HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1445 ORDX'NANCE NO. 144~ NE~ SERXES AN ORDXNANCE APPROVXNG ~TXON ~ A P~C~ OF ~X~X~ ~X~RY ~ ~E CX~ OF ~RSF~D, ~XFO~, DESXG~D AS "S~T NO. l," PP~V~XNC ~R ~ T~TXON OF ~XD ~X~RY PAY ~E ~ED ~EB~NESS OF ~ CX~. ~~S~ a ~~ was f~led w~h ~he C~c~l of ~he C~ o~ ~rsf~eld ~ ~e 31s= ~ of Au~s~ 19~2~ req~s~n~ =~ cer~ ~~b~ed ~rr~or~ ~here~n ~scr~d ~ a~e~d =o and ~ncorpora~d ~~ ~he Cl=~ of Ba~rsf~eld, ~d ~~S, sa~d pe~~ ~s s~d b~ ~he ~ers of fo~Ch of ~e l~d-, b~ area, and b~ assessed val~ as sh~ ~ ~e las~ eq~l~zed asses~ roll of the Co~ of ~ and ~~S, ~b~ ~err~or~ ~scri~d ~n sa~d pe~~ c~~s ~err~=or~ ~o be a~e~d~ and ~E~S~ ~e sa~d Cerr~=or~ ~es no= fora a parc of o~er c~, and ~~S~ prior ~o ~e ~ hereof ~here has been f~led ~n ~e off~ce of ~e C~y C~rk of =he C~ o~ ~rsf~eld, a ~en c~sen~ s~ed b~ ~ ~ers of more C~ ~-~h~rds of ~e val~ of ~he ~rr~Cor~ ~ha~ sa~d ~rr~or~ ~=~ af=er ~he c~ple~ of such a~=~ eq~11~ ~h ~he proper~ ~n ~he C~ of Ba~rs~eld ~o pa~ ~he boned ~n~b=e~ess of sa~d C~ ~ere~n ~scr~bed, as prov~d for ~n ~~nce 893~ New Ser~es, ~n ~d~ce No. 9~0~ New Ser~es~ ~ Ord~nc.a No~ 1112, N~ Ser~es, and ~n ~d~nance No. 1229, New Ser~es~ all of ~e C~ of ~rsf~ld, and an~ and all o~r ~n~bte~ess or l~.ab~l~ of ~he C~ ou~tand~ or au~or~zed ~ and after ~e ~e of c~le~ of sa~d a~e~=~,' and ~s C~c~l hereby ~e~nes ~ sa~d c~sen~ ~s s~ed b~ the ~ers of mo=e ~han t~eo-thirds of the value of the. ~erritory, and complies in every respect with the provisions of Section 35319 of the Government Coda of ~he State of Californ~a, and 14HEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did~ on the 10th day of September, 1962, pass a Resolution being No. 58-62, in compliance with the provisions 'of the Annexation of UnflflMbited Territory Act of 1939, and amendments thereto, being Title 4, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter 1, Article 5 of the Government Coda of the State of California, specifically describing the boundaries of ~he territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersf~.eld, and dasi&mating such territory by an appropriate name, and setting Monday, the 29th day of October, 1962, at the hour of eight oCclock PoH. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the day, hour and place when and where the City Council ~ould hear protests made by .any person owning real property within the aforesaid territory, and ~EREAS, said Resolution was published at least ~ce, but not oftener than once a week in The Bakersfield Califo~nian, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Bakers- field, and also in The Oildale News, a newspaper of §eneral c~rculation published outside of the City of Bakersfield, but in the county where said territory is located, said publications hav~ng been eoupleted at least k~enty days prior to the date set for said hearing, in compliance with Section 35311 of the Covermnen~. Code, and ~IE~S, the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield c~.:.~.~e~ .~_-.~ t~n no2~.ce of .~.,.'.ch proposed annexation, to be given 'mail at least t~enty days before the public hearing on said proposed annexation to tb~ persons entitled thereto, in compliance · r~th subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 353ll of Co~, and ~E~S, a~ ~ C~M se~ ~or ~arin~ pro~s~s, no ~[~t~ protests ~ [~led asains~ ~e proposed anne~ion by any o~er o~ property ~h~n ~e ~err[~ory proposed to be a~exed. NOW, ~E~~, BE IT O~AI~ by ~he C~c~l of ~he C~ty of ~rsfield, as follows: SECTION l. ~at t~ City Co~c~l o~ ~e City o~ Ba~rsf~eld hereby approves the anne~t~ ~o and lncl~i~ ~th~n t~ ~ncorporat~d l~ts of the C~2y off Ba~rs~ield, o~ t~t certain ter~itory ~s~ated as =S~SET NO. l"; and it is hereby [urther or~d ~t sa~d territory be ~d ~e s~ is ~reby a~exed said C~ty; t~t said territory ~s ~scr~bed as ~ollo~s: A parcel o~ land s~te ~n the Co~ty o~ ~, S~te and bei~ a portion off SectOrs 2~, 26, 3~ and 36, To, ship 29 Sou~h, ~n~e 27 East, BeSi~nS at the ~ntersect~ oE the easterly bowery line of Oak Street, o~ 60 ~eet ~n ~dth and ~e horsefly b~dary Cheste~ ~ne, o~ 60 ~eet ~n ~dth as said ~n~rsec~ t~t '~p o~ the C~ty o~ Ba~rs~ield," E~led ~or record Nov~ber 2~, 1898, in Book 1 o[ ~ps at ~es 13 and l~, in the O~ce the C~ty ~ecor~r o~ ~ C~ty, said ~n~rsect~ a point ~ ~e curr~t corporate bo~~ o~ the C~ty o~ Ba~s~eZd; ~NCE (1) ~esterly, ~part[n; ~r~ sa~d corpora~ bo~;y, the ~sterly pro~t~ o~ t~ hOrSefly bo~;y line o~ ~ste~ ~ne to intersect the ~sterly [~ne o~ said Oak Street, said ~sterly l~ne beans ;~e ~st ~ne o~ sa~d Section 36; T~NCE (2) C~tinu~n~ ;~sterly ~nto sa~d S~cti~ 3~, alon~ the. said nort~ly b~;y l~e oE ~e~ter ~e, also ~ as Cowry Road No. 1, to ~e easterly bowery l~ne ;~E the ~st 120 ffee~ o~ t~ certain ~r~t ~ed reco;~d Feb~;y 3, 1936, in Book 619 at paSes ~e O~icial ~co~ds o~ sa~d ~$~ Co~ty, (here~6Eter referred to as Parcel ~; .. ~CE (3) Nort~rly 2~2.5 fee= al~ ~he easterly bo~=y of sa~d Parcel A ~o ~n~ersee~ ~he northerly b~ry l~.ne ~hereof~ THENCE (/+) ~Testerly 120 feet along the northerly boundary of said Parcel A to intersect the ~estarly boundary line thereof; T~IENCE (5) Southerly 2/+2.5 feet along the westerly boundary to the southwest conter of said Parcel A, said southwest co~ner also being a point on the northerly bounda~.y line of said Ghester Lane; THELqCE (6) ~Testerly along the northerly boundary l~ue of said Cheste~ Lane to the point of intersection of Courses (3) and (/+) as per that grant deed recorded Febz3mry 2, 1961, in Book 33~5 at Page 3~/+ of Kern County Official Records; THENCE (7) Southeasterly departing from tb~ northerly boundary li~ of Chester Lane to intersect a point in the southerly boundary line of Cheste~ Lane being 12.65 feet wester~ly of the 'True Point of Beginning," as per that grant deed recorded December 30, ~L959 in Book 322/+ at Page /+59 of Kern County Official ~cords; THENCE (8) T~esterly along said southerly boundary line of Chester 'Lane, and the westerly prolong~tion thereof, to :Lntersect the westerly right of ~ay line of Real Road; THENCE (9) Northerly 'along the southerly extension of the west and the west line of County Ro~d No. 1086, 360 feet to the true point of beginning," as per that grant deed recorded April 25, 19/+9, in Book 1602 at pa~e 305 of Kern County Official Records; THENCE (10) S. 89° 52* 30" ~., a distance of 388./+2 feet to intersect the east line of the Stine Canal Right of ~ay, per last named srant deed; THENCE (ll) N. 8° 087 30" ~,., along sa:Ld East line a d~stance of 237.03 feet to the north property line of that ~ant deed recorded Au~tst 20, 19§9, in Book 3180 at page 572 of Kern County Official Records; THENCE (12) No 25° /+0u 30" E., a d~stance of 9/+.80 feet, more or less as per that grant deed recorded November 3, ~n Book 3030 at page 1/+9, Kern County Official Records; THENCE (13) N. 38° 52' 30" E., a d~stance of 1/+/+.l/+ feet ~o Station !, A, sa~d last named course being ~hence S. 38 52' 307' ~., 151 feet," as sl~o~n by deed in Book 3030, page 1/+9, and Station A be~-ng the southwesterly terminus of Course (1) of r~at e~s~nent recorded January 20, 1961~ ~n Book 33/+0 at pat~e 765, Kern County O£fic-~al Records; THENCE El/+) from a tangen~ ~h~ch bears N. 5/+° 087 027. Ko ~ north- '=~as~e~'~y along s. curve concave northwesterly .~:~.tb. radius of 275 feet, throul;h an angle of /+o 177 23,7, an arc distance of 20.~9 feet to Station B, Station B being the northeasterly terminus of Course (2) of that easement recorded in Book 33/+0, Page 765, and the southwesterly terminus of Course (2) of that grant deed recorded February 1, 1960, in Book 323~ at page 525, Kern County Of£1cial Records; THENCE (15) from a tangent which bears N. 49° $0* 39" K., north- easterly along a curve concave to the northwest with a radius of 273 feet through an angle of 28° 03' 45", an arc distance of 13~.83 feet to Station C, Station tChabe~ng the northeasterly tero~Lnus of Course (3) of t deed recorded in Book 323~, Pa~e 323 and t~e southwesterly terminus of Course (3~of that easement recorded January 20, 1961, In Book 33~0 at page 763, Kern County Official Records; THENCE (16) continuing northeasterly along a curve, from Station C, concave northwesterly with a radius of 275 feet through an ~gle of 8° 11u 39", an arc ~Lstance of 39.36 feet to a point of tangent; THENCE (17) N. 13° 32' 54" E., 77.53 feet; THENCE (18) N. 70° 32' 05" E., 67.53 feet along Course (3) of that grant deed recorded January 20, 1961, ~n .Book 33~0 at page 733, Kern County Official Records, THENCE (19) N. 13° 43u 58" W., 79.70 feet, more or less to Course (7) of that grant deed recorded Narch 29, 1961, in Book 3364 at pa~es 163 and 166, Kern County Official Records; TLIKNCE (21)) continu~'.~g H. 15° 43u 38" alon Courses (7) throu 3.04 ~eet (and coEltitlu~n~ of the last named deed); THENCE (21) N. 4° 44~ 25" E., 100.19 feet; THENCE (22) N. 13° 32~ 54" E., 214.8~ feet (departing from said Section 33 and entering said Section 26 on this corpse); THENCE .(23) N. ll° 19~ 17" E., 386.00 feet; THENCE (24) N. 2° 07' 42" E., 87.70 feet; THENCE (23) N. 13° 37' 26" W., 244.96 feet; TH~IICE (26) S. 89° l0~ 14" E., 337.23 feet; THENCE (27) S. 19° 00~ 23" E., 10.66 £eet; THENCE (28) S. 22° 14~ Il" E., 335.04 feet; THENCE (29) S. '.8° 320 32" E., 236.28 feet; ~.-.,2:~CE (30) S. 30° 3~ 00~' E.~ .1.02.77 ~eet; TKENCE (31) from a tangent which bears S. 44° 37' 08" E. ~ 2o,.~heasterly along a curve concave northeasterly with a ra~.~2s o~ 223 feet through an angle of 43° 27' 01" an arc ~aCa~..ce of 170.63 feet; ~iCI; (3~) S. 88* O~~ 09" 1;. 319.]A ~eet; THKNCE (33) easterly a~g a ~ngent c~ c~ca~ sou~erly, a radius oE ~0 ~eet throu~ an n~le o[ 6057' 07' an arc d~s~ o~ 52.~ ~eet; ~~ (3~) ~r~ a ~ent ~ch ~ars S. 85° ~' ~7' E., easterly al~ a c~ c~ca~ sout~rly ~ a ra~us o[ ~0 ~ee~ thr~ an angle o~ ~o 11~ 0~" ~ arc d~stance o~ 32.1~ Eeet (C~rse (3) o~ grant ~ed recor~d April 1962, ~n ~ok ~78 at page 806, ~ C~ty O~ic~al ~rds); ~H~ (35) S. 81° 33' ~3" E., 172.19 leer; ~CE (36) S. l' ~2* 08" ~., ~7.88 ~eet; ~NCE (37) S. 89° 05~ 56" K., 32.06 ~eet to the s~theaot co,er o~ sa~d Sect~ 26; ~NCK (38) easterly al~g the sout~rly line o~ Sect~ 25 to ~ntersect ~e sout~rly prol~gat~ o~ the eas~r[y ri~t o~ way line oE ~k Street, o~ 82.5 feet ~n ~d~, said easterly r~t o[ way line being ~e c~t corporate bo~ry o~ tb~ C~ty o~ h~rs~eZd as sam is ~E~d by t~t S~cial Elect= ~ld hrch 21, 1939, and the result oE ~tch S~cial Elect~ was ceFti~ied hrch 29, [939, by the secretary of S~te, S~te Ca l~o=ia; ~HCE (39) southerly el~g the last ~d southerly to intersect ~ sout~rly ri~t o~ ~ay lire Calt~o~ia A~n~, o~ 82.5 [eet in ~qCE (~0) ~sterl~ alo~ ~e last ~d s~t~rly r~t oE ~ay li~ to ~tersec~ ~he eas~rly ~t o~ ~ay Oak Street, o~ 60 ~eet ~n ~d~, ~CE (~1) 8ou~erly al~g ~st n~d easterly r~ght to ~e point oE ~gi~ng, c~tain~ng 57.261 ac;e8 hnd, ~re or ~ss. Said ~ito~0 and ~e property located ~ere~n~ upon ~ cmpleti~ o[ the ame~t~ o~ the s~ to the C~ty Ba~rs~eld, ~ subjected to ~t~ eq~lly ~th o~r property in the City o~ h~rs~eld to pay t~ b~d ~bte~es8 off the C~ty o~ h~rsE~eld,' ~scr~bed In the a~or~nt~d the ~ers oE pro~rty, loca~d 2here~n, ~ ~ss~nce rep;esau2 sa~d ~n~bte~;.s being pFov~ ~or In Ordin~cz 893~ Ne~ Ser~es, iii Ordnance ~o. 950, New Series, No. 1112, Ne~ Ser~es, and ~n Ordnance Ho. 1229, Ne~ Ser~es, of sa~d C~ty, and any and all other ~ndebtedaess or ~ab~l~ty o£ the C~ty outstand~n~ or authorized on and a~ter the date o£ com- pletion o~ sa~d annexation, SECTXON 2. Th~s orcELnance shall become effective thirty days from and afl,er ~he da~e off its passase. ........... 000 ........... I HEREBY CERTIFY ~hat the ffore~oin~ Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of ~he City o~ Bakers£ield a~ a regular meetin~ thereo£ held on the S~h day o~ November, i962, by the follo~n~ vo~e: A~, BALFANZ, C..':Or-S, IX)OLIN, MARCHBANK~ MO~SA~N, RUQI~J~ STIERN N__OF$' ~ ........... AMTAININ~ ~.~m'~ ~ _ Council of the C~y o~ Bakers£~eld. Al'PROVED ~h~s Sl:tt' day of November, 1962, e Aff av ! of ®r nan es STATE OF C~?JFORNIA, ~ ss. County of Kern } MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... T~...~.th..xla~...al...~o.v.e~1~e~ .................... ,19..6..~.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held ~n~..t..h...e...~..5.~..h.....d...a.~.~...~..f..~...N..~.~.v..e....m~....e...r....~ 19...6..~..., which ordinance was numbered ............ .1...4..4...5.. ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS ."SUNSET NO. 1," AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to befo. re me this 6~h day of November ,19 62 · .~" ='= '.' ' ' = ." ............................................................ · .......· ..- Notary Public in';and for thc County of Kern, State of California · TT. ,LT~TT.~: 'X;'.: :.';' r~'. ':':'..:n~v "..'~';-':!.