HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1419 ORDINANCE NO. 1419 , NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.?2 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY ADDING SECTION 3.72.021 AND AMENDING SECTIONS 3.72.050 AND 3.72.070. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that Chapter 3.72 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield he amended to read as follows: Chapter 3.72 TRANSIT EMPLOYEES Sections: 3.72.010 Status of employees. 3.72.020 Definitions. 3.72.021 Definitions. 3.72.030 Classification and pay rates of employees. 3.72.040 Seniority determines selection of work runs. work shifts and vacations--Meaning of seniority. 3.72.050 Time and one-half pay for motor., coach :operators. 3.72.060 Pay for operators acting as instructors. 3.72.070 Time and one-half pay for mechanics. 3.72.080 Holiday work pay. 3.72.090 Council may place officers or employees in any step of classification. 3.72o010 Status of employees. Ail positions of employment in the operation of the transit system shall be permanent, and all employees of such system shall be given credit for the length of service in said system from the date of his original employment by the city under this chapter. (Ord. 1093. Section 1. as amended by Ord. 1131; July 1. 1957). 3.72.020 Definitions. Whenever in this chapter or in any amendments hereto, or in any other ordinance of the City of Bakersfield. the term 1. "Transit System," "Municipal Transit System," "Bakersfield Municipal Transit System," or "Bakersfield Transit System" is used, it shall mean the public transportation system or facilities operated and maintained by the Transit Authority of the City of Bakersfield. (Ord. 1093, Section 1.1, added by Ord. 1135; July 29, 1957). 3.72.021 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter certain words and phrases are defined, which words and phrases shall be con- strued as herein set forth unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended. (a) Regular Operator. A regular operator is an operator who has seniority to select a regular run or assignment and who does not place himself On the extra board. (b) Extra Operator. An extra operator is an operator who does not have enough seniority to select a regular run or assignment, whose work assignments are all made through the extra board. (c) Student Operator. A student operator is a new operator who must be trained and instructed on all lines of the system until he is capable of performing the duties of an extra operator. (d) Extra Board. The extra board is the procedure by which open runs or work assignments are made. (e) Regular Run. A regular run is a work assignment which is included, by the management, in a posted breakdown of operating schedules and contains at least eight hours pay time. (~ Straight Run: A run that has continuous pay tim~ from the time of starting to work until the run is completed. (g) Split Run. A run that has two or more parts with elapsed time between the ending and beginning of each part. ~) Tripper. Any work shown on a schedule which is not part of a regular run. (i) Report Time. Any time spent by an employee who is called to report for the purpose of protecting the .b. oa~d. : .... 3.72.030 Classification and pay rates of employees. (a) Transit Authority employees who are placed in the following classifications, shall receive the hourly rates of compensation respectively, as follows: After 6 Months After 6 Months In next Lower In next Lower Classification Beginning Rate Rate Rate Hechanic .......... $2.54 $2.68 $2.81 Automotive Paint and Body Man 2.42 2.54 2.68 Motor Coach Operator .... 2.10 2.21 2.37 Mechanic' s Helper ..... 2.18 2.30 2.42 Automotive Serviceman II . . 2.07 2.18 2.30 Automotive Serviceman I . . 1.77 1.86 1.96 (b) Transit Authority employees in the classifications listed below shall receive monthly rates of compensation as follows: Classification Monthly Rate Motor Coach Supervisor ............. ~ ... ~ . $630.00 Mechanic Working Foreman ................ 617.00 Office Manager ..................... 426.00 (c) Transit Authority employees in the classification listed below shall receive the hourly rate of compensation set forth as fo llows: Classification Hourly Rate Student Operator .................... $1.00 (Ord. 1093, Section 2, as amended by Ord. 1306; June 27, 1960). 3.72.040 S. eniority determines selection of work runs~ work shifts and vacations--Meanin~ of seniority. Seniority in employment shall dete~-,,,ine the order in which employees may select their work runs, work 3. shifts and vacation periods in their respective departments, excludin§ superintendent of maintenance and operation, and office manager, and time served in the employ of the Bakersfield Transit Company shall be recognized by the city in determining seniority for the purpose of this section, and the rate of pay as set forth in Section 3.72.030. (Ord. 1093. Section 4; July 30. 1956). 3.?2.050 Time and one-half pay for motor coach opera~.ors. (a) I~egular Operators.' Ail work performed by regular operators in excess of nine hours and thirty-six m~nutes per day and forty-eight hours per week shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half. (b) Extra Operators: Ail work performed by extra operators. excluding time on report, in excess of nine hours and thirty-six minutes per day and forty-eight hours per week shall be paid for at the rate of ti~ and one-half. There is no m~nimum or basic work day or week for extra operators. Report Time: Ail report time by extra operators shall be paid for at the straight time hourly rate of pay from the time an operator reports until he is released or co-~ences an assignment. Any employee requested to report for the purpose of protecting the board shall receive a m~nimum of two (2) hours pay. Extra work which cannot be handled by the extra board will be assigned to an employee with a motor coach operator classification that is available in accordance with the pay schedules herein set forth. 3.?2.060 Pay for operators ,actin~ as instructors. Operators re- quired to instruct a student four or more hours per day shall be paid two dollars per day in addition to their regular rate of pay; if less than four hours, he shall be paid one dollar. (Ord. 1093. Section 6; July 30. 1956). 3.?2.0?0 Time and one-half pay for mechanics. .Ail work performed by employees in the mechanical department in excess of nine hours and thirty-six minutes per day and forty-eight hours per week shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half. 4. 3.72.080 Holida7 work pay. Ail work performed on legal holidays which have been designated by a resolution of..the City Council as official holidays pursuant to Section 3.64.330 of this chapter shall be paid for at the rate of time and one half, except that in the event one of the legal holidays falls on a Sunday and the following day ~onday) is declared a holiday by a resolution of the Gity Council, then Monday ,on. ly will be considered a legal holiday.for pay purposes. (Ord. 1093, Section 8, as amended by Ord. 1341; December 2?, 1960). 3.72.090 Gouncil may place officers or employees in any step or classification. The City Council may, by resolution, place an officer or employee of the Transit Authority in any step in the classification to which his position is allocated by this chapter, when it finds and determines that such action is justified by the nature of the position held by such officer or employee and the individual capabilities and exp~i~nce of the officer or employee involved and is in conformity with the objects and purposes of this chapter. Any officer or employee so placed shall be paid the salary fixed for such step until he advances to the next higher step, if any, pursuant to this chapter. Time served by an employee in a classification and a step at the time of the adoption of any such resolution shall be credited to the time to be served in any new or different classification and/or step in which he may be placed by such resolution, for purposes of advancement to the next step, if any there be. (Ord. 1093, Section 8.1, as added by Ord. 1135; July 29, 1957). o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoin§ Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Gouncil of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 30th day of April, 1962, by the following vote: Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 30th day of April, 1962o Of the City o~ Bakersfield. of os ng r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern~ ss, MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that o~ 1st day of May. . ..... ........................................................................................... ,19..6..2 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci.l of said City at a meeting thereof duly hdd o~ ..................t..h...e.....3..0..t_h._...d..a.y..._.o...f.....A_i/rj,~L ..... ,19..~2., which ordinance was numbered .................. .1...4_.1...9.. ........ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.72 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF HAKERSFIELD BY ADDING SECTION 3.72. 021 AND A~.NDING SECTIONS 3 . 72'. 050 AND 3.72. 070. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...lat._day of ................. .M..a.~j .................... , 19..6..2.... Nota~ Pub]ia in and for ~e Gount~ of Kern, 8ta~e of CalffoFnla