HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1433 (2) 0.~,.!I,.,,., H0.;_1433 ~. NE"~'1 5ERI~9 ~R~FIELD A}h~IN~ SECTION 6.20.38~ OF ~E EAF~ENT OF Tl'lg BU:~!~SS LICENSE T~ BY WA~R C~NXES PAY~G A PERCalE OF ~XR GROSS ~CEXPTS F~E~ A F~X~. BE !T ORDAX.~,-n~. by the. Council o[ ~he Ct',y o£ BakersEield tha~ Section 6.20.3~G (~..~atc~ co~pany) of the Municipal Code of the Cf~y of Bakersfiald be ~..d cbe same is hereby amended by addin§ ~he ~ollo~n~. senhence: Any ~a~= eompauy %,~ielt is obllga~ed ~o pay a percentage of i~s ~=osa receipts ~o ~1~," Cit;y under a ~raucbine shall be exempt from 2he payment o£ any licens~ csx required by this Chapter. [ i~_~REDY CEETZZ':f ~i:~',t tha ["oregotn§ Ordinance ~as pa~sed and adopted by ~h~-~ Co~ll of the Cizy of Bakersfield a~ a regular ~etin~ ~ereof held on ~e: 6th ~y of August, 1~62, by the follow-ina vote~ AY~, BALF~,~ CROES, 7.,~.~.'-:::, MARCHBANIC5, MO,SSMAN, RUCKER, STIERN NOES: ~ ...-_.~ ~ AIL~TAINING~, ,~---~="'-- · -- .... · v.,arian S. lrvin CITY CLERK and Ex-O~lclo Clerk o~ the Cm'.acil oZ ~h~ Gl~y of AP~O~D ~is 6th day cf' Au~.ust, 1962. '-' l,t ,YOa 'of city