held at 5:15 p.m. on August 12, 1987. CLOSED SESSION Upon a motion by Councilmember Moore, the Council re- cessed to Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) regarding Terry L. Moreland rs. City of Bakersfield at 9:32 p.m. The meeting reconvened from Closed Session at 11:48 p.m. ACTION ON BIDS Upon a motion by Councilmember Smith, Base Bid, Alter- nate "A" and Alternate "B" from Griffith Company in the amount of $81,049.00 tor construction of Fairfax Road, Phase If, from Pala- d]no Drive to Alfred Harrell Highway was accepted, all other bids rejected and the Mayor authorized to execute the Contract. Upon a motion by Councilmember Christensen, low Did from Griffith Company in the amount oi' $12,800.0U for w~dening the Cor- poration Yard Entrance, Phase I, was accepted, all other bids re- jected and the Mayor authorized to execute the Contract. Bakersfield. California~ July 29. 1987 Page 12 DEFERRED BUSINESS Ordinance No. 3108 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amend- ing Sections 16.20.060 and 16.22.030B. of the Bakersfield Municipal C-de Relating to Certificates ReQuired with Final Maps. This Ordinance was given first reading at the meeting of July 15. 1987. Upon a motion by C-unciImember Salvaggio. Ordinance No. 3108 New Series of the C~uncil of the City of Bakersfield was adopted bv the following vote: Ayes: Counc Noes: None Absent: None Jimembers Childs. Christensen. Dickerson. Salvaggio Smith. Ratty. Moore. Ordinance No. 3109 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amend- ing Title Seventeen of the Bakersfield Municipal C-de bv changing the Land Use Zoning of those certain properties in the Citv of Bakersfield located on the south- east corner of State Highway 178 and Miramonte Drive. This Ordinance was given first reading at the meeting of July 15. 1987. Upon a motion bv Councilmember Childs. Ordinance No. 3109 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Counc Noes: None Absent: N-ne ilmembers Childs. Christensen. Dickerson. Salvaggio Smith. Rattv. Moore. NEW BUSINESS Resolution No. 141)-87 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield providing for the adjustment of property tax revenues upon local agency jurisdictional change re- suiting from Annexation No. 313. LAFCO Proceeding No. 939. (Berkshire No. 1). Upon a motion by C~uncilmember Salvaggio. Resolution No. 140-87 of the Council of the Citv of Bakersfield was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Childs. Christensen. Dickerson. Salvaggio Noes: None Absent: None Smith. Ratty. Moore. !26 Bakersfield, California, July 29, 1987 - Page 13 Resolution No. 141-87 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield providing for the adjustment of property tax revenues upon local agency jurisdictional change re- suiting from Annexation No. 314, LAFC~ Proceeding No. 940, (Olive Drive No. 1). Upon a motion By Councilmember No. 141-87 of the Council of the City of by the following vote: Christensen, Resolution Bakersfield was aOopteO Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmembers Childs, Christensen, Dickerson, Salvagglo None None Smith, Resolution of Intent,ion No. lU3U of the Council oI tBe City oi Bakersfield de- claring its intention to establish Marntenance District No. 18. Ratty, Moore, Upon a motion by Councilmember of Intention No. lU3U oI the Council of was adopted By the ~ollowlng vote: Christensen, Resolution the City oI Bakersfield Ayes: Councilmembers Childs, Smith, Ratty, Moore, Noes: Councilmembers Christensen, Salvaggio Absent: None Dickerson, Resolution No. 142-87 of the Council of the C~ty of Bakersfield prellmlnarlly adopting, confirming and approving Public Works Manager's Report; appointing time and place for hearing protests to the propose0 District, the Boundaries thereof, the fairness of the benetlt formula, the amount ot assessment to be levleO against each parcel and tBe reser- vation oI right to perform work By City forces. (Resolution of Intention No. 1030, Maintenance District No. 18) Upon a motion By Councilmember Childs, Resolution No. 142-87 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councl Noes: Counci Absent: None lmemOers ChllOs, Smith, Ratty, Moore, lmemgers Christensen, Salvagglo Dickerson, Resolution No. 14:1-87 of the Council of the City of Bakerslield revising dates of Regular Council Meetings and Workshops heretofore set for the Months of August, September, October, November, December, 1987 and January 1988. Upon a motion By Councilmember Moore, Resolution No. 143-87 of the Council of the City ot Bakerslleld was a0opted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Childs, Christensen, Dickerson, Salvaggio Noes: None Absent: None Smith, Ratty, Moore, Bakersfield. California. July 29. 1987 Page 14 i,£7 Agreement with Book Publishin~ Company for Supplement Service for the Citv's Municipal COde Book. Upon a motion by ~uncilmember Christensen. an Agreement with Book Publishing Company for Supplement Service for the City's Municipal C-de Book was aDDroved and the Mayor authorized to exe- cute the Agreement. One Vacancy on the Historic Preservation Commission. due to the resignation of Anthony Cueto. expires March 30. 1988. (Ward 6) Upon a motion by C-uncilmember Dickerson. Cherlanne L. Farley. 1315 Capricorn C-urt. was appointed to the Historic Preservation C-mmission. term expiring March 30. 1988. Resolution No. 144-87 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield determining that certain equipment can be reasonably ob- tained onlv through one source and author- izing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding. Upon a motion by Councilmember Childs. Resolution No. 144-87 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield was adooted bv the following vote: Aves: C-uncilmembers Childs. Christensen. Dickerson. Salvag~io Noes: None Absent: None Smith. Ratty. Moore. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Coun- cil. upon a motion by Councilmember Childs. the meeting adiourned at 11:55 p.m. ATTEST: MAYOR of the City of Balersfield. Calif.' CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council OF THE City of Bakersfield, Ca]fiornia df