HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1378 ORDINANCE NO. 1378 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNIIqHAB~TED "_~ERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ CALIFORNIA~ DESIGNATED AS "PACHECO }!Oo 1"~ AND PROVIDING FOP, THE T.~iATION OF SAID ~.~RRITORY .TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 20th day of July, 1961, re~.uestin~ that certain uninhabited territory therein descrY_bed be annexed to and incorporated witht, n the City of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, said petition was siEned by the owners o~ one-fourth of the Land, by area, and by assessed value as shown on the Last equalized assessment roll of the County of ~ern, and WHEREAS, the territory described in sa~d petition is contt~uous territory to be annexed, and WHEREAS, the said territory does not rom a part of any other city, and WHERF,~S, on the 20th day of July, 1961, there was filed in the office of the City Clerk ,~f the City of Bakersfield, a written consent, si§ned by the o~ners of more than t~c-thirds of the value of the territory, that said ter_-:.".tory be subjected to tmxatfon after the completion of such annexa~i~n equally with the property ':'.n the City of Bakersfield to pay the boned indebtedness of said C~.~':y therein described, as provided for in Ordinance No. 893, New Serl. es, in Ordinance No. 950, New Series, in Ordinance No. 1112, N. ev Series, and in Ordinance No. 1229, New Series, all of the City of Bakersfield, and any and all other t.ndebte.~t:ess or liability of the C!.ty outscandin~ or authorized on and ai."~er =he date of completion of said aimexa~ion, and this Council hereby de ermines that sat. , consen['-is owners of more than t~eo-thirda of the value o~ the territory, and complies in ever~ respect with the provisions of Section 3~319 of the Government Code of the State of California, ar;d ~HEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did, on the day of July, 1961, pass a Resolution bein§ No. 75-.61~ in compliance wi~h ~he provisions of the Annexation of Uninh~_bited Territory Act of 1939, and amendments thereto, being Title 4, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter 1, Article 5 of the Government Code of the State of Califoru:[a, specif~cally describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, and ~s[g~ati~ig such territory by an appropriate name, and setting Tuesday, the 5th day' of September, 1961, at the hour of eight o~clock P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bal~rsfield, California, as the day, hour and place when and where the City Council would hear protests made by any person owning real property vr~thin the aforesaid territory, and '~HE.REAS, said Resolution was published at least twice, but not oftener than once a week in The Bakersfield C~lifornian, a news!?aper of general circulation published in the City of Bake~-sfield, said t~bli- cation hav~ng been completed at least twent:f days prior to the date set for said hearing, in compliance ~[th Section 35311 o£ the Covern- ment Code, and ~tEREAS, at the time set for heating protes*,s, no writt~-n protests were filed against the proposed annexation by any owner of property within the territory propos,-~d to be annexed. k~OW, THEREFO.RE, BE IT O~)AINED By '.:he Co%mcil of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTION 1. That the Cotuncil of the ~"~_ty of Ba'..~ersf[¢:ld hereby approves the anr, exation to and inclusion ~,lth'Ln the i~corpo~:ated limi~_s of the City of Bal~rsfield, of t.h~.= c~.'--ta'~a uninhab'~t~:d ~err.~.tory desi§aatet as "PACHECO NO. 1'; and ~ is hereby f~.rther o::dained that said territory be and the s~me ts hereby annexed ~o said City; that said territory is described as follows: A parcel of Land situate in the County of Kern, State of California and b~ing a portion of Section 18, Tovmship 30 South, Range 28 East~ N.D.H., and as said Section 18 is sho~n on the "Kern County Sales Nap No. I of Lands of J. B. Haggin', filed for record Nay 3, 1889, in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County: Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 15 in said Section 18, being the intersection of the easterly line of that north and so~:th public road of 60 fee,.'.."..ti ~:.,'.dl:h, alvn~ the ~:.msterl..~, bc:m~.'.-y of said Section II, now k~own as South "H' Street, with the southerly line of that east and west ~ublic road of 60 feet in width, along the midsection line of sa~.d S~:ctton 18, now known as White Lane, said point of beginning also being a point .~.~ the corporate boundary of the ~ity of hkers fie l,/ as sa~e is defined by Ordinance No. 1122 ~ew Series; THENCE (1) easterly along said southerly line of White Lane, (alonE. the northerly boundary of said Lot on and along said corporate boundary as same is de- fined by said Ordi~ance No. 1122 New Serits, to intersect the southerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of Lot 6, in said Section 18; THENCE (2) continuing eas~_erly along the said southerly line of White Lane (along the northerly boundary of Lot It in said Section 1S) on and along the corporate boundary of the ~l~_y of Bakers fie l~ as same is defined by Ordinance No. 1260 New' Series, to inter- sect the southerly prolongation cf a line parallel with, distant 10 feet easterly, as measured perpendicular to the westerly boundary of Lot 7, in said Section 18; THENCE (3) continuing easterly along the said southerly line of White Lane (along ~-he northerly boundary of said Lot 14) on and along the corporate boundary o[ the City of Bakersf~_el~ as same is ~ef~ned by that certain Resolution adopted Hay 2, 1961, by the Board of Supervisors of said Kern County, pertaining to that annexation .designated as "White La~e No. 8", and recorded in Book 146, page 463, Official Ktnutes of said Board of Supe~visors, to intersect the easterly boundary of said LoC 14; THENCE (4) southerly, departing from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, along the easterly boundary of said Lot 14, and along the easterly boundary of Lot 17 in said Section 18, and along the southerly prolongation of La.st named eastez'ly boundary, to intersect the southerly boundary of sa~d Section 18; THENCE (5) westerly along said last named southerly boundary, to intersect aliv. t parallel with, distant 30 feet ................ eagt~rly as ue~..suz'~,g"ptclien'dlcular ~o ~he 'w~s~et-ly' -"~ boundary of said Section 18, said parallel line also being the easterly line of said South Street; THENCE (6) northerly alonE la-~t n;mmd paz'allel line and alonE the westerly boundary of Lcts 16 and 15 in said Section 18, to the northwest corner of said Lot 1.5, the point of be§inninE containinE 165.0~3 acres of ~nd ~re or less. Sa~d te;r~tory, and the property locate.t ~here~n, s~11, upon ~he c~ple~ of the a~exa~on o~ ~e same 't~ the C~ty o~ Ba~rs~e!d, be subjected to ~xat~on equally w~th other property ~n ~he C~ty Ba~rs~eld to pay the b~ded ~-n~b~e~ess of ':he C~y o~ Bakers ~e id, ~scribed :in the afore~n2[~ed c~sen~ of the overs of property, located therein, ~e [ss~nce of b~,is to represent said [ndebte~ess ~int prov~d for i~ Ordinance No. 393, New S~ries, in Ordinance No. 950, New Series, ~n Ordinance No. 1112, Ne~., Ser~es, and Ordinance No. 1229, New Series, all of said C~ty, and any and all o~r ~ndebtedness or l[ab~.l~.ty of the City ou~:stan~nE or au~horized ~ and after the ~te of c~ple~[on of said anv. exa~[~. SECTIO~ 2. ~is ordl~nce shal! beco~ e~fecttve tk[r~y days fr~ and after 2he date of [~s passage. ....... o0o ....... r HEREBY CERTIFY that the £ore~oinE Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of th2 City of Bakersfield at a regular ~eeting thereof held on the 5th day of September, 1961, by the follow,ns vote: -" - ..... --..~_~..i-.~:L.-.:~:F.. :.'. ~ ~ ~'. -'-.' ~.. 'o, ~J,' ~- Council of the City of Bakersfield, ~PROV~D this 5~h day of Septamber: 1961. ~aa~-%G~n.e Winer Af av ! of ost ng ( r an es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. 1EVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: Thst she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........ ~..h.._e.....6_.t...h....~..a_..y._...o..f......S_.e...p_~..e...m..b...e.?...~. .................. , 19...6...1_. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counei~l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..... --1;-.h.--e--~--5-.~--h-----d-.a---y-~-..~--~----~-.-e--.p.~---e~---.b---e-.r.-~. ....... ,19....6..1.., which ordinance was numbered ............ ..1..3...7._.8. ............. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFONNIA~ DESIGNATED AS "PACKECO NO. 1".~ AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~.[.?~. ~.~.h.:.::..day,. of ........... .S~l~tP.,iab~.~.~. ........ , 19._.~]. ./[-. ........,~..~, ~ ~. ~ ~'J~_~_ . .~/ . ~ WAI,,_wER ~:. cj~.SiTI[, ~;c.%~y l'u'~"~ i,~ : ": ~y Oo~mls~cn l"-~l~es Juao 8j 19t~,