HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1479 OltD~F, ~:~Oo. ]..479 ~ SERXES ~ PROV~ FOR TI~'S ~TXON ~ ~ ~:~.~'.y sE ~sff~eZd ~ ~e ~Z~.h ~y o~ April, 1963, ~ques~:.~n.5 te~..~.,y ~re~ ~sc~bed ~ a~exed ~;o ~F~S~ said ~c?.2icn was si~d by ~ ~rs o~ ~o~a~'fh o~ 2~ ~nd, by a~ea, a~d by assessed val~ as sh~ on last equalized asses~u2 rol'~, of ~ Co~Cy of ~, and ~R~S, ~ sa~.~ ~rr~to~ ao~2' no= fo~ a par~ of ~y ~~S~ p~io~ ~o ~ ~ ~reo~ c~ ~s been ~.~'i ~a c~ce o~ ~e C~y C~erk of ~e 'C~y o~ Ba~rsfield, v~a~ ~oaeen~s s~d ~y ~ ~ers of ~ t~n ~o-th~ds o~ ~x~k'~o~ aider ~e c~le~.~ of~ such ~e~h~ eq~lly ~k prop~:~y ~ ~he C~y o~ Ba~ar~_ald ~o pay ~ b~d 89B~ He9 Ser~es, ~ Ord~.~ce Ho. 950, Sey~ Ser~s, ~.n · o ~ ~.1~2, New Se~e8, arid ~.n O~~tce Nos 1229, Ne~ Settee, a~X o~ ~h~ ~.~.Cy o~ Ba~s~Zd, a~d amy amd all.o~er ~b~.~e9 ~.f.e ~f ;~,~ie~l~a of s~:/.d a~-~Le~ion~ and ~e Cd~tc~l ~?r~-~'~!rd~ o:~ ~he value ~f 2he 2e~Mco~, amd complies f~a r,.-.sp.~-,.'t w~th the provisions of Section. 3i319 of the Government ~E~S, ~ C~nc~l of ~he C~y of Ba~rsf~eld cU.d, on ~he 15~h ~y of April, 1963, pass a Resolution ~n~ No. 30--63, compliance ~t:h ~ prov~s~s of t~ ~ne~t~on of Un~n~bited Terr::.~.cry Act of 1939, and a~n~nts t~reto, be~n~ Title 4, Div[eic~,t ~, ~r~ 2~ ~.mpter 1~ Article ~ o~ the Covalent Co~ the ~a~a oE Cali~o~ia, specl[icaily ~scribins the boundarias of ~he territory so proposed ~o ~ a~exed to ~he City of i.~,el.t, ~d ~i~atiu~ such territory by an appropria~e n~: 8aC~'ln~ I, ion~y~ ~e 2~th ~y of ~y, 1963~ at the hour off eigh~ o~clock ?,I.i, in the C~cil Ch~be~s of ~te City Hall, 1501 l~m~ Aven~, ~rsiield, ~lifo~ia, as the day, hour and p~ee ~-hea and ~here the City Codicil ~outd hear protests ~de by any per, on ~.in~ real p:coperty ~ithin ~he a[oresa~d territ~ry~ and · ~r~, sa~ Resoluti~ ~as published aC ~ast but ~c~ oiCene~ than ~ce a ~eek t.n l~e Ba~rsfield Califo~z,4.~n~ a newspaper' of teneral circulation published in the City of ff~el,d, a~cl also in ~e O~.l~ala Ne~s~ a n~mpape~ o~ ci~culac'~cm ~vblis~d ourse, de o~ the City of Ba~rsffield, h:~ in havtn~ bash ,;c~ple~ed a~ leas~ ~ency ~ys prior Co Ohs da~:a s~: fro: ~a~d hearing, in compl!.au=e ~th SecZi~ 3~311 of the Gova~a~n~ Co~, and ~Eff~S, the City Clerk of ~he Cit~ of ~rsf~e].d ca:~$ed ~zc~.t~ uc~ce of such proposed a~e~ti~ ~o be g~.v~n by mai1 at l~as= ~enty ~y~ before ~he public hear[n~ ~ WHEREAS) a~: ~:he time set for hearing protest:s, a p~o~est ~as no~ m~ a~a~ns~ ~ p~oposed an~~on by ~he o~ne~s o~ p~opeF~y w~.~n the ~e~o~y p~oposed ~o be a~exed. N~ ~E~~, BE IT O~l~ by ~he Co~c~l of ~he Ci~ o~ Ba~rsfield, as foll~s: SE~X~ 1. ~ Che G~Cy Co~c~l of ~ C~Cy of ~kersfield hereby approves ~ a~e~2~ ~o and ~clus~ ~Ch~n 2he incorporaZed l~-ts o[ 2~ C~y of ~rsf~ld, of 2~z cer~n ~e~ory ~s~a~ed as *~S~S~R NO. 1"; and ~ ~s hereby ~r~er o=~d 2~ sa~d ZerriZory be and ~e sa~ ~s hereby a~exe~ to sa~d C~y; thaC sa~d ZerriCory ~s ~scr~bed as fol. l~s: A parcel of land s~2~ ~n ~e Co~y of ~, S~ of Cal~o~.a, and 5e~n~ a porZ[~ of SecZi~ 24, T~ship 29 SouZh, ~n~e M.D.M: Besl~in~ aZ =he mosZ nor2~sZerly c~r of TracZ No. 1387, as per ~p recor~d ~rch 26, 1948, ~n ~ok 6 of ~ps aC pase 104 ~he offi~ of ~ Co~Cy Recor~r of sa~d ~ 5e~n5 a po~nZ ~ ~e c~renc c~poraCe bowery of C~ C~cy of ~~ (~) ~s2erly al~ the westerly prol~a~[on of 1~ of sa~d ~acZ No. 1~87, and al~ 2he said cor'~orate ~ecord ~r ~p of ~act 1387) a ~stance of feeZ; ~~ (2) N.19~04*40"E. ~ 917.898 feet; ~ENCE (3) N.55'50*50"E. ~91.960 feeC ~o 2he souChwes~e'~ly of way 1~ of U. S. H~way 99, as sh~ ~ sheeZ 7 of ~ ~.~ay consCrucC[~ p~ns for D~s~r~cC VI, ~' Rou~e 4, Sec~i~ C, appro~d By ~he D~s~r~ct EF~neer ~rch 17, 1947, ~hence sout~as~rly alon~ sa~(% souZh- westerly riSC of way 1~ tb~ follo~n5 6 courses to ~n~ersec= ~e c~ren2 corpora2e ~EHCE (4) S.47~16'E. ~1~.56 fee2; ~I~CE (5) S. 14'45'W. 187. ~3 feet; T4E~qCE"(6} S'.63~30'22"E. 35~.51 feet ~o ~ be~t~n5 ' cur~, c~cave 2o ~he $ou~s~, ~v~n~ a ra~us of 472 fee~; '/HENCE (7) southeasterly along said ctteve through a central angle o.~ lJ°00'00'', a distance of 123.~7 feet to a point of tangency; THENCE (ltl S.A8°30'22"E. 468.76 feet; ~:~CE ~9) S.47~06'22'E. ~.29 feet, more or less to intersect sa~d current corporate bom~ry; ~E~CE (10) ~sterly al~g said corpora~ bowery to the point of be~i~n~, c~tat.ntng 31.02 acres o~ ~nd, less. Sa~d te=rttory~ and t~ property located ~hete~n, s~11, up~ the c~plet~ oE t~ anne~tt~ of ~he sa~ to the City of Bakersfield, be subjected to ta~tt~ equally ~th ot~= p=opert~ ~n the C~ty of Ba~rsf~eld to pay ~e boned ~ndebte~ess o~ the CZty oE ~r~;E~eZd, ~sc=~bed ia the afore~nt~d c~sent the o~ers of p=operty~ located the=etn~ the tss~nce oE b~ds to =ep=esen~ said ~n~bte~ess be~nE prov~d fo= 893~ Iie~ Series, in O=dt~nce No. 950~ Ne~ Series, ia Ordnance No. 1112, ~e~ Se=~es, and ~n Ordinance No. 1229, Ne~ Series, all. oE said City, and any and all other tn~b~ess or l~abtl~ty oE the City outstanding o~ authorized on and afar the c~plet~ o~ said a~e~t~. SECTION 2. ~ts ordi~nce s~11 beco~ e~fectt~ thirty and a~ter ~he ~te o~ ~ts passage. ...... o0o. ! HEI~EBY CEI~TIFY that the foregoino= Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 27th day of May, 1963, by the following vote: BAU:AI~. ~ DOOUN, ~RCH~NKS./~,OSS~N, RUCKER, STIER~ CITY CLaim-and E~-Offf~cl6 CIerk"of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPP4~l~lt~!~_s 27th ~y of ~y, 1963. ' R · ~- Af av ! of r an es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, / County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, bein~ duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and thai on ........ .t...h..e.....2...8...t._h......d..a...y.....o...f_._..M._a.y._,. ............................... ,19._.6.._3.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meetinlr thereof duly held on ..... .t...h...e.....2_7...t...h.....d...a.[.....o..f....._M..a.y.! ..................... ,19....6..3.., which ordinance was numbered ....... .1.._4..7...9.. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANI~XATION (IF A PARCEL (IF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "WESTCHESTER NO. 1," AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. .~....- .. --' Subscribed and sworn to before me this .................. ..... Notary Pubi~a in a~d for the Co~nt~ of I~em, 8tare of C~llferai& WALTER W. SMITH, Notary Publi~