HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1372 E~ERGENCY ORDINANCE NO., 1372 ~E~ 5ERIE~ AN E~RG~cY ORDINANCE A~ENDING -~ECT~ON 3 · 68. ll0, .PART (a) OF THE ~r~FIELD I/UNICIPA~. CODE, KNOWN AS ORDINANCE NO. ~EREAS, an emergency exists ~aking it necessary to provide for the 'daily operation of municipal departments. NOM, T~-a~0RE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council .of the City of Bakersfield, ' as follows~ SECTION I. That Section 3.68.110, Pa~t (~) of the Hunicipal Code of the City of Bakersfield as amended by Ordinance No. 1304, New Series, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: E~P~OYEE CIASSIFICATION. (a) Classifications of emplo~hent in the l~iscellane~us Departments shall be allocated to the compensation schedules provided in Section 10 (a) hereof, as follows: Schedule No, Classification 19 Account Clerk I ~ Account Clerk SI 2§ Accountant 32 Administrative Assis rant 27 Appraiser 22 Assistant Appraiser 32 Assistant Chief Building Inspector 35 Assistant City Attorney ~2 Assistant City M~ager 28 Assistant Planner 21 Assistant Poundmdn 31 Associate .~lanner 38 Auditorium Manager 19 Bookkeeping Machine 0pe~ator · ~ clle dule N,o,. Classification 28 Building ~nspecto~ 26 Buyex, ~2 Chief Bu~d~ ~peoto~ 32 C~ef ~ec~n~o-Publ~c ~o~ks 33 City Assesso~ ~ City Atto~ey 32 City Auditor 3~ City Clerk~- 39 City ~inee~ $9 City ~ge~ 32 City T~eas~er ~ Tax 0ollec~o~ ~6 City Hall ~inee~ 18 Clerk' IX 2% C~~y Cente~ Di~eoto~ ~1 Custodi~ ~7 Di~eoto~ Pla~ ~2 Di~ecto~ Public ~o~ks 33 Director Recreation ~7 D~afts~n ~ Electrical ~ainte~ce ~an ~8 Elect~ici~ ~2 Elec~ician, s Helpe~ Schedule ~0- Classificati~ 29 Engineering Technician 31 Engineering ~nspector 22 Equipment Operator Grade 24 Equipment Operator Grade 26 Equipment Ope~ato~ G~ade 26 ~quipment Painte~ ''' ~0 General ~upe~intendent 19 20 ~6 Legal 2~ ~icenae ~nspector 21 Lubrication ~7 ~aintenanc e Leadl~n ~ Nec~nic ~G Mec~nic ~o~ki~ Fo~e~n 23 Mec~nic ~ s Helpe~" 28 Painte~ ~o~ki~ Fo~e~n 27 PaPk Mainte~noe 'Leadi~n 3~ P~k Superintendent ~3 Pe~so~el Clerk 3~ PI~ Checke~ ~ Pla~i~ Tec~ician I 2~ PI~~ Tec~ici~ II 23 Posen ~ ~incipal ~1 P~oipal Receptionist 32 Pu~'o~ai~ Agent 27 Refuse & Clea~ Fo~e~ Schedule No. Olassificat$9~ 32 'Refuse & Cleaning Superintendent R~ Sec~eta~ to 2~ -~ec~eta~y to Mayo~ 2~ ~ec~eta~ 22 Semi-Skilled 30 So~o~ App~aiSe~ 30 8e~io~ Buildi~ Inspecto~ 3~ Se~o~ Pl~e~ 27 ~ew~e Plant ~e~ato~ G~ade 1 ~ Sewage Plant 0pe~ato~ G~ade 2R Sewage Plant Opo~ato~ G~ade 3~ 8e~ge T~eatment S~po~intend~ 2~ flowe~ ~inte~nce Leadi~ 19 S tenog~apBe~ Clerk' I 22 3~enog~aphe~ Clerk 29 5t~ee~ Fo~e~ '' 27 3~eet Mainte~ce Leadi~n 37 Supe~endent ~bl~c 28 ~upe~viso~ of Recreation ~ Sweepe~ 17 Telephone ~e~ato~ ~ Receptio~st 22 T~fio Painte~ 26 T~ee Fo~e~n ~ T~ee Hainte~ce 16 ~ist Ole~k ~ 18 T~ist Cle~k II Utility Mainte~ce SECTTON 2 This ordinance ia hereby declared to be an emergency measure within the meaning of Section ~}~ of the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, State of California, and necessary to provide for the daily operation of municipal departments, and shall be effective on and after July 1, 1961. I HEREBYOERT~i~Y that the foregoing bergency Ordinance was passe'and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regula~ meeting thereof held on the 10th day of Zuly, 1961, by the following vote= City Clerk and Ex 0fficio~[e~k of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED t~. 10th day of Zuly, 1961. NAYOR o~ the City ~fBakersfieia. Affii avi! of los ing r anres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........ .t...h...e.....~..~...t...h......d...a.:[....o.._f.._J...u_.~..y..,. ............................ ,19-.-6-.-]:-. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fun, true and correct copy of an ordinanc~ passed by the Counci~ of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ........ .t...h...e.....l..0...t...h.....d..a_y.....o..f..._..J..u...l.~[L ............... ,19-_6-._1., which ordinance was numbered ...........1_..3..7...2. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.68.110, PART (a) OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE, KNOWN AS ORDINANCE NO. 1304, NE~ SERIES. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...1..]:..t...h...day of. ........... .~..u..1.y.4 ..... 19..6,],.. Notm~ Puh~e in ami for the Count~ of Kern, ~tate of ~lffornla -. S Notary Publl~ ; y uomm~sston -,xp~res Jane 8~ 196~ ?