HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1452 ORDINAHCE NO. 1452 NI~ SERIES AN ORDINANCE APPROVINC ANNEXATION OPA PARCEL D~qlHHABITKD TERRITORY TO THE CITY 'OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORHIA, DESICNATKD AS "OS~ELL NO. 3," AND PROVIDINC FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BOND~ INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. b~IKREAS, a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 7~h day of December, 1962, requestin8 chaC certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed to and incorporated ~i~hin the City of Bakersfield, and ~IEREAS, said petition vas si~ned by. the o~ners of one- fourth of ~he land, by area, and by assessed.value as sho~n on the Iasc equalized assessnent roll of the Count~ .of Kern, and I~Ifl~REAS, ~he ter~iCory described in' said' petition is conti~uous territory' ~.o'be annexed, and b~R~, ~he said territory does nsc form a par.t o£ any o~her city, and b~IERE~S, prier to the dace hereof ~here has been filed in ~he office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, a vritCen consent, si~ned by the owners of more than t~o-thirds of the value of the territory, that said territory be subjected co ~cion after the completion of such annexation equally rich the property in ~he City of Bakersfield Co pay the bonded indeb'.'edness of stid City therein described, as provided for in Ordiuence No. 893, Nev Series, in Ordin~nce No. 950, New Series, in Ordinance No. 1112, Nm Series,and in Ordinance No. 1229, Ne~ Series, of the City of Bakersfield, and any and all ocher indebtedness liability of the City ou~s~andin~ or authorized on and a~te~ the date of completion of said annexation, and this Council hereby ~o-~hi~d~ of the va~.~.?, oi ~he Ce~rico~y, and complies in ~espa=;: ~it:l.~ th~ ~'ov:'~a~.~-.a~ o~ Seetion 35319 o~ the Cedi o~ ~he SCa~e o~ C.~lifo~ia, and ~HER~S, ~he Council of the CiL7 of Bakersfield did, · ~ the 10th day of December, 1962, pas8 a hsolutt~ betn~ ~o. 78-62. in c~l~ance ~i~ ~he pr~isi~8 o~ ~he A~a~i~ o~ Oni~bi~ed Te~ory Ac~ o~ 1939. and a=~~s ~ Code o~ ~e S~aC8 o~ Cali~ia, specifically describi~ ~he b~r~es of ~e 2~i~o~ so pr~osed ~o be a~ed co ~e City o~ Ba~rs~ield, 8~ des~in~ 8~h ~e~o~ by ~n a~ropr~e ~me. and ~s2ki~ ~y. ~he 21s~ ~y of Jartran. ~963, .aC ~e h~ of ~ish~ o~c~ock P.H. in of ~e Ct~ Hall, 1501 ~~ Av~, Bakersfield, Califo~ia, a~ ~ ~y, h~ end p~ca ~h~ and where ~he Cl~y C~ci~ h~ pFo2e8~8 ~de by eu~ peEs~ ~ins F~I p~er~y within ~h~ aforesaid te~Co~, and ~E~. said ~;oluti~ ~as p~lished at but not o~t~e; ~ ~c~ a ~e~k in ~e Bakersfi~Zd Cal~fo~ian. a n~spap~ o~ s~era~ c~culati~ publish~d Bak=;s;~eld~ end slso ~n ~e O~[dale N~s. a n~spape~ 'c~;culstt~ ~ish~d ~tstde of ~e City of Bakets~ield. but hsvins b=~ c~l~t~ s~ l~st ~~ days prior to th= s~t ~o~ said heatinS. ~n c~ance ~i~ Secti~ 35311 of the C~~t Code. and ~~. th~ C~y C~e;k of the Ci~ o~ Bak~s~e~6 ca. sd ~t~ not~c~ o; such p;~osed ann~ati~ by any owner of property within the territory proposed to be annexed. NO~, T~u~FORE, BE VT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of BakerS'field, as follows: SECTION 1. 11~at ~he City Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves ~he annexation to and inclusion within the incorporated liners of the tit? of Bakersfield, of that certain uninhabited territory design~ted as "OSWETm NO. 3"; and it is hereby further ordained that said territory be and the same is hereby annexed to said City; ~hat said territory.., is described as follows: A parcel of land slL~ate in ~he. County of' Kern, S~ate of .Cali£ornia, and being a portion of Sections 14, 22,· a,nd)23,. Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M.D.M; · · beginning at the intersection of the prolongation of .~he easterly right of way line of Mt. Vernon Avenue, o£ ll0' feet in 'vidch', an~' ; the northerly boundary of said Section 22, a point on '~he current .. corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; .. THENCE ¢1) easterly, northerly and easCerly, along the corporate boundary as defined by Ordinances numbered 1267, 1291, 1347, 13§4 and 1382, New Series, to the northeast corner of the sou,.west .quarter (S.W.~) of ~h.e southwest quarter (S.W.~ of said Section 14, THENCE (2) southerly, departing from the corporate boundary, ~ ,=.~;) st cna sou.r~west quarter (S.~T..k) o£ said Section 14, and the easterly boundary of the quarter (N,;;,~;) of the northwest quarter o£ said Section 23, to' intersect a line parallel an.d di.sta.n.t 55 feet southerly as e~asured perpendt~ cu~ar =o ~ne northerly boundary of said Section 23, THEHCE (3) ~.escerly .a.lo.n~ _la_sC _usmed parallel line and along a ·ne para~Le~ w~tb and distant 55 'feet southerly as measuFed perpendicular to the northerly bounda_.ry of said Section 21 to intersect the east line of "the. Horch 208.71 feet of the West 208.71 £eet of Section 22" as per grant deed recorded September 6, 1961 in Book 9412 at page 535, in the off,ce of the County Recorder of said Kern County; ;HCE (4) sonthetly alon~ last named east line to the southeast corner of 8aid grant deed; THEft; (~' "~este-rly along the 'soutli line of said ';ant dead feet to' intersect the east right of ray line of Vernon Avenue, of 110 f~et in vidth; 3 TH~CB (6) uo~tl~erly along t~e last named, riSC of way liu~ 208.71 fee~ ~o ~e poin~ off be~i~ing, ~7.219 acres off ~nd, ~e o~ Said Ca. iCky, and ~e proper~ locaC~ therein, shall, ~ ~e c~leti~ of ~e ann~ti~ o~ the s~ ~ ~e City of Bakersfield, be subJect~ to Cmti~ eq~lly vi~ other pr~erty in ~e Ci~ of ~sfield to pay the b~ indeb~ednes8 of ~he City of Bak~sfield, deocrib~' in ~he af~~ioned c~en~ of ~e ~s of pr~e~, l~a~ed ~erein, ~he iss~ce of b~d8 ~o r~es~ said indeb~es8 bei~ pr~ided for in ~d~nce No. 893, N~ S~ies, in ~di~e No. 950, N~ S~ie8, in ~iMnce No. 11~, N~ S~ies, a~ in ~di~ce No. ~29, N~ Series, all of said"Ci~, ~nd ny and all o~h~ ind~dneso ~ lhbili~y of ~e City ~8CaMl~ ~ surmised m ~d af~ ~he ~e of c~le~im of said ~m~i~. · ' , SK~ON 2. ~is ~i~ce shll bec~ effec~ive ~hir~y fE~ and af~ ~e ~Ce of l~s passage. ! H~REBY ~ERTIFY ~hat ~he fore~oin~ Ordinance was passed and adopted by ~he Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular ~eetin~ thereof held on the 21st day of January, 1963, by ~he follovin~ vote: AYI~: BALFANZ, CROES, DOOLIN, MARCHBANKSo MC~SMAN, RUCKER, STIERN ~o~s, ~.~ -~, ~./ ., A~AINING~ Cl'l'x CLa~ and ~-O££icio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. Aff av ! of r nar es STATE OF C~TJFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IR%'IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on....t...h..e......2..2...n...d.....d...a.]'.....o_f._.J...a...n..u_a...~.~. ....................... 19..6...3... she posted on the Bulletin Bbard at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.~..h...e.....2...],..s..J~...f~y.....o...f....~.K.n..~0,~*y. ..... , 19..~.., which ordinance was numbered ................. ~....4...5..2.. ............ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "OSWELL NO. 3.;"' AND PROVIDING FOR T~, TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before ~ne this ,,,' ~...~: .~.22nd da- of January 19 63 .q · Notar~ ~u~.l~c in and for the County o~ Kern, State o~ Cal~m'nh