HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1400 ORDINANCE NO. 1400 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF ~.~E C~-TY OF BAI~RSFIELD TRANSFERRING THE ASSESSI/ENT A~;[.') TAX COLLECTn~G DUTIES AND THE COLLECTION OF ASK:ESSHENTS LEV]~ED FOR HUNICIPAL PURPOSES NO~ PERF)RHED BY THE CITY ASSESSOR AND THE CITY TAX COLLECTOR TO THE ASSESSOR AND TAX COLLECTOR OF THE COUNTY OF [..'~.RN AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDI1/,~CES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. ~IEREAS, the City o£ Bakers£ield, a municipal corporatt~m desires to transfer the ass:-:ss~ent and ~ax collection duties performed by the City Asses'3or and City Tax Collector to ~J~e A,,~sessor and Tax Collector o/~ the Co-m~,y o£ Kern pursuant to Section 50 of the Charter of the City o/~ 13akers£ield and Sections 51500 to 5~:519 o£ the Government Code o/~ the .~'~tate of California. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ~'? ORDAINED by the Council o/~ /;he Ci~-'y of Bakersfield as /~ollows: Section 1. PLACE IN CODE. This ordinance shall be Cha'gter 6.30, Sections 6.30.010 to ~.30'.080, inclusive, o£ Title 6 o£ ~.he Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield. Section 2. DEFINITIONS. The ~ollo~inE words and expressions when used in ~is ordinance shall for the purpose of this ordinance have 2he meaninEs respectiv,~.ly ascribed to them as (a) CITY. The ~ord "City" as used in this ordinance st~all mean the City of Bakers~ield, a municipal corporation, situated in the County of Kern, State o:~ Cali~ornia. (b) COIINTY. The word "County" shall mean the County o:,~ Kern, a political subdivision oi '~he State o[ Califormta. Section 3. TRANSFER OF DUTIES. The duties o£ the City Council, Assessor, Tax Collector, Auditor and City Clerk of the City o£ Bakers£ield with respect to the a~sessment of property in se:id City ~or the purpose o~ ad valorem taxation thereo£ to the equalization and correction for such assc~.ssments, to the collection, payment and enforcement of such taxes h~:reafter becoming a lien, to the sahe of property for non-payment of such taxes levied for municipal p~'poses, and to the' redemption of suc:h property from sale or other penalties for non-payment of the muni~;ipal taxes of said City, shall be formed by the officers of tls County of Kern charged respectiw, ly with the perfo.~mance of dutf.es of the same character as the officers of said City whose duties are ~o be performed by such County officers. All duties n~¢ bein~ performed by the above mentioned City off:?.cers which are not specifically transferred by the provisions of ordinance shall continue to be performed in accordance with the applicable laws of the City, Section 4~ TAXES LE!;IED PRIOR TO DATE OF O~DINANCE. Ail taxes of said C~ty that shall haw.: been levied prior to the effect~w, date · of this 'ordinance, includin~ delinquent taxes, shall be collected, ~he payment thereof enforced In the same manner and upon the same penalties, and property sold for ~he non-payment thereof and r~deemed from such sale ~n the same manner and under the same condition~', as provided by laws ~n force ~n said City at ~he t~e of the taki~.g effect of this ordinance, and the officers of said City as now provided under the Charter an~ any ordinance thereof, shall co.~ lect and enforce the payment of .~,uch taxes, including delinquent ta~s and do any and all thirds that ~y be necessary in the sale of pro[...erty for the non-payment of such taxes and in ~he redemption thereo~, from such sale. ......... Section-~:---COMPENSA'..:[ON.- The amount of compensation ~,. be charged by and paid to County for the performance of services kerein contemplated shal~ be fixed by agreement between City and County pursuant to SectLon $1514 ¢.f the Gove~mnent Code of the State o~ Ca~fo~a, Section 6. ~LITICN OF OFFZCES OF CZ~ ASSES~ ~ C~ ~ COLiCkY. ~e off~ce of Assessor ~s hereby abolished as of t~ effec~ ~te of th~s ordinance and ~e off~ce of C~ty Tax Collector ~s abolished ].n so far as the ~cti~s of ~e C~ty Tax Collector are transfe~ed purs~nt to ~e ord~nanae, ~ ~he effective ~te of ~s ordt~nce. Section 7. F~ING CF CE~TIFI~ ~. ~e City Clerk sbmll cause a cert~fted copy of this ordinance ~o be f~d ~h ~he Cottony, Auditor, Com~cy Tax Collector and Co~y ~easurer prior =o ~h~ firs= ~y of Februa~, 1962. Section 8. ~ WI~~ FKOM C~ ~SU~R. ~e ~ney collected by ~he Co~y for ~he City, s~ll Be dra~ fr~ ~he Ct~y F~ds tn che ~nds of ~he Co~=y ~easurer by C~2y Audt=or~s Warr~2, Sec~1~ 9. ~~ING. All ordt~ces or parts of or~'.aances tn c~fllct here~ are ~by repealed. Secttor.~ 10. EF~CTIVE DA~. ~is ordln~ce s~ll beco~ effec21ve ~htr2y ~ys fr~ and af2er =he da~e of t~s passage. ......... 000 ......... I I{ERI~BY CERTZFY that the fore§oing ~d~nance ~s passed and a~p~ed by ~he C~c~l of the C~ty of ~rsf~eld a~ a regular ~e~ng January, ~962, thereof held on ~e ~ ~ of ~~ by ~ follo~ vo~e: BALFANZ, 'ABSENT, ABSTAINING;__ CITY' CLERK and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. January, 1962 APPROVED Chis 8th day of ~ o ~ e ty o .ers ~e . - of j ost g ( r an es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... .t...h...e.....9..t...h.....d...a.y.....o...f._.~..a...n...u..a....r~.~. ........................ ,19..-6.~.. she posted on the Bulletfn Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counei'l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..............t..h...e.._8...t..h.....d_.a.y..._o..f._..~_...~....u...a_r.y., ...... ,19---6..-~-., which ordin~_nce was numbered ............ ~..4..0...Q. ............. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TRANSFERRING THE ASSESSMENT AND TAX COLLECTING DUTIES AND THE COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS LEVIED FOR MUNICIPAL PUP, POSES NOW PERFORMED BY THE CITY ASSESSOR AND THE CITY TAX COLLECTOR TO THE ASSESSOR AND TAX COLT,~.CTOR OF THE COUNTY OF KERN AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. Subscribed and sworn to before me this "' .... -9---t--h-...day o'January, 19...6..2.... .Nota~ Publk in / fo~ the Cou~t~ of ~.rn, J~ate o~ ~ifo~ia ~.. ~. -. · .,~.....~- ,~-.~ ......