HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1404 ORDTNANCE NO._ ~1404 NEW SERIES AN O~DINANCE OF ~HE CITY OF BAKERSFIEI~ CREATING THE OFFICE OF DEPA~3NENT OF FINANCE, SETTING FORTH THE DIVISIONS UNDER SUCH DEPARTMENT AND PRESCRIBIh~ ~ DUTTES OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE. WHE~S, the .Cha~ter of the City of Bakersfield provides that the City Council -~_y create such offices as -~_y be deemed necessary for the operation of the government of ~he City, and k~IEREAS, it is the desire to create the office of Department of Finance and to set ~orth the duties of the Director of Finance. NOW, THEP~FORE, BE IT OPJ)AINED by the Council of the C~ty of Bakersfield as follows: Section 1. PLACE IN CODE. This ordinance shall be Chapter 3.95, Sections 3.95.010 to 3.95,040, inclusive, of Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield. Section 2. DEPARtmENT OF FINANCE CREATED. There Is hereby created a Department of Finance which shall be under the direction and control of a Director of Finance, who shall be appointed by the City Manager. Section :9. DIVISIONS WITHIN DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. The follourlng offices will be divisions w~thin the Department of Finance under the general supervision, coordination and direction of the Directol- of Fipmnce: (a) Division of Accounts. The Division of Accounts, the head of which will be the City Auditor. (b) Division of Treasury and Collection. ................ .The. Division of Treas_u.r.y and..Colle..c~tion, the head of which shall be the City Treasurer. (c) D~vision o£ Purchasing. The Division of Purchasi~, the head of which shall be the Furchasing Agent. (d) Division of aecords. The Division of Records, the head of which shell be the City Clerk. Section 4. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF DIRECTOIt OF FINANCE. The Director of Finance shall have charge the financial affairs of the City and to that end he shall have authority and be required (a) Adm~nis~r .Dep~'rtment of Finance ......... Supervise, administer and coordinate the Department of Finance and the activities and famctions of its subdivisions. (b) Preparation of Annual Budget. Undar the general d~rection of the City Nanager to prepare the annual budget and long range financial plans. (c) Administrative and Hanaf;ement 'Research. Supervise and be responsible for a program of administrative and m~agement research into or~ni~-ation, budget, systems and procedures for greater efficiency and economy. (d) Central Accountin~ System. Supervise and be responsible for the maintenance of a general accounting system For the city goverrm~__nt and each of ~.ts offices, departments and agencies; keep books for and exercise £inanc~al budgetary control over each office, department and age~3cy; keep accounts £or appropriations contained in the city budget which will show the amount of the appropriation, amount paid therefrom, the '~u~paid "' obligations against it and the unencumbered balance; require reports of receipts and disbursements from each receivin~; and spending agency of the .city government to be ~__de daily or at such intervals as he may deem" expedient; and other duties as required by the City Charter and Ordfl~ance8 of the city. (e) F~nancial Reports. Sub~t to the City Council throu~,h the City Hanager a monthly statement of receipts and disbursements and such other financial reports that indicate the f~nancial Cond~tion of the city. (f) Annual Financial Statement. Prepare a complete financial statement and report at the end of each fiscal year. (g) System of Property Assessment. Supervise and administer a system of property assessment for the purpose of tax colbaction. (h) Treasury Management. Supervise the collection of all taxes, special assessments, license fees, franchise fees and other revenues for the c'~ty and have custody of all investments and invested funds for the city as provided by charter or State Laws. (i) Central Purchas_~nS Pro§ram. " Supervise and administer a central purchasing, storage and distribution program of all supplies, -mterials and equipment for use by any office, deparZment or agency of the city government. "-(3)" " e%o ds' and Docum ntB. - ..... . . Supervise and administer a central records and documents o££ice that minta~ns council records, ordinances and other public documents concerning city government. Section $. EFFECT~'E DATE. This ord~uance shall become e£fective thirZy days from and after the date of its passage. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing OrdflMnce was passed and adopted by the Council of the City off Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 22nd day of 3an;,_-_ry, 1962, by the follow, nS vote: CLERK and Ex-O£f~Clo Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this2.2nd day of January, 1962, ~., ~ ~..'. ~_..' ' G~ne' Wirier ---rNAYOR of the City of Bakersfield. - Af av ! of J osflng r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and clua]i~ed City Clerk of the Ci. ty of Bakersfield; and that on ......... ..t..h...e....2..3...r...d_....d..a.~.....o..f.._J...a...n..u...a...r~.., .................... ,19..6.._2... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .............. ..t..h...e_...2...2..n...d._...d_a.y.....o...f.....J...a..n...u..a...r.y_.., 19...6..2..., which ordJ~ee was numbered .............. .1...4..Q._4. ............ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CREATING THE OFF ICE OF DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, SE~I~ING FORTH THE DIVISIONS UNDER SUCH DEPARTMENT AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE. ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this "2...3...T'...d.....day of .............. .J...a..n...u...a..r.y.'.-. ,1962 Nota~ Public in and for the Count,y of Kern, SM~e of (hlffon~la .... 3VALTI~T~ W. S.~aZ?~T, ~otnry Publ;o M~T Com,.~_.~on.Expireo ,Tune 8, ~066.