HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1421 ORDINANCE NO. 1421 , NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 13.64 (HOUSING CODE) TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that Chapter 13.64 entitled "Housing Code" be and the same is hereby added to the Municipal Code to read as follows: CHAPTER 13.64 HOUSING CODE Sections: 13,64,010 Title. 13.64.020 Purpose. 13.64,030 Scope. 13.64o040 Enforcement, 13.64.050 Substandard Buildings. 13.64.060 Housing Advisory and Appeals Board, 13.64,070 Enforcement Procedure. 13.64.080 Violations and Penalties. 13.64o090 Permits and Inspections. 13o64,100 Fees. 13,64. 110 Inspection. 13,64. 120 Definitions. 13.64,130 Space and Occupancy Standards. 13o64o 140 Yards and Gourts, 13.64. 150 Room Dimensions. 13.64. 160 Light and Ventilation, 13.64. 170 Sanitation. 13.64o 180 Structural Requirements. 13.64.190 Heating and Ventilation. 13.64.200 Exits. 13.64.210 Fire Protection. 13.64. 220 Subs tandard Buildings. 13.64.230 Correction Procedure. 13.64.010 Title. This ordinance shall be known as the Housing Code of the City of Bakersfield. 13.64.020 Purpose. The purpose of this Code is to provide minimum requirements for the protection of life, limb, health, property, safety, and welfare of the general public and the owners and occupants of residential buildings. 13.64.030 Scope. (a) Application. The provisions of this Code shall apply to all buildings or portions thereof used, or designed or intended to be used, for human habitation. Such occu- pancies in existing buildings may be continued as provided in Section 104 (g) of the Uniform Building Code, except such structures as are found to be substandard as defined in this Code. Where any building or portion thereof is used or intended to be used as a combination apartment house - hotel, the provisions of this Code shall apply to the separate portions as if they were separate buildings. Every rooming house or lodging house shall comply with all the requirements of this Code for dwellings. (b) Alteration. Existing buildings which are altered or enlarged shall be made to conform to this Code insofar as the new work is concerned and in accordance with Section 104, (a) (d) and (e) of the Uniform Building Code. (c) Relocation. Existing buildings which are removed or relocated within the City shall be considered as new buildings and shall comply with all the requirements of this Code. 13.64o040 Enforcement. (a) Authority. The Building Official is authorized and directed to administer and enforce all of the provisions of this Code concerning structural~ zoning, plumbing and electrical requirements° The Health Officer is authorized and directed to enforce all provisions of this Code concerning health and sanitation. The Fire Marshal is authorized and directed to enforce all the provisions of this Code concerning fire protection. The Building Official shall ~:'oor~ina't'e the enforcement of this Code. (b) Right of Entry. Upon presentation of proper credentials the Building Official or his duly authorized representatives may enter between the hours of 8 o~clock A.M. and 5 o'clock P.M. any building, structure, or premises in the city to perform any duty imposed upon him by this Code. (c) Responsibilities Defined. Every owner remains liable for violations of duties imposed upon him by this Code even though an obligation is also imposed on the occupants of his building, and even though the owner has, by agreement, imposed on the occupant the duty of furnishing required equipment or of complying with this Code. Every owner, or his agent, in addition to being responsible for maintaining his building in a sound structural condition, shall be responsible for keeping that part of the building or premises which he occupies or controls in a clean, sanitary, and safe con- dition~ including the shared or public areas in a building containing two or more dwelling units. Every owner shall, where required by this Code, the health ordinance or the health officer, furnish and maintain such approved sanitary facilities as required, and shall furnish and maintain approved devices, equipment, or facilities for the .Rrevention of insect and rodent infestation, and where infestation has taken place, shall be responsible for the extermination of any insects, rodents, or other pests when such extermination is not specifically m-de the responsibility of the occupant by law or ~uling. Every occupant of a dwelling unit, in addition to being responsible for keeping in a clean, sanitary, and safe condition that part of the dwelling or dwelling unit or premises which he occupies and controls, shall dispose of all his rubbish, garbage, and other organic waste in a manner required by the health ordinance and approved by the health officer.. Every occupant shall, where required by this Code, the health ordinance or the health officer, furnish and maintain approved devices, equipment or facilities necessary to keep his premises safe and sanitary. 13.64.050 Substandard Buildings. All buildings or portions thereof which are detemined to be substandard as defined in this Code are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition, or removal in accordance with the procedure specified in Section 203 of the Uniform Building Code. 13,64.060 Housing Advisory and Appeals Board, In order to provide for reasonable interpretation of the provisions of this Code and to avoid unnecessary hardship in its enforcement there is hereby created a Housing Advisory and Appeals Board. The Board shall consist of five members who are qualified by experience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to housing. The Board members shall be appointed for four-year terms by the City Council and shall hold office at its pleasure. The Board shall adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its business. Ail decisions of the Board shall be made in writing. The Board shall have Jurisdiction to review all orders issued by the Building Official, the Health Officer, the Fire Marshal, and their subordinates pursuant to this Code and the Board may affirm, modify or set aside any such order. All decisions of the Board shall be final and conclusive. 13.64.070 Enforcement Procedure. The enforcing official shall give the owner and/or occupant of any structure determined to be in violation of this Code a written notice stating the nature of the violations and ordering the correction of said violations within thirty (30) days after the date of the notice. Any person receiving a notice of violation of this Code from an enforcement officer shall have the right to appeal to the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board. Such appeal must 'be made within fifteen (15) days following the issuance of a notice of violation by filing a written notice of appeal with the Secretary of the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board. During the pendency of an appeal no civil or criminal action at law shall be taken against the appellant. 13.64.080 Violations and Penalties. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter~ repair, move, improve, remove~ convert, or demolish~ equip, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure in the city, or cause or permit the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this Code. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Code shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Code is courted, continued, or permitted, and upon con- viction of any such violation such person shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $300.00, or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 13.64.090 Permits and Inspections. No person, firm, or corporation shall erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove,convert, or demolish any building or structure, or cause or permit the s~me to be done, without first obtaining a separate building permit for each such building or structure from the Building Official in the manner and according to the applicable conditions prescribed in Chapter 3 of the UniformBuilding Code. 13.64.100 Fees. Whenever a building permit is required by Section 10.64.090 of this Code, the appropriate fees shall be paid to the Building Official as set forth in Section 303 of the Uniform Building Code. 13.64.110 Inspection. All buildings or structures within the scope of this Code and all construction or work for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the Building Official in accordance with and in the manner provided by this Code and Sections 304 and 305 of the UniformBuilding Code. 13.64.120 Definitions. For the purpose of this Code, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as'specified in this Chapter. Words used in the singular include the plural and the plural the singular. Words used in the masculine gender include the feminine, and the feminine the mascu- line. Terms, words, phrases, and their derivatives used but not specifically defined in this Code shall have the meaning defined in Chapter 4 of the UniformBuilding Code. APARTMENT. Apartment shallmean a dwelling unit as defined in this Code. APAR]~IENT HOUSE. Apartment house is any building, or portion thereof, which is designed, built, rented, leased, let, or hired out to be occupied, or which is occupied as the home or residence of three or more families living independently of each other in 6. dwelling units as defined in this Code. APPROVED. Approved as to materials and types of construction~ refers to approval by the Building Official as the result of investigation and tests conducted by him~ or by reason of accepted principles or tests by national authorities~ technical or scientific organizations. BASEMENT. Basement is that portion of a building between floor and ceiling, which is partly below and partly above grade (as defined in this Chapter)~ but so located that the vertical distance from grade to the floor below is less than the vertical distance from grade to ceiling. (See definition of "Story°") BOARDING HOUSE. Boarding house is a lodging house in which meals are provided. BUILDING. Building shall mean any building or structure~ or portion thereof~ which is used~ or designed or intended to be used for human habitation~ for living~ sleeping~ cooking~ or eating purposes or any combination thereof° BUILDING~ EXISTING. Existing building is a building erected prior to the adoption of this Code~ or one for which a legal building permit has been issued. BUILDING OFFICIAL. Building Official is the officer charged with the administrate'on and enforcement of this Code, or his regularly authorized deputy. CEILING HEIGHT. Ceiling height shall be the clear vertical distance from the finished floor to the finished ceiling. CELLAR. Cellar is that portion of a building between floor and ceiling which is wholly or partly below grade (as defined in this Chapter) and so located that the vertical distance from grade to the floor below is equal to or greater than the vertical distance from grade to ceiling. (See definition of "Story.") COURT. Court is an open, unoccupied space extending not more than twenty-four inches (24") below finish grade and bounded on two or more sides by the walls of the building. An inner court is a court entirely within the exterior walls of a building. Ail other courts are outer courts. DORMITORY. Dormitory is a room occupied by more than two guests. DWELLING. Dwelling is any building or any portion thereof, which is not an "Apartment House," a "Lodging House," or a "Hotel" as defined in this Code, which contains one or two "Dwelling Units" or "Guest Rooms," used, intended, or designed to be built, used, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or which are occupied for living purposes .. DWELLING UNIT. Dwelling unit is a suite of two or more habitable rooms which are occupied or which are intended or designed to be occupied by one family with facilities for living, sleeping, cooking and dining. EFFICIENCY LIVING UNIT. Efficiency living unit is any room having cooking facilities used for combined living, dining, and sleeping purposes and meeting the requirements of Section 13.64.150 (b), Exception. EXIT. Exit is a continuous and unobstructed means of egress to a public way, and shall include intervening doorways, corridors, ramps, stairways, smokeproof enclosures, horizon~al exits, exit courts, and yards. FAMILY. Family is an individual or two or more persons related by blood or marriage, or a group of not more than five persons (excluding servants), who need not be related by blood or marriage, living together in a dwelling unit. FIRE MARSHAL. Fire Marshal shall be the Fire Marshal of the City Fire Department. GRADE (GROUND LEVEL). Grade (Ground Level) is the average of the finished ground level at the center of all walls of a building. In case walls are parallel to and within five feet (5') of a sidewalk, the above' ground level shall be measured at the sidewalk. GUEST. Guest is any person hiring or occupying a room for living or sleeping purposes. GUEST ROOM. Guest room is any room or rooms used, or intended to be used, by a guest for sleeping purposes. Every one hundred square feet (100 sq. fro) of superficial floor area in a dormitory is a guest room. HABITABLE ROOM. Habitable room shall mean any room meeting the requirements of this Code for sleeping, living, cooking, or dining purposes excluding such enclosed places as closets, pantries, bath or toilet rooms, service rooms, connecting corridors, laundries, unfinished attics, foyers, storage spaces, cellars, utility rooms and s{mtlar spaces. HEALTH OFFICER. Health Officer shall be the legally designated Health Officer of this City. HOT WATER. Hot water shall be water at a temperature of not less than 120" F. HOTEL. Hotel is any building containing six or more ~uest rooms intended or designed to be used, or which are used, rented or hired out to be occupied, or which are occupied for sleeping purposes by ~uests, whether rent is paid in money, goods, labor or otherwise. It does not include any jail, hospital, asylum, sani- tarium, orphanage, prisons, detention home, or other institution in which human beings are housed and detained under legal restraint. INTERIOR LOT. Interior lot is a lot other than a corner lot. KITCHEN. Kitchen shall mean a room used, or designed to be used, for the preparation of food. ° LODGING HOUSE. Lodging house is any building, or portion thereof, containing not more than five guest rooms which are used by not more than five guests where rent is paid in money, goods, labor or otherwise. A Lodging house shall comply with all of the requirements of this Code for dwellings. NUISANCE. The following shall be defined as nuisances: (a) Any public nuisance known at common law or in equity j urisprudence. (b) Any attractive nuisance which may prove detrimental to children whether in a building, on the premises of a building, or upon an unoccupied lot. This includes any abandoned wells, shafts, basements, or exca- vations; abandoned refrigerators and motor vehicles; or any structurally unsound fences or structures; or any lumber, trash, fences, debris, or vegetation which may prove a hazard for inquisitive minors° OCCUPIED SPACE. The total area of all buildings or structures on any lot or parcel of ground projected on a horizontal plan excluding..permitted projections as allowed by this Code. ROOMING HOUSE. See Lodging House. SERVICE ROOM. Service room shall mean any room used for storage, bath or utility purposes, and not included in the defi- nition of habitable rooms. STORY. Story is that portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above, except that the topmost story shall be that portion of a building included between the upper surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above. If the finished floor level directly above a basement or cellar is more than six feet (6') above grade, such basement or cellar shall be considered a story° 10. SUBSTANDARD BUILDING. (See 13.64.050). SUPERFICIAL FLOOR AREA. Superficial floor area shall mean the net floor area within the enclosing walls of the room in which the ceiling height is not less than five feet (5~) , excluding built-in equipment such as wardrobes, cabinets, kitchen units~ or fixture s. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE shall mean the Uniform Building Code, Volume 1, 1958 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials as designated in Title 13 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. USED. Used shall mean used or designed or intended to be used. VENT SHAFT. Vent shaft is a court used only to ventilate or light a water closet, bath~ toilet, or utility room or other service room. WINDOW. Window shall mean a glazed opening~ including glazed doors, which open upon a yard, court, or recess from a court, or a vent shaft open and unobstructed to the sky. YARD. Yard is an open, unoccupied space, other than a court, unobstructed from the ground to the sky, except where specifically provided by this Code, on the lot on which a building is situated. 13.64.130 This section shall apply to'location of buildinKs on the property. (a) Access to Public Property. All buildings shall be located with respect to property lines and to other buildings on the same property as required by Section 504 and Table No. 5-A of the Uniform Building Code. Each dwelling unit and each guest room in a dwelling or lodging house shall have access to a passageway, not less than three feet (3~) in width, leading to a public street or alley. Each apartment house or hotel shall have access to a public street by means of a passageway not less than five feet (5') in width. 11o (b) Occupied Space. The occupied space of all lots shall comply with the provisions of Title Seventeen of the Hunicipal Code. 13.64.140 Yards and Courts. (a) Scope. This Section shall apply' to yards and courts having required w~ndows opening therein. (b) Yards. Front, rear and side yards shall be in accordance with the requirements of Title Seventeen of the Municipal Code. (c) Courts. Every court in a dwellin§ shall be not less than four feet (4~) in width nor ten feet (107) in len§th. Except in a dwelling~ every court in a building one or two stories in height shall be not less than six feet (6t) in width nor twelve feet (12~) in length. For courts ~ore than two stories in height the court shall be increased one foot (1t) in width and two feet (2~) in length for each additional story. Adequate access shall be provided to the bottom of all courts for cleaning purposes. Every court more than ~wo stories in height shall be provided with a horizontal air intake at the bottom not less than ten square feet (10 sq. ft.) in area and leading to the exterior of the building unless abuttin~ a yard or public space. The construction of the air intake shall be as required for the court walls of the building~ but in no case shall be less than one-hour fire-resistive. (d) Pro_tection into Yards. All projections shall comply with the prov~sions of Title Seventeen of the Hunicipal Code. 13.64.150 Room Dimensions (a) CeilinK Height. Habitable rooms and service rooms in all occupancies shall have a ceiling height of not less than seven feet, six inches (?~6"). In rooms with sloping ceilings the required ceiling height shall be provided in a least 50 per cent of the room and no portion of any room having a ceiling height of less than five feet (5~) shall be con- sidered as contributing to the minimum areas required by Subsection (b) of this Section. 12. (b) Superficial Floor Area, Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which shall have not less than one hundred and twenty square feet (120 sq. ft.) of superficial floor area. Every room which is used for both cooking and living or both living and sleeping purposes shall have not less than one hundred and fifty square feet (150 sq. ft.) of superficial floor area. Every room used for sleeping purposes shall have not less than ninety square feet (90 sq. fro) of superficial floor area° Where more than two persons occupy a room used for sleeping purposes the required superficial floor area shall be increased at the rate of fifty square feet (50 sq. ft.) for each occupant in excess of two° Every kitchen shall have not less than fifty square feet (50 sq. ft.) of superficial floor area° EXCEPTION: Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the use of an efficiency living unit meeting the following requirements: 1. Such efficiency living unit shall have a living room of not less than two hundred and twenty square feet (220 sq. fro) of superficial floor area. An additional one hundred square feet (100 Sqo fro) of superficial floor area shall be provided for each occupant of such unit in excess of two. 2. Entry from the public space to the living room shall be through a foyer. 3. Such efficiency living unit shall be provided with a separate dressing closet of such size as to provide 'for adequate circulation and storage. 4. Such efficiency living unit shall be provided with a kitchenette not less than three feet by five feet (3' x 5') 13o in size. Such kitchenette shall be accessible from the living room or foyer only; shall be enclosed by a door or doors; shall be equipped with a tenant-operated electric exhaust fan connected to the outside air; and shall be equipped and arranged for complete kitchen use. 5. Such efficiency living unit shall be provided with a separate bathroom meeting the requirements of this Code. Such bathroom shall be accessible from the foyer or dressing closet only. (c) Width. No habitable room shall be less than seven feet (7') in any dimension and no water closet space less than thirty inches (30") in width and there shall be not less than two feet, six inches (2' 6") clear space in front of each water closet. 13.64.160 Light and Ventilation. (a) Habitable Rooms. Every habitable room shall have an aggregate window area of not less than one-eighth of the floor area nor twelve square feet (12 sq. ft.) whichever is greater. (b) Service Room. Every service room except' closets shall have an aggregate window area of not less than one-twelfth of the floor area or six square (6 sq. ft.) whichever, is greater. Such rooms in dwellings shall have not less than three square feet (3 sq. ft.) of window area. (c) Porches. Required windows shall open on a street, yard, or court either directly or through a porch having a minimum clear height of not less than seven feet (7'). Such porch shall be at least 50 per cent open on at least one side or on both ends. (d) Vent Shaft. A required window in a service room may open into a vent shaft which is open and unobstructed to the sky and not less than four feet (4') in least dimension. No vent shaft shall 14. extend through more than two stories. (e) Openable Window Area. One-half of the required window area in all rooms shall be openable. (f) Hallways. Ail public hallways, stairs, and other exit- ways shall be adequately lighted at all times in accordance with Section 3312 (a) of the Uniform Building Code. (g) Mechanical Ventilation. A system of mechanical venti- lation or air conditioning approved by the Building Official may be used in lieu of openable windows. Such system shall provide not less than four air changes per hour, except that in toilet compartments such system shall provide a complete air change every five minutes. Toilet compartments and bathrooms ventilated in accordance with this Subsection may be provided with artificial light. 13.64.170 Sanitation (a) Dwelling Units. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a water closet, a lavatory, and a bath tub or shower. (b) Motels. Where private water closets, lavatories, and baths are not provided, there shall be provided on each floor for each sex at least one water closet and lavatory and one bath accessible from a public hallway. Additional water closets, lavatories, and baths shall be provided on each floor for each sex at the rate of one for every additional 10 guests, or fractional number thereof, in excess of 10. Such facilities shall be clearly marked for "Men" or '~omen." (c) Kitchen. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a kitchen. Every kitchen shall be provided with a kitchen sink. No wooden sink or sink of similarly absorbent material shall be permitted. 15. (d) Fixtures. All plumbing fixtures shall be connected to , a sanitary sewer or to an approved private sewage disposal system. Ail plumbing fixtures shall be connected to an approved system of water supply and provided with hot and cold running water, except water closets shall be provided with cold water only. Ail plumbing fixtures shall be of an approved glazed earthen- ware type or of a similarly nonabsorbent material. (e) Water Closet CompartmmntSo Walls and floors of water closet compartments except in dwellings shall be finished in accordance with Section '%711 of the Uniform Building Code. Water Closet compartments in dwellings shall be finished with approved nonabsorbent materials. (f) Room Separations. No room used for the preparation of food shall be used for sleeping purposes and no room housing a water closet shall open directly into any room used for the preparation of food. (g) Installation and Mainte~nce. All sanitary facilities shall be installed and maintained .in safe and sanitary condition and in accordance with all applicable laws.. Every water closet, bathtub, or shower required by this Code shall be installed in a room which will afford privacy to the occupant. 13.64.180 Structural Re~uirem~n~So (a) General. Buildings or structures may be of any type of construction permitted by the Uniform Building Codeo Roofs, floors, walls, foundations, and all other structural components of buildings shall be capable of resisting any and all forces and loads to which they may be sub- jected. Ail structural elements shall be proportioned and joined in accordance with the stress limitations and design criteria as 16. specified in the appropriate sections of the Uniform Building Code. Buildings of every permitted type of construction shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Uniform Building Code. (b) Shelter. Every building shall be weather protected so as to provide shelter for the occupants against the elements and to exclude dampness. (c) Protection of Materials. All wood shall be protected against termite damage and decay as provided in the Uniform Building Code. 13.64,190 Heating and Ventilation. (a) Heating. Every dwelling unit and guest room shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70° F. at a point three feet (3') above the floor in all habitable rooms. Such facilities shall be installed and maintained in a safe condition and in accordance with Chapters 37 and 51 of the Uniform Building Code and all other applicable laws. No unvented or open flame gas heater shall be permitted. Ail heating devices or appliances shall be of an approved type. (b) Electrical Equipment. Ail electrical equipmmnt, wiring, and appliances shall be installed and maintained in a safe manner in accordance with all applicable laws. All electrical equipment shall be of an approved type. Where there is electrical power available within three hundred feet (300~) of the premises of any building, such building shall be connected to such electrical power. Every habitable room shall contain at least two supplied electric convenience outlets or one such convenience outlet and one supplied electric light fixture. Every water closet compartment, bathroom, laundry room, furnace loom, and public hallway shall contain at least one supplied electric light fixture. 17. (c) Ventilation. Ventilation for rooms and areas and for fuel-burning appliances shall be provided as required in 6~apter 51 of the Uniform Building Code and in this Code. Ventilating equipment shall be of approved types, installed and maintained in a safe manner and in accordance with Chapter 37 of the Uniform Building Code and all other applicable laws. Where mechanical ventilation is provided in lieu of the natural ventilation required by Section 13.64.160 of this Code, such mechanical ventilating system shall be maintained in operation during the occupancy of any building or portion thereof. 13.64.200 Exits. Every dewllin§ unit or guest room shall have access directly to the outside or to a public corridor. Ail buildings or portions thereof shall be provided with exits, exit- ways, and appurtenances as required by Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. 13o64.210 Fire Protection. Ail buildings or portions thereof shall be provided with the degree of fire-resistive construction as required by the Uniform Building Code for the appropriate occupancy, type of construction, and location on property or in fire zone; and shall be provided with the appropriate fire- extinguishing systems or equipment required by Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. 13.64. 220 Substandard Buildi-~s. Definition. (a) General. Any building or portion thereof including any dwelling unit, guest room or suite of rooms, or the premises on which the same is located, in which there exists any of the following listed conditions to an extent that endangers the life, limb, health, property, safety, or welfare of the public or the occupants thereof shall be deemed and hereby is declared to be a substandard building: 18. (b) Inadequate Sanitation, which shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. Lack of water closet, lavatory, bath tub or shower in a dwelling unit. 2. Lack of water closets, lavatories, and bath tubs or showers per number of guests in a hotel. 3. Lack of kitchen sink as required by Section 13.64.170 (c). 4. Lack of hot and cold running water to pb~mbing fixtures in a hotel. 5. Lack of hot and cold running water to plumbing fixtures in a dwelling unit. 6. Lack of adequate heating facilities as defined in Section 13.64.190 of this Code° 7. Lack of ventilating equipment as required by Section 8. Lack of minimum amounts of natural light and ventilation required by this Code. 9° Room and space dimensions less than required by this Code. 10o Lack of electrical lighting as required by all applicable laws. 11. Infestation of insects, vermin or rodents as determined by the Health Officer. : 12. General dilapidation or improper maintenance. 13. Lack of connection to required sewage disposal system. (c) Structural Hazards, which shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. Deteriorated or inadequate foundations° 2. Defective or deteriorated flooring or floor supports. 3. Flooring or floor supports of insufficient size to carry imposed loads with safety. 19. 4. Members of walls, partitions, or other vertical supports that split~ lean. list. or buckle due to defective material or deterioration. 5. Members of walls~ partitions, or other vertical supports that are insufficient size to carry imposed loads with safety. 6o Members of ceilings~ roofs~ ceiling and roof supports or other horizontal members which sag. split, or buckle due to defective material or deterioration. ?o Members of ceilings~ roofs, ceiling and roof supports, or other horizontal members that are of insufficient size to carry imposed loads with safety. 8. Fireplaces or chimneys which list. bulge, or settle~ due to defective material or deterioration. 9. Fireplaces or chimneys which are of insufficient size or strength to carry imposed loads with safety. (d) Nuisance. Any nuisance as defined in this Code. (e) Hazardous WirinK. All wiring except that which conformed with all applicable laws in effect at the time of installation and which has been maintained in good condition and is being used in a safe manner. (f) Hazardous PlumbinK. All plumbing except that which con- formed with all applicable laws in effect at the time of installation and which has been maintained in good condition and which is free of cross connections and siphonage between fixtures. (g) Hazardous Mechanical Equipment. Ail mechanical equipment. including vents~ except that which conformed with all applicable laws in effect at the time of installation and which has been maintained in good and safe condition. (h) Faulty Weather Protection. which shall include but not be limited to the following: 20. 1. Deteriorated, crumbling, or loose plaster. 2. Deteriorated or ineffective waterproofing of exterior walls, roof, foundations, or floors, including bro~n windows or doors .. 3o Defective or lack of weather protection for exterior wall coverings, including lack of paint, or weathering due to lack of paint or other approved protective covering. 4. Broken, rotted, split, or buckled exterior wall coverings or roof coverings. (.i) . Fire Hazard. Any building or portion thereof, device, apparatus, equipment, combustible waste, or vegetation maintained in violation of the Fire Prevention Ordinance. (j) Faulty Materials of Construction° Ail materials of construction except those which are specifically allowed or approved by this Code and the Uniform Building Code, and which have been adequately maintained in good and safe condition. (k) Hazardous or Unsanitary Premises. Those premises on which an acc,,mulation of weeds, vegetation, junk, dead organic matter, debris, garbage, offal, rat harborages, stagnant water, combustible materials, and similar materials or conditions constitute fire, health, or safety hazards. (1) Inadequate Maintenance. Any building or portion thereof which is determined to be an unsafe building in accordance with Section 203 of the Unifo~--, Building Code. (m) Inadequate Exits. All buildings or portions thereof not provided with adequate exit facilities as required by this Code except those buildings or portions thereof whose exit facilities conformed with all applicable laws at the time of their construction and which have been adequately maintained and increased in relation to any increase in occupant load, alteration or addition, or any change in occupancy. 21. (n) Inadequate Fire Protection of Fire-Fi~htin~ Equipment. All buildings or portions thereof which are not provided with the fire-resistive construction or fire-extinguishing systems or equipment required by this Code, except those buildings or portions thereof which conformed with all applicable laws at the time of their construction and whose fire-resistive integrity and fire- extinguishing systems or equipment have been adequately maintained and improved in relation to any increase in occupant load, alter- ation or addition, or any change in occupancy. (o) Improper Occupancy. Ail buildings or portions thereof occupied for living, sleeping, cooking or dining purposes which were not designed or intended to be used for such occupancies. 13.64.230 Correction Procedure. (a) General. Whenever the Building Official determines by inspection that an existing building or portion thereof is substandard, he shall order the building or portion thereof vacated and shall institute proceedings to effect the repair or rehabilitation of the building or portion thereof. If such repair or rehabilitation is impractical he 'shall then order such building or portion thereof removed or demolished. The owner or other person affected shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Appeals in accordance with Section 13.64o060 of this Code. (b) Notice to Owner. The Building Official shall give notice to the owner, or other responsible person, in accordance with the procedure specified in Section 203 (b) of the Unifoi-... Building Code. ~) '. ':.Procedure. Any building or portion thereof found to be substandard as defined in Section 13.64.220 of this Code shall be repaired, rehabilitated, demolished, or removed in accordance with the procedure specified in Section 203 of the Uniform Building Code. o0o 22. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 28th day of MaF s 1962s by the following vote: AYE~ BALFANZ., CROE~, DOOLIN, MARCH~ANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, STIEEN NOE~ Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 28th day of May , 1962. · of r ar es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ CoUnty of Kern~ ss. ~ MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, depose~ and says: That she is the duly'appointed, acting and quali~ed City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............ ..t...h..e._.2...9..~..h._..~.a.y.....o...f.....M.~y4 ........................... ,19..~.2... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fall, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci~ of said City at a meeting thereof duly 'held on.....~....2..6.~]~...day_.o~..~y.~ ..................... ,19..52., which ord~s~ce was numbered .........~.2.~ ........ ~ ....... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTEI~ 1:9.64 (HOUSING CODE) TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF' BAEERSF IELD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,,-~:-.".' :29th day of ................. ..M..a.y., ................... , 19.....6.__2. ,~-' .~.-. ~.. :7: ........ ~---- ...--.....